Rally - Annual Richard Burns Tribute Rally 2012

I'll drive in the EUY session as well, just to accompany Tapio. I drove in the EUX session already so I hope you don't mind. :)

So I tried to drive flat out this time and you can pretty much guess the result. 4/8 retired but it was more fun than ever :D
Overall Rally Results

Congrats Fernando, Jeff (again), and Tapio

Stage wins:
Warren Dawes: 2 stage wins
Fernando Agapito: 1 stage win
Roy Magnes: 1 stage win
Andrew Koojo: 1 stage win
Mark Birney: 1 stage win
Ole Marius Myrvold: 1 stage win
Jeremy Loveland: 1 stage win

Please let me know if you see any mistakes.

Thanks to everyone who joined, and thanks to Warren for setting it up.
Congratulations to Fernando, your first Club win and yet another new winner this year. Great to see the wins shared around. :cool:
Well done to Jeff and Tapio for the podium. Jeff, that now makes a hattrick of 2nd's, surely you must be due soon. ;) First podium for Tapio too, nice to see. :)

Stage wins were well shared too, also good to see. The huge mix of stages/surfaces probably helped with different drivers excelling in different conditions.

Big welcome to our new drivers this rally, Martin and Thomas, you both put in some good stage times.

Thanks to Senad for his Server and Results work, Damien for yet another cool banner, to Jeff for the Event idea, and to all who joined to celebrate the memory of Richard Burns. Hope you had some fun.

Next week the Rally Club has a break for the RDRC, good luck to all drivers for that. :)
I had fun today for sure :) Enjoyed the car and stages, had a really hard fight with Tapio the whole way through. Another good result for me, hopefully this form will stay for the championship aswell.
And thanks once more to Senad for that extra session :)
However, I had a very strange experience half way through SS08. Suddenly the car died, it would rev ok but wouldn't drive, almost like something was jammed under the car. I kept stopping and going forward again, and eventually it started driving ok again. After checking the replay, it seems that the rear wheels just locked up and stayed locked, as if the handbrake was applied (but I hadn't touched the handbrake). Then suddenly, it unlocked again after about 20 seconds or so. Really weird. :confused:

On thinking about this some more, and looking at my replay, I'm wondering if this had something to do with car damage as a result of using Realistic and Accumulating damage? Maybe I abused something in the car during the two stages (I hadn't hit anything) which resulted in damage to the rear brakes or Diff? Maybe some built in damage parameter within RBR or RSRBR?
If so, it may be something to be careful about during the RDRC to look after the car.
Has anyone else ever seen this happen before?

EDIT: I just installed the Gauger Plug-In to get more data in the replay.
Looks like the Handbrake applied and locked itself without me touching it. :eek: And later the Handbrake let go again all by itself.
Maybe I have a Controller hardware issue here. :confused:

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