RDHCS S9 - Round 8 - 200km (37 laps) - Watkins Glen 75 - Sat 15th Dec 2012

Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
RaceDepartment Historic Club Series Season 9 Round 8 – I’m taking the Greyhound on that Hudson River line

Welcome back to Round 8 – The Finale of RDHCS Season 9.

For those of you who are fans of hoary old chestnuts and groaning cliché, you’ll probably know what’s coming next, but I still mean it every time I write it - I honestly can’t believe that this is the last race in the season already. It has just flown past for me, but I’ve still managed to look at how the season has gone and analyse what went well, what didn’t go so well, what could be finessed to improve it.

I’d probably have to say that the car pool wasn’t quite as balanced as I would like, the Escort’s & Alfa’s great handling not being able to offset the extra power of the other cars in the League often enough – next time maybe switching the 914 & the Capri back in would even it out nicely. Tracks have been varied, people tended to “hate” tracks that their car felt worst at, or where they had bad races rather than being a bit more objective. I was, and am, happy with the schedule.

I’m slightly disappointed at some of the conduct and reactions this season, but hopefully that’s all in the past now, and we won’t see any reoccurrences of it in the future, especially as all this is meant to be fun.

Moving 10,500 miles North-East, we end the season in the US, specifically upstate New York at the Watkins Glen Circuit in its 1975 incarnation.

Circuit Notes
Watkins Glen, in upstate New York, is one of the most created tracks in Sim Racing. We are all very familiar with it in most incarnations. From the deceptively simple 1956-70 GP Circuit, the 1970 reprofiling of the Glen (turning T1 into “The Ninety”, removal of the “Speed Trap” and “Fast Bend”), to the mid 1970’s introduction of the Inner Loop and The Boot section, allowing multiple layouts to be achieved with ease.

RDHCS is using the “Long” 1975 layout incarnation, including the Boot, excluding the Inner Loop, but there is also the “floating kerb” Chicane in the middle of the normally flat out, high speed Esses to add an additional twist to this very familiar venue. Not only does it add challenge to the lap overall, it also means that it breaks up that long stretch of acceleration that would normally play right into the muscle cars hands, giving the other cars a little bit of a chance to claw back some time in the twistier sections to follow.

The final reminder is that this is a 200km race – double our normal length – so all drivers should acquaint themselves with pitstop procedures in GTL, especially getting into the habit of re-enabling the pit limiter after the pit stop has been completed. Some cars may go a long way into the race, some may need to just pit for fuel, some may need new tyres, but this race is an enduro, normally lasting about 1hr 20min. Think about that when you’re driving behind someone in the first few laps, and whether you want to risk both your and his races when there’s still loads of time to go. You will need to reach lap 28 before you will score any points on the 75% rule.

The Glen is a flowing, swooping rollercoaster of a track, and not the first time we have encountered gradients this season. It again shows that gradient can turn a good track into a great one. There are, however differences between this version of the track and the more modern incarnation we’ve driven more often. This track is narrower, and there is more grass in the run off areas rather than the gravel or sand that we’re used to, and there are fewer wide, modern kerbs.

The lap of Watkins 75 starts on the reasonably long S/F straight, with the line a little nearer the beginning than we’re used to, but still falling away enough so that cars will pick up speed very quickly, easily quickly enough to make T1R a real test from lap 1 onwards.

You enter the downhill braking zone into T1R - The Ninety at close to top speed. One of the more controversial corners on the modern layout because of its huge, humped extended kerb, this 75 layout makes it very simple, being narrower, and having slippery grass on the outside. You have to drive this corner with more respect than the modern layout, still making sure you are in control of the throttle at the dipped apex, before rolling back onto the accelerator at exit.

