RD Racing Club Ideas & Feedback (merged)

Racing club ideas

Hi there!

I was thinking about how we could make our racing club for this game better!
1. because we have very few sign-ups
2. because the events end very late (23:00-23:30 for most people in Europe), and that make things very hard for those who want to sign-up for more events a week. (at least for me it does) Maybe that's also a reason why there are so few people signing up!

So I would like to know your opinions about the following ideas:
- Putting the start 1 hour earlier (19:00 GMT/20:00 CET), like in the old days could already make it much better imo.
- I think we could also shorten the practice and the quali a bit. 30 mins for each is just too long, the server is up days before the race, so I think everybody has the chance to practice!

Formats to vote for:

- 19:00 GMT, 30 min practice, 30 min quali, 10 min warmup, race 1, race 2, races end around 21:00-21:30 GMT (22:00-22:30 CET)

- 19:00 GMT, 15 min practice, 15 min quali, 10 min warmup, race 1, race 2, races end around 20:30-21:00 GMT (21:30-22:00 CET)

- 19:00 GMT, 20 min practice, 10 min superpole quali, 10 min warmup, race 1, race 2, races end around 20:30-21:00 GMT (21:30-22:00 CET)

- 19:00 GMT, 30 min practice, 15 min quali, 10 min warmup, race 1, race 2, races end around 20:45-21:15 GMT (21:45-22:15 CET)

- leave it alone, starts at 20:00 GMT, 30 min practice, 30 min quali, 10 min warmup, race 1, race 2, races end around 22:00-22:30 GMT (23:00-23:30 CET)
I think a cool race night would be three races on the same track but each time with a different car.

EG) Race One - Brand Hatch - All Field in GT Club
Then GT Sport
Then GT Pro

Each race would be 20minutes with 10 mins practise, 10mins qually and 5mins warm up :)
New European racing club events

I have to say thank you. As I know since 2 months ago, here weren't that interesting events until now, as they are... F1 vs FM, Porsche, random weather... :) Even start time... Guys with GMT +1/+3 like me will be very pleased I guess :) I really like this new format more then before!

(EDIT: sry for the bad thread)
Hi Guys....in some ways I feel I cant comment too much on the current state here at RD (I'm one of the guy who was here for a while then gone for a long time) In the time away I have notice big changes here at RD - some good some not so good! (no disrespect to all involved at RD)

For me RD WAS the place to come for sim-racing, now it seems to be a mish-mash tabloid site, could that be turning people away?

As for club events....hmmm could it be an option to simply come into a server and RACE.......lets say practice sessions are open until the proposed 7.00pm start time and then it's straight into the race - no qualifying or warm-up. Can grids be set to RANDOM?
Now before jumping up and down, have a think about it....It's only a FUN Club event - no points/trophies/glamour up for grabs! the Better drivers WILL as they always do rise to the surface, and they will have to PASS to do so as opposed to running away from the "novice" pack behind them (could that be beneficial for them in leagues) Sure most will moan about the slower guy getting in the way.........but most should think of it as a challenge.

A few years back, when I ran a website for ratbaggames Dirt Track Racing - Sprintcars we ran an event that went off pretty well,unfortunately I'm not sure if it could be transferred to Race-on. We ran an "elimination" event - how it worked was the cars gridded up did a two-lap race, and the last guy dropped out of the event...the process continued until the final two were left to battle it out to see who was the "Elimination Champion" - In saying that I'm not sure that RD should be looking at Novelty events, most in some way encourage crashing or bashing - something MOST of us dont want in our racing.

I totally agree with the Random Weather thing - this should be manditory in my opinion, it adds a whole new dimension to the events.

I'm in the group of people who struggle with the timing (but then i'm in New Zealand - so its always going to be early morning for me) and thats why I cant commit to running too many events.

Lets not forget too - Club events are up against the myriad of Leagues (and not Just RD leagues) there are many who have preferred cars they want to race, if there choices arent running they generally wont race either......you could say we have too much choice.

