RD Rally Championship Season 9 - Rules

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As we have have done over 25% of the championship, I don't expect every single new driver to actually download the launch-magazine (though, I really advice everyone to). Also, I've been asked if there would be any way to see the points allocation without having to open the magazine. So for that and for reference and continuity (rules have been posted in text-format all seasons except S8). Here comes the rules in classic form as well. Red color = Changed since season 8 rules.


Championship Overview.......................................................................... Post 3
RDRC Staff…………................................................................................. Post 3
1 - Competing in on-line Rallies at RD..................................................... Post 3

1.1 RaceDepartment Licensed Members...................................................................... Post 3
1.2 RallyClub and RDRC Rallies.................................................................…................... Post 3
2 - Championship Entry............................................................................ Post 3

2.1 Driver Sign-up.....................................................................................…..................... Post 3
2.2 Driver Numbers.....................................................................................….................. Post 3
2.3 Championship Entry Form........................................................................................ Post 3
2.4 RaceNet Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Post 3
3 - Sessions and Round entry................................................................... Post 4

3.1 Session Length..................................................................................................…....... Post 4
3.2 Re-Runs and Restarts.......................................................................................…....... Post 4
3.3 Session Settings…………………………………………………………………………………………………….Post 4
4 - Penalty Times..........................................................................….......... Post 4

4.1 Retirement Time......................................................................................................... Post 4
4.2 Rally-2 (Retirements).................................................................................................. Post 4
5 - Car Classes...............................................................................….…...... Post 5

5.1 RDRC…..........................................................................................................……........ Post 5
5.2 RDRC-2……………………...................................................................................…………..... Post 5
5.3 RDRC-3……….……………................................................................................………......... Post 5
5.4 J-RDRC……………………..………………………………………………………………........................ Post 5
5.5 Changing Car During The Season…………………………………………………………………...Post 5
5.6 Removal of Classes…………..……………………………………………………………………..……. Post 5
6 - Teams Championship......................................................................... Post 5

6.1 Championships......................................................................................................... Post 5
6.2 Formation of a team................................................................................................ Post 5
6.3 Team Composition........................................................................................…........ Post 5
7 - Points System........................................................................…........... Post 6

7.1 Championships…...................................................................................................... Post 6
7.2 Bonus Cups.…........................................................................................................... Post 6
7.3 Points Allocation.................................................................................…................... Post 6
7.4 Power Stage………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Post 6
7.4 Halving the points………………………………………………………………………….……….…………..Post 6
7.5 Dead Heat…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…Post 6
8 – Calendar.....................................................................................…...... Post 6

8.1 Season 9.…................................................................................................................ Post 6
9 – Complaints.................................................................................…...... Post 7
10 – Cheating, Modding and ban from RaceNet……………………….….... Post 7
11 – Reserved Numbers………………………………………………..……..Post 8
12 – Force Majeure……………………………………………………………..Post 8
13 – Disclaimer............................................................................….......... Post 8
Championship Overview

The RaceDepartment Rally Championship (RDRC) is an online rally championship using DiRT Rally 2.0 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. This season, the championship will be run over 7 rounds, starting the 1st of February 2021 and running until 2nd of May 2021. Each rally will include 12 stages. Stages will be a mixture of long and sprint stages, set at different weather conditions and time of day. The RDRC will run as a DiRT Online League (accessed via the "Racenet Club” section of the main menu screen).

RDRC Staff

Series co-ordinator/Event Director: Ole Marius Myrvold
Media Producers: Ole Marius Myrvold/Jack Hintz
Timing & Scoring: Ole Marius Myrvold
RDRC Crew: Jack Hintz, Jonathan Phipps, Neil Conway, Ole Marius Myrvold and Tapio Rinneaho

1 - Competing in on-line rallies at RD

1.1 - RaceDepartment Premium Members

To be able to compete in the RDRC you do NOT need to be a Premium Member.
However, you are required to use you real name when you sign up. We will not accept nicknames from drivers. Entrants found to use fake names without prior permission from the RDRC Crew/Director will be disqualified.

1.2 - RallyClub and RDRC Rallies

To enter a RallyClub or RDRC event a driver should follow the tutorial that is found in the RDRC-Forum.

2 - Championship Entry

All RaceDepartment Members are permitted to enter this championship.

