Rally - Slick Celica - Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd August 2011

Warren Dawes

Slick Celica

Mon 22nd & Tues 23rd August 2011


Toyota Celica ST205 (A8_2) on a variety of surfaces


Sessions: RD Slick Celica EU / RD Slick Celica US / RD Slick Celica OC / RD Slick Celica EUX / RD Slick Celica OCX / RD Slick Celica USX / RD Slick Celica EUZ
NOTE: We may include additional time zone Rallys if requested.

Car Pack: A8_2 ( You must choose the Toyota Celica ST205 from this car pack) **

Damage: Reduced

SS01 – Finland - Kaihuavaara (Normal, Med Fog, Day)
SS02 – Finland - Autiovaara (Normal, Light Fog, Day)
SS03 - France - Cote d'Arbroz II (Normal, Cloudy, Day)
SS04 - Slovakia - Peklo Tarmac (Normal, Good, Day)
SS05 – Australia - Mineshaft II (Normal, Good, Day)
SS06 – Australia - Mineshaft - (Normal, Cloudy, Day)
SS07 - USA - Diamond Creek II (Normal, Damp, Day)
SS08 - BTB USA - Mont Herman (Normal, Good, Day)

EUX Start: 18:00 GMT Monday *
Europe Start: 19:00 GMT Monday *
USX Start: 23:00 GMT Monday *
US Start: 03:00 GMT Tuesday (11PM EDST (USA), 9PM Monday, Mountain Time) *
Oceania Start: 10:30 GMT Tuesday (QLD,NSW and VIC start time 8:30PM. ) *
EUZ Start: 18:00 GMT Tuesday *

Additional time zone Rallys may be created on request.
If the USA Session drivers prefer a different Start time, please let us know, we can be flexible to suit.

* EU, OC, and US events will only be created on request - so please mention which zone you're signing up for. If no one signs up for a listed Session, it will not be created on the Server.
All sessions will be combined together for an overall result for the event. You can only run on one session.

** PLEASE NOTE: You must drive the same car in all Stages

  • Click here to read the password!
  • You will require the RSRBR 2011 mod, ( Update 06 ), in order to participate, please see the installation and Usage thread.
  • You will also require the A8_2 Car pack.
  • Teamspeak is highly recommended, and adds to the fun.

  • Please sign up in the following format: RD Name (RSRBR2011 Name)
  • Take a screenie of RSCenter, or save your times, showing your final results at the end of the rally (including the car you drove!). This is in case any of your stages are missed by the server. If there's a discrepancy, please post your times ASAP so we're not adjusting times over 24 hours later.
  • You must stick with the same car throughout the rally - if you change, your times for those stages will be defaulted.
  • If you are new to Richard Burns Rally, we have provided a set of guidelines and links to help you get up and running: Here

Please Note: You must choose the Toyota Celica ST205 from the A8_2 Pack.

  1. Pete Mull (SilverRallier) - EUX
  2. Erik Tveit (Erik Tveit) - EUX
  3. Jani Nylander (Jani) - EUX
  4. Tero Leppanen (Cloudy) - EUX
  5. Olli Kauppinen (Kurjuutus) - EUX
  6. Norman Biscuits (got_biscuits) - EU
  7. Christopher Drennan (drennanc) - EU
  8. Ian Bundell (ian_isnt) - EU
  9. Mark Birney (Sparky245) - EU
  10. Hubert Smolders (Speedthrill) - EU
  11. Daniel Olsson (Daniel Olsson) - EU
  12. Roy Magnes (Roy Magnes) - EU
  13. Teemu Toikka (tesnaukki) - EU
  14. Paul Newton (iam27paul) - EU
  15. Chris Williamson (Kurisu166) - EU
  16. Nigel Atkins (Marmiteman) - EU
  17. Viesturs Priede (Viesturs Priede) - EU
  18. Simone Demi (simonedemi) - EU
  19. Sebastien Levret (Mayland) EU
  20. Jeff Brown (Tralic) - EU
  21. Daniel Tønsberg (Xull) - EU
  22. Magnar Haarstadsveen (magnar) - USX
  23. Corey Twyman (theFlash) - US
  24. Joe Melin (j03) - US
  25. J.P. Sutphin (BlackFriday) - US
  26. Warren Dawes (WAD53) - OC
  27. Jeremy Loveland (Wol-Gran) - OC
  28. Senad Subasic (mfodor) - OC
  29. Jack Hintz (metalshredder7) - OC
  30. Eddie Mann (EddieX1) - OC
  31. Damien Jones (DJones) - OC
  32. Keegan Buckley (kbuckley) - OC
  33. Michael Hammond (Mike80) - OC
  34. Ondřej Kapal (Okapal) - EUZ

