Device Count="1"
Device Weight="0" // Only used on predetermined devices to prioritize them when starting game first time
Keyboard Steering="0.2"
Keyboard Throttle="0.5"
Keyboard Brake="0.5"
Keyboard Clutch="0.2"
Analog interpolate sector1="1.2"
Analog interpolate sector2="1.2"
Analog interpolate sector3="1.2"
Analog interpolate return multiplier="3.0" // Interpolate speed multiplier when the wheels are returning towards the center
Force Feedback="1"
Mouse Steering="0" // Use mouse left/right movement to steer
Mimic Steering="0" // Mimic AI or pitlane assistance with force feedback
Gear Select Button Hold="0" // Enable this option if using a gear select device that holds down a joystick button while in a gear and releases all buttons in neutral (such as the Act-Labs USB Shifter)
Alternate Rearlook Activation="1" // if left look and right look are both pressed, rearlook becomes activated
HMD Pitch Exponent="1.0" // Exponent to apply to pitch tracking. > 1.0 makes tracking near-center slower, > 0 & < 1.0 makes tracking near-center faster.
HMD Yaw Exponent="1.0" // Exponent to apply to yaw tracking. > 1.0 makes tracking near-center slower, > 0 & < 1.0 makes tracking near-center faster.
HMD Roll Exponent="1.0" // Exponent to apply to roll tracking. > 1.0 makes tracking near-center slower, > 0 & < 1.0 makes tracking near-center faster.
Options Num Controls="124" // Number of configurable controls displayed in options
Freelook Mouse Pitch Speed="0.001" // Freelook pitch speed when using mouse.
Freelook Mouse Yaw Speed="0.001" // Freelook yaw speed when using mouse.
Freelook Keyboard Pitch Speed="1.5" // Freelook pitch speed when using keyboard.
Freelook Keyboard Pitch Accel="4.0" // Freelook pitch acceleration when using keyboard.
Freelook Keyboard Pitch Decel="4.0" // Freelook pitch deceleration when using keyboard.
Freelook Keyboard Yaw Speed="1.5" // Freelook yaw speed when using keyboard.
Freelook Keyboard Yaw Accel="4.0" // Freelook Yaw acceleration when using keyboard.
Freelook Keyboard Yaw Decel="4.0" // Freelook Yaw deceleration when using keyboard.
Freelook Up Limit="0.1" // Freelook Up Limit, between 0 and 0.25.
Freelook Down Limit="-0.15" // Freelook Down Limit, between 0 and -0.25.
G27 Led range low="0.81" // Min: 0.00, Max: 1.00, Default: 0.81
G27 Led range high="0.96" // Min: 0.00, Max: 1.00, Default: 0.96
Steer Ratio Speed="0.0" // Speed at which low speed steering lock override ends (for pit navigation, units are meters/sec, 0.0 to
Shift Delta Time="0.05" // Minimum time between shifts
Clutch Grip Curve Exponent="5" // Exponential of clutch grip curve, for clutch engage behaviour
Setup Control Set="0" // used in menus to determine if walkthrough setup should run when entering Control Options
Control - Steer Left="(1, 2, 0, 0)"
Control - Steer Right="(1, 1, 0, 0)"
Control - Accelerate="(1, 12, 0, 5)"
Control - Brake="(1, 4, 0, 1)"
Control - Clutch In="(1, 62, 0, 6)"
Control - Shift Up="(1, 14, 0, 8)"
Control - Shift Down="(1, 13, 0, 8)"
Control - Ignition="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Starter="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Pit Speed Limiter="(1, 23, 0, 8)"
Control - Driving View="(1, 25, 0, 8)"
Control - MoTeC Flip Page="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Look Left="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Look Right="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Rear Look="(1, 18, 0, 8)"
Control - Previous TC step="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Next TC step="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Reverse Gear="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - First Gear="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Second Gear="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Third Gear="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Fourth Gear="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Fifth Gear="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Sixth Gear="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Seventh Gear="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Neutral="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Reset Car="(0, 18, 0, 0)"
Control - Pause="(1, 30, 0, 0)"
Control - Restart="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Instant Replay="(0, 19, 0, 0)"
Control - Headlights="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - DRS="(1, 22, 0, 8)"
Control - Brake Bias Front="(1, 19, 0, 8)"
Control - Brake Bias Rear="(1, 20, 0, 8)"
Control - Toggle Driver Name Tags="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Toggle Virtual Mirror="(0, 10, 0, 0)"
Control - Toggle Position Bar="(0, 9, 0, 0)"
Control - Toggle Raceline="(0, 5, 0, 0)"
Control - Toggle Ghost car="(0, 4, 0, 0)"
