RBR CZ Full instalation 24/10/2018

Hi all!
I put this here in case it might interest someone, if it's not the right place, I'm sorry and delete it if you want.
Because many people do not play RBR CZ because of the complication that has to install everything and it is a lot of time.
In the following link of MEGA, you will have a copy of the Czech RBR, updated to date and a .ini that explained the simple steps of putting the co-pilot in Spanish, configure steering wheel, and register.
This tablet, you just have to unzip and paste it into the Hard Disk C: / and follow these simple steps.

Link game download;https://mega.nz/#!wbZQVSJC!SCPRCJUKlSCILiEQuO99omCWnAqjgk7MmivaxEUCwKo
Link .ini info; https://mega.nz/#!FGxF1CDb!NhdiUmz9ygoQ1Bzao7k46TTwVNNmH_1JYLCidCzXjos

More information at (http://sim-control.foroes.org/) where we organize the CERA, CERT, Regional Canario and IRCup.

Greetings and I hope it does not bother you. Any questions here I am!
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