RDHCS S10 - Round 3 - 100km (21 Laps) - R1 Circuit - Tue 26th March 2013

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
RaceDepartment Historic Club Series Season 10 Round 3 – Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder?

Welcome back to Round 3 of RDHCS S10. Anglesey was a very testing venue - no question about it, but what a great racing track it proved to be, even with the disparate performance envelopes we have in S10. There was however some pretty unpleasant and accusatory words after the event, upon which I’ve had my say already – both publicly and privately – so I don’t expect any further occurrences. If there are, there will be points and no-quali penalties.

Let me just reiterate for everyone. Either you go through the proper Incident Reporting process, or you keep your grievances to yourself. No Report = No Review, but equally No Report = No Right To Criticise Others. This is a Gentleman’s league – so behave like it.

We move out of Europe for Round3, going 10,650 miles to Australia, specifically New South Wales and Sydney’s 4.9km R1 Circuit.


Circuit Notes
There will be no historical section to the briefing as this is a fictitious track. All I will mention is that I set it in Australia to go to another continent, and I chose Sydney because I found a nice old programme from Oran Park (set in NSW) to use as the flyer base. The rest of the briefing will just focus on the lap and features of R1. The naming convention used on the track tends to be single names for sections containing multiple corners (like Lesmos at Monza). Where that happens I’ll use the Monza nomenclature, keep a separate count of the turns and add the suffix of “1” and “2” after the name. Hopefully this will keep you correctly oriented throughout the briefing.

R1 will delight claustrophobics and annoy agoraphobics in equal measure as it’s a fairly simple layout allied to wide open spaces throughout much of the lap. This will allow for a lot of different lines through corners and hopefully let all types of vehicle operate at, or at least near to, their optimum.

A lap of R1 starts on the long and wide S/F straight, which narrows by a cars width on the left hand side just after the S/F line as the track drops away into a downhill section, reaching maximum speed, before getting on the brakes for the first turn – T1R, Patience 1.

Patience 1 is a medium paced bend, one that is tricky not so much because of itself, but because of what follows. Patience 1 is actually a greater than 90°turn, so it goes on a lot longer than the drivers would like, knowing that the very fast and easily attacked T2L – Patience 2 – follows. Because you need to treat T1R with respect because of what it does, while always knowing that you want to stamp on the accelerator through T2L, the Ess of Patience is very aptly named. Once you do get through Patience 2 you will be on full throttle, increasing speed and drifting to the right hand side of the track.

Cut back over to the left and get hard on the brakes on the slight incline for T3R – Two Sisters 1. This is a tight turn, requiring some real dropping of speed to keep it clean. It has wide but slippery runoffs on the outside, but and once you are stable through Two Sisters 1, you will see that it’s more of a double apex compound turn than either 1 long turn or 2 separate discrete turns - it actually reminds me a lot of Moss Turn at Mosport. Once through Two Sisters 1 you will see that the track is steeply banked and positively cambered down to T4R – Two Sisters 2. Some cars will be able to get on the throttle way before the apex and take a nice early line through Two Sisters 2, some will need to be a bit more circumspect.

Once out of Two Sisters, you will be hard on the throttle, and you will see a short straight ahead of you, with a rise at the end. As you go up rise, you will need to breathe on the brakes, drop a gear (or two) and get your nose in nice and early for T5L – Sands 1. And hinted at by the name, this section is protected by large (and very sticky) sand traps on both entry and exit. Sands 1 continues to climb as it turns left, and then crests and dive right for T6R – Sands 2. If you get Sands 1 right, Sands 2 becomes a joy to just nail the throttle through, but if Sands 1 didn’t go so well, you will be slow and defensive, your main focus just avoiding bogging down in that nasty sand hazard.

Accelerate hard out of Sands 2, onto the shortish straight, still gently climbing before getting hard on the brakes over the equally gentle (but still steep enough for the approach of the next turn to be blind) crest and switching to a downhill entry for T7aR – Skiddy 1. This is a true chicane, no time between apexes (apices?) at all. Navigate Skiddy 1 with a view to getting T7bL – Skiddy 2 – absolutely right. Get hard on the throttle as soon as you are pointed in the right enough direction that your car’s handling will allow.