As you start up the fast uphill Esses where normally cars are flatout, you take T2R as normal, but instead of keeping the throttle buried until for the flick back T3L, it’s now time to brake as you pop over the crest and make sure you are in line for T3aL & T3bR - the Chicane. This is not a wildly punitive chicane, but there are car mangling walls on the outer edges of the floating kerbs, so disrespecting it is a questionable proposition.

Coming out of the chicane it’s back on the accelerator for the long Back Straight, past the unused Inner Loop, over the crest into the short braking zone for the diving entry to T4R - Outer Loop. This again is subtly different to the more familiar version, tighter, narrower and tricky with a nasty bump on the exit. If you can maintain some momentum here, you can pile out of Outer Loop onto the short downhill straight, before braking for the slightly blind entry to T5L – The Chute.

The narrowness of the layout really hits home here, the total lack of kerb, just track suddenly becoming slippery grass with hard wall behind it being a very different proposition to the familiar layout. Accelerate into the downhill braking zone for T6R - Toe. Toe is a fast, climbing hairpin, so keep it all under control and get as much speed as possible onto the short uphill straight, possibly getting to use top gear for a dab, before clearing the crest into the braking zone for T7R.

T7R normally has car slowing gravel on the outside and fairly grippy kerbs, but 75 just has grass and walls waiting to do you damage.

Accelerate uphill again, braking hard and early, getting the nose nicely into to T8L, to allow early throttle, but like the other version, this corner has some pretty hefty defences on the outside line, and seems to go on forever.

Accelerate hard, and then lift or feather to get the nose pointed way to the inside of T9L. This corner usually has gravel and a really wide kerb on the outside, but again, you are left facing the unappealing combination of narrow kerb, grass and walls. The apex is still dipped and dished to really pull the nose round, but again, no inside kerbs to run over.

Step on the loud pedal for a squirt of throttle before feathering and throwing the nose across the inner apex of T10R. This has some handy, helpful camber, but it also has the pit lane entry, which is going to be in use for this 200km finale. Keep it together and fire the car flat out onto the S/F straight and across the line for another lap of Watkins 75.

The Race Director has some notes for drivers. Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-
All Corners Without Exception – The kerbs are not deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times. Again, there are NO exceptions to this rule at any point on the circuit. Any exception to this rule is deemed illegal, any advantage gained by this method must be ceded immediately. Report people deliberately and excessively cutting. The worst offenders from previous seasons have not signed up, so I hope that this will be a non-issue this season.

Racing Room must be given to all drivers
– and this works both ways. Divebombing into and across a corner denies people the chance to make the corner correctly just as much as someone obliviously (or deliberately) cutting the nose off of another driver who has achieved partial overlap fairly.

T1R – Especially on Lap 1. Be aware of people as you turn in here, it has the possibility to cause huge problems if drivers don’t respect each other. Be aware that any incidents caused by reckless or over aggressive driving in Turn 1 during the first lap will be dealt with severely, probably with a points penalty as there are no further Rounds this season. The difference between this and most previous tracks this season is the speed here will be much higher. Excursions off track will be further, so safe re-entries are a must.

T10R – The pitlane WILL be in use for this race, and the fast line through T10R uses it. Pay attention to people in front of you, as they might be slowing more than you if they are pitting.

All points on the track – General Items
Drivers may put on their lights (and keep them on) during a timed qualification lap, so other drivers know to get out of the way when safe to do so.
No lights are to be flashed at any stage, under any circumstances, during the Race Session.
No Chat during the Quali or Race except by Race Control for information.
The Track must be re-entered safely so as not to ruin other peoples races.
Car damage must be assessed realistically to know if it is possible to make the pits or not.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties
There were no reported incidents from Round 7

As a change from last season, and as a result that I am personally reminding you of each race with the new posts and the PM for passwords, 2 no-shows will mean removal from the League, whether they are consecutive or not.
Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.
Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.) Accident reports made within 24 hours of race completion will be ignored.

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.

You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHCS event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHCS.

