Ranked multiplayer

Brent Mills

Brent Mills
No need to reinvent the wheel, just use IRacing's scheduled races as a template. Please can we drop the CP rating system which I don't think tells very much.
  • scheduled splits on the hour and half hour of the popular series
  • pure elo based rating. Driver numbers ingame so we can see who the higher rated drivers are
  • after race report with your result and elo rating change
  • allow for splits providing motivation to improve and 'I'm in the top split' feeling
  • current implementation of safety rating in ACC is perfect to allow for entry into higher rated series
Yeh I know I've basically copy/pasted Iracing's model here, but I mean it works, there's a reason it's so popular. Tbh I'm shocked no other sim has tried to copy them already. It can't be that hard or expensive, there's already multiple third-party sites doing it for free.
Tbh I'm shocked no other sim has tried to copy them already. It can't be that hard or expensive, there's already multiple third-party sites doing it for free.
It's surprising, but it seems to actually be that hard or expensive to still have a profitable company. I would also not underestimate how many people use iRacing compared to those other third party websites.
3 votes. I signed up to Iracing again to see if their tire model has improved (maybe it has a bit) and the gt3's had 6 splits, Mx5 has 200 people every hour at peak times. So despite being ridiculously overpriced, dated graphics, and lower tier tire model they are still the most popular multiplayer sim purely because of the things mentioned in the beginning of the post. Do RD members only play offline or something? 'Ricer cars' got more votes than having a bells and whistles multiplayer. I'm confused.
'Ricer cars' got more votes than having a bells and whistles multiplayer. I'm confused.
Welcome to the opinionated internet. Where "seeing-around-you" and sense-of-speed-yo is more important than not being a total ass on track because of your way-too-high-FOV too :)

Maybe people also don't vote much for something if the idea is unlikely to be implemented.