Results here
Our next Rally is open for sign-up.

Back to something a little more "civilised" than last week's ultimate challenge. This one is based on recommendations from Jeremy Loveland. We will be running a single car, the Toyota Celica, which proved highly successful in earlier WRC development in the hands of drivers like Carlos Sainz, Juha Kankkunen, and Didier Auriol in the 1990's.

The car used in RBR is the later model ST205, and this car has recently been updated in RSRBR2011. It has an excellent model, very nice drivers cockpit, and drives nicely. It is 4WD and pretty fast too. The new RSRBR model has a couple of neat little exe's that allow you to change the lights and wheel rims, have a look under the Cars\CELICA_st205_v2 folder.

The Stages used will vary a lot, covering a selection of Snow, Tarmac, and Gravel. We open with the Snow Stages first, hopefully to prevent any of the strange tyre selection issues that occurred last week.
This Rally also includes two new Stages that we haven't previously used. Peklo Tarmac in Slovakia is a longish and fairly narrow stage which winds through some great scenery. The final Stage is Mont Herman, found in the BTB USA Stages. This is a long, twisting, gravel stage which climbs a fairly steep ridge before flattening out for some high speed action over the top and down to the finish.
I’d recommend that all drivers have, at least a brief test run, on these two Stages to get acquainted with them before the Rally.

Drivers will be relieved to see much milder weather in this Rally, so you can concentrate on the Celica's handling, and nice engine sound.


1. The car handling of the Celica is typical 4WD and quite nice. However, it seems a bit tailey under heavy braking on Gravel, so I'd recommend adjusting Brake Bias forward for those stages.

2. RBR Pacenotes are designed for default cars, Normal conditions and Good weather. Please remember to adjust your speeds to suit these cars.

3. Tyre selections are the drivers responsibility. If you use the automatic tyre selection option in RSRBR2011, please beware that sometimes it may give you the wrong tyre for the conditions. Always double check your tyres, it is critical. The safest way is to disable the auto Tyre selection in RSRBR Settings, and get used to selecting tyres yourself.

If requests are made for any additional timezones, or changes to Start times to better suit your local needs, we will try to include them ( but within the Monday/Tuesday periods).

Good luck all, I hope you enjoy this car, and hope we see a good roll up. :rally: :signup:

I've included some base setups for the Celica in case anyone wants to try them. They should be more stable than default:

Here is a little video highlighting the development of Toyota in WRC and particularly the Celica. Some nice comments from the great Juha Kankkunen too. :)

I hated it last time, maybe now with a keyboard will be better, LOL.

I spent some time testing it today Senad, and found that this Celica has been greatly improved since we last used it.
Superb new model, and it drives really nicely. :thumb:

I was most impressed with it, so you may get a pleasant surprise. :wink:
After my recce run at Peklo, I was impressed with this stage, so I made a little video of the run for anyone who is unfamiliar with it. This is the first time I had seen it, and I must say, it is a class act. Full credit to the makers of this Stage. :thumbup:

It's a pleasure to drive it with the Celica too.


I'll let someone else do Mont Herman, it's waaaaaaaaay too long. :rolleyes:

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