Reporting Attendance
As GPCOS seems to be down, I will be sending a PM with the round password to all Signed-Up drivers. I will also be running an “Attendance” post. If you are definitely driving, you need to “like” the post. If you are NOT driving (or if you are unsure of attendance) you must post a reply to say so. If there is no response, or if a response is posted after 2 hours before race start time on race day, it will be treated as a No-Show. Again 2 No-Shows will mean removal from the league.

Scoring System
Points are scored down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.

The Distribution is as follows for 200km events :
P1 - 50 pts
P2 - 44
P3 - 40
P4 - 36
P5 - 32
P6 - 30
P7 - 28
P8 - 26
P9 - 24
P10 - 22
P11 - 20
P12 - 18
P13 - 16
P14 - 14
P15 - 12
P16 - 10
P17 - 8
P18 - 6
P19 - 4
P20 - 2

1 point for fastest race lap
1 point for qualifying on Pole
That was a fantastic end of the league! I'm a bit surprised that i made it third overall :)!! You don't have to be quickest man in the field, just do a steady race and don't make mistakes. (did i say that...:D .)

The Nissan was a bit in advantage here, the tank was big enough to hold fuel for the entire race, only the tyres were a thing to worry about, didn't push to hard during race, saving my tyres and they were still fine at the end. So i didn't have to pit :cool:.
Making steady laptimes, gained some places because people were having troubles or had to pit. Warren was behind me, but didn't get closer. We were doing similar laptimes i think. Staying focussed till the end and saved third place :).
I had great fun this season, the Nissan suits me well, hope to drive it again in some coming up races.

Grats to Ross for winning this championship (whos gonna stop him:alien:) and Dmytro for second place.
Wanna thanks Stuart for organising the event.

Cya in the next season!
Last race from round 9,
Did my best time in Q 2.09 but was only good for p17 start was ok an in lap 2? trouble for a few guys that give me some places up but slowly they get the places back having some nice battles with Simon an Jack but to fast for me,I now that 60 ltr. fuel would bring me close to the fin but not shore of it,
having XD but that wont show me how much fuel left ? so halfway race switching to hood few to see the red light,lap 34 it starting to burn so have to pit to get to the finline (only forget that I was 2 laps down :() so did not had to pit lol.
Grats to Dmytro for the win,an a Great Championship win for Ross!

Thanks To Stuart an Knut for setting it all up Top Job:)

Used this weekend to do some selfreflection on the last league.
Starting with the high points,
finished all the races, best Qualy, P14 on Adelaide, well that where the high points.
Low points,most off the time last car over the line,caused some trouble for a few guys,making to many small an a few big mistakes,loosing concentration halfway the race ( looking at my laptimes) it giving me more frustrations then fun.
So wat to do,starting in round 10? or stay with the clubraces only,not made a decision yet.
having XD but that wont show me how much fuel left ? so halfway race switching to hood few to see the red light,lap 34 it starting to burn so have to pit to get to the finline (only forget that I was 2 laps down :() so did not had to pit lol.
XD will show you a prediction of laps you have left in the tank as well as how much fuel you used in the last lap, it is not as good as it is in GTR2 but then again these old cars half the time you had to dip the tank to see what fuel you had ;)
So... this is it for this season, then. Just like the races themselves, this season just flew by. :cry:
And this 200km finale was so much fun that it too felt like it was over way too soon.

In practice I soon learnt even my longest gears made me redline the engine well over half of the long straight, but it still gave my car a pretty decent 140+ mph top speed (Ask Warren:D) as the chicane didnt't do too much to slow the cars down.
Other than that, I personally do like this version better than the modern one, it's prettier and not so loud. Still, this one too can make you get lost in the pits..:laugh:

On race day (which was unfortunately my first practice day as well) I struggled a bit with my pace, but in Qualy I managed to get two pretty decent laps in near the end, granting me P10 on the grid:) . And this Pantera is so great off the line, I got myself up into 6th pretty soon:):) .
Managed to keep Warren behind for a few laps, but once he got past he pretty soon disappeared on the horizon:confused:.
Then had a very entertaing number of laps with Stuart, Carlos and Knut on my tail, until Carlos Disco'ed and Knut had a nasty crash. Then had Stu slowly closing in, until it was time for my pitstop. Tyres still were OK, so opted for fuel only.

