RD Rally Championship Season 9 - Directors Note

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Ole Marius Myrvold

JWB 96-13
Club Staff

In case of Force Majeure, rule changes or any other important notices for the league. The information will be posted in this thread.
Please keep yourself and/or your team updated if anything is posted here.

If any feels to say something you cannot say in the General Discussion Thread. Please contact the appropriate person.
Series co-ordinator/Event Director: Ole Marius Myrvold
Media Producers: Jack Hintz & Ole Marius Myrvold
Timing & Scoring: Ole Marius Myrvold
Announcement Regarding RDRC-3!*
After contacting all drivers entered in RDRC-3, and asked what they think, the majority have decided that RDRC-3 will be run in RDRC Season 9, even though the class is extremely unlikely to reach the stated 25 entries. RDRC-3 will however see some changes:
  • RDRC-3 drivers can enter with team-names, however. There will not be scored team-points among RDRC-3 entries.​
  • RDRC-3 will only score half amount of points throughout the season, even if they will have more than 12 entries at a later stage in the season.​
  • RDRC-3 will still be an official class in the championship.​
*In the unlikely situation where RDRC-3 suddenly gain entries to the point of having over 25 entries the 31st january 2021 at 23:59 UTC. The class will be run as normal.
We remind all drivers that they are allowed to drive ONLY IN THE CLASS THAT THEY ARE REGISTERED IN. Drivers who compete in more than one class will be DISQUALIFIED FROM THE EVENT.

Admin exception for results purposes

The only exception to this is Ole Marius Myrvold, who will drive SS1 in all classes at the end of the week in order to retrieve all the RaceNet usernames directly from the game, as well as from the website. This is in order to make the results standings compilation less time-consuming since some drivers I will show up with RaceNet ID mismatches. This is solely done for the purpose of minimizing RaceNet ID mismatches and getting the results out quick.
Ole Marius will never do any SS1-only until he has finished all stages in his class in RDRC.

Please also ensure you fill in your RaceNet name change here if you notice a mismatch, as this will help us to get the results out as soon as possible. As always, we are looking for the name that shows up on the results on the actual club webpage, not what you see in the results in-game (!)
Round 1 - Monte Carlo, Result Amendment
After being notified by driver #315, Edgars Luznieks that he did provide the correct username for the league as one of two options when he signed up, and that he was not told that it might cause issues. Due to this, the driver did not check the provisional results within the time set in post #193 in the Monte Carlo Rally Thread. As this can be seen as an administrative error, I, as RDRC Director decided to take this to the RDRC-Crew, presented the case, and after some discussion we decided to do a vote regarding reinstating the driver in the results. The alternatives were:

Option 1: Reinstate the driver, as this is equally as much an administrative error as a driver error, not helped by Codemasters (as his name in the results are not handled the same way as the others from Codemasters, for reasons we don't know).
Option 2: Do no reinstate the driver, as administrative/codemasters error aside, the driver/team did not notify within the time specified in post 193

Voting ended with Three votes for Option 1, One vote for Option 2, One RDRC-Crew member voted blank.

Driver #315 is reinstated in the Monte Carlo - Results, points tables for J-RDRC and Team Championship will be updated accordingly.

Further Clarification on the handling of RaceNet names will come in the following Directors Note.

Any further clarification on this particular decision, can be taken on PM with Ole Marius Myrvold.

11/2-21 05:00 GMT+1​
Rule Changes
After the Monte event, we have seen that the "important note" in each specific rally-thread isn't extensive enough, and we need to clarify the competitors responsibility in regards to names showing up on the provisional results.

(Added Rule) Rule 2.4 – RaceNet Name
It is solely the competitors' responsibility to check that the RaceNet/Platform ID provided on the sign-up form is the correct one showing on the results at dirtrally2.dirtgame.com. After each rally has finished, provisional results will be posted within a short time, together with a list of Unrecognized RaceNet ID names. Within 48 hours of the publication of the provisional results, all drivers who see their name on this list must inform the timekeeper about this and provide their name and RaceNet/Platform ID, in order to be included in the rally result.
This includes, but is not limited to situations where Codemasters suddenly loads in a different name than previously used, typing errors and competitors changing their nicknames.
Round 4 - Rally Poland, removal from results.
In addition to the drivers who did not correct the unknown racenet-name, the drivers listed on the bottom of this post was removed from Rally Poland results due to participating with a different car than what he/she have signed up with.
This had no impact on the points.

Peter Gordon
Diogo Carvalho
Gabriel Rodrigues
Filipe Testas
Halle Løkeland

24/3-21 02:58 GMT+1
Round 5 - Rally Spain, removal from results.
In addition to the drivers who did not correct the unknown racenet-name, the drivers listed on the bottom of this post was removed from Rally Spain results due to participating with a different car than what he/she have signed up with.

Peter Gordon
Diogo Carvalho
Ethan O'Hagan
Andre Filipe Silva
Filipe Testas
Thomas Hebringer

7/4-21 17:24 GMT+2
Edited 8/4-21 19:40 GMT+2: Fixed "Rally Poland" to "Rally Spain" in the text.
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