RDHGP S4 - Race 8 - Circuit de la Sarthe, Le Mans "77", France - 20/02/10

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
Welcome to Round 8 of the RDHGP S4

Welcome back to the 2009 RDHGP S4, and to the final race of the season. Before we get into the guts of the briefing, I’d like to thank everyone who has participated in the League this season. Without you lot turning up, all these arrangements would be so much pointless chin music.

After a lukewarm reception and even a bit of heated discussion, Jarama seemed to work out well, and let everyone enjoy a racing experience unlike any other we faced during the season. Practicing the track on your own is not, I admit, the most entertaining way of experiencing Jarama, but I knew it’d be a good race. The difference, as always, was the presence of others on track, which changes the character of so many tracks.

Well, nearly everyone enjoyed it, as I had a stinker, having been suffering from a rotten cold all week, yet thinking I’d be OK, but only lasting about 15-20 mins before I hit the metaphorical wall, soon followed by the actual/virtual wall.

Another shameless plug for Season 5 follows:

RDHTC Season 5 begins with a Testing event on Thu 15th April, with Round 1 on 29th April.

7 x 100km races on alternate Thursdays, finishing with a 200km event finale on Sat 31st July.

TC65 class of cars – Alfa GTA, Austin Mini Cooper S, Fiat Abarth TCR, Ford Falcon & Mustang, Lotus Cortina, NSU TT, Toyota Corolla.

Sign up will open Mon 22nd Feb 2010, the Monday after the Le Mans event.

Remember that if you want a car painted for you, the sooner you get in touch the better.

Moving north from Jarama, we end our season in France at one of the 3 most famous racing venues in the world - Le Mans. Up there with Monaco & Indianapolis, the name is famous the world over, and conjures up redolent images, backed by such mystique and history that it’s impossible to treat it like “just another race.”

We are using the 1977 layout, the vast Hunaudieres straight – not yet emasculated by impromptu chicanery – dominating the lap, and presumably the unique challenges of which will also affect the setups of all competitors. Some people may want to reduce the maximum rev limit of their engines to make sure they last the full race distance, as the Hunaudieres can take quite a toll on engines redlined for so long. If you don’t have XD installed, I’d definitely recommend it for this race for engine health reasons, as engines have been known to just let go in balls of smoke & fire on this track.

As the poll currently stands, we will be experiencing some non optimal driving conditions, ie low light conditions. It is not definite either way, and I don’t think we will be at pitch darkness no matter what time start we end up with, but people should be prepared for low light conditions.

Also, as this is a 200km race you should be aware that it is highly unlikely that you will be able to do this race on a single tank of fuel. Pit stopping will be required, so please check out Warren’s pitstop tutorial here: http://www.racedepartment.com/gt-legends/3302-gtl-pitstop-hints-tips.html

The downloads required to run this event are both the track itself and the patch:
track: http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=946
v1.1 patch: http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=958


Circuit Notes

The first 24hour was run in 1923, with the strange format of a 3 year aggregate time to determine the overall winner of the Rudge-Whitworth Trophy. This was abandoned in 1928 for the format we know now. Early races were dominated by Bentley, Bugatti & Alfa Romeo, the latter 2 being among the first to adopt aerodynamic bodywork in the mid to late 30’s.

After a 10 year hiatus because of the Second World War, the race resumed in 1949, followed 4 years later in 1953 by the formation of the World Sportscar Championship. This new championship included such newer (at the time) names as Ferrari, Aston Martin, Mercedes-Benz & Jaguar. By the late 60’s the race had moved from open top cars to closed top coupes, the more efficient aero allowing top speeds in excess of 320 kmh. The cars at this time were still mostly based on production models, but then Ford entered it’s specially designed GT40s, won 4 events on the spin, and changed it forever.

Porsche dominated the 70’s with it’s 917, 935 & 936 models, and this is the era from which our track layout comes, and so do all the cars in the League, so we should have a great time here.

The race itself, even in our RDHGP format, will probably end up more as an endurance race rather than a normal road race.

The track starts outside the pits with a run through T1R, the crested Dunlop bend, which feeds downhill into the Esses T2aL & T2bR. From there, it’s a short burst into T3R Tertre Rouge, which in turn feeds you onto the 5km long Hunaudieres straight. About 3.5 km along the straight comes the Mulsanne Kink, in turn followed by a large hump in the road, after which you enter the long , long braking zone for T4R, Mulsanne.

There’s another long, very fast straight until the unnamed T5R which itself becomes part of the extended braking zone into T6L Indianapolis, a relatively simple corner in and of itself, but one that catches so many people out because of the enormously high speeds they have been experiencing for the last couple of minutes. A short straight leads to T7R Arnage.

