RDHGP S5 - Round 4 - Mont Tremblant St. Jovite - 10th June 2010

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
Welcome back to Round 4 of the RD Historic Grand Prix, Season 5

It seems to be turning into something of a cliché, but can anyone else believe we’re at the halfway point of the season already? After some excellent racing and a pretty much unanimous thumbs up for Mo I Rana (these things tend to go hand in hand in my experience), we start packing all the Alfas, Abarths, Cortinas etc. into some hefty crates, as we start the first intercontinental trip of our season.

I – for the third consecutive race - received no Driving Incident Reports. I suspect some of the other League Admins will be looking through narrowed eyes at our safety and conduct records, and hating me for it, as compared to some of them, I have so very little do between races because there are never any disciplinary measures I need to take. Their hatred both gladdens my black heart and reflects very well upon you, the gentlemen of the RDHGP.

The next 2 races are deliberately positioned at the (black?) heart of the season as they are (probably) the most familiar tracks this season for RD GTL Club regulars. We have had some spectacular and invariably exciting racing on both of these circuits, in mixed or single car event, on various different layouts, and even across classes, as both tracks scale superbly to accept the most powerful cars.

For Round 4, we leave Scandinavia and Europe, moving west over 3,000 miles and onto a new continent, North America, where we will spend the next 2 rounds. First up, we arrive in another RDHGP Debutant – Canada – and the Circuit Mont Tremblant St. Jovite.


Circuit Notes

Before I go into my normal notes about the circuit, a couple of you gimlet eyed sim veterans might now be sucking a thoughtful tooth and muttering to yourselves “I recognise that flyer design.” It is indeed my tribute to John “BAPOM” Bradley, who has been toiling at the sim race map & programme coalface for 10 years now with his extensive and high quality collection of GPL prog sets. Visit trilon.com/bapom to view the excellence, and possibly grab yourself some posters and/or a nice original desktop from the collection. You could even bung him a few bob if you’re feeling particularly philanthropic.

Circuit Mont Tremblant is in the Canadian province of Quebec, about halfway between the major cities of Ottawa & Montreal. It was built in two sections, the first being the North Loop in 1964, and extended by just over a mile in September 1965 with the South Loop section. The Canadian winter quickly had an adverse effect on the surface, making it very bumpy, so much so that when the Canadian Grand Prix was held there, twice - in 1968 & 1970, of the starting field of 40 cars across the two races, only 16 finished. The circuit operated in its original configuration until 2000 when it was closed for 2 seasons to modernise its safety features in accordance with FIA regulations. You will all be re-assured to know that we are driving the unsafe, pre-regulation configuration.

In common with virtually all of this seasons venues, gradient plays a huge part in the circuit’s character, with the North Loop section a complex and technical contrast to the flowing and high speed South Loop.

A lap of Mont Tremblant starts on a home stretch that is “straight” in name alone. Similar to the previous couple of races, some of the lower qualifiers may find themselves starting on the exit of the preceding bend.

The track gets down to business almost immediately, with T1R arriving almost immediately after the S/F line. It is, in itself, not a tricky corner, being a climbing righthander taken fast, but it is bumpy and any corrections needed here will significantly compromise your approach to the intimidating T2R – Lucas.

This is a blind, crested turn, taken as close to flat out as you dare, under the Lucas bridge. Some cars will need to drop a cog, some will just need a lift, some will be able to go through flat. No matter what your approach, it is all too easy to either:- a) turn in too much and slide off the inside kerbs right across to the outside grass, or b) turn in too late / carry too much speed and just go straight off the outside and onto the grass. This will hamper your lap severely, as T3R looms up just as you are struggling to stop going left, when you need to be going right under full acceleration.

T4R & T5L are The Esses, with T4R actually being able to be taken slightly faster than it appears – but that is a classic deception, as doing that will compromise T5L, and that needs the best possible approach and entry, because it leads onto one of the fastest sections of the track.