2.1 - Driver Sign-up

Drivers must Sign-up in the Championship sign-up thread before they will be able to score points for the championship. Here you must state your Name (accents may be used, such as á or ø for example, however, special “emojies” or “pictures” may not), car, team (if any) and RaceNet ID. A championship entry list will be kept updated in the RDRC-forum, listing all drivers in ranked order entered by that date.

A driver may sign-up for the championship at any time during the season, even if there is only one round remaining.

There is an expectation that drivers attend as many events as possible, even if they are no longer in the running for a championship title.

For a driver to be able to participate in RDRC Season 9 they must sign up using the following entry form (see 2.3) and post it in the sign-up thread. The RDRC-Crew reserve the right to refuse sign-ups for any reason they see fit.

2.2 – Driver Numbers

Drivers who were classified in the RDRC Season 8 will have a number reserved corresponding to the list provided in the the Sign-Up thread. These drivers may choose a different number if they wish, however they may not choose a number that is reserved, nor a number that are already taken.
Numbers are given when a sign-up are accepted

All other drivers will get numbers in chronological order decided by time of signing up. The non-reserved numbers will start at #41 for season 9.

2.3 - Championship Entry Form

Driver: (RD Name – Or Real Name if RD Name is a nickname)
RaceNet ID:
Number: (Write your number, if you are on the reserved numbers list and wishes to use that)
Car Class:
Team: (If no team is nominated use drivers name)

I have read and understand the rules and agree to abide by them for the duration of
- Type Yes here

2.4 – RaceNet Name

It is solely the competitors' responsibility to check that the RaceNet/Platform ID provided on the sign-up form is the correct one showing on the results at dirtrally2.dirtgame.com. After each rally has finished, provisional results will be posted within a short time, together with a list of Unrecognized RaceNet ID names. Within 48 hours of the publication of the provisional results, all drivers who see their name on this list must inform the timekeeper about this and provide their name and RaceNet/Platform ID, in order to be included in the rally result.

This includes, but is not limited to situations where Codemasters suddenly loads in a different name than previously used, typing errors and competitors changing their nicknames.
3 – Sessions and Round Entry

3.1 – Session Length

Each rally will last one week (Monday to Sunday), a driver can drive at any point they like. However, the last stage must be finished, and results uploaded to RaceNet before the session closes, if not, the time will not be registered.
In such situation, the stage(s) this applies to, will be seen as retired.

3.2 - Re-Runs and Restarts

There will be NO Re-Runs or Restarts in this championship

3.3 – Session Settings

Use Hardcore Damage: Yes
Use Unexpected Moments: No
Force Cockpit Camera: No
Allow Assists: Yes

4 - Penalty Times

4.1 – Retirement Time

The imposed derived penalty times for not finishing a stage will be set by RaceNet and dirtrally2.com/clubs. Should the Directors of the RDRC feel the need to modify these times, drivers will be notified in the event post

4.2 - Rally-2 (Retirements)

In order to score points for the rally being participating in, a driver must finish the rally.
5 - Car classes

The following car classes will be used during Season 9. Every driver will be free to choose a car of their liking for this season.

5.1 – RDRC (only overall) : R5

5.2 – RDRC-2 : Gr.A

5.3 – RDRC-3 : H3

5.4 – J-RDRC: R2

5.5 - Changing car during the season

Each driver should consider the competitiveness, strength and enjoyment of each car before posting their selection in the sign-up thread as drivers will only have ONE car change in the entire duration of the season. However, the driver can decide when the change will be. The driver must inform Ole Marius Myrvold before the sign-up closes before the start of the rally the change takes place. As well as notifying the staff in the Sign-Up Thread.

5.6 – Removal of classes.

If the RDRC Directing Crew feel that a class does not have enough sign-ups in a class to allow fair competition, that class may be removed. In the case of a class being removed, the drivers will be able to change a car before the start of the first rally, without the change counting towards the one car change. For season 9, a class must have a minimum of 25 cars entered before the first rally to avoid being removed.

6 - Teams Championship

6.1 – Championships

In addition to the overall championship, Season 9 will feature a Teams Championship. Each team MUST consist of 2 drivers. A team consisting of 1 driver will not be scoring.

6.2 Formation of a team

A team may be formed at any time during the year, but once a team has registered for the championship no changes will be permitted unless the criteria outlined in 6.3 is fulfilled.

6.3 – Team Composition

A team may consist of drivers with different cars, both cars must be within the same class.

A driver may leave a team, or be removed from a team upon request if they fail to show up for two consecutive rallies.

