RD GT Championship 2010 I

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small race report.

Qualifing not last this time, so i had already a good feeling.

1st part of the race i had a good battle with Chris before me and after me and before.

Behind this battle we were followed my Micheal and Hugo.

In round 7 was very closing in on Chris and tried to make him nervous before the chicane. But suddenly i think Hugo made a move and overtake Micheal me and ?? . Think i got a little touch there and had to wait for all the drivers goiing by. After watching the replay touch was made when about 5 cars where fighting there way to win some places. Xose couldnt brake hard enough and touched Micheal who just had a little touch on my car.

Xose thx for the waiting by the way.

The real race was over for me at that point but did go on hoping to get back again on my position in which i never been in these serie.

After a while in the end of the race of course i got lapped and on a sudden moment i thougt i got a lap, forgot to watch who where behind me and it was Eckhart en Xose who where behind me. ( i made a move to let me pass, no blue flag, and gave away 2 places)

But when it start raining i could regain my position on Eckhart en Xose.

Thx all for the race, and for me it worked out well because it is a track i have been sometimes more then usual.
Going into Sunday I hadn’t driven in over 3 weeks. Needless to say, I had low expectations for this round. Surprisingly enough, I found a little pace in practice. And in quail I put in a nice, steady lap and got p8. I knew I could move up the field by capitalizing on other drivers’ mistakes, so I was happy with my starting spot. Even though I knew it wouldn’t be like Spa where I was out-and-out quicker than most of the field.

Anyhow, on the first corner a guy in one of the Koeniseggs completely and utterly forgets how to use his brakes and goes straight into the back of me and several other cars—a ridiculous bit of driving to say the least. I rejoin in 11th.

I then went up against who I think was David Garcia in his Lister Storm. I was able to get around him easily enough, but then there was a big crash on turn 1 and I ducked out wide to avoid it. David was able to get back around me.

Later I was up to 7th, defending against a charging Christopher Aponte. I know Chris is fast after having spent some time covering this series and watching lap times, so I knew I was in trouble. After a few laps, I decided to give him the position because I didn’t want to burn my tires out defending such a strong driver. Oddly enough though, Chris started to miss his marks and slide around. This allowed me to over take him. Then we both went all out for the position for what must have been 3 to 5 laps. In the end, my car died and Chris got away.

And just before the pits I did one of the dumbest maneuvers on the PC yet: Chris’ teammate James Johnson was closing in fast on me. When I decided to pit, I saw James following me in. For whatever reason, that spooked me out, so I dived back out on the track at the last second. This caused me to go flying off the circuit and into the gravel. I felt like such a n00b…

Final part of the race for me consisted of getting pass a Koenisegg and a Lister Storm. I did get a bit physical with the Koenisegg guy, but only because I thought he took away my road on a few earlier pass attempts, and I didn’t have any more time to waste.

In the end, I finished eight. My second top 10, so I’m happy with the result.

See you next round! But, July 4th? Who scheduled this? Lol it’s pretty obvious there are a bunch of Euros running this league!!! lol
Going into Sunday I hadn’t driven in over 3 weeks. Needless to say, I had low expectations for this round. Surprisingly enough, I found a little pace in practice. And in quail I put in a nice, steady lap and got p8. I knew I could move up the field by capitalizing on other drivers’ mistakes, so I was happy with my starting spot. Even though I knew it wouldn’t be like Spa where I was out-and-out quicker than most of the field.

Anyhow, on the first corner a guy in one of the Koeniseggs completely and utterly forgets how to use his brakes and goes straight into the back of me and several other cars—a ridiculous bit of driving to say the least. I rejoin in 11th.

I then went up against who I think was David Garcia in his Lister Storm. I was able to get around him easily enough, but then there was a big crash on turn 1 and I ducked out wide to avoid it. David was able to get back around me.

Later I was up to 7th, defending against a charging Christopher Aponte. I know Chris is fast after having spent some time covering this series and watching lap times, so I knew I was in trouble. After a few laps, I decided to give him the position because I didn’t want to burn my tires out defending such a strong driver. Oddly enough though, Chris started to miss his marks and slide around. This allowed me to over take him. Then we both went all out for the position for what must have been 3 to 5 laps. In the end, my car died and Chris got away.

And just before the pits I did one of the dumbest maneuvers on the PC yet: Chris’ teammate James Johnson was closing in fast on me. When I decided to pit, I saw James following me in. For whatever reason, that spooked me out, so I dived back out on the track at the last second. This caused me to go flying off the circuit and into the gravel. I felt like such a n00b…

Final part of the race for me consisted of getting pass a Koenisegg and a Lister Storm. I did get a bit physical with the Koenisegg guy, but only because I thought he took away my road on a few earlier pass attempts, and I didn’t have any more time to waste.

In the end, I finished eight. My second top 10, so I’m happy with the result.

See you next round! But, July 4th? Who scheduled this? Lol it’s pretty obvious there are a bunch of Euros running this league!!! lol

That pit entry gave me alittle chuckle. :)
Danny...race will be over with plenty of time to see the fireworks :)
yes it was a great battle and tires went bust by some strange reason...i just could not hold my line until the final laps before pitstops

I dunno about you christopher but the car was very snappy. And braking into T1 was scary everytime since it felt like the brakes didnt work so i was coming in slightly faster than everyone else. :)
Hey guys,
I need to apologize to whoever I bumped into during the introduction lap (last corner)! Sorry for sending the two of us into the gravel bed... my connection was lagging and I hit the brakes too late as the car appeared much closer to me so suddenly!

Again, Sorry mate (William?)
Final part of the race for me consisted of getting pass a Koenisegg and a Lister Storm. I did get a bit physical with the Koenisegg guy, but only because I thought he took away my road on a few earlier pass attempts, and I didn’t have any more time to waste.
that was me in the Egg and it would of been better if you had kept it clean instead of trying to nudge me out of your way, it's not as if you did not have the power on the straights as you had at least a 50HP advantage plus a heap more torque but at least now we know that you meant it and that it was no accident :mad:
Neil, I always drive with the concept that my opponent sets the rules of engagement. There was a corner where I thought I had position on you and you proceeded to turn up into me. I didn't like it. I would never knock someone clear off the track on purpose, but I'm not opposed to giving an opponent a little rub if he has rubbed me on a previous corner, which was the case in our encounter. In other words, I'm going to make my opponents dish in what they dish out. Sorry if you're contact on me was a mistake, but it really annoyed me cause I almost lost control.

However, I do regret the whole situation, as I consider you a clean driver. It would seem I over reacted out there a bit, but my explaination above is just so you know what I was thinking on my end of that. Sorry for the rub mate. Hopefully you and me will be able to have a better go of it next time.
Jari, very fine movie again.

Need to work on my skin's car for the next season. Thx for showing most of the moments i mentioned in my post. When you can add or make a movie when i recover in the rain session it would be most appreciated. :) ;)
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