Coming out of T5L, the track opens up into a shortish straight with T6L in view, which is a fast curve and can be taken flat out by all of these cars, and then into another short straight section before T7R.

T7R is a fast right hand bend, which will require some braking and probably dropping a gear in most cars, but still taken very fast, and that opens out onto the longest straight section so far before it’s hard on the anchors for T8R.

T8R is a fairly wide hairpin, heavily forested on the inside, so you don’t see the actual exit until you are almost there. This is one of the most important corners to get right, as it opens onto the long, long back straight, where the higher powered cars will come into their own. Halfway down this straight is T9L - The Hump, which shouldn’t unsettle most of the cars unduly, but the kerb on the inside can if liberties are taken. It is so shallow as to almost not be a turn, but we’ve seen people come a cropper there by not giving it enough respect.

Once you’ve finished that first climbing section, you go past the South Loop paddock until you reach T10R, one of my favourite corners. It’s a fast corner, and you need to attack it, but too much inside kerb has been known to put cars on their roofs. A short blast of acceleration leads you back onto the North Loop, and the track’s character changes from a free flowing blast into a set of technical corners that pile up one after another after another.

The first of these is T11L, The Gulch. As with so many other corners here, the kerbs are quite heavily sloped, so too much inside kerb will again throw you off the outside of the track, and as the following short straight is steeply uphill, you do not want to be losing momentum here. Following The Gulch and it’s uphill blast is the superb T12L, Bridge Turn.

Blind on entry because of the bridge supports this is a delicate mix of late braking, hard turn in, measured acceleration and rear end control. Once through, it’s another hard acceleration up through T13R – The Kink – which as it’s name suggests is a shallow curve taken under full throttle.

Through there, and it’s up to the penultimate corner, and possibly the hardest corner to get completely right, T14R, Namerow. It’s a steep uphill braking zone on approach, with the actual turn just beyond an unsettling crest, very tight and falling away slightly, so it’s almost blind until you are on top of it. Brake too late, and you’re in the ever patient sand trap beyond the apex. Brake to early, and the incline might almost stop you before turn in. Accelerate too soon, or too much, and it’s very easy to spin, generally right in the path of people who will have very little chance of avoiding you. It’s also possible to drift wide and into the pits, or worse, the tyres delineating the pitlane entry.

Once safely negotiated, you’ve seen the pit entry, so it’s a full on blast to the S/F line, yes?

No. Mont Tremblant has one last piece of lead to slip into the boxing glove if you aren’t paying attention. T15L, Control Tower Bend, needs to be taken under hard acceleration, but drifting too wide on exit on the gas can send you across onto the grass (possibly spinning you), throwing the rear out on the kerbs (so you impale yourself on the inside wall) or straight off into the outside wall (where you’ll be hoping it ends up just being a spin).


The Race Director has some notes for drivers. Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-

· All Corners Without Exception – The kerbs are not deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times. Again, there are NO exceptions to this rule at any point on the circuit. Any exception to this rule is deemed illegal, any advantage gained by this method must be ceded immediately. Report people deliberately and excessively cutting.

· T2R – Lucas & T3R. This is a high speed section and also quite bumpy. Be prepared - especially near the start of the race when people are often being forced onto non-optimal lines – of drivers losing control through here. It is very easy to get thrown across the track (from R to L) and onto the grass, so if you are on the outside of these turns, your danger will come from your right.

· T10R. The combination of fast corner, and steeply angled kerbs can become an impromptu launch pad for the driver not paying attention. Be aware of drivers suddenly losing control or even rolling the vehicle through this section.

· T11L – The Gulch. The kerb can throw people across the track, and there’s both grass and a wall over there, so you will need to be aware not only of sudden changes in line from people immediately in front of you, but also of people possibly bouncing back onto the track out of control.