Blast along the short straight after Skiddy, gently ease over to the left hand side, breathe the throttle, touch the brakes, drop a cog and throw the nose into T8R – Blind Bend. Blind Bend exit uphill, with run off on the left hand side – but like Two Sisters, the lack of grip out there means it’s not a place to overcook your entry. Stay hard on the throttle, get to the left, and then get hard, hard on the brakes for T9R – Needle’s Eye.

There are very wide but also very bumpy kerbs guarding both inside entry, apex and outer exit lines, so you really do have to thread the needle to keep your momentum up through this section. Get on the throttle out of Needle’s Eye, and most cars will be on full throttle as they go past the Pit entry on their right, and into the diving T10R.

Dropping down through T10R, you will be at a fairly high speed, so you need to get on the brakes hard and early, and keep the nose in tight to the left as T11L – The Pot 1 – is at the bottom of a dip and therefore negatively cambered. Too much speed through here will be throwing you towards the right hand pit wall, so caution on entry will pay dividends on exit. As soon as the track starts to climb out of Pot 1, you should be hard on the throttle, climbing through Pot2, taking as gentle a line as you can so as to allow your car to gain speed, onto the S/F straight, and across the S/F line for another lap of R1.


The Race Director has some notes for drivers. Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-

All Corners Without Exception – The kerbs are not deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times. Again, there are NO exceptions to this rule at any point on the circuit. Any exception to this rule is deemed illegal, any advantage gained by this method must be ceded immediately. Report people deliberately and excessively cutting. The worst offenders from previous seasons have not signed up, so I hope that this will be a non-issue this season.

Racing Room must be given to all drivers – and this works both ways. Divebombing into and across a corner denies people the chance to make the corner correctly just as much as someone obliviously (or deliberately) cutting the nose off of another driver who has achieved partial overlap fairly.

Two Sisters - Any use of the wide runoffs on the outside of Two Sisters 1, or cutting the inside kerb of Two Sisters 2 is illegal beyond the normal "2 wheels on track" limitations. Any and all advantages gained from illegal usage (making or preventing an overtake) must be ceded.

Skiddy - 2 wheels on the track at all times through here. I know it's blind and bumpy, but no excuses for cheating. Report anyone deliberately cutting the kerbs to gain an advantage.

Racing Room must be given to all driversand this works both ways. Divebombing into and across a corner denies people the chance to make the corner correctly just as much as someone obliviously (or deliberately) cutting the nose off of another driver who has achieved partial overlap fairly.

All points on the track – General Items
Drivers may put on their lights (and keep them on) during a timed qualification lap, so other drivers know to get out of the way when safe to do so.
No lights are to be used or flashed at any stage, under any circumstances, during the Race Session.
No Chat during the Quali or Race except by Race Control for information.
The Track must be re-entered safely so as not to ruin other peoples races.
Car damage must be assessed realistically to know if it is possible to make the pits or not.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties

There were no Incident Reports, and everyone fulfilled their Attendance Satus correctly.
Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.) Accident reports made within 24 hours of race completion will be ignored.

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.

You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHCS event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHCS.

Reporting Attendance
I will be sending a PM with the round password to all Signed-Up drivers. I will also be running an “Attendance” post. If you are definitely driving, you need to “like” the post. If you are NOT driving (or if you are unsure of attendance) you must post a reply to say so. If there is no response, or if a response is posted after 2 hours before Event start time (ie 1800 London time) on race day, it will be treated as a "will attend" status, and any absence will be deemed a No-Show. 2 No-Shows will mean removal from the league.

Scoring System
Points are scored down to P25 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.
The Distribution is as follows for 100km events :
P01 – 30 pts
P02 - 27
P03 - 25
P04 - 23
P05 - 21
P06 - 20
P07 - 19
P08 - 18
P09 - 17
P10 - 16
P11 - 15
P12 - 14
P13 - 13
P14 - 12
P15 - 11
P16 - 10
P17 - 9
P18 - 8
P19 - 7
P20 - 6
P21 - 5
P22 - 4
P23 - 3
P24 - 2
P25 - 1

1 point for fastest race lap
1 point for qualifying on Pole
It will be next round now, Yves.

