RDHGP S6 - Round 2 - Anderstorp GP - 100km - 25th Nov 2010

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
Knowing Me, RDHGP S6, Knowing You, Round 2. Aha!

Welcome back to Round 2 of RDHGP S6. After the False Start that was our first attempt at Mosport, and the subsequent rescheduling discussions, we finally managed to open Season 6 and I hope that it didn’t disappoint – it certainly didn’t for me. As a lot of us had been saying and predicting, it was more than pretty even in laptimes, with less than 2 seconds covering the first 21 qualifying positions.

There were a few accidents, but as I had hoped after a quick review of the race, nothing was reported to me. The nature of Mosport means that there tend to be very few “little” accidents, the track’s high speed and high cresting tending to exacerbate loss of control, and relatively short and slippery run-offs surrounded by hard walls and tyre barriers mean going off is more likely to be race ending than elsewhere. Combine that with the difference in car performance, braking distances and our still relative inexperience in them means that we are still working out the knots. Considering that, I’m pretty happy with Round 1.

The only issue I have is that there was a driver in Round 1 who was very aggressive in Lap 1, passing a lot of people, but nearly always with sparks flying off the cars as they made contact. I’m not going to name names here, you can check your replays if you think it might be you, and if it was, please adjust your driving accordingly.

There were some people with technical issues, which is always unfortunate, especially at the first round of a League. I will give the benefit of the doubt for Round 1 with regard to technical no-shows, but after that, if you don’t show, you will get an infraction. Furthermore, blaming the skinpack at any stage will not be considered a valid technical reason for a no-show. There were 26 people on the server all using the skinpack without issue, so we know that it works.

Round 2 takes us over 3,800 miles NorthEast to the Gislaved Municipality, Jönköping County, Småland, Southern Sweden and the Scandinavian Raceway at Anderstorp.

Circuit Notes

Located about 50 miles North East of fellow circuit venue Falkenberg, the Scandinavian Raceway at Anderstorp was built in 1968 on local marshlands. It became very popular just as Ronnie Peterson was at the height of his powers. The circuit hosted the Swedish F1 Grand Prix on 6 occasions during the 1970’s, notably it was the site for the first and only win (and also the first and only appearance) of the infamous Brabham “fan-car” in 1978. However, after the deaths of both Peterson and fellow Swede Gunnar Nilsson in that 1978 F1 season, public support for the event dried up and the Swedish Grand Prix was no longer on F1’s calendar.

The circuit has changed very little since its inception. People’s impression of Anderstorp is one of a convoluted and twisty track, but it actually only has 8 turns in its 4.03 km layout, which is actually 2 fewer than Mosport, generally perceived to be a simple, high speed track. It’s the nature of the Anderstorp corners that give this tight and twisty impression, however, with 4 of the 8 corners being 180° or more, and the rest being between 90° and 120°. Most of these have fairly wide radii, so you feel like you’re turning forever. Anderstorp has one of the longer straights in the League season, but in the context of the lap, it’s more of a relief to just be going straight for a while.

Now, the track map attached here, and the one on the Racing Circuits db differ in their location of the S/F line, Racing Circuits agreeing with GTL, so for the purpose of the track notes below, I will refer to the corners as numbered and named on the map, but in the order we will be driving them. If my memory is failing me, and GTL agrees with the map, I’ll re-write the below to be consistent.

Therefore, the first corner we approach as a timed lap starts is TR6 – Södra. It is positively cambered for the first half of the corner, but that camber flattens on exit as we accelerate onto the long, and not-quite-straight Flight Straight. The straight bears slightly right and narrows before the hard braking zone into T7R – Norra.
Norra is a relatively basic 90° right hander, with no, in fact possibly some negative, camber to add some difficulty to it and keep drivers honest. A short burst of acceleration out of Norra takes us rapidly onto the approach for one of the trickier corners and Anderstorp, T8R Läktar.

Läktar itself is an almost set-square regular 90° right hander, with no real camber to speak of. The difficulty comes from that simplicity and by the way speed that drivers want to take it, the high bumpy kerb on the inside and the high bumpy kerb on the outside exit both waiting to unsettle the car and snap the nose around. The corner begs to be attacked, but drivers not treating this corner with respect will pay for it.

