Rally - Advance Australia Fair- Wednesday 31st March 2010 *** CANCELLED***

Warren Dawes

This Rally has been CANCELLED for this week due to Server Problems. I'll try to reschedule it for next week.


Sessions: RD Australia Fair OC / RD Australia Fair EU / RD Australia Fair US
Also added RD Australia Fair X

Car Pack: N4_S2000_1

Damage: Reduced

Stage 01: Australia – Greenhills [Normal, Good, Day]
Stage 02: Australia – New Bobs [Normal, Good, Day]
Stage 03: Australia – East-West [Normal, Good, Day]
Stage 04: Australia – Mineshaft [Normal, Good, Day]
Stage 05: Australia – Mineshaft II [Normal, Good, Day]
Stage 06: Australia – East-WEst II [Normal, Good, Day]
Stage 07: Australia – New Bobs II [Normal, Good, Day]
Stage 08: Australia – Greenhills II [Normal, Good, Day]

Oceania Start: 10:00 GMT *
Europe Start: 20:00 GMT *
US Start: 02:00 GMT Thursday (10:00pm EDST (USA) Wednesday)*

Also The additional RD Australia Fair X Rally will start Tuesday 20.00 GMT.

* EU, Oceania and US events will only be created on request - so please mention which zone you're signing up for. All sessions will be combined together for an overall result for the event. You can only run on one session.

  • Click here to read the password!
  • You will require the RSRBR 2010 (update 03) mod in order to participate, please see the installation and usage threads.
  • Teamspeak is highly recommended, and adds to the fun.
  • Choose any car from the N4_S2000_1 Class
  • Please sign up in the following format: RD Name (RSRBR2010 Name)
  • Take a screenie of RSCenter, or save your times, showing your final results at the end of the rally (including the car you drove!). This is in case any of your stages are missed by the server. If there's a discrepancy, please post your times ASAP so we're not adjusting times over 24 hours later.
  • You must stick with the same car throughout the rally - if you change, your times for those stages will be defaulted.
  • If you are new to Richard Burns Rally, we have provided a set of guidelines to help you get up and running: Here and Here

  1. Warren Dawes (WAD53) Oceania
  2. Alan Jeffery (Alan Jeffery) Europe
  3. Mark Jarvis (Mark Jarvis) Europe
  4. Mark A Warmington (Mark Warmington ) Europe X (Tuesday)
  5. Stefan Werner (Werner19) USA
  6. Damien Jones (DJones) Oceania
  7. Eric Nelson ( Eric NElson ) USA
  8. Driver
  9. Driver
  10. Driver
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
Our next Rally is open for sign-up.

Following feedback from members, we have gone for another one this week to help give our newcomers more experience. We'll stick with the smaller 4WD Cars that we used last Rally, but take them out on some gravel driving around the dry Aussie bush.
All cars available in the N4_S2000_1 class are very evenly matched too, no specific car will have any advantage over another. All have very good driving visibility from the cockpit too.

The stages have been designed to be more standard to allow the newer drivers to get more familiar with the tracks. The Australian outback weather is always nearly perfect anyway. :biggrin:
So all stages are good, day conditions.

Re Rally Start Times: With daylight saving time commencing or ending around this time of year, are the listed start times still suitable? Please let me know if they need adjusting for your part of the world.
I have the RDV8SC event @ Philip Island on the 31st of March. If the Rally stays live in RSCentre I will run the stages after the RDV8SC event. If that is not possible, I will have to miss this one and join the next Rally.
  • Alan Jeffery

Hi guys,

Another noob here!! Mark Jarvis got me to join, said it was a good laugh so I will be there for this one.

RD Name: Alan Jeffery
RBR Name: Alan Jeffery

I have the RDV8SC event @ Philip Island on the 31st of March. If the Rally stays live in RSCentre I will run the stages after the RDV8SC event. If that is not possible, I will have to miss this one and join the next Rally.

Unfortunately Mark, the Rally must start at the time set in the Server.


Since I have set this one as a chance for newer guys (including you :wink:) to get experience, I can set up an additional Rally (exactly the same) on the Server, at a different time for you, so long as it is close to the others.
eg. I can have it start at a later time Wednesday, or alternatively Tuesday or Thursday night.

The only disapointment would be that you don't get to do your Stages with the other Europeans, unless they are happy to go for a different time to match you.
OK, I will setup an additional Rally on the Server as follows:

RD Australia Fair X
Start time: Tuesday 20.00 GMT.
Everything else will be as per the main Sign-up post.

The main Europe timezone one for Wednesday will stay.