· T12L – Bridge Turn. This is the only corner that concerns me with regard to driver conduct. It is easy for someone to run a little wide through T12L, and allow another driver up the inside, where my concerns begin. The acceleration will naturally drift the inside car out, potentially across and into the wider car, pushing them onto the grass. Doing this cynically or deliberately to impede them is simply not on. Cleanly going up the inside and past is fine, but going up the inside and then forcing the outside driver onto the grass by impact is not. I will take a very dim view of any hip and shoulder passes through T12L. If you go in to T12L on a tight line, keep that tight line until the turn-in point for T13R The Kink, as you should be ahead by then anyway. If you are the victim of deliberate contact through T12L and it costs you your position, please report it.

· T14R – Namerow. As described in the track notes, there are a multitude of ways to make a hash of this corner. If you spin, you must wait until there is a safe gap to rejoin the race, irrespective of how many places this costs you.

· All points on the track – General Items
No lights are to be flashed at any stage, under any circumstances, during the race.
The Track must be re-entered safely so as not to ruin other peoples races.
Car damage must be assessed realistically to know if it is possible to make the pits or not.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties

There are no new No-show infractions now being levied on Drivers after Round 3.

There is 1 Conduct infraction currently being carried by a Driver.

Andreas Löffler

This infraction will be carried for this race then rescinded. Any further infraction during the period of the infraction (ie this race) will result in removal of qualifying privileges in the subsequent round. Once the infraction is rescinded the driver reverts to a clean record.

3 drivers who were carrying a No-show infraction from Round 2 now have that infraction rescinded.

Sam J. Simpson
Jakub Dylewski
Jakub Borucki

Any further infraction of this type by these 3 drivers from this point on will result in removal from the League.

1 driver removed from the League after a second No-show infraction.

Michal Mroczek

Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.)

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.


You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

Scoring System

I have extended the points distribution method down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.
The Distribution is as follows for 100km events :

P1 - 25 pts
P2 - 22
P3 - 20
P4 - 18
P5 - 16
P6 - 15
P7 - 14
P8 - 13
P9 - 12
P10 - 11
P11 - 10
P12 - 9
P13 - 8
P14 - 7
P15 - 6
P16 - 5
P17 - 4
P18 - 3
P19 - 2
P20 - 1

1 point for fastest race lap
1 point for qualifying on Pole
Looks like no racing for me this summer. It's unbelievably hot, having trouble doing half an hour, let alone 2 in front of a computer... Bad race anyway, practically no practice, several spins in the race, getting out of the way fails. Sorry all. Waited till lap 18, 75%, and retired, couldn't do more.

Was fun racing with Ondrej for a couple of laps though.

Congrats podium
Fabulously amazing race tonight for me.

I really like this track and the alfa was a joy! The sweeping bends really playing to the stregnths of the car. Qualified 13th, my usual middle of the road slot. Made a good start and managed to get up to 8th on lap one chasing Grzegorz, Stu and David. At the start of lap 2 I was tapped in turn 1 by Bob, kept it going but made man was it a scary moment! David was less lucky, from what I saw he mounted the kerb and nearly rolled it. I passed him sliding sideways down the hill, but this was not the last I would see of him.

The Middle section of the race was a total blur for me. I was basically one long battle with Jay, Martin, Gary, Steven and myself. Much swapping of paint and positions was done but it was some of the best racing I've experienced, very close but equally clean and respectful. I had a great time fighting with Gary, whose falcon minced me on the straights but it was like someone had left a barn on the track in the twisty stuff. I eventually managed to effect an overtake going up the hill into the stadium section and fortunately Steve was so close the Gary was unable to fight back to easily.

Steve did pass Gary too and I was expecting a tough battle between our two alfa's to the finish. This battle lasted about 300yds! I was really slow into the esses of T2/3 all night and I can only assume Steve was caught out by my crapness as he tapped me from behind and went off. I continued completely on me own for 6 laps. In my own world I was cruising to a comfortable 9th with no traffic I could finally relax after a long series of battles. What could possible go wrong?......well it is me to something was bound to!

