Racestart - freeze?


So doing a multiclass ELMS-race. Found 1 mod that comes in under the LMP3-tag (Norma), i dont know why the Praga is in that category. So during practice and qualy all the cars run nicely on track and setting their times. I go on to the next session. Racetime!

3-2-1 GO! All the cars beeing that mod, freezes on the start, blocking up everything, eventually leading to a 99% cpu occupancy.

So is it just a crapmade mod? Is it something fixable in CM? Or just delete and move on? :D

Which track did you use ? ... Le Mans maybe ? .... if that's the one, I had the same kind of problem with a multiclass race using the Shader light patch and Sol.

Anyway, I just think the problem is .... multiclass on a heavy track and moreover with 24 AI cars.
And without any mod car ... just original ones.
I'm having the same issue any time I try to run a multi class race.

Doesn't matter which track.

I think it has something to do with sol because up until I installed it, I could run multi class with no issues.
Not necessarily Sol ... it may also be the Shader Patch .. as one is needed in order to make the other one work.
I'll test them as soon as I have free time .... unactivating Sol with JSGME , testing... and the second one afterwards if the problem was not solved yet as I already suspect it won't be.
Still on Sol 1.0 and Shader Patch 41 version .... in order to be sure avoiding Online problems according to some messages I read for newer versions
So... I did a little fiddling around and I think I may have sorted my problem out.

Under the shaders patch in ai behavior, if you have new ai behavior checked, try unchecking it.

That seems to have worked in the 2 instances I tried.
Thanks for your test and suggestion, BCJM76 :thumbsup:
No time to test it .... but if it worked for you, it should of course work for me too.
After all, all possibilities I saw there .... are mostly the ones I never use.

As I thought, it was well in the Shaders Patch or CM that the problem surely was.