This basic 90 opens out onto a decent length straight, where you will accrue some high speed again, only to be braking hard for the Porsche Curves T8R, T9L & T10L. From there, you come very quickly to Maison Blanche, an Ess formed of a slow T11R, and an accelerating T12L that opens out onto the last decent straight of the lap.

The Lap ends with the double Ford Chicanes T13aL, T13bR, T14aL & T14bR all done under the watchful eye of the huge Esso man advertising hoarding.

From there it’s flat out over the S/F line, past the pit exit and back under the Dunlop bridge again.


The Race Director has some notes for drivers. Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-

· All Corners Without Exception – The kerbs are no longer deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times. Again, there are NO exceptions to this rule at any point on the circuit. Any exception to this rule is deemed illegal, any advantage gained by this method must be ceded immediately.

· S/F line – The very start. The unique demands of the track mean that some competitors may have some unusual gearbox ratios being used, possibly a long 1st gear, that might be useful in some turns, but may hamper their getaway off the line. Please be aware of this possibility and alive to the need for avoidance.

· T2aL & T2bR - the Esses. Once away we will still be on relatively cold tyres, with the possibility of driving into the dark, so drivers need to be aware of stopping distances, and the ramifications of impacts not just for them, but also for all other drivers. This is a double length race, there is time to make places up once the field starts to spread, so any overly aggressive or indeed overly obstinate defence resulting in other races being spoiled will be treated harshly in the penalties.

· T4R – Mulsanne. Very slow corner after that long, long straight. As at Jarama, you are expected to know the parameters that both your and your opponents car can operate under, including braking distances. I do not want to see anyone being punted from behind in the braking zone for this tight corner. Additionally, drivers missing the turn in at Mulsanne are expected to wait to rejoin the track until it is safe to do so. Slithering back onto track over those kerbs in front of people under heavy braking down from >250kmh is not what is expected by me. Those drivers will not have much chance to avoid, and it will probably take out their headlights through not fault of their own.

· T8R – Porsche Curves. The first of the Porsche Curves is the most dangerous, as there is a wall on the outside that could easily throw any stricken cars onto the racing line.

· T13aL, T13bR, T14aL & T14bR – Ford Chicanes. This is a real gem of a section when it comes to warning notes. Firstly, we have the full two wheels on the tarmac at all times rules. Secondly, we have the heavy braking zone warning. And to cap it all off, as this is the 200km race, we have the “definitely will be in use” pitlane entry in the middle of it all.

If you are pitting and have mapped a chat button saying “Pit”, use it in the straight before the Ford Chicanes, so the people behind have a chance. You also have the option to let people past before the entry to the Chicanes. For drivers behind, seeing a “Pit” message does NOT give you Carte Blanche to try and muscle your way past. That behaviour will have a very dim view taken of it. Just how dim, you will find out at penalties time.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties
There were no Incident Reports from the Jarama event.

There are 7 drivers carrying infractions (number of effective races left to serve in brackets). Infractions will not be carried over into the next Season.

Marius Bentu (2)
Sam J Simpson (2)
Ben Tusting (2)
Bert Van Waes (2)
Leszek Porzezinski (3)
Piotrek Blaszczak (3)
Predrag Drobac (3)

The following 5 drivers have been removed from the League due to a second no-show infraction.

Simon Bacon
Stuart Neal
Arkadiusz Kotarski
Lee Madden
Matt Crouch

Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.)

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.


You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

Scoring System

I have extended the points distribution method down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.

The Distribution is as follows for the 200km event :

P1 - 50 pts
P2 - 44
P3 - 40
P4 - 36
P5 - 32
P6 - 30
P7 - 28
P8 - 26
P9 - 24
P10 - 22
P11 - 20
P12 - 18
P13 - 16
P14 - 14
P15 - 12
P16 - 10
P17 - 8
P18 - 6
P19 - 4
P20 - 2

1 point for fastest race lap

1 point for qualifying on Pole
Quite a fitting end to what has been thee most personal disaster of a league for me.....and i still dont know what the hell just happened,but sorry Thommo,i dont have the skills needed to avoid that im afraid....

Congrats to Piotr and all who took part in S4 see you all in S5

Many Thanks Stu & RD
1 millisecond of not concentrated & end of race. Such a shame as I was driving some nice consistent times under 4:20.

A great applause for Stuart for putting all this energy, time and devotion into this wonderful league.
Thanks Stuart & RD.

I knew it was all too good to be true, as always this race turned into a huge disappointment for me.

