RDHGP S4 - Race 3 - Autodrom Most, Czech Rep. - 26/11/09

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
Welcome to Round 3 of the RDHGP S4

Welcome back to the 2009 RDHGP S4. After a disappointing (in terms of connectivity issues) Watkins Glen event, I very much hope to get back on the metaphorical track with Round 3. It won’t surprise any of you to know that I was really quite mortified by the issues we had at the Glen, and slightly disappointed in some reactions even though I did what I could to give everyone the best possible chance of a race. I know it was frustrating, and you have my apologies, but matter how serious and pompous I make these briefings, it is still just a game. We should never lose sight of that, no matter how seriously we take it.

As it turns out, it might be the provider’s recent server relocation that was, and still is, at fault. This in turn is meaning that concurrent events might be out until further notice (basically, only 1 event per server at any one time). I will keep you all posted the status of the situation. On a slightly more positive note, the qualification laps (in both sessions) were pretty much impeccable with regard to the Inner Loop cutting.

Looking up rather than down, I personally had a better (more fun) race at the Glen than at Melbourne (mirrored by some comments I received), possibly because of the one shot quali format we ran which mixed the grid up a little. I also had some positive feedback about that from several drivers. Accordingly, I will consider that for future seasons.

With that post-mortem out of the way, we turn our attention to RDHGP’s first visit to Europe this season, in the shape of the Czech Republic’s Autodrom Most.


Circuit Notes

Most is situated in the North West Czech Republic, and it’s highest profile current event is FIA Truck Racing, and it has previously hosted round of the European Le Mans Series.

One of the more complex tracks in Season 4, it is also one of the least familiar of this year’s venues to RD in general, but one that I think will be visited often and regularly by the GTL community, as it scales so well across all car and performance types.

The first event hosted in the town of Most was a motorcycle event around the brewery in 1947, the first car event not until 5 years later. Many events, both motorcycle and car, were run upon improvised street layouts and continued until 1983, when the current Autodrom was completed. Built over the Vrbenský open cast mine, the mines contours are readily recognisable in the current circuit layout, and the grass slope favoured by spectators.

RDHGP is using the Chicaned layout, which dramatically alters the first half of the lap, to try and keep the cars together as much as possible.

The first corner chicane is a unique challenge this season, being much slower and tighter than Melbourne, guarded by sawtoothed kerbs and walled by very high - and very hard – tyre barriers.

Once through there (which we all hopefully will be as long as drivers do not get too selfish) the track opens out into a gently curved, flat out section, which ends with some tight, risk/reward esses and a downhill hairpin. The esses, if taken well, are key for a good laptime, but it is very easy to slip over into “too aggressive”, and then they will cost you dearly.

Out of the hairpin there is another relatively long straight, with a curve halfway down that will reward a good neutral setup with a great exit into the second set of esses. These mark the beginning of the climb back up to the S/F straight, the highest point on the circuit. Conservation of momentum is key here, rather than point and squirt power.


The Race Director has some notes for drivers. Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-
· T1R + T2L – the first 2 corners are a very tight, fairly narrow and very well guarded chicane. This type of corner is always viewed as an overtaking opportunity, but to make it worthwhile, you’re going to need to actually get through it. The classic line is approaching on the left of the track and sweeping across the apex, while people attempting to overtake will generally go in narrower to shorten the line. The result of these two differing approaches combined with the profile of the corner means that the people taking the classic line may not be able to see people trying to overtake up the inside. Because of this the Race Director has ruled that it is entirely incumbent upon the driver attempting the overtake to do so safely, as they will be behind going into the braking zone, and be able to see the car in front. People who are hit by reckless overtaking into this zone are asked to file an incident report. This finding is only valid from Lap2 onwards.

For Lap 1, there will not be enough room to enforce this as traffic will be high in this area. Again, I will not be posing a non-overtake rule there, but also again, if you suffer from an overly aggressive, or even overly hopeful, piece of driving from anyone, you are urged report it. If people wildly overestimate the braking performance of their car, and their cold tyres into T1R, or expect people to just get out of their way (even though they have nowhere to go) and cause a pile up, you will face a penalty.