Or so I thought, as the idiot in me failed to remember that the fuel qty shown is what you'll have at the end, and not how much is added. So instead of taking in additional 30L, I got none.:mad:

So.. had to go in a 2nd time, did get some fuel this time, and got going again. A bit :mad: , as it wasn't until someone told me after the race I found that it was me who f-ed this up and not the game. I had dropped to 10th place with all of this, but then managed to pass Bob who still had to pit, and both Senad and Peter who were running in fuel-saving mode in the closing laps.
So finished in 7th, which was pretty good, but I still felt I might have finished even higher if I'd paid more attention in math class.:redface:

Regardless, this has been another great series of races for me, with some awesome battles and nothing but gentleman drivers around me, but part of me hates having to part with my beloved Pantera:( , as I'm absolutely 100% positive it was THE car for me this season:thumbsup: ; I cannot imagine I'd have had this much fun in any of the others..

So I can only say a very big THANK YOU to Stuart and Knut for bringing us this great league.:notworthy:
And to all my fellow drivers as well of course, as it's the company that makes for the fun, and there would be none without you guys.
I can only hope it was as much fun for you as it was for me.

So I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year assuming the world will not end on friday:p , and I hope to see you all again in S10!

Check my screenshots HERE..
Shame on me, where are my manners...

I'd like to congratulate Rosco on one hell of a performance this season. Even one handed, this man is one hell of a driver.
You should open up your very own GTL Driving School, buddy!!

I also wanna thank Thommo, Knut, and Rupe for all their hard work. Thommo and Knut really did one hell of a nice job with this season... the cars, the tracks, Thommo's signature breifings, and many more little things that all add up to give RDHCS the atmosphere it's known for. You guys rock!

And lets not forget one of the most important components of this league...YOU, the driver. And don't we have just the best bunch here too. Careful, fast, clean, competitive, and unselfish (I'm talking about you too here Rolly)...just a great bunch of guys to race with.
I don't know about a gtl driving school Carlos, but I am considering opening a school of interpretive dance,..

Final race of the season was pretty difficult for me, Watkins' long-duration turns were a killer on my left arm so I was chuffed with pole, but was really just aiming to do my best and stay on the track, which I managed. Got a good start but was under serious pressure from martin in the early laps, especially towards the end of the straights. After I ballsed up at turn 1, martin went through and pulled away. Making a similar error also let dmytro through at the same point.

Eventually, dmytro took the lead after martin went off, and when martin pitted I was in 2nd with dmytro pulling away in front. At this point I was getting some great handling characteristics from the Nissan, with oversteer on corner entry, under steer mid-turn, and more oversteer on exit! Probably a mistake to put michelins on the rear and avons on the front then...

Well done to dmytro for the faultless drive to win, and also congrats to jacob for his first podium!

Really enjoyed the Nissan this season, the BMW was quicker for me in preseason, but i went with the Nissan to be a bit different, as at that stage no-one else had picked it. This didn't last long! This season saw a lot of tracks that were completely new to me, and I can't say that I didn't enjoy driving them all, and I see that next season will feature even more unknowns for me, including a belated debut at 'the tartan ring'! The cars are an eclectic mix too, so should provide some varied races.

Big thanks to Stuart and Knut for running the show this season, I appreciate all the work you guys put into organising these events, and I have to say the auto sim analyser reports post-race are much better than gpcos, primarily because it works! Congrats dmytro and Jacob for finishing 2nd & 3rd in the championship, but bad luck to jay who couldn't make the double-pointer.