I'm not sure if there is a simple answer......
I like how it is at US club events, no practice, just quali, a short warmup to get some drink, go to toilet etc., then you're off, you can do that you just jump in to an event, and in less than 20 minutes you race! You can join the server sooner if you wish and have practice before the quali, but you can say "I had practice yesterday, let's just jump in to the quali". I wouldn't drop the quali, it puts people with similar speed together, random grid could mean that you can't fight with your "usual competitors" with the same speed, passing slower people isn't that much fun, especially if you have to push the brake pedal hard many times to avoid them. Also defending against much faster people is not that much fun, as you always fear they'll crash into you at some point because they have a lot shorter braking distances, etc.. Quali could be a 10 min. superpole however for every event (like in the US events again that I joined recently), so it doesn't take that much time.
And the biggest factor imo is variety, have different cars, different tracks each week, we can have 1 or 2 regular events (the most popular ones), but dropping out some cars, and putting 1 car every week that's probably not as much liked by some people than others to an event is not a good idea imo. Where are the Radicals, the Caterhams, the FBMW, the F3000, the Muscle cars (which I've only seen before on Sundays, and I'm not sure if it was unpopular because of the car or the timing), etc. There's a lot of potential in this game, it has huge content, not just tracks but cars as well!
I agree. A change would be nice. I voted on nr 2.
When I sign up for an event ( mostly a day or two earlier than the actually event ) I download the necessary car mods and tracks, and start right away with the practice. When I have started to learn the track and I like it, I sign up. When the race day is coming, I don't wont to spend additional time to practice. At least not 30 mins. I kinda feel the Warm up Session is pointless as well. For me, 30 min qualification would just be enough. My point is, all this waiting is killing me. And it will result with me losing interest. But of course, this is just my personal feelings. I understand others might want/need different options.
Regarding practice, no-one is forcing people to be present. In all the events I've entered with a practice session, there have been people that join right at the end, just in time for the quali session. Why not do that too? I personally like a defined online practice, because it allows me to 1) compare my lap times to the people I will actually be racing, and 2) watch faster people to see where I can improve. Its also an opportunity to have a chat, since its not allowed at any other time.
Yea but the open server practice method of the US events is just fine enough for that, and it won't push the race to a later ending which is bad in every way for me! (and for everyone possibly who go to work/school early next day)
Nowadays I feel sleeping enough is one of the most important things on the world!:)
Open server practice isn't that useful for the things I mentioned, because its undefined. People jump in and out so most of the time I end up alone. A persons lap times are also removed the moment they d/c, so you don't even get to compare with them. In the defined practices, there are often at least 4-5 people to compare and chat with. (At least, in the events I've entered.)

I see where you're coming from with wanting earlier races, but RD has members from all over the world wanting to race online. The starting times of RD events are never going to be perfectly convenient for everyone, with or without a defined practice session. For example, by making them earlier for you they would then be bang in the middle of dinner time for a lot of other people, or maybe just before (rather than after) bedtime for peoples kids. Both could be just as inconvenient as having work the next morning.
Liven up the Racing Club?

Sorry in advance if I enter rant mode, this is just a suggestion :D

It has appeared to me in the last few months the same old system has occurred in the racing club:

V8's Monday
Porsche's Tuesday
WTCC - Wednesday
IFM - Thursday
Mini - Friday
GT Enduro - Saturday
WTCC - Sunday morning

Is there no way we can liven things up a bit? Like a Radical, Caterham, FBMW event? Or some other mods that are never used like Porsche 991 GT2 or Mustang GT.

Or something a one class only event, or a versus race:
BMW E46 vs BMS Incognito
Radical 190's vs Caterham 260's