Out of Läktar, it’s a blast to T1R, the (in our case) ironically named Start Kurva. This is the first of a run of those wide, but mid speed hairpin 180° turns. Some Industrial Strength positive camber allows this to be taken far quicker than their radius would normally allow. Once out of there, the camber turns over as you brake hard for the first left hander of the lap, T2L – Opel. Almost the mirror image of T1R, heavy camber allows it to be attacked, opening onto a short straight. You go past the link on your right where the South Circuit short course rejoins the GP course, and then it’s heavy braking into T3L – Hansen.

After the previous corners, this is a bit of a sucker punch, negatively cambered so too much speed or too late a turn in will run you off the outside. Negotiating this turn takes you under the Gislaved Bridge and into T4R – Continental. An almost punchbowl of a corner it’s banking allows some speed to be wound on, with the difficulty being the immediate and hard braking required as the camber comes off for T5L – Gislaved.

This is the tightest corner on the circuit, and it is again flat or almost negatively cambered, so caution is paramount. Out of Gislaved, no doubt trying to hold onto your snaking rear end under acceleration, and across the S/F line to complete a lap at the Scandinavian Raceway.


The Race Director has some notes for drivers. Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-

All Corners Without Exception – The kerbs are not deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times. Again, there are NO exceptions to this rule at any point on the circuit. Any exception to this rule is deemed illegal, any advantage gained by this method must be ceded immediately. Report people deliberately and excessively cutting.

T6R – Södra. As always, be aware in Lap 1, of people as you turn in here, it will be slow and crowded. has the possibility to cause huge problems if drivers don’t respect each other. Round 1 was actually pretty good, so I’ll assume we all want to finish a race and not just start one.

T7R – Norra. As mentioned previously, you will need to be aware of the differences in braking distances and relative manoueverability of the cars.

T3L – Hansen. It is very easy to drift off the outside here, and the base of the bridge is waiting for people being overexuberant. It is also a dangerous place to rejoin if you do go off, as people may well be unsighted as they round the corner. If you go off there, take your medicine and do not just try and force your way back onto track.

All points on the track – General Items
No lights are to be flashed at any stage, under any circumstances, during the race.
No Chat during the Quali or Race except by Race Control for information.
The Track must be re-entered safely so as not to ruin other peoples races.
Car damage must be assessed realistically to know if it is possible to make the pits or not.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties

There were no incident reports and therefore no driving penalties levied for Round 1.

I will give people whom I know were having technical issues the benefit of the doubt for Round 1 and not levy any no-show penalties on them. I’ll even be lenient on Fernando who at least posted up to say he couldn’t make it. Others with whom I’ve had no contact whatsoever will receive an infraction.

There are 3 No-show penalties being levied after round 1
· H. Smolders
· G. Migazzi
· G. Camargo

All receive an infraction for Round 1. 2 consecutive no-shows will mean removal from the League.
Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.) Accident reports made within 24 hours of race completion will be ignored.

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.

You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

Scoring System
Points are scored down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.

The Distribution is as follows for 100km events :
P1 - 25 pts
P2 - 22
P3 - 20
P4 - 18
P5 - 16
P6 - 15
P7 - 14
P8 - 13
P9 - 12
P10 - 11
P11 - 10
P12 - 9
P13 - 8
P14 - 7
P15 - 6
P16 - 5
P17 - 4
P18 - 3
P19 - 2
P20 - 1

