Mostly changes in the camera department.
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Or get v0.9.0 RC1 now at Download at
Changelist v0.8.44:
- Cubemap images in shaders can be loaded from subfolders (textures/glass*.tga for example)
- Added a few Onyx functions for generic models, key pressing and car retrieval. Enough to make
animating trunk and doors (not replayable).
- Light control now works for the car in focus (even AI cars, if they don't have automatic lights turned on).
- Bugfix: light control used to work for the ghost car instead of the real car.
- Most camera position calculations moved from GPU to CPU to avoid pipeline stalls.
- Car position in 'Select Car' screen was bad.
- Onyx compiles could crash when the script had an empty last line.
- From-to (SMD) cameras now have a revised 'up' vector calculation.
- Culling in shadowmap pass reverted back to cull=none for some shadow issues.
- Color grading shader fixed; the B and G channels seemed mixed up.
- Head physics camera type added. See
- Improved follow of pitch/roll for fixed car cameras.
- Exhaust particle normal is listened to again.
- Ghost car now has rotating wheels.
Changelist for v0.9.0 RC1:
- Bugfix: wiper interval was too short, so it behaves the same as the 'Normal' speed.
- Bugfix: color grading was bad and could give black suns and other artifacts.
- Upon a Shift-F/Shift-R, the wheel rotation speeds were not reset.
- Add specular ambient lighting; any specular shader now gets an additional specular*lightAmbient component
to add specular light due to the sky.
- Added 'min' values for headphysics, to independently control min/max for each of the 6 degrees of freedom (by default, min=-max).
- Support for for head cameras, to rotate the direction of the camera.
- Fixed camera pitch/roll follow improved yet again.
Get it at
Or get v0.9.0 RC1 now at Download at
Changelist v0.8.44:
- Cubemap images in shaders can be loaded from subfolders (textures/glass*.tga for example)
- Added a few Onyx functions for generic models, key pressing and car retrieval. Enough to make
animating trunk and doors (not replayable).
- Light control now works for the car in focus (even AI cars, if they don't have automatic lights turned on).
- Bugfix: light control used to work for the ghost car instead of the real car.
- Most camera position calculations moved from GPU to CPU to avoid pipeline stalls.
- Car position in 'Select Car' screen was bad.
- Onyx compiles could crash when the script had an empty last line.
- From-to (SMD) cameras now have a revised 'up' vector calculation.
- Culling in shadowmap pass reverted back to cull=none for some shadow issues.
- Color grading shader fixed; the B and G channels seemed mixed up.
- Head physics camera type added. See
- Improved follow of pitch/roll for fixed car cameras.
- Exhaust particle normal is listened to again.
- Ghost car now has rotating wheels.
Changelist for v0.9.0 RC1:
- Bugfix: wiper interval was too short, so it behaves the same as the 'Normal' speed.
- Bugfix: color grading was bad and could give black suns and other artifacts.
- Upon a Shift-F/Shift-R, the wheel rotation speeds were not reset.
- Add specular ambient lighting; any specular shader now gets an additional specular*lightAmbient component
to add specular light due to the sky.
- Added 'min' values for headphysics, to independently control min/max for each of the 6 degrees of freedom (by default, min=-max).
- Support for for head cameras, to rotate the direction of the camera.
- Fixed camera pitch/roll follow improved yet again.