Just as I was starting the final lap I went a shade wide into T1 and had to back off. No biggie in itself, but as I got back up to speed I check behind and suddenly, out of nowhere David comes flying up behind me like he'd sat on a wasps nest! I was forced to sit up and defend but in reality resistance was futile. In a matter of seconds David was past and he screamed away to take my nice secure 9th! Nice comeback mate!

Overall I had a great race and a top 10 place always pleases me!

Thanks to Stu for another great event!

Oh and how could I write up a post-race report with out giving a shout out to Carlos for claiming a great victory! How the tables have turned from last season eh? We'd have been happy with top 20 then! Well done dude!!!
It was quite an interesting event for me this evening. After I did not really know what to expect from the NSU on this track compared to the other cars I was pleasantly surprised that the top times were not that far away. While not being able to get below the 2 minute mark in practice I set my target to get below it in qualifying and thought that might help to get somewhere close to the top ten.

But sure as hell I was wrong .. Got a 1.59.4 but ended up on 16th starting position.. guys, you really have to slow down please! ;)

Got a fast start off the line as usual with the NSU but the two alfas in front squeezed somewhat together allowing me no place to overtake. Kept myself out of the first lap incidents and found myself in the middle of the field without many battles. Had a somewhat comfortable lead over warren (5+ seconds) and saw no one in front of me. Due to a total brainfade I thought I was in another corner than I actually was and ended up way too fast in the gravel. Warren got past easily and I tried to recover.
This led to some nice situations where Warren always kept it clean and I was somewhat unable to get past for quite some time. And once I got past I had my second brainfade crashing right into the bridge because I knew the Mini was always fast up there. Thought I couldn't slow down there as much as usual and off I went. Sorry Warren if I caused you any problems with that.

Due to others mistakes we got others between us during the race finishing it with a nice battle with Jakub which I lost. Had some nice side by side moments through the corners but I was overly cautious with my car because I know how sudden it can spin in such situations.

Congratulations to all front runners and all that kept it clean, as mentioned earlier I enjoyed it. See ya on track soon.
What should i say i´m really pissed off from today.I was surprised that i´m so off pace on this track in compare to last rounds. Anyway, qualyfied in 6th which would be good to manage at least a top 10 result.

My start was relly bad, i´m not sure what went wrong. So maybe that was already the mistake what let follow all the rest. Was now in the pack but could get two places back in right left shicane, i was thinking. Cause Bob was still inside, i brake - don´t know if he brak but get a hit and spin out, much better i roll over to last place. :woot:

Car felt not normal after that but tried to go racing. Unfortunately the overtake to Neil also dont work and i spun again. After that i was already :mad: and two further crashes rounded my race perfectly up.

Would be better i had drove STC today instead of this one after Greg disconnectet and David G got after crash only 20th a disaster race day for TBR. (also DC spun) Really disappointing for my championchip, it goes again like my first GTL season :frown:. I will take it now from race to race, but i´m not very motivated at the moment.


edit: Beside this, Congratulations to Carlos :good:. 4 different winners in 4 races, that´s nice.
I had a lot of fun this Race, despite the Mini being hopelessly outclassed.
In qualy, I also just set myself the goal of getting a time under 2 mins, once I achieved that, I sat back and waited for the Race, knowing I would get blown away off the line anyway.

