Rally Frosty Finland - Wed January 20, 2010

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Ran a quick test tonight and was pretty satisfied with my performance so far. Actually set a stage record in the RBR gane itself for the second stage going in order. This wil be a really fun event as this is a bit more forgiving than the DUSTY Feench Deal last event.

See ya out there!
Ran a quick test tonight and was pretty satisfied with my performance so far. Actually set a stage record in the RBR gane itself for the second stage going in order. This wil be a really fun event as this is a bit more forgiving than the DUSTY Feench Deal last event.

See ya out there!

Maybe the snow will help keep our engines from overheating ( "the water temperature is REALLY high" ) :D

All of us Aussie guys won't know how to drive in snow, we only get to drive in dust. :tongue:
Well we 'll just fire up a couple fo additional SNOWCATS for you OZZIES so ya don;t freeze to death out in the tundra should you happen to have a mishap............
I think this will do juuuuuuuuuuuust fine

The Server has now been set for these Rally's. Good luck all.

Still time for anyone else to join this Rally, we'd love to see more entries. There are three timezone Rally's to choose from.
The Aussie Rally is finished, so we can warm up again after the frost bite.

Only Damien and I running due to Cam having a failure of his G25, and Damien wasn't on TS (probably didn't kinow about the swap to TS3). I missed our friendly chats Damien, but we had some really close stage times all night (what a pity you retired in Stage 1).
Very enjoyable sliding around in the snow, I even had the air conditioning down low to improve the atmosphere. :D Actually I had it low to assist my poor Laptop to survive the Rally. Thankfully, the Laptop saved my bacon when my gaming PC died last weekend, it struggled through the bad weather night stage but the others were reasonably stutter free.

Everyone please note: You must send your saved HTML file to the Email address listed in the sign up post (or at least a screenshot of the results page at the end of your rally). If you don't, we may not be able to add your times to the overall result.
Yep, I wondered what had happened to the TS server, certainly is very different going solo through the stages :tongue:.
Kicking myself about that first stage; the ol favourite mistake of pushing too hard at the start saw me head first into a tree off a sharp right hand bend :boohoo:
All good fun though, good luck to the rest of the field!
I'm inn for Europe start R27kul(Robb Kulcsar).

Nice rally, good surface for sliding, but who put those press man in corners right in front of your car, waiting to hit them, what I just done. :)
gee more fun getting car packs etc. installed in the game...........

Trying to get into the event but it says I dont have the A8W-1 car pack installed yet ALL of the cars appear in the cars folder of RBR!

tried removing al cars and reinstalling them thru the install wizard but no joy..............

EDIT 1: it appears that the individual car pack A8W-1 is only dropping 4 car folders into the RBR/cars folder. 3 appear to be missing. the 4 in the file are..Impreza, octavia, focus, accent 3. the opening window of the install lists 7 cars in total.

EDIT 2: Installed the ENTIRE A8W car pack. dropped 25 car files in the cars folder while the balance of the 66 in the entire pack appears to be missing...........

Not sure what I am doing wrong, but frankly this is just bull**** at this point. I am prettyy much ready to scrap RBR altogether. The sheer amount of work it takes to make thi sgame run thru RSRC is ludicrous...........:eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh:

UM if you down load pack A8-1 in stead of A8W-01 it might help your results during installation and joining the rally at RSRC...................we'll see in about 60 seconds.............

Edit 3: the damn install is stil dropping a car. now its the evo 7 thats missing from the install. No idea where the feck it went but it aint in the puter anywhere!

Edit 4: finally got it to work in time to join at SS7. at SS9 I get a double screen image glitch and am unable to run the stage. SS10 I drive off into god knows what and break the windscreen and am practically blind for the final stage...........

go to send in my times and the game has not recorded the times for the event.......................

just shoot me please!
  • Aaron Cloutier

I had an uneventful rally for a change. Everything worked as it was supposed to (finally) and I ran a relatively clean rally. Not sure how I'll fair against the rest of you but I got a couple of personal bests tonight. I think I'm slow on snow in general though... Wish I had that new car that Ken Block has ...

Results are sent. Thanks to everyone who participated! Next rally in 2 weeks.

