DiRT Rally RD Rally Championship Season 8 - Monte Carlo Preview

Ole Marius Myrvold

JWB 96-13
Club Staff

23rd of January is the start of the first round in the eight season of RDRC, the Rally Monte-Carlo. Through 109.48km over 17 special stages, the rally will provide challenges on tarmac, snow and ice in ever changing weather and light conditions.

The eight season of RDRC are setting a massive entry record, with over 270 entries so far, and the list is growing for each day that passes. With the amount of drivers there is bound to be someone who has forgotten something, so here is a nice little check-list for our competitors.
  • Check that your name in the league on dirtgame.com is the same that you have signed up with - if not, you can notify the score-keeper here. Remember that changing Steam nickname can change your name on dirtgame.com
  • Check that you are indeed registered to your correct league, PC, PS4 or xBox One. You can find your leagues here
  • Remember to check the Directors Note Thread in case of rule changes or important notices. The thread is here. Note that everything in that thread, will also be included in the Rally Magazine.
  • If you are not signed up yet, and wish to participate in the Championship, you can do so by signing up here
For a full overview of the total entry list, pictures of some of the cars that will be a part of this season a full overview of all stages, complete with maps, length, description and much much more, head over to our Monte Carlo edition of the Rally Magazine!

View the Monte Carlo Edition of the RDRC Rally Magazine here. (Press F11 for fullscreen)
Download the Monte Carlo Edition of the RDRC Rally Magazine here (15.9mb)

RDRC Rally Magazine is designed and developed by: RACEmotion (Jack Hintz), Ole Marius Myrvold and Michael Nelson
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Again awesome job, but you wrote it to early, especially the 2wd- class:))), the winner(don't know if also the attendee of 2wd-) was not me, was R Johansson (hope I got it right) over 2min faster than me, and in 2nd place was Ismail some 20sec faster than me, and I know Rob will be faster than me in Dirt once he gets his act together, but hey...ho am I to complain, I am the favorite in 2WD- that is a first and will gladly take it.
I know it would have been a tonne of work, but would have loved a class separation chart, like each class what teams and cars,
since I am on the road a lot, I have some spare time to stay down and do an excel sheet, next time ask.
Anyway, awesome work, hope I am home soon to start testing

thank you