I had some early race battles with Kris, Martin, and Neil, some veeeery close racing indeed. I almost had a repeat of last Round as Manuel spun his NSU going under the bridge, but this time I missed him (just :eek: ). I then had some more very tight racing with Kris and Pedrag, using every bit of the Mini handling to offset the extra speed of their Alfa's. Pedrag almost pulled off a brilliant pass around the outside of turn 1, but lost it on the exit. I notice in the replay that we had a very minor touch a few seconds earlier, so I hope I didn't contribute to your spin Pedrag. :sorry: I did my best to keep tight to the inside, but the Mini understeers badly there. I then resumed harrassing Kris but Hans joined our battle too. :cool: I finally sneaked through the inside of the hairpin and could open a gap to Kris while he battled Hans.
After that, I had some "free" laps where I could find some Mini rhythm, until I met Marc recovering from a NSU spin. That began an absorbing battle with Marc that lasted until the end. Marc was a little quicker, but I had to rely on the NSU's tricky handling to stay ahead. Marc drove it very well though, only making one mistake, well done Marc. :thumb: I managed to hold Marc at bay until near the end when Jakub was coming back from an earlier spin. Jakub's Alfa was clearly faster, so I tried to let him through, but overdid it, lost momentum, and Marc pounced and slipped past down the long straight.
Finally finished P14, about as good as I could have expected against much faster cars.

I'm already dreading Bathurst, my poor Mini will be lapped regularly by most of the field, there are no twisty bits to make up ground there. :frown:

Thanks to Stu for his organisation, and to all who joined and raced so cleanly.

EDIT: How could I forget, congratulations to Carlos for the win, great to see, mate.
from hero to zero for me last night.

not much to report here. was very frustrated after the race because it could have been so much better.
again I got me spinning in the first round. but then kept it together and did some nice laps till about lap 20 when it all went wrong.
got me spinning several times and one time I was standing in the middle of the track when the leaders arrived. sorry for that. not that I ruined my race only I also destroying the race of others. sometimes I'm really thinking about leaving this league. Maybe I'm more motivated after some days of relaxing.

maybe another chair could help also. After about 17 laps my bottom was in pain what didn't help either.
Just like the last round i felt i dug as deep as i could go in qually and felt i nailed as good a lap as i am capable of against the clock with a lap i was happy with,but like the last round it was good for 17th place,away good and made a point of attempting nothing fancy and just plodded along picking up the gift places as they came,then took some early advantage on the straights and reached my high point of 8th for a bit?(ooh my giddy aunt)....as tyres failure comes in to play later on i cant hold back the likes of Palmero and Tom anymore,DC comes on a late charge to put me back outside the top 10,i think hes trying a cruise round the outside at the T2/T3 turns,i just hug the inside curb at T3 and ofcourse as usual with the Falcon and an Abarth nudging it,i feel nowt,i look back when i leave T3 and DC has spun to a halt in his tin can,although im 100% certain i played no part in that spin,when DC recovered and closed in again with the same speed and ease,i gave him my 10th place just to keep everything cushty,in all honesty he was going to be able to pass anyway,and being 10th or 11th isnt too much different,if it was for the lead,i would say fupp him!,cheeky chancer >;P.
Well done Carlos and podiums and all finishers.

Thanks Stuart & RD
I am still in a great deal of shock lol.

Before the race began, my strategy was to get a good launch and try my best to stick to Peter G and Ryan in hopes of having them lead me around the track and hopefully coming home in the top 5.

Race starts and I get a better launch than I hoped for and I end up right behind Peter in P2 with Amir right on my tail. To my amazement, I am able to stay close to Peter with Ryan staying right on my rear bumper for the first few laps. At some point I go a bit wide in a left hander and Ryan gets by and I and up in P3. I'm behind Ryan for a few laps until he loses his rear end in a right turn and I steal P2 again.