1 point for fastest race lap
1 point for qualifying on Pole
well done gary for another blowing win. you must have found some secrets with that 911:).
i hate this track and the escort and i didn't get along well here. during qualy i was able to do 1'44'4 6th place which realy surprised me. i did not expect that.
as for the race it was very intresting and intense. first i found out that i chose the wrong gear ratio which meant that i was slower in top speed. second thing i found out is that the 914 is very fast when driven right. thumbs up for jay and predrog for a very good and fair fight. one more thing i learned is that the pantehra is way too fast in top speed and it was very hard to be able to pass in the twisty parts.
about half a race i spent trying to pass david who was defending his position like a man possed:). finally i manged to pass david only to get repassed in the long straight. jay and i tried evertying but david just didn't give up:).
at the last third of the race ivo caught up and used the top speed to pass.he was good on the twisty parts too and put his panthera right when i planed to pass, later on we had a contact. no worries ivo i know you had no where to go . i droped back lost some places and then caught up to jay ivo and david. at some point jay and david had a contact and i gained back 3 places after being able to pass ralf. then i chased down ivo again. it is becoming a habit:). ivo defended very well. i planed to pass him at the final corner of the last lap. ivo read my thoughts and defended his place well. we finished with a small gap between us. got 5th place which i am very pleasd with.
p/s ivo i will get my revenge for that pass at that last lap you know where:)
I make it much to difficult for myself.

Q: 4th. With a lap where i didnt knew where it came from. Was even 0.300 up in the last lap but i made a mistake.

Race: Start was fun i must say. Nice tu tu to Andreas on TS made it more fun. :p
So P1 in T1. Knew i didnt had the pace of Gary or Andreas. But with my stupid mind i thought there was also a point for leading lap. Was trying to keep Andreas of my back, who didnt really wanted to listen to me on TS, resulting going to fast in the last corner and spinning.

Was back to 9th after that. Behind the crazy lagging Tom. (sorry for the chat) but felt i needed to say something because he was jumping on and off the track. Then the inevitable happened with someone touching Tom wich resulted in a pile up and myself avoiding the mess in the last turn. Down to 13th.... Made op some ground passed Ralf for 7th and then the chase begun for the guys infront with Ralf something like a wingman. Those guys where already 12sec away. Think it took 10 laps to get them. Where i really enjoyed my car choice. Didnt reallly needed to battle because i overtook them on the straight. Just got Amir in the braking zone. Left some room so he took it back. Had good run him in the next corner and passed him, he braked abit later but we made contact, sending him slowly off. Watched the replay dont think it was someone his fault really i maybe could stay closed to the curb and Amir maybe needed to left some room. Behind DC now. Who threw his car in all places to keep is place. :D Very scary moment when i had a good run on him on the straight. Wanted to make a move on the left but when he braked his car went abit to left sending me in the grass and hitting him abit but whe managed to stay on track. Couple of laps later Jay got the inside of me but then hitted DC. Avoided him abit bit still crashed abit in him. But had P4 back now. With all the battles Amir closed a big gap and was close behind me the last laps, but held on to 4th. :)

Was some good racing. Did my first laps this afternoon, so happy with 4th.
Thanks Stu. :)

One of the worst races I had in my simracing career. Today was crazy race. I made so many mistakes that I think could last for two my previous seasons in this league.

I do not know exactly what happened to me. Practice - competetive time, quali third, good start what surprised me and first mistake on the end of the first lap. Later was my mistakes festival. Off the track, loosing time, slice etc. No my day. Only saw that Stu had similar day to me and unlucky made a lot of mistakes too.

Nevermind, now I have to prepare for the next round and fight with my head and concentration.
I get the impression that my lag was worse than I realised - i obviously couldn't tell this was happening from my desk, everything seemed perfect. I've never had this problem before, i'm on an 18Mb/s cable net connection which has never let me down previously.

To all that had to follow me please accept my sincere apologies for an carnage or upset caused (on behalf of Virgin Media.......) I'll do what I can to remedy this before Rouen but if you guys notice it being that bad in practice next time i will leave the game straight away, I don't want to ruin anyones night.

It must be hard enough following my crazy vette when the connection is good:D

RE the pile up in the final turn, again I'm sorry if it was my lag that caused the contact (twice :rolleyes:). At the time I was really annoyed as I just assumed it was the second race in a row where people kept piling into the back of me in slow bends - clearly this was not the case, so sorry!
Not happy with that. Got taken out in the first lap, someone on the inside of T5L, I think I left enough room, but got pushed, spun, Hans ran into me :)sorry:), massive damage.
Tried to drive after that, but the car wasn't going straight, was squirming badly under brakes, zero confidence left. After a while, I couldn't do it anymore, so pitted for damage, lost 2 minutes. And that was that.