Control - Toggle Position Bar Settings="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Toggle Free Look="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Toggle Track Map="(0, 12, 0, 0)"
Control - Toggle Car Status="(0, 6, 0, 8)"
Control - Toggle Apexhunt Display="(0, 13, 0, 0)"
Control - Zero Free Look="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Handbrake="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Time Acceleration="(0, 37, 0, 0)"
Control - Center TrackIR="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Adjust Seat Fore="(0, 205, 0, 8)"
Control - Adjust Seat Aft="(0, 203, 0, 8)"
Control - Adjust Seat Up="(0, 200, 0, 8)"
Control - Adjust Seat Down="(0, 208, 0, 8)"
Control - Realtime Chat="(0, 46, 0, 0)"
Control - Quick Chat #1="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Quick Chat #2="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Quick Chat #3="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Quick Chat #4="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Quick Chat #5="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Quick Chat #6="(0, 89, 0, 0)"
Control - Camera Slow Move="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Move Up="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Move Down="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Free Flight Camera="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Move Forward="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Move Backward="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Move Left="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Move Right="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Tilt Up="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Tilt Down="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Tilt Left="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Tilt Right="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Turn Left="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Turn Right="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Zoom In="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Zoom Out="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Speed Faster="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Camera Speed Slower="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Toggle replay interface="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Toggle HUD elements="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Toggle replay overlays="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Faster replay playback="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Slower replay playback="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Lock camera position="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Swingman camera forward="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Swingman camera backward="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Swingman camera increase spring tension="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Swingman camera decrease spring tension="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Cockpit head movement - increase="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Cockpit head movement - decrease="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Control - Pit Request Toggle="(1, 24, 0, 8)"
Control - Pit Menu Toggle="(1, 15, 0, 8)"
Control - Menu Up="(1, 45, 0, 8)"
Control - Menu Down="(1, 47, 0, 8)"
Control - Menu Inc="(1, 46, 0, 8)"
Control - Menu Dec="(1, 48, 0, 8)"
Control - Menu Select="(0, 28, 0, 0)"
Control - Toggle speed cluster (full, mini, off)="(0, 8, 0, 8)"
Speed Sensitive Steering="0.02"
Speed Sensitive Steering Minimum Speed, in meters/second="28.0555553"
Speed Sensitive Steering Maximum Speed, in meters/second="83.0"
FFB Device Name="none"
FFB Device Name Alternative="none"
FFB Rumble Pad="0" // Type of FFB controller: 0=wheel, joystick etc with force feedback, 1 = pad with rumble motor
FFB Gain="1.0" // Strength of Force Feedback effects. Range 0.0 to 1.0.
FFB Throttle FX on steer axis="1" // 0 = Throttle effects on throttle axis, 1 = throttle effects on steering axis.
FFB Brake FX on steer axis="1" // 0 = Brake effects on brake axis, 1 = brake effects on steering axis.
FFB steer vibe freq mult="1.0" // Controls frequency of steering vibration. Recommended: 0.5 to 1.0, 0.0 disables steering vibration.
FFB steer vibe zero magnitude="0.0" // Magnitude of steering vibration at 0mph (reference point).
FFB steer vibe slope="0.0" // Slope of line defining magnitude as a function of frequency (used with FFB steer vibe zero magnitude).
FFB steer vibe wave type="0" // Type of wave to use for vibe: 0=Sine, 1=Square, 2=Triangle, 3=Sawtooth up, 4=Sawtooth down.