At this point I am thinking to myself..."Man, if I could just keep Ryo back there I might come in P2!!"
As I am driving my heart out trying to run away from Ryan I notice I am getting closer and closer to Peter. After a while I manage to get close enough to see that we have very similar speeds through the turns but my car is a tiny bit faster through the straights. I was pretty darn close to Peter's rear from about the 15th lap onwards, but I couldn't see where or how I would get past him. He wasn't making any mistakes at all, at least none that I could see.
At some point that tiny bit of extra speed my car has on the straights comes into play and I am able to pass him, I nearly died from the nerves. I was like, "don't mess it up now, just drive the wheels off this thing and make it stick" lol.
So now I have Peter harassing me just as much I was harassing him just a minute ago, I don't know what's worse...chasing or being chased, lol.
He stayed glued to my bumper for several laps until we came across Manuel who was recovering from an off. I managed to miss him but Peter had to slow down bigtime. That let me get away and put a gap of about 3-4 seconds between us.
But it was not in the cards for me to just have a lonely last few laps lol. When I was lapping Ondrej, I pressed the "Thank You" button on my game pad and at the same time hit the pit limiter by mistake lol!! By the time I figured out what I had done Peter was coming with enough momentum to pass me in the very same place I had passed him earlier! So now I am back to P2. I'm a little angry at myself for hitting the wrong button but I figured the gap I had on Peter to begin with was because of an unfortunate event and not because Peter messed up. So I was in the right place again and happy to bring it home in P2 behind Peter.
I believe that there only 3 or 4 laps left. I figured maybe I could try and pass Peter again on the straight, like before. But before I even get the chance to try, Peter loses his rear on the last right, tight turn before the S/F line and I find myself leading again!
Peter begins to close the gap created by the spin and when I cross the S/F line he's only one second behind.

I have to give Peter props for his extremely clean and safe driving. We were very close for more than half the race and we never touched each other. At one point we were side by side through a couple of turns and still no contact. Great driving Mr.G!

Many thanks to Stu for the organization of the league and to all that participate, without you guys showing up to race, there is no race.
Race Report - an error strewn race for me - quite disappointing.


Had been happy with my pace in the buildup, but it was difficult to know if I was up to speed. The practice sessions confirmed I was on target, being the fastest guy out there alongside Amir.

Put an early 56.8 lap in. Thought it might be good enough for pole but Peter popped in a lap 0.017 faster than me! Couldn't quite find a lap faster.

Lap 1: As expected I get overtaken by the Abarth swarm, down to 4th - I just cling on ahead of DC who's sniffing around. Down into T2, Amir gets a big wiggle on and I give him a little rub as I go past into 3rd. I'm close behind Carlos, who's had another mega start. I am depressed to see the Abarths ability out of the final corner however! This is going to be tough.

Lap 2-5:
I'm pushing as hard as i can to keep up with the battling Abarths of Peter and Carlos. The car is not feeling comfortable strangely - and I am disturbed by the pace of the Abarths - I had not expected them to be this strong.

Lap 6: Carlos goes deep into T2 and consequently runs wide at T3 also - I nip through, I just about manage to keep him behind on the back straight - now my focus is to catch Peter.

Lap 7:
I push hard to try and catch Peter, and am having some success.

Lap 8:
I notice Peter go deep at T2 and I lose concentration and slide on the brakes, losing 3rd, with now Amir right behind me.

Lap 9-10: I get back in the rhythm and am able to keep up with the Abarths but not overtake - Carlos makes the same mistake as earlier but learns from earlier too and doesn't run wide in the second part of the chicane.

Lap 11: Into T2 I make the same mistake, slightly more severely, as lap 8 - Amir goes past and Stu is now on my tail. My realistic target now is getting 3rd back.

Lap 12-17: Gaining slowly, but gaining at least on Amir.

Lap 18-19: I'm all over the gerabox of Amir, searching for a way past. The cars are so very different around here, it is very difficult. Especially important battle in regards to the championship. One of the reasons I was so annoyed at my second mistake was because of dropping behind Amir.

Lap 20: Again all over Amir - I'm searching for different lines to overtake. I take a wide line into the final corner, I brake too late, the back begins to slide and now the whole car slides gracefully into the gravel. And I stall it. And the gravel's deep. By the time I have got out Grzegorz and Stu are long gone and I'm a lonely 6th.

Lap 21-24: Simply a case of bringing the frustration and annoyance home. Without the mistakes I would have been battling for the win and would have had 3rd at the very least. Tyre degradation seems much more critical on an Alfa, given it's nature than the Abarths, something I need to consider. All three mistakes were on the brakes - I had been in some pain with my left hand (my braking hand, being a pad user), so it is possible that was related - although it was probably just talent failure.

