Rally - Slick Celica - Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd August 2011

I really enjoyed that Rally, I found the Celica to be a very nice car, both visually and to drive. I thought it was quite stable with the setups I made, taking out the nasty rear brake lock up tendency under heavy braking.

We had some nice battles in the OC Session, with different drivers being much faster on different stages or surfaces. I managed a good start in the snow, but Eddie blitzed us on tarmac, especially Peklo. Jeremy and Eddie were quick on the gravel (mostly), especially Mineshaft, :pray: but I managed to win our session on Diamond Creek (the others must have had some "moments").
I had a clean slate until the dreaded Mont Herman. I absolutely loved driving this long twisty monster, pity the pacenotes were a bit dodgy. I rolled the car early, but no major damage and was lucky to have it rock back onto it's wheels again, just when it looked like staying on it's side. Phew!! :eek: Then, later on, the pacenotes confused me and I ended up turning right over a crest when it actually went left. Oops!! :rolleyes: Reversed back out of the trees, again with no damage. I was pretty much shagged by the time I finished this one, but surprised to win this Stage in our OC Session. :)

Thanks to all the guys who joined our OC Session, and special thanks to all those on TS again, it adds lots to the enjoyment.

Big thanks to Jeremy for the Rally concept, I thought the car was very good. :cool: :thumb::thanks:
One thing Im sure is - they do not get to practice stages over and over again. In fact - at Latvia few weeks before the rally there are forbidden area where rally driver must not show up. Probably similar in other countries. With pacenotes it differs. Usually organisers gives the pacenotes. Drivers certainly do not get to memoreize the route.
Thats why I hate to see the names of stages before the rally. Especially so soon before rally.

here in Belgium the most rally's use the same stages over again next year. They called KP's similar too SS's
Normally the pilots know wich stages it gonna be a month before the rally. They can go scout it, just not with their rally car.
Why can they scout it? Because they're public roads, most of it.

Most also have no notes coming with them. That's why on those scouting moments you make sure you got the notes right
from last year. You check if every pothole etc is still there...

When the real weekend happens:
On the first pass, if the notes fail you make adjustments. Most KP's here they run twice in a weekend.
For myself, on this rally, i better did some off that scouting beforehand, yet i didn't...

It came to me that this car will be hard. And on the first stage that proved me right... It seems that once it slides, it wants to keep sliding in the direction the rear end wants to go, not spinning, just sliding...

This made sure that on SS02 i slammed the car in a fast left early turn, wich should've been medium left. The turn was 90 degrees full with rocks on the outside. The rear kept going and my car just flew in the middle of that pile of stones... Engine over and out...

Tarmac problems too... Lost all propulsion in the driveshaft on the france stage, resulting in a buzzing slipping 4th gear.
Peklo went allright though... Replayed it, you never know...

First mineshaft went terrible, but i believe i finnished.
While in the real mineshaft, stuff happened i never had before... Rolling on switch landing points (after jumps) where you need to switch directions... And then the most bad crash ever for me: i flipped the car just before the big jump after yet another hard landing after the little jump, it flew to the left, hit the dyke, rolled, rolled again, rearend going over the jump upside down... wow, landed on 4 wheels and continued... Wow, what was that? replayed!!

Last 2 retired...
Ok that could have gone better lol, well done Warren & Jeremy in the OC, not much to rave about from my rally tonight, some shocking driving in the first couple of stages.:mad:
Cote-Abrz 2 in particular started off good, she was all over after pushing too hard into a medium left, had to CFH.:frown:
It was just hard to be friends with this car on default settings, nice sounding motor but like the real Gt4's they are understeery and front heavy lol, and with no setup it was tread carefully.

After sweeping up the broken gearbox parts from the earlier stages, the opportunity to close the gap was there at ss6, i was sitting in 3rd and 17 sec down to 2nd and 27sec to 1st.
With 2 stages remaining & no recces (no idea), it was all or nothing time? anyway, it ended up being mostly..
**move along nothing to see here**" lol, If i get to keep my 3rd in OC i'll be surprised!:rolleyes::wink:

Thanks to the OC guys for putting-up some good battles, Warren and Jeremy in particular for keeping the acid-on. Mike-80 showing some good pace early too, unfortunately he had a incident mid-way.:eek:

Congrats all for putting in the KM's, well done to the podium and thanks to the organisers.:cool:
haha, I had to suffer 12 km at the last stage just to get oil failure :D well, keyboard isnt that bad when you get used to it, but one big problem is killing it, brakes... you can brake properly without pedals, because key locks it all the time and when the car spins, there is no way to regain control with the arrows. But i had some of good and bad stages, first was I turned on camhack, where I have increasing FOV on right arrow (left is decrease) and for the same keys I have mapped turning... crashed in the first turn because of that, I rather didnt turn camhack for following stages and completed all of them except the last one.. I am honestly curious what is my final time
I had to help my mother selling her car on the net, so I missed the session today. Not that it woulc count for anything in any direction, but still a bit sad that I missed it.

Revenge next weekend should be the right way now, then, and score some points in the championship instead :)
Rally results

Overall Rally Results

Congrats Sebastien, Warren and Magnar :trophy:

Stage wins:
Sebastien Levret: 6 stage wins :star::star::star::star::star::star:
Magnar Haarstadsveen: 1 stage win :star:
Eddie Mann: 1 stage win :star:

Thanks to everyone who joined, and thanks to Warren for setting it up. :rally:

Please let me know if you notice any mistakes.
Missed the top 5 by less than 3 seconds. Missed the win by greater than 5 minutes. Some of you guys are way too good at this.

Senad, would it be possible to post the results as an Excel file too?
A little bit suprised I made it in top 10 with a retirement and pretty slow rally. First between guys who got at least one retirement or more. Not bad really. :) Well, I cant say Im satisfied with the result because Im sure I could finish the last stage if I could see the road, lol but if I take look at the first 7, I havent been that bad. Even though I fely pretty slow when I was driving.

Thanks for results. :)
Congratulations again to Sebastien (Loeb). :D:D
Yet again, Sebastien proves that the gap to us mere mortals is huge, but someone will challenge you eventually, Seb. WOW!!! What a time you set at Mont Herman, more than a minute faster than the entire field. :pray:

Well done to Magnar, on the podium in his first Rally with us. :thumb:

As usual, I was consistent but but just not fast enough (or is that brave enough?)

Seb didn't dominate all the Stage wins though, Magnar and Eddie stealing wins with Jeremy also very fast at Mineshaft (very impressive times there).

Big welcome to our new Club drivers, Magnar, Viesturs, Jeff, Tero, Joe, and Christopher, hope to see you join us regularly. :welcome:

Thanks again to Senad for his "slick" Admin work, and to Damien for the "slick" banner. :thanks::thanks:

Good Rally concept and car recommendation from Jeremy too. :thanks:
Keep the Event suggestions coming in guys, I appreciate the help.

We have a break from the Rally club next week as we run the next Round of the Championship, good luck all. :rally::ups:
This one was great fun - would have done heaps better but managed a damn retirement on SS7 literally 3 meters from the red finish boards. VERY frustrating - had I have been able to get the car in the correct gear I may have made it over the line, but was quite frustrating to have to retire with the car literally a small 'push' away.

Other than that the rally was just good fun - good battle with Jeremy for a while (until my damn retirement) and had a lot of fun doing 360's in the Celica and continuing on like nothing had happened - I have come a little closer to liking the Celica after this rally, but it still seems to have a bit of a propensity to head towards the bushes when everything 'was' going so well... Just seems to like the 'boonies' (boondocks) a bit much.

See you all at the next round!

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