I had put ina good few hours practice and I knew the BMW would be quick here. I managed to Squeeze a 1:19.0 out of her in qualy and I was well pleased with it. After a proper useless start (super long gearing mean i nearly stalled it) I settled in for the long haul. I was going well and I was holding a respectable position in the top 10. For the first time this league I didn't put a foot wrong, with the exception of tapping Hans at mulsanne. Sorry about that but I didn't expect to be going that much faster through the turn and by the time i realised it was too late to stop.

After 8 strong laps I pulled in for my pit stop - and this is where it all went horribly wrong. The other day I changed my controls so that I could adjust the seat position with the arrow keys on my keyboard and when I stopped in my pit box the game was too dim witted to realise I needed the arrow keys to change the fuel values on the pit form......So i sat for a while hitting keys which just moved my seat and didn't achieve anything. After a minute or so i gave up, took on the 2 laps of default fuel and carried on, hoping that the extra had put on board at the start would give me 3 laps of running before I needed to stop again. Alas it was not to be adn I ran out of fuel in between the two chicannes, end of race, end of season. Not how I wanted to finish......

Anyhoo - the race other than that was good fun and the track/car combo were a good laugh. I guess that top 10 spot will have to wait until S5. Congrats to Piotr for a good consistant season and well done to all who made it along to the races.

Stu - I just wanted to say thanks for all the effort you have put in that made this season so great. I've really enjoyed myself and I think without all the hard work you put into the preperation it wouldn't be half as exciting as it has been.

A final word for my car too. The much loved if often slated #29 BMW. I knew from race one I had chosen a slow car and that I would struggle to make headway this season but i never realised that having a crap car (for most of the races) would be so much fun. I've enjoyed every turn and the season long battle with Carlos in the other alpina has been a real highlight. So anyone who's still to decide on a car for S5 - speed isn't everything.

What an event! The best race for me in Season 4. That feeling of blasting down the straight in the 906 is unique to me. Every corner, every straight felt perfect. This is where this car belongs. God I'm gonna miss this car:D

Congrats Ulli and Piotr. A thousand thanks to you Stuart, this league has been great!
Nice race. :smile:

Did not Q was on the phone so started last.
At the start everybody was very slow of the line. Moved up the 12th.
After that i saw some things i didn't see all season and that was car passing me on straight. :biggrin:
I pulled away from everybody at the exit of corners but the 5th gear of all cars got me at the end.
In lap 6 i was alone on place 13th. With some gaps to the front and the back. But i was the only car on the field that for sure needed to pit. (could do 13 laps with one tank) so couldn't be very competive because all the other cars could easy finish on 1 tank and some other cars could conserve. So was at the back after the pitstop closed the 30 second gap to Carlos and overtook him and after the DNF of Tom i finished 13th.

It was a tough season. With a not very competive car i had some nice races and very fair races and that is most important next to the fun.
My goal was to get everything out of the car at the end of the season. And i think i found his limit and there was nothing more to gain so that is also very rewarding
Thanks all for the season and Piotr for the Championship.

And a very big thanks to Stu because without him the wasn't all possible. Thank you. :smile:

Greetings from me and Yank the Tank.


Will write something more substantial later, but for now Congratulations to Ulli for the Race win, I nearly had you, & Piotr for the Championship win, Well done.

Congrats also to Peter D. for rounding out the podium, great drive in the 911.

Finally for now, thank you to Stuart for organizing another fantastic GTL league and the drivers who participated this year. It was a pleasure.
Certainly an interesting and very different finale to the League. A new podium too, well done Ulli for the win, and Steven, Peter for the second and third.
Congratulations to Piotr for overall championship win, very well driven.

Huge thanks to Stuart for an extremely well planned and organised League, he has set a standard for all other Leagues to follow. Great stuff Stu, I can't think of anything you could have done better.

My Race report:

My aim was to finally manage one race without an incident, wasn't so lucky though. I used a long gear, no pitstoip strategy, and set out to once again qualify last, but Ivo and Kris (I think) didn't do a qualy lap at all. :rolleyes:
Starting at the back brought some new hiccups this time as I got caught up in a few early crashes of other cars for the first few laps. Got away safely enough, but was caught up in the aftermath of Gary's early spin at turn 2. To my surprise, I was able to cruise past a few cars down the looooong straight, putting me just in front of Carlos. I felt comfy there as I have utmost faith and confidence in him to be clean. Lost ground slowing to avoid Amir's spin and then Ivo's off track excursion. This put me right in front of Amir and Krzysztof who were having a huge scrap, but again I had the longer legs to pull away on the straight. I then caught up to the scrap between Gary, Stuart, and Ivo, but sadly Gary tapped Stuart, sending him bouncing off walls on both sides of the track. I braked heavily to make sure I could avoid Stuart's hapless Escort, but that put Amir and Krzysztof right on my tail again, and their battle was getting more aggressive with lots of bumping and elbows, making me very nervous. Next time down the straight, I managed to out-drag Ivo's Vette (revenge at last Ivo :tongue: ). Exiting the Esses, I was blocked by Hans, who was going great :cool: , letting Amir and Krzysztof get past again. The straight was my friend again, cruising past Amir but this time through the Esses, Amir attempted what I can only describe as an "ambitious" pass inside a very dangerous turn. It didn't work and he tapped me into a 360 deg spin but thankfully I avoided the walls that killed Stuart. :frown:
From that point on I was able to slowly pull away from Amir (thanks to the legs down the straight), and had an incident free run to finish P8.

Thanks to all who raced this one, and thanks for a top league season. :smile: :thumbup:
Quite a fitting end to what has been thee most personal disaster of a league for me.....and i still dont know what the hell just happened,but sorry Thommo,i dont have the skills needed to avoid that im afraid....

Congrats to Piotr and all who took part in S4 see you all in S5

Many Thanks Stu & RD
My oldest boy decided that it would be a good time to start downloading a demo on his Xbox, I got a big old freeze, and as the screen comes back, I'm going sideways. If anyone hit me or was hit by me - my apologies, but I had absolutely no chance to do anything corrective that might actually have helped.
My report

I was ill, but took many medicaments and it helped me to start, but on the end I felt I am ill. I was praying to not have CL third time in a row. I was prophylactic and decided to restart everything before quail session and I didn’t have CL 

Decided to have long 1st gear and lost on the start. But had still a good place. Unfortunately Hans kick me out the track. I back to the track on last place P19.

First driver I passed was Bob Hutchins – P18, next one was Carlos Diaz and promoted to P17. In front of me drove amir and we had really strong battle for the position, it was great! Finally I moved him on the second last chicane to start. Later I passed easily Predrag Drobac and chase for Warren and Ivo. Ivo was passed by me because I do not know why he slowed down on the straight. Amir all the time pressed me a lot, I had to be very careful. Finally using the opportunity on the track where Hans blocked Warren I passed them both and won positions. My next “victim” was Tom ad I was on P9. Much later I passed my team m8 – Kris, who had a serious accident and must have finished his race, so P8. Jay decided to pit and I promoted to P7 and on this place I finished the race.

@Tom, I really do not want to know what happened miles ago from me with your car when I enter very dangerous curve, there is a rule we mustn’t speak on race session, the same after race, you cannot speak when another guys are driving!

Perfect league, perfect admin, perfect briefings entering to the atmosphere. I will definitely join S5!
@Tom, I really do not want to know what happened miles ago from me with your car when I enter very dangerous curve, there is a rule we mustn’t speak on race session, the same after race, you cannot speak when another guys are driving!

I realise that but after i dropped out i left my PC and when i got back everyone appeared to be finished so i assumed the race was over. Sorry...
Im happier now for sure.....Stu fully explains what happened,just a case of tragic timing,i was taking a big gulp of slipstream running in on Stu then gently cruised out to go past his right side when suddenly at the worst critical moment his car appeared to seriously slow up....my jaw dropped and eyes popped out,i tried to adjust the gentle cruise out to the right into a big evasive swerve out to the right,but my front left corner scraped Stu's back right corner,also no feeling came through my wheel,i only knew there was a clip of wings when i looked rear view....i was a bit confused and also fully gutted at this point and pulled over and decided not only has this not been my season,but more so.....not my night.

Proper Congrats to Piotr,the title has finally been wrenched from Peters grasp,and is handed over to another worthy gentleman racer taking a title with consistency and fair play all throughout the campaign.

Big final S4 thanks to Thommo,no one quite lays out such a tempting tasty spread like you sir,and im sure not many will be looking forward to S5 quite as much as me ;).
Have watched this from Day 1, having been very interested and wanting to compete, but not having the time to.

Thought I'd just say congrats to Stu on some superb briefings and organisation, and well done to the drivers who competed.

Loved reading the race reports and watching the videos. Well done fellas. Top notch.
Blimey...no need for apologies Warren m8,i took no offence to your reporting at all,you were just saying technically how it was,its not for other drivers to know all the "how's-why's-and in's and out's",thats for the guys involved to reveal.....ive done it in the past as well,its no big deal,all we can do really in a report is say what we see around us :).
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