FFB steer force average weight="1.0" // How much weight is given to new steering force calculations each frame (0.01 - 1.0). Lower values will smooth out the steering force, but will also add latency.
FFB steer force exponent="1.0" // Steering force output "sensitivity". Range 0.0 to infinity. 0.0 to 1.0 = higher sensitivity, greater than 1.0 = lower sensitivity.
FFB steer force input max="11500.0" // Recommended: 11500 (-11500 if controller pulls in the wrong direction).
FFB steer force output max="1.0" // Maximum force output of steering force, recommendation 0.8 to 2.0
FFB steer force grip weight="1.0" // Range 0.0 to 1.0, recommended: 0.4 to 0.9. How much weight is given to tire grip when calculating steering force.
FFB steer force front grip exponent="1.0" // Range 0.0 to infinity, recommended: around 1.0. Exponent applied to grip weight.
FFB steer force rear grip exponent="1.0" // Range 0.0 to infinity, recommended: around 1.0. Exponent applied to rear grip loss weight.
FFB steer update thresh="0.015" // Amount of change required to update steer force/vibe (0.0 - 1.0). Lower values = steering force updated more frequently = lower frame rate.
FFB steer friction coefficient="0.25" // Coefficient to use for steering friction. Range: -1.0 to 1.0
FFB steer friction saturation="1.0" // Saturation value to use for steering friction. Range: 0 - 1.0
FFB steer damper coefficient="0.01" // Coefficient to use for steering damper. Range: -1.0 to 1.0
FFB steer damper saturation="1.0" // Saturation value to use for steering damper. Range: 0 - 1.0
FFB steer force balance mode="0" // Mode for how to add the steering forces together (lateral, load and diff). Acceptable values: 0 = lat + load + diff, 1 = sqrt(lat^2 + load^2 + diff^2), 2 = sqrt(lat^2 + load^2) + diff, 3 = sqrt(lat^2 + (load + diff)^2), 4 = sqrt((lat + load)^2 + diff^2)
FFB steer load multiplier="3.0" // Multiplier for vertical load on front tires. Range: 0 - infinity
FFB steer lateral multiplier="1.0" // Multiplier for lateral forces. Range: 0 - infinity
FFB steer rack factor="0.1" // How much of the lateral forces comes from steering rack. Range: 0 - 1.0
FFB steer load change exponent="0.9" // Exponent for the change in load on front tires. Range: 0 - infinity
FFB steer load change breakpoint="1.0" // Breakpoint (value that will not be changed) for the exponent on the change in load on front tires. Range: 0 - infinity
FFB steer spring coefficient="0.1" // Coefficient for steering spring. Range: 0.0 - 1.0
FFB throttle vibe freq mult="1.0" // Scales actual engine frequency to force FFB vibration frequency. Suggested range: 0.10 to 0.50
FFB throttle vibe zero magnitude="0.1" // Magnitude of engine vibration at 0rpm (reference point).
FFB throttle vibe slope="0.0" // Slope of line defining magnitude as a function of frequency (used with FFB throttle vibe zero magnitude).
FFB throttle vibe wave type="0" // Type of wave to use for vibe: 0=Sine, 1=Square, 2=Triangle, 3=Sawtooth up, 4=Sawtooth down.
FFB throttle vibe update thresh="0.02" // Amount of change required to update throttle vibe (0.0 - 1.0)
FFB brake vibe freq mult="6.0" // Scales actual brake rotational frequency to force feedback vibration frequency.
FFB brake vibe zero magnitude="0.0" // Magnitude of brake vibration at 0mph (reference point).
FFB brake vibe slope="0.46" // Slope of line defining magnitude as a function of frequency (used with FFB brake vibe zero magnitude).
FFB brake vibe wave type="0" // Type of wave to use for vibe: 0=Sine, 1=Square, 2=Triangle, 3=Sawtooth up, 4=Sawtooth down.
FFB brake vibe update thresh="0.05" // Amount of change required to update brake vibe (0.0 to 1.0)
FFB rumble strip magnitude="0.25" // How strong the rumble strip rumble is. Range 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 disables effect.
