RDHCS S9 - Round 6 - 100km (19 laps) - Yas Marina Circuit - Tue 20th Nov 2012

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™


The Race Director has some notes for drivers. Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-

All Corners Without Exception – The kerbs are not deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times. Again, there are NO exceptions to this rule at any point on the circuit. Any exception to this rule is deemed illegal, any advantage gained by this method must be ceded immediately. Report people deliberately and excessively cutting. The worst offenders from previous seasons have not signed up, so I hope that this will be a non-issue this season.

Racing Room must be given to all drivers – and this works both ways. Divebombing into and across a corner denies people the chance to make the corner correctly just as much as someone obliviously (or deliberately) cutting the nose off of another driver who has achieved partial overlap fairly.

All points on the track – General Items

Drivers may put on their lights (and keep them on) during a timed qualification lap, so other drivers know to get out of the way when safe to do so.
No lights are to be flashed at any stage, under any circumstances, during the Race Session.
No Chat during the Quali or Race except by Race Control for information.
The Track must be re-entered safely so as not to ruin other peoples races.
Car damage must be assessed realistically to know if it is possible to make the pits or not.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties

There were no reported incidents from Round 5

As a change from last season, and as a result that I am personally reminding you of each race with the new posts and the PM for passwords, 2 no-shows will mean removal from the League, whether they are consecutive or not.

Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.) Accident reports made within 24 hours of race completion will be ignored.

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.


You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHCS event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHCS.

Reporting Attendance

As GPCOS seems to be down, I will be sending a PM with the round password to all Signed-Up drivers. I will also be running an “Attendance” post. If you are definitely driving, you need to “like” the post. If you are NOT driving (or if you are unsure of attendance) you must post a reply to say so. If there is no response, or if a response is posted after 2 hours before race start time on race day, it will be treated as a No-Show. Again 2 No-Shows will mean removal from the league.

Scoring System

Points are scored down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.

The Distribution is as follows for 100km events :

P1 - 25 pts
P2 - 22
P3 - 20
P4 - 18
P5 - 16
P6 - 15
P7 - 14
P8 - 13
P9 - 12
P10 - 11
P11 - 10
P12 - 9
P13 - 8
P14 - 7
P15 - 6
P16 - 5
P17 - 4
P18 - 3
P19 - 2
P20 - 1

1 point for fastest race lap
1 point for qualifying on Pole
Hate this track even more now!! For me it just has no flow to it, it has too many very very slow corners after long straights and it all looks much the same no matter where you are on the circuit, a bit like a multi-storey car park in that it is all the same colour with sharp corner after sharp corner and no real fast sweeping bends. I much prefer the faster flowing old style tracks.

Had a crap qual and only managed to get 8th but i then got a cracking start and pretty soon i was up to 4th and had great fun holding Knut and Jacob off without too much bother until Tim came on teamspeak and this totally screwed me as i lost concentration loosing my way on the faceless track and ran wide at the last corner loosing 2 places.
I managed to close the gap slightly with a few good laps but then made a mistake on lap 15 or 16 and dropped back a little which allowed David to close a bit. Then had a weird one while lapping Hans, i passed him under braking going into a left hander but instead of letting me go it looks like he tried to race me as he blasts down the outside then drives in front of me from right to left me leaving me no option but to brake to avoid t-boning him, and with me slowing for that David got even closer and the next corner instead of following me round he hits my back quarter, then hits me again then t-bones me off the track all in the space of one corner so i lost another couple of places as he drives off into the night leaving me pointing the wrong way in the dirt.
By this time i was really pissed off and it was little consolation to see David waiting for me before the line as the race ended a lap or 2 later.

One for me to forget and i hope i never have to drive on this track ever again, but i know some of you love it so best wishes to you but for me if it comes up again it is thnx but no thnx.

Thnx all for putting it all together and thnx to Knut and Jacob for some close incident free driving as it was great while it lasted.

note to self mute all on ts next time
Just what was needed after a nightmare first half of the S9....points in the bag.:)

I honestly really liked the circuit, the Escort seemed to really planted and, for me, was quite easy to get into a rhythm.
Anyways, qualifying was bit odd. After doing a low 2.34.xx in Practice I kind of hoped my 'hang the arse out' setup would see me close to top 10 in qualifying...it didn't. In fact it was so bad I reverted to my more stable race setup with full fuel.