Geez Eric, you seem to have more problems than I ever do. I had to install everything from scratch to my Laptop so I could race (after my Gaming HDD died). It all went smoothly, no hassles at all.

I can't help but think that you are not being careful enough with a few things, firstly the car pack specified was A8-1, not A8W-1.

Did you read my update info in the RSRBR Install sticky post in the RBR Forum:

"4. Car Packs : Here

Please note: New updates for Car Packs have been added, 10th January 2010.

If you already have the full car pack installed, you can just add the individual updated packs found Here

Or you can add the full updated car pack found Here "

If you don't want to go through the time required to install the full pack, then you can install just the car packs required, you can do that by individual car pack, by group, or by the whole thing. Check here for the options:

Using the individual or group packs is often a good idea when some of the car packs are updated.

I simply download the needed pack, then run the installer, and that's it. Very simple.

For this Rally, you didn't even need to update, the A8-1 Pack hadn't been updated.

I'm also edgy about your statement that you removed the all the cars to re-install, not sure what you did, or why, but that may lead to future problems. Deleting files manually is risky. If ever you need to update cars, just re-install the pack or update again.

Hang in there mate, this sim is far too good to simply throw up your hands in frustration.

EDIT: Eric, your results are still recorded in the Server (I just checked), so I can retrieve them.
Results on Warren's behalf

Results for Rally Frosty.


Easiest to read via the attachment below.

Big thanks again to Warren!!


  • Results Finland.jpg
    Results Finland.jpg
    84 KB · Views: 259
Very close overall, with only 4 mins separating the top 4. Again, it was only a few unfortunate retirements determining the finishing order.
Stage wins were spread around too, and Mel started his Rally debut here with two stage wins in the first three stages. Well done Mel.
Good consistent driving from Robb and Aaron to get on the podium, showing that consistency and control pays off in these demanding events rather than outright speed mixed with the occasional crash. Damien was again really unlucky to crash out in the opening stage, but from then on he and I were within a few seconds of each other almost every stage. Without his crash, the overall result would have come down to a few seconds.
Big welcome to Lee for his first Rally, and a few good times there too. Luck was not with Eric who had his installation problems and missed many stages, hopefully all goes well next time mate.

Thanks to all who joined, hopefully our number of regular drivers will steadily grow. We are working hard to develop this Rally Club. Rally driving can be lots of fun when you get used to it, but a great challenge as well, especially with RBR and it's realistic driving physics. :)
Man alive that was GREAT fun really enjoyed the rally
I kno I need to take more care and be more consistant like Warren says ( it pays off )
just when you think your home and dry...BANG your off and in a tree with steam bellowing out:boohoo:
It is bloody hard but I love it :D from getting this game around 3 wks ago me an Mel been putting in some
hrs trying to get to grips with cars and tracks.. man it is SO much fun but Mel is just clicking with this game and kickin my butt :tongue: WELL DONE mate and congrats to the winners
thx Warren and all that are behind RBR on RD great stuff :)
cant wait till the next round .
Very well done Warren, I notice that at ss9 we have the same time :).In the last stage I end up 3 times with my wheels up, but iven without that I whould still be finishing on 2nd place.
Looking back at it now I see where my mistakes on the install were made.........A8W-01 does not = A8-1

The time s didn't record in my folder and I had the screen malfunction in SS9 though.

since I had no time to test in the actual cars we'd be running (but i was pretty decent in the A8w-01 cars) I had a visibility issue with the EVO9. Gosh I miss the hood view from GTRE! too many time I am running along and cannot see the course if the nose if up at all since the dash is so high. Cant figure out how to raise the seat either! LOL

Well the jury is not exactly come back with a verdict yet for me on this sim, the score is 1-1. I liked the snow better than gravel even though my times were pretty far off the mark ni this one.

We'll try it again next event and hope it all goes better then.

Thanks to those who organized the event!
Eric, Try an off-line run using the A8-1 Pack, and choose the Charisma GT. It has a default hood view, almost the same as the GTRE view. Just scroll through the available views. Some of the cars have cockpit views that have poor vision, in those cases I have used the bumper view.

It is possible to change the cockpit views to any position you like, but requires the use of Cam Hack and some fiddling. I could give you a "how to" if you wish, but I don't want to confuse you any further until you get happy with the game.
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