RDHGP S1 - Historic Grand Prix 2008

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As you could notice, I was the first guy, who disconnected.

Today was just not my day... My mind was stuffed with other things than racing, so I left. Was a nice race so far and the Mustang was much fun around Dijon, but somehow... well you know how women can be :wink:
  • Jerome Benard

Very hard race for me with my big mustang but it was very cool to control more drifts.:crazy:

I have no replay, someone have the replay please??????

thanks all drivers see you next.
Love GTL!!!

Great racing... had a lot of fun.

Qualified in 16th with a 37.9 [PB] and made a pretty good start. I was making up places through the mess in T1 and T2 and was hoping to continue in the same vein. The right corner of Eck's Cortina disagreed and so I visited the kitty-litter.


After removing the grit from my boots I began my comeback [:Matrix_Neo_Bullits:].

I was running 21st and managed to have some nice racing as I fought my way back to 13th. Jerome Bernard has my name writtern in his rear view mirror :tongue:, as my Alfa was nippier in the twisty bits. Anywhere with any kind of straight saw his Mustang disappear down the track :crazy:.

Had great furn... Thanks RSC.

PS - replay
PPS - GTL is my favourite Simbin title [again]. How fickle am I???
Sorry about missing this event, certainly wasn't my day.
Got up at 3.30AM, to find I had no internet. After about an hour of trying to diagnose the problem, I finally rang my ISP to get a recorded message informing that they had "technical difficulties in my State". After about 6 hrs they have now restored the service.

This League is going downhill fast for me now.
English language in the servers

Guys, please for next round keep the language in the league server strictly english or use ventrillo/teamspeak if you prefer your native language. For other drivers it is very disturbing !
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