Intro & Info Thread said:
Vehicle Choice
Drivers do not have to have already chosen their vehicle for the Test Event. Drivers must choose their League vehicle for Round 1 by 20.00 GMT, Thursday 21st February 2013. Any driver with a vehicle not specified by this time will not be allowed to participate in Round 1. After Round 1, the cut off time for signing up and being allowed to race is the Thursday before the race.
Well after last nights testing i have decided to go with Plan "B" and play with fire, so if you see a burnt out Ferrari at the end of the straight then you will know i failed and the Ferrari is not as bullet proof as i had hoped. But it is still early in the season so i guess it is as good a time as any to find how hard the Ferrari can be thrashed.:D

I will maybe even listen to this as i drive just to remind me how close to the edge i will be ;)
i just can't belive this, my pc hadn't chrashed since 2 or more months ago, today it decided to chrash twice ( not to talk about the ocassional fps drops it was making every couple of laps) :mad: , one of them in the end of the qualy session, when i was finally able to launch the game the race had already started, i'm really sorry for missing this round, i really wanted to do this round, i was feeling good in this track and i was really looking forward to this race, especially to score some more points to make up the points i lost in Anglesey due to my poor performance ate the end of the race, i had a good amount of practice and was really looking forward to it, especially because i don't know if i will have the same amount of time to practice for the next rounds or if i will b able to be as comfortable as i did in this track with the next tracks, but well nothing i can do now except start practising for the next round, once again sorry for not making the race :cry:

Hope you guys had fun, and congratulations top3 and those who finished
Well, that was fun once again.

Trained for about an 1.5hr before the race and immediately felt good, utilizing all the lessons learned last round. I feel that some rust is falling off me :).

Enjoyed the race pretty much 100%. On the first few laps I had a few moments, like the weird pull to the right in the last esse (which put me slightly into a wall), but got my crap together and started to race with the cars around me. Had an amazing moment when somewhere in the middle of the race I was following Dave and Bob Miley, decided to let them wear each other out and collect the pieces, and they delivered by allowing me pass them both in the slow chicane with one move. I like moments like that.

Dave was a tough one to shake off, but in the end I was able to free myself, then had to get past a few "grunters". Man, the combination of totally useless apex speed + ridiculous grunt on the straights makes passing the Jags, Healeys and such an absolute pain in the buttocks :).

Ended up in 13th after brutally robbing Senad in the last hairpin ;).

See you next round, really looking forward to it.
For me it was one of the best races, very consistent and almost no errors. Taking some advices in account, and tried not to brake to soon.
Certainly not the fastest. But it did not matter I was at the back of the pack. It was big fun chasing Hans.
Being lapped by the winner happened so fast. I did not noticed he was behind me.

Thanks for organizing the race and for the fun.

Gratz to to winners.
See u next time.
I couldn't enjoy the race, not with the illness. I had great qualification which put me into bad position with a lot of great drivers around. With my lack of concentration I was kinda nervous. But I offered great and respectful driving to the others I think, taking nobody into any risk, which is very satisfying.

In the first lap I screwed the T1, I tried to pass by the outside but I forgot how the turn gets tightened and it brought me off the track. I rejoined safely, no big deal.

I passed some and caught the main traffic I was aiming for. If I remember well, Stuart in front of made a slight mistake and, with someone else, I was passing him by. But I let him to take the front as I wasn't sure with my maneuver.

It took one or two laps I guess, trying to find how to overtake Stuart again, but the traffic got close. And it was again T1 which punished me for my lack of concentration. I was quite close to Stuart, now going from T1 into T2, on 3rd gear. In that turn it's needed to shift into 4th, and I did, but into wrong gear! It made me spun.

It was very hard to rejoin safely then. I couldn't see the turn entry, only what my mirror was showing. Small piece of track - I rejoined veeery slowly in the inside line. It was the worst place to get off, because you can't see the traffic approaching and the drivers can't see you. As I got on the track a lot of cars behind showed up, most of them avoided me safely, only Rene (am I right?) couldn't. He hit me in quite huge speed. Luckily no big damage was done on my car and I assume on Rene's neither. He then let me go, I don't know whether he knew I am faster than him or he thought it was his fault (it wasn't). Either ways, I THANK YOU !!! That was very farseeing.