The race itself was really interested for the first 8 or 9 laps. Got a reasonable start, managed to avoid all the first lap shenanigans and settled behind Senad. By the end of lap 1 I was past and catching up on Norman. Spent a really interesting 7 or 8 laps trying to figure a way past him. He was a bit earlier on brakes than me but not enough that I could force a legitimate move on him. Just had to keep on the pressure and hope he made a mistake which eventually he did, running a bit wide out of T20. I squeezed myself up the inside for T21, however Norman still got a cutback and got his nose in front on the start/finish straight, luckily I still had the inside for T1 and I was finally through. To be fair I didn't pull too much of gap on him for a fair few laps so any mistake would have lost me that position. Great racing:thumbsup:

After that it was very quiet for me, Roland, who had blasted past me down one of the straights earlier, pulled himself well out of reach and my mind began to wonder a little. Next thing I know I'd outbraked myself into T1 and was staring back down the S/F straight:rolleyes: No harm done, just slogged it out to the end, as Stuart said on chat afterwards - "that was hard work."
Still very happy picking up some points and roll on Adelaide.
A very demanding race... even watching the Replay in super fast forward was a chore.:p

I imagine at the end all were covered in sweat ... as l was. Never had a stellar qualie but had a fair start and slipped past a few drivers with the Roland-Stu mishap :( and I fell between Jacob and Carlos for several laps..never gaining or losing. I then moved into 7th as David had an off. David was quick to catch me and as I struggled to make a series of "s" corners he went off after trying to adjust to my situation. With Carlos in my mirror but feeling rather confortable...not panicing I mean... I lost focus at the end of the home straight and was late on the brakes and Carlos went by while others behind made big gains as I had to work hard to get out of the sand. Another run in the sand and Carlos goes by again with Stu now in the wings waiting his turn to get by. I began to press and lost that easy flow ..made numerous poor corner negoiations and eventually I swerved in a corner and caused contact with Stu so I slowed and allowed easy passage for him.

Jeses lord Jesus, when will this end. God, let me finish this race in this position and I promise to good for ever.:giggle:

In XD I see a Pantera creeping closer and closer. Laps are becoming a premium so I think if I can stay on track with a fair pace Roland will close the gap but he should run out of laps to close the deal. However I know Roland's competive nature and he see's me as a challenge to be taken. As I try to increase my pace a little my tires are now losing some predictable grip and things are starting to look a little unnerving for me. Then just when....

Thanks to Stu for the work put in to this event. WD to Ross, Dmy, and Jay. Cheers to all drivers....too bad Tim for the disconnect. I know how you feel. :(

PS. For those who took the time to read this report.. I held on to my position to the end.:D :D
Neil Gault,sorry for being in your way Neil I rely don't no wat happens, saw you coming an slowdown on the right side to give you room for the corner,I think my breaking on the curve's did loose control on the car, not my way of doing!
About this track feel the same way..!
Oh, if only I could find some consistency I might become a half-decent average racer.

So, was putting in some decent times during warm-up and qualy, putting myself 5th on the grid. After a lap or so, all was well and I was in 4th with a gap in-front and behind so nothing much to worry about... and that's when it all went bad and all my fault. Lap 3 screwed-up, lap 4 spun, lap 5 off-track (or something like that).

Was now waaayyy behind. Only now did my concentration come back as I started to chase down those up ahead. Caught and passed Jack after a while and now only had Carlos to chase who was about 8 seconds up the road. I was reeling him in lap on lap, finally getting close. Suddenly Neil was also in the picture ahead of Carlos. Unfortunately Carlos put his car in the dirt, giving me a shot at Neil.

It then took a while to close in on Neil but with a few laps to go I was closing in when going into a tight corner I went in fast and thought I might have a gap down the inside of him but it got messy and I got tangled up with him sending him off track - sorry about that, my fault as I was running in too fast to back out. I slowing for a bit but then decided to carry on as Neil looked beached. Approaching the last few corners, I could see that Neil was back on track, so decided to pull up at the line and let him past. I really didn't deserve any places after that performance anyway.
Neil Gault - After writing up my report in a good humoured manner then subsequently viewing your comments, I've had a look back at the incident. As stated above, I take full responsibility but from my point of view it was not a series of hits, which would be spiteful, but one complete turn and (if poor) manoeuvre. In future, I ask that if you really feel that strongly about it then rather than having a rant at me in public that you use the standard complaints procedure to resolve any incidents (or at very least PM me to start a reasonable discussion). After all, it's there to stop public spats and comments written in the heat of the moment or otherwise.

P.S. Despite all this, I'll still give you a big Scottish man hug if your feeling down, but I don't currently know if you got the humour to receive it ;) Hmmm, perhaps it's time I interacted a bit more on TeamSpeak.
David i have settled down a bit now but i was pissed off at the time, as for filing reports well i gave up filing reports at RD a long long time ago. PM to discus it well no point really, it happened and can not be undone so no point in discussing it any further.
I did however wait a few hours to see if an apology was heading my way before i went ahead and filed my report.
Neil Gault,sorry for being in your way Neil I rely don't no wat happens, saw you coming an slowdown on the right side to give you room for the corner,I think my breaking on the curve's did loose control on the car, not my way of doing!
About this track feel the same way..!
no worries Hans it happens, at the time i thought wtf is he trying to do but now i can :) and look forward to the next race, ok maybe not the next one just the one after that is a track i like a bit better :D
What can I say, I secretly had my hopes up pretty high for this one, in terms of results. Unfortunately, that didn't work out too well. In terms of fun it did of course, it always does (well... almost.;) )
Had done quite a lot of practice laps, as the track was not really familiar. And I managed to setup my car to be quite stable around here yet pretty quick. So much that I even managed 7th in qualy, albeit with a I-know-I-won't-make-turn-1-the-next-lap-but-who-cares lap with my foot down all along the straight.:sneaky:

I also had been busy binding keys to quickchat messages like Hi! and Sorry and probably hit a few keys too many because once on the grid, I suddenly started with automatic gears and clutch* ?!?:cry:
Thus my start was pretty bad and while trying to remember which keys they were I also had to negotiate T1. By Turn 2 everything was OK again, having dropped to 8th I was already planning to move back up, but that was not to be and a few of us had to start again from the back. Thank you to everyone behind who were alert enough to avoid my car through the chicane, sorry if we scared you:D

Despite not hitting anything really hard steering to the left felt a bit different after that, had to learn the left turns all over again, but as on this track almost all left turns are slow ones I got a feeling for them pretty quick and it didn't hurt my laptimes.
In fact I managed to get as far up the pack as 9th chasing Carlos by lap 5 until a silly mistake allowed David and Stuart to pass me, and later Simon did as well.

Managed to get past Simon again (twice :laugh: ) and then slowly pulled away into a void with noone in sight, where I stayed for over half the race.
In the closing laps I got a few glimpses at Jacks Nissan but my tyres were pretty worn by then and I could not get any closer until race end.

Grats Ross for victory and for a ridiculous qualy laptime:thumbsup: , and to Dmytro and Jay for solid results again.
Thanks Stuart for bringing us another great event, and to all fellow drivers for racing:thumbsup: . 'Til next time!

*) Note to self: un-bind auto-clutch and auto-gears keys:D

EDIT: Some screenies from the race can be found HERE
Pre-race preparations. Didn't get anything worthwhile. Constant 2.30.0s. This time I set with BMW back in pre-season training. And during the season, these times need to be improved by 1-2.5 seconds! So, before the race, I thought that Ross and BMW's will tear me to something like the British flag design. But last night, Rossco's time, which he established in half asleep state, made ​​me reconsider some of the settings and I rode clearly faster - 2.28.9 with race setup! But it was slightly late and I felt it at the end of the Qualy.
Qualy. Made some laps and set not bad time 2.28.5 for me (I thaught). On last minutes I decided to try one more lap (with no special hopes). I had only one fast lap, slower by 0.2 to my time on the first sector, but relaxed state gave me -0.1 at the finish. Plus, as I saw on the first race laps, I was totally wrong with the last turn trajectory (impermissible mistake and conservatism). So I think, that fantastic 2.27.9.. is quite achievable, what Ross actually have proved. :thumbsup:
Race. First laps - didn't see anything in hard corners behind Ross because of the black fog behind his car :), had a very unexpected hard hit in the second chicane on first lap (till this moment I dunno how I've managed to save the car :O_o::cool:). Rest of the race - I tried to hold behind Ross and to save my rear Michelin tires (it slightly affected my speed). Despite all my difficulties in preparations and qualy, I'm very pleased with the whole race, as at last I made no mistakes and stupid things as it was last 4 rounds.
Great guys on the track, great track, great car! Second time after Nurburgring when I just enjoyed my vehicle's behavior on the track. Pity that Martin couldn't race that day.
Thanks to Stuart/Knut and all guys!
Race. First laps - didn't see anything in hard corners behind Ross because of the black fog behind his car :), had a very unexpected hard hit in the second chicane on first lap (till this moment I dunno how I've managed to save the car :O_o::cool:).

It was because I prayed to all kind of gods that you wouldn't spin! I was so relieved when you saved it and carried on. Sorry again mate, lack of concentration and a silly accident.
So I think, that fantastic 2.27.9.. is quite achievable, what Ross actually have proved. :thumbsup:
Race. First laps - didn't see anything in hard corners behind Ross because of the black fog behind his car :)

I was actually 0.5s up on that lap, but ballsed up the final turn, so ended up 0.1s up.

The black fog was actually my secret weapon- i'm planning a deployable oil slick for the next round...

Unlike a few others i quite enjoyed this track. I've driven an rFactor version that features more contours and the underground pit exit, so it's a bit more accurate, but it feels much better to be drving it in GTL. Hopefully the GTL version will get an update of some kind. Interestingly i went with the Avon tyres on my Skyline, so if Dmytro managed to keep his MIchelins in good shape for the entire race then that's pretty good going. I must admit though that i never tried any night-time race practise, so may have missed a trick there.

Congrats Jay & Dmytro on their podiums, cheers Thommo, Knut & RD for these fine events.
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