6.4 – Points Allocation for teams

The teams will score with the same allocation as outlined in rule 7.3 However, teams will score points inside their own class, and be combined to an overall team championship.
7 - Points System

7.1 - Championships

Team Championship

7.2 – Bonus Cups

For Season 9, there will be no bonus cups

7.3 - Points Allocation
1st – 100
2nd – 84
3rd – 72
4th – 58
5th – 50
6th – 44
7th – 38
8th – 32
9th - 28
10th – 24
11th – 20
12th - 18
13th - 16
14th - 14
15th - 12
16th - 10
17th - 8
18th - 6
19th - 4
20th – 2

7.4 – Power Stage

For season 9 we will introduce the Power Stage. Points will be awarded to top 5 on the selected Power Stage in each rally. The Power Stage will be clearly marked on the itinerary.
Points for the Power Stage will be awarded to the top 5 on the stage, overall and for each class. Power Stage points to not count towards the team championship. The points will be:
1st – 18
2nd – 12
3rd – 8
4th – 4
5th - 1

7.5 – Halving the points

In the situation that a class has 12 or less starters in a rally, that class will only score halved amount of points for that rally. This will not apply to points from the power stage.
There will be no exceptions to this rule.

7.6 – Deat Heat

In the case of a dead heat in the championship (equal amount of points after all rallies are finished) the order will be decided as following:
a) Number of 1st places, if that is the same, the number of 2nd places, if that is the same the number of 3rd and so on, until a winner emerges.
If this fails to produce a winner it will be decided on
b) The number of rallies participated(highest number will be placed ahead),
if this is the same amount it will be decided on
c) The result of the last rally.

8 - Calendar

The RDRC will run every second week – for the whole week.

8.1 –Season 9

Round 1 – 1st February - 7th February 2021 (Rally Monte-Carlo)
Round 2 – 15th February – 21st February 2021 (Rally Sweden)
Round 3 – 1st March – 7th March 2021 (Rally Argentina)
Round 4 – 15th March – 21st March 2021 (Rally Poland)
Round 5 – 29th March – 4th April 2021 (Rally Spain)
Round 6 – 12th April – 18th April 2021 (Rally New Zealand)
Round 7 – 26th April – 2nd May 2021 (Rally Scotland)
9 – Complaints

9.1 - Inflammatory or aggressive posts in the RDRC can put off new drivers form joining the championship. It brings the championship into disrepute. NO inflammatory or aggressive posts will be tolerated. All complaints will be taken seriously and dealt with as quickly as possible.

9.2 - All grievances should be sent to either the RDRC co-ordinator or the Clerk of Course. Any driver that posts aggressive or inflammatory posts in the RDRC forum may face reaction that could lead to a penalty. Should a driver continue to post these types of comments publicly they will be reported to the RaceDepartment Staff and be handled by the whole staff group, and/or be banned from competing in the current and any following RDRC seasons. This rule will also apply to the RDRC Directing team.

10 – Cheating, Modding and ban from RaceNet

In the unlikely case of any of the RDRC drivers being caught by Codemasters for using cheats, illegal mods etc. and thus receiving a temporarily, or permanent ban from RaceNet. The driver(s) will be banned from the rest of the RDRC season, and any other RDRC season that calendar-year/The next RDRC-season if there are less than 6 months left of the year when getting caught in an RDRC-season.
The driver(s) will also be handled by the RaceDepartment staff regarding use of illegal software during an RD-sanctioned league.
11 – Reserved Driver Numbers

A list of the reserved driver numbers can be found on the RDRC-Forum. Any drivers not on this list, will get a number assigned by the RDRC-Staff.

12 – Force Majeure

The RDRC-Staff reserves the right to at any point during the season, to change the rules to accommodate for unforeseen events. The Staff will explore every single option before changing any rules, as that should be a last resort. Any rule changes will be informed in the upcoming Rally-Thread on the forum, and own forum-thread and in the pre-rally magazine.
It is each driver/team owner responsibility to keep updated on any potential rule changes.

13 – Disclaimer

RaceDepartment can and may use the names of the teams and drivers, as well as their cars and liveries in preview and review. This includes, but is not limited to: screenshots, videos,- both text and commentary, articles on the webpage, news and league related post on the website, Facebook, forum, twitter, YouTube, Twitch, Google+ or other mediums used by RaceDepartment as RaceDepartment sees fit. This includes promotional and commercial purposes.
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