FFB rumble strip freq mult="2.0" // Rumble stip frequency multiplier 1.0 = one rumble per wheel rev.
FFB rumble strip wave type="0" // Type of wave to use for vibe: 0=Sine, 1=Square, 2=Triangle, 3=Sawtooth up, 4=Sawtooth down.
FFB rumble strip pull factor="0.2" // How strongly wheel pulls right/left when running over a rumble strip. Suggested range: -1.5 to 1.5.
FFB rumble strip update thresh="0.08" // Amount of change required to update rumble strip effect (0.0 - 1.0)
FFB jolt magnitude="2.0" // How strong jolts from other cars (or walls) are. Suggested Range: -2.0 to 2.0.
FFB shift jolt magnitude="0.2" // How strong jolts you get from shifting. Suggested Range: -2.0 to 2.0.
Menu Control - Left Click="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Menu Control - Right Click="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
Menu Control - Back="(0, 89, 0, 8)"
File Version="3"
DeviceName[00]="Thrustmaster T500 RS Racing wheel"
DeviceId[00]="(3059614799, -1, -1, 0)"
Axis [00, 00] Dead Zone="0.0"
Axis [00, 00] Sensitivity="0.6"
Axis [00, 00] Center="0.5"
Axis [00, 00] Range="1.0"
FFB Joy[00] Axis[00] Spring Saturation Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[00] Spring Coefficient Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[00] Spring Saturation Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[00] Spring Coefficient Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
Axis [00, 01] Dead Zone="0.0"
Axis [00, 01] Sensitivity="0.5"
Axis [00, 01] Center="1.0"
Axis [00, 01] Range="1.0"
FFB Joy[00] Axis[01] Spring Saturation Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[01] Spring Coefficient Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[01] Spring Saturation Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[01] Spring Coefficient Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
Axis [00, 02] Dead Zone="0.0"
Axis [00, 02] Sensitivity="0.5"
Axis [00, 02] Center="0.5"
Axis [00, 02] Range="1.0"
FFB Joy[00] Axis[02] Spring Saturation Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[02] Spring Coefficient Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[02] Spring Saturation Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[02] Spring Coefficient Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
Axis [00, 03] Dead Zone="0.0"
Axis [00, 03] Sensitivity="0.5"
Axis [00, 03] Center="0.5"
Axis [00, 03] Range="1.0"
FFB Joy[00] Axis[03] Spring Saturation Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[03] Spring Coefficient Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[03] Spring Saturation Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[03] Spring Coefficient Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
Axis [00, 04] Dead Zone="0.0"
Axis [00, 04] Sensitivity="0.5"
Axis [00, 04] Center="0.5"
Axis [00, 04] Range="1.0"
FFB Joy[00] Axis[04] Spring Saturation Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[04] Spring Coefficient Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[04] Spring Saturation Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[04] Spring Coefficient Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
Axis [00, 05] Dead Zone="0.1"
Axis [00, 05] Sensitivity="0.5"
Axis [00, 05] Center="1.0"
Axis [00, 05] Range="1.0"
FFB Joy[00] Axis[05] Spring Saturation Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[05] Spring Coefficient Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[05] Spring Saturation Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[05] Spring Coefficient Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
Axis [00, 06] Dead Zone="0.0"
Axis [00, 06] Sensitivity="0.5"
Axis [00, 06] Center="1.0"
Axis [00, 06] Range="1.0"
FFB Joy[00] Axis[06] Spring Saturation Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[06] Spring Coefficient Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[06] Spring Saturation Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[06] Spring Coefficient Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
Axis [00, 07] Dead Zone="0.0"
Axis [00, 07] Sensitivity="0.5"
Axis [00, 07] Center="0.5"
Axis [00, 07] Range="1.0"
FFB Joy[00] Axis[07] Spring Saturation Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[07] Spring Coefficient Pos="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[07] Spring Saturation Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Saturation to use for spring
FFB Joy[00] Axis[07] Spring Coefficient Neg="1.0" // DirectInput Coefficient to use for spring