My replay isn't working, so don't know who it was, or whose fault it was. Meh anyway.

Thanks Stuart

EDIT: replay working fine now, weird. Anyway, I was wrong, I wasn't "taken out" or pushed, a racing incident I guess.
Quite disappointed, wasn't that far off pace in practice, but 0 points to show for it.

Well, I will hold my hands up to say that was me Senad. I'm sorry to have caused you to spin mate. As you said, after checking your replay, I went on the inside at T5 as I saw you going a bit wide. I was trying to leave room at the exit but as you know that corner is cambered and I drifted right when exiting. I thought you had seen me on the inside mid corner & I tried to hold it down as much as possible but it seems not enough. What makes it worse was the fact that after your spin Hans, who was blameless, came round only to find you facing the wrong way and hit you head on, not good. Once again I apologise but as you know I try hard not to cause anyone to have problems at my expence but sometimes these things happen when racing in close company.
Well, I will hold my hands up to say that was me Senad. I'm sorry to have caused you to spin mate. As you said, after checking your replay, I went on the inside at T5 as I saw you going a bit wide. I was trying to leave room at the exit but as you know that corner is cambered and I drifted right when exiting. I thought you had seen me on the inside mid corner & I tried to hold it down as much as possible but it seems not enough. What makes it worse was the fact that after your spin Hans, who was blameless, came round only to find you facing the wrong way and hit you head on, not good. Once again I apologise but as you know I try hard not to cause anyone to have problems at my expence but sometimes these things happen when racing in close company.

I intentionally went to the outside. I braked for the car in front, plus was slower than you in general, so just tried to give room for a safe pass. I knew you'd be going there, and heard you, but didn't account for you drifting right. Happens.

Ya, sorry again Hans. Hope there wasn't that much damage on your car.
Not that much to report really;

Quali, down the backend of the grid not able to match Ralf & Steve in the other BMW's although I was behind Steve on the grid but around 8 10ths off his pace. The start went really well, was able to make up around 4/5 places but then was behind Tom into T1. I went wide to give him room but on the exit he bumped into me so I lost all the place I had made up at the start. At T2 I lost more places due to the amount of cars trying to go through there so backed off, a bit too much I think. After passing Hans at T4 & then making contact with Senad on the exit of T5, sorry again mate, I made up some of the ground I had lost at the start. A few more place came my way as others had their problems & I managed to latch onto Steve's bumper for a few laps until we came across cars parked on the track on the last turn in which he managed to get by cleanly but I got stuck there until they sorted themselves out & got back underway. The rest of the race I pushed as hard as I could & kept it clean & eventually finished 12th.

Thanks to Thommo for all his effort bringing up this league, Grts to Lenno on his second win of the season, wd the rest of the podium.
Frustrated again and sorry for not racing. The whole university's internet went down (first time it's ahppened funnily enough) think it was the heavy snow we've been receiving up here. Was down all night till early this afternoon.
Well, not the "most successful" race of life.
I have a long-standing aversion to Anderstorp, but at the last minute workout, I noticed that something was beginning to understand in this circuit.

I qualified poorly, given my best results.
1.44.9, despite the fact that my best time by 1 second better. The result - 12 th place at the start.

The race has started rather "peaceful", I went to 8 th place, but at the last turn of the 1 st lap, I met two Panthers who do not share the road. There was nowhere to go, and therefore had to "kick award" Ivo Simmons. I lost part of my front end and went out in seventh place.
Then, came on stage Tom Wilson:). We have exchanged with each other a few overtaking (which could see Ivo, he even decided to help me a bit when pushed back :wink:), but at the end of the third lap it all went to pieces. I could not escape the constant flashing of Tom in front of the last turn (Tom, you too, I'm sorry, I'm in this story, too little blame for certain. It was necessary to accurately behave).
In the end, after this, I had made in the gravel and I fell back to 14 th place.

