RD Le Mans Series Season 3 (rFactor)

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almost there maybe it is me not putting it right

Right last season say the race was 6 hour's long then there had to be 2 stops made by every team if you did more that was fine it was up to every time to do what they wanted after the 2 swaps had been done.

Now many of us speak in lengh last season about have that changed to make the pc teams have to wait at the end of the pit every time they stopped.

The rule was not chagned and we moved on.

Now what I am asking is this has that rule been changed this season ie if the pc teams do 5 driver swaps will they have to wait at the end of the pits every time or just the 2 times that the league admin say.

I am only ask this as we all did last season as if you do not shear a pc it takes about 10 sec for the driver swap in game.

hoping that helps you get what I am trying to say
if the pc teams do 5 driver swaps will they have to wait at the end of the pits every time or just the 2 times that the league admin say.

Yes, they should wait every time they make a swap. Unfortunately, there is no way of enforcing this beyond a minimum number of swaps, this element relies on trust, which I have never found to be an issue in the LMS
Found this in the info thread.....

"Changes In Season 3"

Season 3 will be a season championship, contrary to season 1 that was pretty much event based. Teams will be required to participate the entire season and will score points for the championship of their specific class. All classes will still race together though.
To participate each team will require a license that is provided by RaceDepartment to the team owner of that team. What this license is all about can be read in the RDLMS S3 Team Owner License Agreement.
Each race will have a designated number of mandatory driver swaps in order to keep teams with a large number of drivers competitive. There will be additional rules for those that sharer a PC and thus cannot perform a regular driver swap.
Please note that GT1 has been removed from S3 to make the series more up to date. This will allow larger fields in the remaining classes."

I did mention before that teams would be required to make a minimum number of swaps, teams sharring a pc with also have to make at least the minimum number of swaps stated in the race briefing for the given event.

The teams sharing a pc will have to make sure they note down ever lap that they have taken a driver swap and prove that they waited in the specified box for the minimum time specified for the event.

I hope this is the end of the matter.
hmmm not sure what we can do as I have tried to avoid other endurance leagues that are up and running.

I had posted in the forum/group section with proposed dates and no oposed them but I have to take responsibility as I should have looked into other series such as the TPS. I will look into the best solution to this.

Thanks for the heads up.
hmmmm not sure as we might interfere with F1 races elsewhere, I will check out the calendars tomorrow and move the races about a week forwards or backwards.

Apologies for the inconvenience
With the absence of GT1 now the grid looks a little bit empty on GT cars, do u planning to use addon v2 (unofficial) to make it more interesting and realistic on GTs? its only a suggestion :) we can divide GT2 class with Pro and Am just like real racing but with same cars :)

Thanks to all who prepare this stuff :cool:
Hope this new season will be even better than S2
Found this in the info thread.....

"Changes In Season 3"

Season 3 will be a season championship, contrary to season 1 that was pretty much event based. Teams will be required to participate the entire season and will score points for the championship of their specific class. All classes will still race together though.
To participate each team will require a license that is provided by RaceDepartment to the team owner of that team. What this license is all about can be read in the RDLMS S3 Team Owner License Agreement.
Each race will have a designated number of mandatory driver swaps in order to keep teams with a large number of drivers competitive. There will be additional rules for those that sharer a PC and thus cannot perform a regular driver swap.
Please note that GT1 has been removed from S3 to make the series more up to date. This will allow larger fields in the remaining classes."

I did mention before that teams would be required to make a minimum number of swaps, teams sharring a pc with also have to make at least the minimum number of swaps stated in the race briefing for the given event.

The teams sharing a pc will have to make sure they note down ever lap that they have taken a driver swap and prove that they waited in the specified box for the minimum time specified for the event.

I hope this is the end of the matter.


I don't mean to stir the pot but I was wondering if you could provide clarification on a situation that may arise. If a non-PC sharing team cannot make the mandatory minimum number of actual driver swaps (due to driver schedule contraints or hardware failures) is it possible to mix a normal driver swap with a manual stop in the designated area?

I.E. - Let's say there is a 2 swap minimum for a 6hr race. If a team wanted (or needed) to do two 3hr stints per driver this would mean they only would swap one time in game. Would it be possible to have one of the drivers also perform a mandatory stop in the designated PC-sharing swap spot and have this count as a 2nd swap to meet the minimum requirement?
Further to what Mike put; The idea of a minimum number of swaps is crap (IMO of course).

Firstly, I must say I agree that drivers sharing a PC must stop for longer when swapping driver, though this does rely on them being honest. But I'm man enough to expect they all do that.

However I see no reason why a team with 2 drivers should be made to swap more than they want too, purely because some teams want to run with 3/4/5 drivers. Thats their choice, if a team with 30 drivers join the league, would this rule count? As someone who races in a team spread across two continents and several time zones, we fit our stints and driver swaps around when we can and want to race. If that means we do one swap; then so be it. If that means we do 5 or 6 swaps, then so be it. We don't cry, we don't moan; we just get on with it.

This rule is unrealistic.
Why is the third round on a Thursday while all the other rounds are on a Saturday? Wouldnt it be better if all are on a Saturday? Especially at that time.

Edit: While perhaps it will clash with other dates I strongly think that you shouldnt adjust the league-dates too much against other dates, its impossible to suit all at once!
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