RD Formula FG Championship Season 1

Budget: $100
Income: $50
+10 Quali Skill
+10 Positive Quali Variation

Total of Expenses: $150
Remaining Budget: $0

Personal values after buys:
Quali BHP: 779
Race BHP: 792
CoF: 3340
Quali Skill: 16060
Race Skill: 16070
Quali Variation: 260
Race Variation: 250
EDIT: Updated with Néron's team buy

Regulations Change
A few things to discuss/inform about.
Thirdly with Team Sponsor T7: total 10 positions gained. A problem I realised before this race has happened, namely at Elite Two Racing.
Noack made 3 positions before retiring, Dovizioso made 7 up. Total=10.
I have paid the cash for it, is everyone happy for that? Seeing that Josh retired and was unclassified, do we count that as 19th or 22nd (e.g. no places gained)?
As such, no buys will be accepted for Elite Two (just the team, drivers may do so) until this is resolved enough to make me content with it.
I don't mean to sound harsh, but if you retire you don't finish and if you don't finish I don't think you should be entitled to sponsor money for improving position. That being said, if you start 22nd and finish 21st only because the improved position was due to a retirement of a car, then that's not a "real" (at least not on merit) improvement either...so I would say that they're not entitled to receive sponsor for improved position either really.

I would suggest that any cars that retire in a race where they have started in front of you on the grid can't be counted towards the improved position count for the sponsor(s).

Bad luck there. No buys which is a bit unfortunate. Honestly I think I deserve the money as if you retire on the points you still get points. Good job andrea spend your 100 wisely...
Is this true? So if Poirier would have retired rather than getting back on track in last place he would have still got 18 points for second place (position he was in when he went through the gravel) and if Engberink would have retired in the gravel on the penultimate corner in Malaysia rather than getting back on track in 5th, he would still have gotten 25 points because he was 1st when he went in the gravel? That doesn't make sense to me to be honest.
Is this true? So if Poirier would have retired rather than getting back on track in last place he would have still got 18 points for second place (position he was in when he went through the gravel) and if Engberink would have retired in the gravel on the penultimate corner in Malaysia rather than getting back on track in 5th, he would still have gotten 25 points because he was 1st when he went in the gravel? That doesn't make sense to me to be honest.
he meant if there are 9 finishers 10th still gets 1 point as a DNF
So please, if there are no major objections now, I will open up the full amount to Elite Two Racing to use this marketplace. :thumbsup:
Retirements should count for places gained. You can say it's similar to the F1 Sim "Beat your teammate" sponsor. Even if retired it's still possible to get them, as long as you retired after your teammate :p
Retirements should count for places gained. You can say it's similar to the F1 Sim "Beat your teammate" sponsor. Even if retired it's still possible to get them, as long as you retired after your teammate :p
I see what you mean, but don't agree as such. What you say can work negative as well; Let's say you start 20th and work your way up to 10th, but you make a mistake and end up 21st as a result, this means that on the score card you lost 1 position, even though you gained 10 in the race.

So if you really have a sponsor for "improving position" I think it's only fair if you count only the positions you improved on merit. Hence me saying that retirements for cars that started ahead of you shouldn't be counted as you yourself only passed them because they are retired and you haven't passed them in a racing situation (i.e. on merit), that's why I say they shouldn't count.

Imola race example:
Noack started in 22nd, ended up 19th. This only happened because 3 cars retired before he did. Those cars qualified in 2nd, 18th and 19th (all ahead of Noack). The only thing that Noack did was to drive on the track in order to "overtake" the retired cars. He did not overtake them in a race situation (i.e. on merit) so therefore in the standing it looks like he "improved position" whilst he didn't actually do that on the track.

Dovizioso started 21st and ended up 14th. That looks like a 7 place improvement, but here also 3 cars that started in front of him retired. So just like Noack Dovizioso didn't overtake those 3 cars in a race situation (i.e. on merit), so in my opinion they should not be counted towards the "improved position" sponsor. But Dovizioso did finish the race in 14th, which means that he did pass 4 cars during the race on merit, so the total for the "improved position" sponsor should be 4 (and not 10 for the team total) in my opnion.
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I see what you mean, but don't agree as such. What you say can work negative as well; Let's say you start 20th and work your way up to 10th, but you make a mistake and end up 21st as a result, this means that on the score card you lost 1 position, even though you gained 10 in the race.

So if you really have a sponsor for "improving position" I think it's only fair if you count only the positions you improved on merit. Hence me saying that retirements for cars that started ahead of you shouldn't be counted as you yourself only passed them because they are retired and you haven't passed them in a racing situation (i.e. on merit), that's why I say they shouldn't count.

Imola race example:
Noack started in 22nd, ended up 19th. This only happened because 3 cars retired before he did. Those cars qualified in 2nd, 18th and 19th (all ahead of Noack). The only thing that Noack did was to drive on the track in order to "overtake" the retired cars. He did not overtake them in a race situation (i.e. on merit) so therefore in the standing it looks like he "improved position" whilst he didn't actually do that on the track.

Dovizioso started 21st and ended up 14th. That looks like a 7 place improvement, but here also 3 cars that started in front of him retired. So just like Noack Dovizioso didn't overtake those 3 cars in a race situation (i.e. on merit), so in my opinion they should not be counted towards the "improved position" sponsor. But Dovizioso did finish the race in 14th, which means that he did pass 4 cars during the race on merit, so the total for the "improved position" sponsor should be 4 (and not 10 for the team total) in my opnion.
Now you hadnt had a look on pitstops. Is that a gained position? What about different strategies were you dont overtake but die to a different strategy you gained position?


To not make it complicated: just do it as we said before. I think its the best
Now you hadnt had a look on pitstops. Is that a gained position? What about different strategies were you dont overtake but die to a different strategy you gained position?


To not make it complicated: just do it as we said before. I think its the best
Difference is that although 1 stop or 2 stop strategies apply, you're still racing the other cars and thus pass them on merit. As you don't "race" the retired car anymore, positions gained at the cost of retired cars are still "fake" improvement of positions and shouldn't be counted in my opinion. That is: in my opinion these gains shouldn't count towards the driver/team income out of "Improve Position" sponsor(s). Of course in the race results it obviously does count.
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@Smartbean you can look at it this way, the drivers have to make their car get to the finish, so everyone that retires has in fact driven poorly enough that something has gone wrong (sometimes). Therefore, for Josh to finish in 19th means that he beat 3 people in driving style, he made his car last longer than theirs. And we must remember that it is a team sponsor, so if a team car lasts 4 laps longer than another, then they have provided a better car and should be rewarded for that.

I've heard all I need to, @Josh Noack you are free to make your full purchases with all the money indicated

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