Reasonably Priced Rally Car
Monday 12th & Tuesday 13th October 2015
REMEMBER - You need RSRBR 2015 with Update 05 to drive the event.
Cheap car, simple stages.
Sessions: RD Cheap EUX / RD Cheap EU / RD Cheap US / RD Cheap OC
We may include additional time zone Rallys if requested.Monday 12th & Tuesday 13th October 2015
REMEMBER - You need RSRBR 2015 with Update 05 to drive the event.
Cheap car, simple stages.
Sessions: RD Cheap EUX / RD Cheap EU / RD Cheap US / RD Cheap OC
If you request an additional session to be created, please sign up and make the request at least 12 hours before the requested start time so that we have time to see the request and create the session. Late requests will not be accepted. Any sessions with no drivers 12 hours before session start. Will not be created!
Car Pack: N3_1 - Ford Fiesta ST
Damage: Reduced
SS01: World Stages - Portugal SS18 - Tarmac - Dry - Day
SS02: USA - Prospect Ridge - Gravel - Dry - Day
SS03: England - Chirdonhead - Gravel - Dry - Day
SS04: World Stages - Rally Poland - Gravel - Dry - Day
SS05: Finland - Kaihuavaara - Snow - Dry - Day
SS06: Finland - Sikakama - Snow - Dry - Day
EUX Start: 16:00 GMT Monday *
Europe Start: 19:00 GMT Monday *
US Start: 02:00 GMT Tuesday (10PM Eastern (USA), 8PM Mountain Time, Monday) *
Oceania Start: 09:30 GMT Tuesday (9:30 PM EDST) *
All sessions will be combined together for an overall result for the event. You can run as many sessions you like. However, only the first you did reach split 1 on one of the stages will count!
· Please sign up in the following format: RD Name - Real Name (if real name is NOT provided as RD name, or in textbit under RD name for Premium Members) - RSRBR2015 Name - Session.
· Click here to read the password!
· You will require the RSRBR 2015 mod with Update 05 to be able to race!
· Remember to download and install the N3_1 carpack.
· Teamspeak is highly recommended, and adds to the fun.
· Take a screenshot of RSCenter, or save your times, showing your final results at the end of the rally (including the car you drove!). This is in case any of your stages are missed by the server. If there's a discrepancy, please post your times ASAP so we're not adjusting times over 24 hours later.
· You must stick with the same car throughout the rally - if you change, your times for those stages will be defaulted.
· If you are new to Richard Burns Rally, we have provided a set of guidelines and links to help you get up and running: Here