· T4L, T5R, T6R, T7L - The Front Esses. Most has the normal multi coloured kerbs that we see more regularly than the Glen’s White banks. These are deemed part of the track, but as always anything beyond the kerbs is deemed illegal. With the reduced size of these kerbs, the “two wheels inside the white lines” rule of thumb will see you in good stead. The front Esses are approached at high speed, with limited braking reference points. Because of this, it is easy to overshoot and go off track in the first part of the Esses. As cars are already manouevering at high speed through this section, and because you will most likely be rejoining near the entry for the second part of the Esses, you must make sure you re-enter the track safely. Let people past rather than trying to force your way out onto a crowded track.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties

After round 2 there are currently no outstanding Incidents or Investigations, but there are a few Penalties being levied.

2 no-show penalty infractions are being levied after the suspension of the original no-shows:-

Simon Bacon
Stuart Neal

These will be carried until Round 6 when they will be rescinded. If the drivers have not responded by that time with remdial action, they will gain a second infraction and be removed from the League.

Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.)

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.


You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

Scoring System

I have extended the points distribution method down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.

The Distribution is as follows (double for the 200km event):

P1 - 25 pts
P2 - 22
P3 - 20
P4 - 18
P5 - 16
P6 - 15
P7 - 14
P8 - 13
P9 - 12
P10 - 11
P11 - 10
P12 - 9
P13 - 8
P14 - 7
P15 - 6
P16 - 5
P17 - 4
P18 - 3
P19 - 2
P20 - 1

1 point for fastest race lap (not double on 200km event)

1 point for qualifying on Pole (not double on 200km event)
A frustrating night for me. Couldn't really get to grips with the track anyway but after a decent start for most of lap one, my PC gfx started jittering and I went off track. By lap two I had a blue screen crash - Grrrrrr. Hope nobody got caught up with my rogue car.
  • Bert Van Waes

I don't think so David, i could safely pass. And i think the rest around me too.

Had some nice fights, maybe a bit to close but diff with such diff handling cars. I think with Piotrek. Nice ones and sorry for the hits guys.

I git DQ'd, i think because off missing braking zone in T1 and taking the boxed chicane. Maybe a bit to fast. But it seems i overlooked the warning. Shame, i was doing fine in race. i got involved in 2 crashes in the race also, i couldn't help it. the cars were both spinning on diff laps of the race. No worries to those guys. You couldn't help it. Sorry for those hits. this BMW tends to not turn under emergency braking.

Btw, the report from last race is not up from me. So atleast i got smth good to work with.

Was doing fairly well, until I ran wide at the fast corner and got a SNG and then computer stall. Was having an excellent battle with the Peters and Piotr. Started out 4th, ran line-astern for the first few laps, until the battling Peters let me out-brake both of them into the first corner! I only meant to outbrake Peter D but got it perfect and ended up passing Peter G also, thanks to him for giving me the racing room.

I then had Peter D all over me, I was contemplating letting him go and hassle Piotr, when he tried to force the issue into the second Esses and span. From here I was gaining very slowly on Piotr with Peter D just a couple of seconds back, when Piotr span wildly at T1 on lap 12 or so - Peter D got past him soon after.

Around lap 13/4 I made a mistake at the hairpin and Peter D got past at the second esses. A couple of laps later ran a fraction wide at the fast right hander and gained a SNG, which I served, coming out in 9th. Passed Jay and Leszek, damn that BMW is fast in a straight line. Then heading into the fast right hander again on lap 17/18?, I was running wide anyway, when ddddddddddddddddddddddddd, total lock-up and BSOD. Sigh. Maybe next time!

Thanks Stu, loved the track.
15 laps of pure joy and 7 laps of pure hell.

Started 18th.
Had a decent start. Not like the first 2 races but decent.
After that i moved up de grid but also lost some so i was running arround 16th place i think.
Had some nice fights with Warren, Carlos, Amir and alot of other guys. Didn't make any mistake and had a decent pace. Then in lap 15 Warren got past me in the second to last corner. But i felt something weird in my steering wheel. But was already entering the last corner. In the middle of the corner i lost all FF in my steering wheel! So my wheel turned very hard to the right sending me really hard into the barrier next to the pits. So i flew over the barrier into the pits. The car was still running but heavily damaged. So i thought thats nice i am already in the pits. But smiled to soon because i was already passed the pit limit line. So there was no crew waiting for me. After a long lap i finally got in the pits. And waited 2:30 before all the repairs where done. So rejoined the grid at last place and 2 laps behind and still no FF. Very difficult 7 laps. Almost got hit by Piotrek in the fast corner because he was in front of me but moves out of the way but locked up his wheels and was on collision course to the side of my car. But i dodged him i don't know how i did that but i think Steven (who was behind me?) had the best seat in the house. :D
Still got 19th place after Ryan had a disco i think.
Such a shame my FF stopped. Had a great race before that.

