RD Community Voted – The Ugliest Car Ever Made

Fiat Multipla.jpg

We have a winner!

The Fiat Multipla has won many titles and awards in its glory days. Often negative. Today, it adds another significative one to its belt. It becomes the “RD Community Voted - Ugliest Car Ever Made”, thanks to the astonishing 58.1% preference rate it got in the ‘Grand Finale’. It was clear since the early stages of the contest that the car was off on a triumphal march, hoarding up likes over likes along with then votes in the first round of the tournament. The reason behind it I think it’s very clear: the car is so bad looking that if in a distant future some archaeologist will dig up one, he/she will probably think that it was a porta-potty, and even a foul looking one at that.

The contenders had no chance to win against such a tremendous opponent, and one after another, they fell under ‘the cleaver’, which is probably a good nickname for the Multipla considering how it fared. No small feat, as we had cars like the Rodius, the Aztek and the PT Cruiser competing, which were very strong foes, all in all.

Therefore, now we celebrate my friends! I would like to thank again all of you for participating and for the interest you showed in this little fun idea. I sincerely hope you had the same fun I had reading all the comments, watching all the pictures, and following the polls we held. We can certainly host more of these contests in the future, featuring different subjects of course, if there is again such enthusiasm and attendance as we had for this tournament.

I would also like to nominate our two winners: @FeltHat and @Richard Hessels . Since you have both been first to nominate the Multipla, you win a Premium Pass! You both are already premium members, so you may choose to get a free renewal of your existing one or to donate your pass to a user of your choice!

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 Would you like to see more of these fun contests in the future? Which subject do you think would be fit?
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It has been done Jacco.
Okay there's no way in life and universe that people who decide to choose the Multipla for a business as cabs, uber, pollice cars, etc, there's no way that these people doesn't know that car is a meme up to this point. And there's no way that one of the people who chose the Multipla for the business didn't do it just for the lulz. I refuse to live in a world where this is a serious decision.

I mean, if there was a poll on which car to use for "X" and they end up choosing the Multipla, I refuse to believe everyone voted serious. There's got to be at least one guy that voted the Multipla just for the memes.
Got number on it's sales? Anyways... don't bother to answer my question. Usually I just google them when I have questions, but I'd rather not know how many pity souls thought it's a beauty.
I don't really understand this whole concept of ugly cars. Half the cars people are calling ugly look fairly attractive to me, especially the S-Cargo, but also the PT Cruiser (I know as an actual car it's rather awful, I've been in one before).

Often what I think people are seeing is cars which do not meet their platonic ideal of what a car should look like, perhaps because it looks like it was designed to be practical rather than to go fast, or because it was designed with a completely different target demographic in mind.

If a car was clearly designed to appeal to 38 year old middle class mothers of two then it should be judged as a car of that type, and not compared to a Lamborghini or whatever.

Even then, unless a car has had racial slurs or images of bodily fluids vinyl wrapped all over it, I don't really see how a car can be ugly. Some cars can be more aesthetically pleasing, certainly. An Aston Martn DB4 Zagato or a Citroen DS or a Toyota 2000GT can be appreciated as a beautiful work of art, but that doesn't mean one can't also find a utilitarian appeal to the Volvo 240 as well.

Ultimately, the Multipla is to me a bland looking vehicle elevated to a status of being somewhat interesting by its highly unusual windscreen and roofline. Cover up the car above window height and it looks shockingly reminiscent of a Chrysler Neon, and I think I prefer the Multipla to that, in all honesty.

At least the Multipla is interesting, and will likely remain so as the decades wear on, the Neon will only ever be the epitomy of 90s blandness.
I don't really understand this whole concept of ugly cars. Half the cars people are calling ugly look fairly attractive to me, especially the S-Cargo, but also the PT Cruiser (I know as an actual car it's rather awful, I've been in one before).

Often what I think people are seeing is cars which do not meet their platonic ideal of what a car should look like, perhaps because it looks like it was designed to be practical rather than to go fast, or because it was designed with a completely different target demographic in mind.

If a car was clearly designed to appeal to 38 year old middle class mothers of two then it should be judged as a car of that type, and not compared to a Lamborghini or whatever.

Even then, unless a car has had racial slurs or images of bodily fluids vinyl wrapped all over it, I don't really see how a car can be ugly. Some cars can be more aesthetically pleasing, certainly. An Aston Martn DB4 Zagato or a Citroen DS or a Toyota 2000GT can be appreciated as a beautiful work of art, but that doesn't mean one can't also find a utilitarian appeal to the Volvo 240 as well.

Ultimately, the Multipla is to me a bland looking vehicle elevated to a status of being somewhat interesting by its highly unusual windscreen and roofline. Cover up the car above window height and it looks shockingly reminiscent of a Chrysler Neon, and I think I prefer the Multipla to that, in all honesty.

At least the Multipla is interesting, and will likely remain so as the decades wear on, the Neon will only ever be the epitomy of 90s blandness.

It's not to be taken seriously... It's all for fun mate. You mentioning demographic... and it's like a beauty pageant for example. If you are cheering for Columbia and South Africa won. Something like that. And because they all made it to the competition, in theory, every entrant is a winner. :roflmao:
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We have a winner!

The Fiat Multipla has won many titles and awards in its glory days. Often negative. Today, it adds another significative one to its belt. It becomes the “RD Community Voted - Ugliest Car Ever Made”, thanks to the astonishing 58.1% preference rate it got in the ‘Grand Finale’. It was clear since the early stages of the contest that the car was off on a triumphal march, hoarding up likes over likes along with then votes in the first round of the tournament. The reason behind it I think it’s very clear: the car is so bad looking that if in a distant future some archaeologist will dig up one, he/she will probably think that it was a porta-potty, and even a foul looking one at that.

The contenders had no chance to win against such a tremendous opponent, and one after another, they fell under ‘the cleaver’, which is probably a good nickname for the Multipla considering how it fared. No small feat, as we had cars like the Rodius, the Aztek and the PT Cruiser competing, which were very strong foes, all in all.

Therefore, now we celebrate my friends! I would like to thank again all of you for participating and for the interest you showed in this little fun idea. I sincerely hope you had the same fun I had reading all the comments, watching all the pictures, and following the polls we held. We can certainly host more of these contests in the future, featuring different subjects of course, if there is again such enthusiasm and attendance as we had for this tournament.

I would also like to nominate our two winners: @FeltHat and @Richard Hessels . Since you have both been first to nominate the Multipla, you win a Premium Pass! You both are already premium members, so you may choose to get a free renewal of your existing one or to donate your pass to a user of your choice!

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 Would you like to see more of these fun contests in the future? Which subject do you think would be fit?
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It looks like a wide faced, stubby nosed dolphin! :roflmao:
There was never, ever going to be anything but the Multipla. There can`t be anyone with eyes that would design such a monstrosity. It looks like a fat girl sneezed too hard and prolapsed.

Let`s all enjoy the beautiful shapes we know and love while we still have them. The future looks far more Multipla than E-Type.
There was never, ever going to be anything but the Multipla. There can`t be anyone with eyes that would design such a monstrosity. It looks like a fat girl sneezed too hard and prolapsed.
Good guess. It was designed by top Italian car designer Cieco Progettista. He won many awards for his various designs. :thumbsup:;):sneaky: