GT Sport Rate The Sims: Community Edition | GT Sport

Paul Jeffrey

We are looking to crown the 'RaceDepartment Community Favourite' racing game - get your votes in now for our next game on the list... GT Sport!

Our dear RaceDepartment community. You folks are the most mighty fans of sim racing, often displaying an immense amount of understanding and depth of knowledge when it comes to our favourite hobby.

With sim racing and eSports in such a wonderful boom period of late. Gamers looking to have some fun with their virtual racing machines have never before had such a wide and robust variety of software to enjoy.

Now occasionally I've been in a position to rate new racing titles that have come my way, and almost every time I've received a wide variety of folks agreeing, or strongly disagreeing with my own opinions.

RD Community Favourite-GT Sportv2.jpg

Opinions are great, but sometimes the opinion of one person, with their own likes and dislikes taken into account, can often give a bit of a skewed picture (intentional or not) to the greater cause in which said person is trying to explain.

As such, rather than doing one myself, and in the spirit of engaging some interesting community discussion, I thought it could be fun to let our own community rate each of the key sim racing / racing games available today.

As always with these things, please do try and respect each other and their opinions, and let's try to see if we can give a fun, but fair shake of the stick to each of the games included in this poll.

For transparency, I'm going to be featuring the following racing games over the next weeks:

I'm going to launch the article each Monday evening, and keep the poll running for a full week until the next new article is pushed live. So get your votes in quick!

Once I've completed the full list of games, I'll publish a final results feature, and we can award the winning developer the lofty title of 'RaceDepartment Community Favourite'!

Have fun, stay sensible and let the voting commence!

Sim Racing is Awesome!
I've had wheel time with GT Sport via Thrustmaster T-GT, I'm actually impressed what they can ring out of 6 year old technology! I especially enjoyed hotlapping a 991 around Suzuka with Playstation VR, it's not that far off from a PC experience. Could feel the bumps, chassis rotation, and knew exactly how to save losing the rear end at turn 4 (Descida do Lago) because I've handled the same feedback on my PC rig.

8 out of 10, don't let the PC Elites tell you console boys how to race!
So this but not FM7, why?
Totally agree. They're both in the same ball park with regards to physics and graphics imho.
They're both gateway driving sims yet not too full on sim to scare away the regular console gamers with pads etc.
I loved them both back in the day but neither would cut the mustard for me now. That's just me though.
I know that a lot of sim racers here in KL race Raceroom heavily but also take part in GT6 competitions
  • Deleted member 503495

It needs more racing around some cars such as old and new Formula 1 and Group C. Mission Challenges and Special Events were great albeit quite mundane with an overload of GT3ish driving.
I have not yet forgiven the fact that before launch this was marketed as PSVR game without mentioning that the main game is not PSVR compatible, only some crippled game mode.

I do therefore have Fanatec wheel which is PS4 compatible which has never been connected to my PS4...
8 - still one of the best racing games around. The driving/track school element is even after all these years one of the best examples of helping players understand and enjoy racing games. The fact they also at least tried to teach track etiquette is also commendable.

Personally I prefer the handling, tuning, upgrading and general gameplay in Forza 7 as a pure racing game that works as well on the pad as it does on the wheel. We still fire up GT Sport from time to time though and it's been useful in teaching cornering lines and techniques to our budding kart racers.

+ Second best multiplayer around (and it was the minimum I've expected from ACC, but Kunos couldn't deliver)
+ Very nice to the eyes.

+- The sounds evolved from GT6... but that is not good enough and I can't admit a big studio, as Polyphony, being beat by hobbits, like Reiza, Kunos and Sector3.
+-Good content, but physics modelling of cars is shallow... all cars are very generic on their behavior. Again... it's a giant being beat by hobbits. The most disappointing is the vintage cars.

- Gameplay... aways the gameplay. This is a simcade and is, probably the best one in this, but still a simcade. Personally, I don't know what is the appeal of playing a "half-sim", because it's not easier that "full-sims", certainly not as intuitive as and you have to spend the same amount of time (sometimes even more, in case you are a veteran in the genre) to be good at it. It's very personal... I kinda turning into a simcades hater. I'm a fan from GT series since the first one, have all the games and a lot of time spent on each one (even the Tourist Trophy, that is not a GT... but it is something like it and I played as if it is).

I had some good time with this game on friends houses and events that had the game, but it's the first GT that I will not buy. Don't take me wrong... 6/10 is above average... for me the multiplayer is a major feat and the only one offered a really functional alternative to iRacing, what is an even bigger deed if you take in consideration that the majority of GT community is formed by raging lemmings with battleaxes. Polyphony keep those savages on a leash and this can tell a lot about how good their system is. I hope some day Kunos (maybe Reiza... don't know AMS2 yet) will copy this to save ACC (because no one will do as iRacing, that still is the online king).
I’ve raced with all the PC sims and I have to say GT Sport impressed me with how the cars feel to drive. I can’t understand some of the over the top negativity being shown towards the physics.
It looks great too, and most of the engine sounds are much better this time round compared to the abominations found in gt6 and beyond! There’s a decent selection of tracks and cars, and the photo mode adds a nice little detour- especially for a real life motorsport photographer such as myself!

I’d have liked a little more car customisation options though- part of the fun of previous gran turismos’ was starting with a duffer and tuning it up to compete with supercars. The AI opponents are a bit inconsistent too- in a race most of your opponents are pushovers!

Overall though, it’s well worth picking up if you haven’t already. Especially as PD keeps adding tracks and cars every month. Solid 9 from me.

Ps: I haven’t even raced it online yet!
Great game for all GT afficionados, utterly let down by the initial emphasis on pure online play, no doubt assisted by Sony making sure everyone pays their 50 quid a year to be "allowed" to play games online, something I will NEVER EVER do, but well done to those that have, you just all set the bar for the future, think about what you have done.

Penalty system is an utter joke that totally ruins that online system.

But positive sides, it looks pretty, is well put together and most DLC is free, a very cool thing nowadays and to be applauded, take note Codemasters.

But there i no getting away from the fact that the physics are not sim like really, and the whole idea is starting to look somewhat tired.
It's a 9 from me. Yeah that's not probably what people here want to hear, but hear me out on this.

This is a gateway, that I, and many others have used to get into "proper" sim racing. It's not arcade, certainly not, but it's not quite a full on sim either. It's something that IMO has been constructed to allow people of all abilities and controller types to get into online racing with a sense of realism. It's furthered the legitimacy of racing/driving e-sports through the slickly produced GT FIA series which in my opinion is a great thing

From a sim perspective it's got the basic driving physics there, even if they don't really represent the real car you're driving, and you can very much learn racecraft from it. It's also graphically stunning for a PS4 title, which really helps with the immersion. Plus the variety of cars and tracks have come on a long way since it's original release - all of it free. So in many ways it's ideal for somebody to dip their toes into sim racing

It may not be a sim in many peoples minds any more, but I ask how many of us are here as a result of the Gran Turismo series in the first place? Quite a lot I would imagine.

And for that reason it deserves a 9, not only for getting a lot of us into sim-racing, but also for making it accessible to anybody and everybody.

Think about that before you slam it with a 1
Wonderfully said!

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