RaceRoom Racing Experience Screenshots


No i don´t think so. In the image with the Aston you have two grandstands close to each other.

In Hockenheim you only have two proper grandstands and they have a rounded shape to them.
And they are located quite far from each other.
The rest of the grandstands are the stadium and the start/finish which are more walls of seats then grandstands.

I could be wrong though :)
I think it could be Zolder maybe but Zolder have no grandstands from what i could see on Google maps.

I think the picture in the right low is Laguna Seca. ( I know it isn't correctly said)

Could very well be, and i think Laguna Seca is correctly said even though the full name is Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca.

In the one with the Aston Martin.

You run in the TFR cup dont you mate, Im part of TFR

Simon Roberts

Yea :) Atleast i have filed an application so i´m waiting for answers. I like to train for atleast a couple of days before the event so if i don´t get an answer soon i might drop out of the upcoming race.

Also, not so sure that is JCW, i think it´s KW Coilovers

Or am i that blind? :)

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