See y'all next season!
I am so so sorry for my absence. I dont know how but I though its going to be on Tuesday as usual rounds. Also I must have missed the notification about the password or just forgot about it because I dont remember looking for the password from my side.

Eventhough I would like to thank Stu and Knut (who took control over the one race) for the whole administration and all who made this happen. I for sure will participate in the S10 but who knows how my participation will look like. I am going for my graduation in 2013, thats one of the reasons why I show up just sporadic :)
Well, again I'm last of the list. :) A few words about our last round.

Q: had no idea about good time for qualy run. Ross was faster than me by 0,5 sec and I think that it's due to my bad first sector that day (slow 3-4 corners) and again, as in Yas Marina, last turn. Maybe my brain not managed to adapt quickly for white line ignoration and I lost many time there (I've trained without crossing the white line).

R: started third. Straight away lost my third place to Neil's Strategical Rocket after back straight, and Jacob used our battle to pass me for 4th place.
Well guys, I can say, that in this moment I thaught "one more full of adventures, but stupid for me race with no hope for victory right on the first laps." And maybe because of this thaughts, I've relaxed and decided to fight with no way back.

Too many races this season I've lost because of my mistakes and circumstances when I couldn't do anything.
1) Nurburgring - good race for me, no serious mistakes, but Martin was too much time in front of me and I couldn't catch Ross on last laps, one or two laps more, maybe;
2) Umbria - my little mistake, touched white line in wrong place, lost many positions and fights till the end of race only for third;
3) Donington - worse than Umbria, more mistakes all the race, a bunch of battles and overtakes and only 4th;
4) Estoril - again, as in Nurburgring, with my pace I could fight with Ross, but light mistakes, "clinches" with Martin, Jay, second place, but no hope for 1st place at all;
5) Mo I Rana - it began good, no problem second place and I was behind Ross and I could try to fight with him till the finish, but as in Umbria, "white line sindrome", whole race to the trash. Battles, battles, spins, battles, crashes, third place;
6) Yas Marina - only peaceful race where I've lost to our champion just because he was quicker (not only that day he was quicker, but at least I know that I did all I could);
7) Adelaide - I had good pace, and I know, that I could fight for the first, but Martin ahead of me on the first turn and thats all. This race was quintessence of my whole S9. Battles, mistakes, overtakes, "wait for that car" and etc.

Guys, I hope you understand me, I'm pretty tired of all this nonsence and I thought that at least one race of the season I should have not like the others.
I've passed Jacob, Neil. Noticed that despite my time loses in battles I run faster than the leaders and it inspired me even more. Next was pity Ross who suffered from his new one-handed driving style and then - Martin, he ran wide in 5th corner.
All future 25 laps were just technical question for me. Honestly, Martin have practically no chanses for win against me and Ross, as we did not need a pit stop, and almost didn't lost the pace late in the race. However, a pity that Martin could not continue the race due to a problem in the pit stop, he was going great and he deserved a podium championship place!
Also I want to note the great race of Jacob!

Phew, so many words, but it's last round and the end of the season! I'm second for the second time.:rolleyes:
Congrats to our indisputable season champion Ross!
Well done to my fierse all season long rivals Martin and Jay!
Well done to our all GT Legends fans, real gentlemens on the track and beyond!
Thank you Stuart and Knut for this great season!
Used this weekend to do some selfreflection on the last league.
Starting with the high points,
finished all the races, best Qualy, P14 on Adelaide, well that where the high points.
Low points,most off the time last car over the line,caused some trouble for a few guys,making to many small an a few big mistakes,loosing concentration halfway the race ( looking at my laptimes) it giving me more frustrations then fun.
So wat to do,starting in round 10? or stay with the clubraces only,not made a decision yet.

Hans Sneep - Well, I for one think that an RDHCS League wouldn't be a proper League if you weren't about Hans. I hope we see you on track in S10 :thumbsup:

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