Racing against Daniel Juncadella & Georg Ortner

I got into a GT2 race on Laguna Seca a couple of weeks ago. I got in right at the last second, so my car went straight to the back position on the starting grid.

Georg Ortner was directly in front of me. The light turned green, I floored it. Right into Georg. I Spun. Got stuck against the wall, effectively costing me the race.

Apparently, Georg had left the game during qualifying without taking his car with him. Bad form :)
Out of curiosity, why are you steering the car way over the possible turn angle like you do @ 13:05 ?
Weird car behavior too, like the urd c6 (in ac), when at some point its bugged and u get more grip if you turn the wheel like that.
No I´m playing with one screen, I have a second screen but R3E is only running on one.
Do I something wrong? :D
@Sele1981 is referring to your extremely wide fov. It's really personal but usually, the lower the fov the better you drive (better scale, better perception turning points, better immersion etc...). You sacrifice peripheral view, but if you're a good and aware driver (as it seems from your video), that will come naturally after a bit.
There are different online tools that can help you set up the fov, cause it depends on the size of your monitor, screen resolution and distance from your eyes.
I'm sorry I don't remember any link to webpage right now, but I'm sure you won't have any problem find one by searching around
No I´m playing with one screen, I have a second screen but R3E is only running on one.
Do I something wrong?
Not really.

It just seems to be the acceptance in the genre that if someone is running a high FOV they are doing it wrong and a low FOV should be used. You can take advice from others, use FOV calculators etc. but if you prefer higher FOV than normal and are not crashing every corner, then stick with it.

They are after all games and we are supposed to play them with settings with which we are comfortable.
My FOV ingame is 1,3x.

Good question would be: how did you arrive at that FOV number? Better still, why that one?

It's not a matter of right or wrong, as Daz says. It is however a matter of trying different settings, and check them not only for comfort but also (mainly?) how it makes you drive (better? faster?).

A high FOV distorts perspective a lot, so you react in a totally different way than you would with a "proper", mathematically correct one. But if you feel you drive better, have more fun with it than with other settings (i.e., lower FOV figures), then by all means let it stay that way. But you should know the differences.
Not really.

It just seems to be the acceptance in the genre that if someone is running a high FOV they are doing it wrong and a low FOV should be used. You can take advice from others, use FOV calculators etc. but if you prefer higher FOV than normal and are not crashing every corner, then stick with it.

They are after all games and we are supposed to play them with settings with which we are comfortable.

But it's also true that the FOV objectively plays a very important role in sims. When I switched to 0.6x in R3E it was definitely better. Better under the realistically-scaled proportions aspect, better in terms of calculation of trajectories, and better also because when I drive my attention goes to the road instead of seeing my tiny fire extinguisher at the bottom of the passenger seat! HOW CUTE! :laugh:
As you said, if he doesn't crash at every corner he can continue to use that FOV, but it's worth a try... also for the sake of shaving off additional seconds from your laptimes! :sneaky:

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