Many, many congrats to Carlos on the win - brilliant drive! If I had been offered the championship lead after round four I would have taken it - but the race is still tinged with disappointment, much like Knutstorp.
First things first;ofline training was a disaster an not knowing why, I know St Jovite well,we did several races there ,the uphill-downhill section is tricky from 10 laps I was off 8 times in the downhill,the long slow righthander before the long strait half of the time in the gravel,fastest lap
a 2.03xx!
I was getting a bit desperate trying several setups but the problems not going a way .:confused:

Race evening start an still not knowing wat setup to use,I did have a setup from Sam from Laguna the first event we did with the TCR an this one was good than, so this must be it.

So when I was arriving in my pitbox an looking on the monitor to the times where set,my god 1.58-1.57 knowing that in Quali it will go faster,not feeling well:bad:.

Followed Amir a few laps on the monitor an the first sing I noticed he was running with short gears, changed that first ,steer ratio back to 12 an later to 10.5, break from 80 to 88,an after a lap or 10 on a 2.00 so that was going better,in Quali 1.59.481 pretty happy about that starting on p18.

Race , Gary on the left side on p17,looking at his car it let me think that when he opens a door, he could take me an my car with him on the front seat.lol

Peter on pole a 24 drivers on the grid I did make a good start an after the first lap running on p14 with Marc an Predrag close behind ,p13 in lap 3 making my usual mistake al so did Bob back to p15 an a second in the same lap Kris Warren an Predrag going by p 18 (dam)Kris an Warren fighting so closing in an catching Kris a bit to close, sorry Kris an going after Warren,Kris close on my tail try to pas me an tapped me both of ,Manuel an David go by, Kris waiting on me Thanks Kris an of we go p18 lost the car again Kris an Neil go through.

Had a good fight with Neil an going back for Kris when he lost his car p18 but Bob was closing lap by lap,Ondrej in front an I was a bit to wide an hit him sorry Ondrej he was making room fore us,Bob providing from that back to p19.

Bob driving slowly a way from me how hard I try not getting any closer,then I saw a blue car in my mirror,Andreas? thinking I being lapped but no blue light? ( not knowing of the probs
Andreas did had) first try he was slipping of but fast back on me so decided to let him go by,after he passed me I saw P 19 after his name so it was for a place p20..

Bob was out of side, an on 75% of the race distance still Neil behind an than I saw a red car in front that give me something to go for an after a few laps it was Manuel's NSU .
He must have cracked under my pressure (lol) an slipped of in a big pile of smoke so p19 again.

Then the leaders are lapping me first car was Carlos, Carlos??? yes good to see you on first!!
then Peter on a little distance p2, an the same for Amir on p 3.

Few laps later a small group was closing, saw my blue light flashing,going out of the way an Stuart going by then a second car go by ,that was that guy Neil hide him self between the front runners to snatch my place, back to 20 in I think the last lap ,so I will have a word with him, lol.

Grats to Carlos Peter an Amir for the podium,thanks to Stuart an RD for this.

ps Finish on p20 for me was feeling a top 10 place I did have a great time with the guys around me to race with them.thanks all.

ps 2 If you read my report imagine that there where pictures ,I made about 30 screen shots to alighting the story but they turn out all black,an no time to do it over again.
I don't mind at all that I finished just 2nd, because Carlos showed up perfect drive. An absolute deserts victory. Congratulations! And our clean and safe fight was due to that you were clean and safe too. It needs 2 persons at least.

To Manuel: Yeah, it wasn't an ideal situation, but I know how hard to decide what to do. Stay on the track, or get out as soon as possible. But I think there is no best decision, so no problem mate, sometimes it happens. I know you tried to do your best.

Thanks to Stuart & RD! See you next time.
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