If anyone else wants to join the Tuesday (Europe) Rally, that is fine, but please only join one of the two Europe zone Rally's. If anyone joins both, I will only count the results from the first Rally driven.

NOTE: Please check out the new splash screen in the sign-up post, supplied by Damien.

BTW, this pic shows the famous Mineshaft jump, and if anyone hasn't driven Australia before, I recommend you do a practice run of Mineshaft, that jump will scare the @#$% out of you first time up. Great fun too.
Put me down as a maybe for the US event. The time is a bit late, so we'll see how I feel. BTW, with DST the east coast is now -4 hours. So 0300 GMT is 2300 EDST.

Welcome Stefan, can you please advise your registered RSRBR2010 username? I'll need that to extract your results.
Thanks for advising the new time variation, I'll fix it now. I'll bring the start time forward one hour, to 2.00 GMT (10PM EDST).

Stefan, if you end up being the only driver from USA (or if the others are ok with it), I can set the Server to start the US Rally a little earler, what time would be preferred?
I have just noticed a possible "issue" with RSRBR2010 and their Server. I suspect that there may now be a change in their time setting, I think Daylight saving time has finished in Europe???
Despite their server (and RSRBRLive saying it is GMT plus 1 hour, it is actually showing GMT plus 2 hours to me.
I am also seeing some strange things in their list of Rally's, the last 3 days are listed as "in progress", which means that results can't be retrieved for those. This may cause us problems, or at least delay the time to get results.

I now don't know what time to set our Rally to start, GMT plus 1 hour, or GMT plus 2 hours.

I have posted the question in their forum, hope to get a reply quickly.

Also, if you use the RSRBR time synchronisation option, check what it does to your clock, it sets my one hour ahead of the correct local time.

Oh, the joys of all this daylight saving adjustments across the world.
All drivers in this Rally please note

Since France moved from Winter time to Summer time last weekend, the Rallyesim website and Server has changed times (one hour later compared to GMT).

So, their time is actually GMT plus 2 hours, despite the screens saying GMT plus 1 hour.

So as far as I can see this means a couple of changes are needed.

1. I need to set the Rally Start time on the Server to GMT + 2 hours.
2. I had to change my timezone setting in RSCenter (File\Settings) under GMT\UTC to get it to synchronise with the server clock. I had to reduce my setting by one hour (backwards).

Please check your settings by clicking the "Display server hour" in RSCenter to make sure you have your GMT\UTC adjustment correct. If you allow it to set your computer clock, then double check that your new computer clock time is correct for your timezone.

I hope that is clear as mud, and that I get the Rally Start times correct this week.
Welcome Stefan, can you please advise your registered RSRBR2010 username? I'll need that to extract your results.
Thanks for advising the new time variation, I'll fix it now. I'll bring the start time forward one hour, to 2.00 GMT (10PM EDST).

Stefan, if you end up being the only driver from USA (or if the others are ok with it), I can set the Server to start the US Rally a little earler, what time would be preferred?
Sorry for the slow reply Warren. My RSRBR name is Werner19. My preferred start time for the US is 0100 GMT, but I can do 0200 GMT as well. Thanks! :smile:
hhhmmmmmm Stefan now lurking in the gravel of Australia?

I miss these events actually! Being captain of another RD department has me stuffed for rallies right now. pfffffffft

EDIT: then again, there are only two signed up for the mini race on Wednesday and I do have the power to cancel!

Can I geta Mehbee Warren?

Eric Nelson ( Eric NElson ) US time zone event
To give you a time check... The event has just started in RSCentre and the time in the UK is 21:00 ;-).

OK - the more careful I drive... The more I crash. Perhaps I should just go for it on the next stage. :mad::confused:

Well - that didn't go well :eek:. 52:46:53 overall time. With plenty of trees and barrel rolls just for you Warren.
After installing update 3 for RSRBR I am having all sorts of issues. When I open RSCentre it gives me the option to play alone or join a public session. When I click on public session it pops up with a message stating that I can't join this session as the server did not identify me. Uhh... what? I never got to chose a session, so this seems rather odd to me. I can however chose to play alone which works fine. The strange thing is the car class we are using is no longer there. It showed up in the list pre update 3, but not anymore. I tried installing the car packs with no luck.

Any ways, my point being is that if I can't get this sorted I won't be able to run. :frown:
Did you check that you have the latest version of the car pack? You can install the specific car class if needed, you don't have to install the big full car pack if it takes too long. Just make sure you have the latest N4_S2000_1 car pack.

I sometimes get that message about not being recognised when there are connection problems. If I keep trying I usually get in ok.

Did you try re-entering your registration details in the top left hand section?

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