As I promised, I thought I'd give you an update on this PC. Got it back from the shop, he had called me while it was there, one of the techs working on it. Said he ran a virus scan, found 55 malware, but the W7 is corrupt.. Even after the virus scan, he couldn't get the old games to load or get rid of the No Permission to access files. He couldn't change my account to Administrator instead of Standard either. He suggested to reload W7 again cause it was corrupt. So, he reloaded W7, then he changed my account to Administrator. No more errors when I try to load the games. Checked most of the older DX 9 games. They all load & run fine. Except, NR-2003, it now loads, but after it goes to the main screen, I. Get an in-game error, says game isn't installed correctly, suggests to reinstall the game. Never seen that error. He thinks, W7 doesn't like games loaded from the CD's. Just his opinion, said he could be wrong, but the NR-2003 is the only game that I loaded years ago from the CD .Could be something to that. Anyway, GTR2 is working again& im a happy camper. IllI screw around with NR 2003 sometime when i'm bored. Wish I could find a digital download for NR-2003. Might make a difference. FPS for all the games, DX 9, depending on the tracks and eye candy, are from around 85 at the low to high around 297's. Settings mostly on High, AA? 8 & 16. All are crystal clear. Field of 20 cars. 2 years ago, W7 got corrupted, maybe it's from the games. He doesnt think it was virus related. Never had a problem from 2010 when I bought it till 2017. So, it was time consuming reloading all the antivirus and other stuff, but worth it. If anyone knows of a digital download for NR-2003, I'd love to buy one, if it's not crazy expensive. Loved it for oval racing. If this happens again, as long as the PC is working, it'll stay that way. No more dragging it to the pc shop, then reloading all the programs. I'll play the games that work . As of now, except for nr2003 , I'm satisfied. Cant imagine adding tracks and cars to any game would screw up W7 .