To have the same events, just at different tracks are cool, but if you're like me and like a change now and again, I think this would be pretty cool, your thoughts :)
I still think we should be able to post suggesting casual meet ups - a few days ago I was hosting GT Pro's at Knutstorp (interesting coimbination!) - I think we got up to about 10 people at one point - none of whom I recognised as RD members - but there was some clean racing and a friendly atmosphere... I don't host often but it is nice to be able to throw a combination together when you feel like it, depending on what sort of mood your in - and on this particular night my choice was GTP n Knuts! I don't know if people would actually join, but it would be nice if a thread existed where we could post saying "Tonight I am hosting (cars) at (track) between (say 7pm) and (say 9pm)" and the Game is called (say GT Pro n Knuts).
I know taking members from RD servers is NOT what RD wants, and I know in one form or another I do keep batting on about these casual events and to RD's credit some of my ideas have been tried (Some may remember my successfull, but semi-unpopular Public Server Invasion (where we invaded a server to kick some wrecker ass! - note that was by clean driving and voting off idiots) or the RD Casual Server - that was a popular idea and Bram set up for us, but was not used enough by members to justify its existence.
In summary I know theres something in RD members being able to meet up on an ad-hoc basis, its just how to make it work - some might say use steam and invite friends - but that relys on all of RD being on everyone elses steam friends list (as well as everyone having it displayed in game), and thats a lot of people, some say just stick with RD events - which is fine if your life and schedule let alone your urge to race fits in with the RD schedule.. so people do you have any ideas of how we could get together more for events of a more casual nature?
My personal preference is a thread where were allowed to post - I also favour NOT having such events passworded - I know many here hate public servers - but a public server with a majority of considerate drivers who vote idiots off is a different place to one where it all goes a bit nuts no one votes and your just at the mercy of a few wreckers - I am often able to keep my cool but I do admit in those I sometimes loose my rag and end up lowering myself to their level... frustration.... it'll get you every time..!
I still think we should be able to post suggesting casual meet ups...

I'd support this idea, and have already been considering hosting some events for a while now. I didn't really see the point without a way of making them known to the type of people I would like to race against though (RD members).

Personally, I think such events could compliment RD rather than compete with it. Of course hosting the same class on the same day would be a no-no. However, hosting alternative classes or races at earlier/later times would surely be a good thing. It would allow people that stick to one class to race more often, it would allow people like Peter Bartfai to race at more convenient times, and I'm sure our Oceanic friends would love to see some events held in their own timezone! It could also help with Ross Balfour's suggestion, as it would open the door to all the currently unused classes, his versus race idea, and more. It may even reveal some popular event types which RD could then host instead. Good all round, right?

I have to say though that if I were to host some events, then they would be passworded. I'd even be tempted to say that they'd only be open to RD license holders. I know the game has a voting system, but I think its of limited value if a wrecker reveals themselves by slamming you into a wall half-way through a race. I'd much rather race against five people that have agreed to RDs rules than 25 people that have not.
That's really a great idea, I thought about it myself, but I fear my conn. speed is too low to host a race. But I would join some, so it would be really good to see these races in a separate thread.

I agree with Ross about the password though, let those be closed RD club servers, not just that I don't need to vote off people who already ruined my race, but then I only race with people I know here RD, and usually race with! + we can discuss our race after, not just say bye and never meeting again. Also I prefer to race against people with full names instead of nicks.

So it could be something like a club really:)

Edit: + I would make it like so it wouldn't conflict with the other racing club events. Judging by the poll there are any members anyways who would like to race earlier, so if regular events will start at 20:00GMT (after we change back to winter time), then maybe these events could start at 18:00GMT (19:00 CET), and finish within two ours. Or have just a short 1 hour event before the regular event starts, f.e. (10 min. practice, 10 min. superpole quali, then two 20 min races) starting at 19:00GMT (20:00 CET).
another this i recon could liven things up in the clubs are trying new(ish) or different tracks such as
owi racing curcuit - http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/race-series-tracks-4/owi-racing-circuit-2009-3079/
genk [rc racing track] - http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/race-series-tracks-4/rc-track-genk-belgium-v2-0-1352/
vancouver crossing - http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=28035
spa 1967 - http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=27586
detroit 1988 - http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=16856
oulton park - http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=16243
donnington - http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=12614
detroit street - http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=6870

these are a couple i think would make for awesome events that would really make for amazing racing and more variation between tracks
another this i recon could liven things up in the clubs are trying new(ish) or different tracks such as
owi racing curcuit - http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/race-series-tracks-4/owi-racing-circuit-2009-3079/
genk [rc racing track] - http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/race-series-tracks-4/rc-track-genk-belgium-v2-0-1352/
vancouver crossing - http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=28035
spa 1967 - http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=27586
detroit 1988 - http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=16856
oulton park - http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=16243
donnington - http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=12614
detroit street - http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=6870

these are a couple i think would make for awesome events that would really make for amazing racing and more variation between tracks

Most of those tracks don't work online

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