RD Formula Manager - Season 10

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@Sasha Jednak - You have waited so long for this victory, was it satisfactory? Is this a sign of title challenge for Vettel?
Yeah, first I want to say thanks to the team, they've done incredible job to make the car. Also I want to thank the fans for coming today, they are the best fans in the w...(oops wrong quote):rolleyes:

To your first question, yes very satisfied with the result. This was the plan at the start of the season, to win here. And it was perfect from start to finish. ART's were very fast but when we realized they will need 3 stop, we knew we had it in the bag. As for second question, we can try, but Vettel still has his teammate ahead in the standings. :D We will definitely give a fight to others, but expecting faster 2KF1, Delacroix and Girls.

We would also like to make a big announcement, with great regret we had to release our driver Kimi Raikkonen. :( This was agreed in last season, if Schumacher is available he has the seat in Red Night and Raikkonen was aware of it. We would like to keep all 4 champions, but it was not possible. He is a good driver and to bad that he started to close to closing the series or he would have been among the top ones in future.

Red Night
Money - 3050cr
Delacroix x3 - 1200cr @Jimlaad43
Chassis - 500cr
Durability - 500cr
VET speed - 400cr
VET pit - 400cr

Release Raikkonen - 0cr
Buy Schumacher - 600cr
Total - 2800cr
Money left - 250cr
EDIT: Changing sponsor to D-E

Thunderstorm Racing
Money - 2350cr
LOE speed x2 - 800cr
LOE driver test - 800cr
Tyre testing - 400cr
Total - 2000cr
Money left - 350cr
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@Azabadaza - Must be a huge relief to get a great result after a series of frustrating races. However, it must have been also frustrating to watch Barrichello today, right?
Definitely a huge relief to finally have a race where things came together for Briscoe. Rubens fought extremely well today, especially in those final few laps to move up to almost a top 10. If it weren't for the car repair mistake made on the pit wall during the lap 11 pit stop, Rubens was looking at an impressive race.

Budget - $2700
Aston Engine - 1 race ($400)
+1 Chassis ($500)
+1 Durability ($500)
+2 wet skill - Briscoe ($800)
+1 wet skill - Rubens ($400)
Remaining - $100
@Milos - With another double podium, you are leading both championships now. How hyped is the team right now?
We are definetly pleased with the incredible results achieved by both Fernando and Bernd. Last season we let our competition get ahead of us too soon, and we were fighting from behind and dropped out of the race very early. Now I feel like we forced the competiton to catch up. And we are definetly still in this race.

+2 chassis
Risky research
Nando +1 speed +1 pitstop
Setup testing
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As Omer already knows Elysium will become defunct and I'll depart from this Forum game. Haven't got much time on my hands to be as competitive as I'd like to be and seems a waste for the two great drivers that were racing in the team. Both drivers are up for sale if anyone wants to grab them, I assume they're at the 600 minimum but it's up to Omer :thumbsup:

Thanks to Omer for his dedication with this game and I look forward to his next one :)
@rubaru - What is the root of the problem with the team's apparent lack of pace and passion this year?

Heck if I know. Was hoping someone else could tell me. I've got one of the best drivers on the grid but we can't make the car go fast enough for him. Poor in the dry, worse in the wet. Slow tracks, fast tracks, it is all awful. We really need to get a handle on our set up and development or we'll just have to forget it all.

Budget 2000
Hire Ronnie Peterson (600)
Aston Martin engines (400)
Durability Upgrade +2(1000)
Bank -0-

Sponsors E, F

With the hiring of Ronnie Peterson, I will place Jenson Button on my reserve driver spot and give Peterson the #2 seat.
@kedy89 - What will be your answer to ARTs after they took the upperhand at the end of round 2 of 5.
We'll see if there's anything we can do. Was bound to happen sooner or later when for a few seasons now the sole purpose of any rule change is to stop us from having success.

BRT 2850
Durability 500cr
Setup test 500cr
RIC Driver test 800cr
RIC concentration 400cr
BEL concentration 400cr
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@Aidan Keranen - Does it give you hope for the last 3 races that you had an abysmal setup rate? Also it must be quite an achievement finish this much high with the mentioned setup.
Yeah we'll see how it goes. Would have been nice to hold a few extra points though, I don't think we have enough pace to overturn that sort of head start.

2KF1 - 2500
engine speed - 500
driver testing (Hakkinen) - 800
x1 chassis - 500
x1 durability - 500
=200 left

x1 durability
x1 chassis
1 race Cosworth
@TTupsi - Once again, mistakes by Silvestro costed a good result. How is the atmosphere in the team?
It is unfortunate. We haven't got a clean race since I don't know when. Consistency is key in winning races and championships and that's what we have been missing. It is not easy for team morale but everyone knows we have to work harder to change things around.

Risky Research

Testing Results:

The Monaco Grand Prix Weekend begins! Here are track conditions and forecast below:

You have until Saturday night to send your practice/qualifying orders. Good luck all!
Lap 1
Nando focus medium
Bernd push medium, save fuel

Lap 2
Nando push medium
Bernd push medium, engineer pit

Don't hold up each other, if one's faster the other lets him pass
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