Thanks again Stu and all the drivers. :)
Another night of ups and downs for me and my beamer....

Standard format for my qualy, i drive the doors of it and only end up 16th, dunno where I go wrong. I might soon have to admit that the Alpina was a mistake:loser:

Anyway, got a cracking getaway and made a couple of places into the first chicane, but ther was a bit of bumping ahead and I had to back off, Carlos was able to find a gap on the left and sneak by. Coming out of the chicane I booted it and went side by side with carlos, managed to sneak by and started chasing down the others. Things go a bit hazy for me now, i just remember charging round and coming across other peoples accidents and making up positions like crazy. I think i made it up as far as 11th before things settled down and the faster guys who'd gone off were passing me.

A few laps later Stu made a sweet move on me into T1, I noticed that Ulli had lost in on the exit and had made for the escape road to recover. He merged back onto the track right between me and Stuart, in my haste to try and stay on Stu's pace, I outbraked myself into the tight twisty section and give Ulli quite a knock, sorry about that.

By the time ulli had recovered I'd lost positions to Carlos, Jay and Ivo (i think) but i set my sights on hunting down Ivo's 'vette, which battered me on the straights but I had the edge in the bends. We had a good battle for a couple of laps until we came across a huge pile up at the last turn, i was able to pass Stuart round the outside and then outdrag Ulli as he recovered on main straight, i was so busy being pleased with myself that I managed to totally miss my braking point for T1 and had to take the escape road......

A couple more mistakes and I had myself a Stop/Go (sigh) which I took and I could see everyone streaming past, really painful to see. However, I rejoined even more determined and i expect my fastest lap of the race will be in the final 5 laps, i could see the gap to carlos coming down and I went for it big style, but there wasn't enough laps to reel him in. I did have a good last lap battle with Ivo again, little did i ralise he was a lap down on me...still a good fight.

Anyway, i think I speak for most of us (no pun) when I say i'm glad to see the back of that track, really technical and tricky to hook up properly. Gimmie some nice long straights and sweeping corners over that anyday :dance2:

Cheers for a great nights racing guys, well done to the winners.

Thanks Stuart
well everything was going well until lap 12 I think, I was losing concentration slowly and then big wake up call, I lost it under breaking to T1 and had to go by escape road prying not to take cut-track. Because that mistake Ryan passed me and Peter D soon later. We were have nice battle together but after Ryan was gone my pace was getting worse and for sure traffic wasn't helpful in catching Peter D so I had to settle for second place which is not so bad :)

Thx all
a nightmare race for me. qualified 6th and had a good start. on the 1st lap i got into 5th position. then i missed my braking point into t1. i was so afraid that i will hit the leading group that i chose to take the escape rotue. immiditly i got a stop and go. went into the pits and started again from last place. climbed up back to 10th place while having good fights with ivo uli carlos warren and stu. then i tried to pass kris. i knew i was faster but just wasn't patient enough. i hit kris and spun him. really sorry kris. i waited and after kris passed again i rejoined.by this time i lost my pace and finished 12th over all.
hope for a better race for me next time. grats to peter. great drive from all the drivers.
That was a really nice one! once again did some stupid mistakes but I guess that gets better as the league proceeds. Although I had a really good start, I lost it again due to not wanting to bump into sb else before the chicane where I simply did not dare to keep on accelerating! Even that will become better once I learn this pack driving more and more.

Going from p7 to p13 wasn't all that bad, cause I had lots of fun to fight my way back up :D

It seems as if Tom really got a "kick out a me" :lol: as he ran into me before the first Esses. But hey Tom, no hard feelings, I really enjoyed driving with others this time, even if this meant to be more in the back. Race @ Watkins Glen was reeally boring simply cause I was hotlapping myself... no battles. I don't mean to encourage anybody to bump into me LOL :D but I am just saying that this caused me to have some fun duelling myself with others :) (like the two times with the vette, also like at Melboune)

There was another deja vu when hunting Stuart again, like @ Melbourne. Unfortunately there was no duelling with him like at race one, but who complains if two guys in front of you spin and you get to take their places ;-)

Amir, I just realized hit the pit once and still caught up with the rest of us as if we were standing still ....

And why Ryan left the race again, I have no idea... he used some Acronym in his report I did not understand (BSOD)

Thanks Stu, this was another awsome event :D
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