It was straight forward race then, caching up the group I was in before the spin. But I was getting slower and slower. I couldn't find the pace again and the traffic was getting farther from me. But I was able to catch Nick and after he made a mistake, I overtook him. I gained 2 positions in the very last lap after some collision of two drivers. So, in fact, the race was quite successful considering it's process.

Thanks for the race, see you in 14 days :)
I had a fantastic race full of scraps, but of course I had to screw it up again :(

I had a suprisingly good start and managed not to get swamped unlike I was expecting with the 911. I got into 5th after the first few corners, and had a nice scrap with Rupe. After a some battling I finally managed to get past and stay there. I soon caught up with Ross and Neil, who were in a fierce battle. I got mixed into that battle for a large part of the race, until I gave Neil the slightest tap in the final corner which spun him all the way round. Really sorry Neil, you had a big chance to finish 2nd :(
I waited for Neil and we ended up behind Warren. Neil suddenly went straight on into the barriers for some reason and I was left to face the wrath of the tailwagging Mustang for the final few laps of the race. Luckily Warrens tyres were completely gone and I managed to get past before the end of the race, finishing 4th.

Congrats to Dmytro, Ross and Rupe and thanks all for racing, see you all next time:thumbsup:
I had a much needed positive racing experience tonight. I had a good start and found myself in 9th spot defending cleanly ( I hope) for several laps against a train of quicker drivers. They would gain at the corners and I would stretch it out on the straights. Unfortunately I had a couple little bobbels and both times I paid dearly for it as several cars slipped by dropping me to 12 th and then to 15th I believe. I was accidently bumped a couple times and both drivers waited for me to return. Thanks guys...good racing. I can only imagine how frustrating it must have been to be locked up behind me for numerous laps but that's a big part of racing.

Thanks Stu, cheers to all drivers and WD podiums..Dmytro, Ross, and Rupe.
I think I may be slowly learning the dark art of tyre management with the Shelby, they held up fairly well until about the last 4 to 5 laps when they decided that they had had enough. :(
I think this track was also kinder to the tyres than the last two though, and certainly it gave the Shelby some opportunities to exploit it's advantages ie. a few longer straights.

I managed a good'ish start and tried to follow Rupe's blinder as he cythed his way towards the front. I settled early into about P7 and spent many laps in an Alpine sandwich between Roland in front and Bob H all over my tail. It was rather funny, the gap between Roland and Bob was pretty constant, but I was like a rubber ball bouncing between them both depending on which part of the track we were on. At about lap 13, this changed when I exited the tight chicane to find Roland spearing across the track in front of me, and miraculously I missed him as he headed for a nasty talk to the wall.
I then managed to open a more comfortable gap to Bob (as comfy as 1 - 2 seconds can be :rolleyes: ), and was trying to maintain the gap to Rupe in front, since I knew from our practice session that his lap times matched my planned lap times. I was even slightly closing the gap, but unfortunately came across a lapped car at the wrong place, resulting in the angry pack behind me jumping onto my tail again. No problem Paul, you did everything correctly :thumbsup: , I just had to be patient and wait for the straight to get past.
Then I came across the aftermath of the contact between Neil and Guus, putting me into P4. Unfortunately, this co-incided with the message from my tyres that they were shagged, so I was very vulnerable. Neil outbraked himself behind me and chose to take evasive action rather than take me out (thanks Neil), and I didn't have the grip to hold Guus who slipped underneath through the double right hander. I then managed to fend off (just) the fast finishing Alpines of Bob and Roland.

Another exciting and challenging round of the RDHCS. I must say the car choices and tracks (so far) mean than very few drivers get any relaxation or respite during a race.
It was nice to get a track that helped the Shelby, especially after the first two rounds, but this track looked well suited to the Healeys giving them some revenge on the Alpines from Anglesey.

Grats to Dmytro for the win and well done to Ross and Rupe for the podium. Thanks to Stuart, Knut, and Rupe for the planning and organisation. :thumbsup:
He then let me go, I don't know whether he knew I am faster than him or he thought it was his fault (it wasn't). Either ways, I THANK YOU !!! That was very farseeing.

You're welcome
At that moment I did realize it wasn't my fault. But did not liked the idea of a discussion about it after the race. And I did not mind wating, I lost a few places while waiting, but. it rewarded me with keeping my calmness. I managed to pick up my focus again.
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