Then there was Krzysztof. We had to fight on 4-5th laps, but in the early 6 th on the exit from first corner Krzysztof decided a little faster to resolve the issue. Krzysztof, I realize that may be my pace a little bit did not match yours, but because of this easy peak I lost a lot of time. I almost threw the woods on the first turn. I'm of course will survive and will not be anyone to complain, but I expected at least for a short "I'm sorry." Not to mention the fact that you had to wait. Oh well.

After all these outswing at the start, I was a little demoralized and made a couple stupid mistakes, and then fell back to last place. From there, to the end of the race, I was able to climb the 17 th.

Well, a negative experience - is also the experience. I have spent too little races to complain about a failed racing career.:D
Thanks to Stuart for the work and all for a race!
Then there was Krzysztof. We had to fight on 4-5th laps, but in the early 6 th on the exit from first corner Krzysztof decided a little faster to resolve the issue. Krzysztof, I realize that may be my pace a little bit did not match yours, but because of this easy peak I lost a lot of time. I almost threw the woods on the first turn. I'm of course will survive and will not be anyone to complain, but I expected at least for a short "I'm sorry." Not to mention the fact that you had to wait. Oh well.

Dmitry I think you should know basic race rules. You hit me. I especially watch the replay and I was on the inside, you close the door and hit me on the left side. If you see on replay I kept my line very close to the apex, you changed it and we had contact you should have gone wide then.

Before this incident you made the same you closed the door all time and only thank my braking we did not have contact. Does not matter but official accusation on the forum is not appropriate, especially if you are not right.


P.S. If you wish I can prepare and attach movie here if you do not have replay file)
Dmitry I think you should know basic race rules. You hit me. I especially watch the replay and I was on the inside, you close the door and hit me on the left side. If you see on replay I kept my line very close to the apex, you changed it and we had contact you should have gone wide then.

Before this incident you made the same you closed the door all time and only thank my braking we did not have contact. Does not matter but official accusation on the forum is not appropriate, especially if you are not right.


P.S. If you wish I can prepare and attach movie here if you do not have replay file)

Krzysztof, I have replay and watch this moment too from different views.
Frankly, I do not know what hit from behind can be classified as a hit by the car, which goes ahead.:confused:
This passage of this corner - this is my usual trajectory. First, I get a little inside, then I got a little lays out (in the center of corner), and I re-enter inside. So I do to start acceleration earlier car. Can go so wrong, but I'm so going through this turn.:)
I do not shut your path as you thought. I went as usual to me.

Before this incident, I may actually shut you the path from entry into the penultimate turn. I admit it. Here, maybe I'm wrong. Just pay attention to what it was once, but not "all the time", as you said.
And I repeat that I am not going to anyone officially / unofficially blamed. I just think that was right in that episode. And I'm not going to close your trajectory. I'm so I go usually.

Krzysztof, I did not want to offend you. Maybe I have little experience, but I think it was more right than you do in that situation.
Not a great race ,but I finish it so better then the first one.

Q on p24 from 25 with a 1.47.7xx not fast enough had a good start an stay out of trouble get 2 places after T 2,Senad had a prob.with Bob an I could not avoid him so he make a nice jump an I off on the grass,when I join, back on p24 all in the first lap.

Lap 2, Arthur an Neil of in T2 an Senad on my tail,taking T 3 to wide an Senad in T4 Neil going by an we closing on Jack having a short train with Stuart an Arthur fore a few laps, close on Jack in T2 an I brake a little to late going to the grass to avoid Jack but collect him, in the turn both off so waiting for him ,sorry Jack an of we go again P24 an 25.

Roman had an off an was in front of Jack an me ,Jack was just in front of T 4, I was just to late hard braking, off an lost contact after some laps passing Roman an Jack in T1 after they had contact an try to run away from them but Roman pass Jack an closing fast on me pass me on the inside an going of in T4 so back in the train again ,going wide in T1 an on the back p22
one third of the race now.

Dymytro catching Jack an I back to 2 sec. on Jack running on p21 an last, so some guys have left the battle field.

Desperately trying to catch Jack passing Senad in T5 was off an I make my first mistake by the bridge to fast on the gas back wheel on the curves an lost the car hit the fence an lost the splitter ( not good ) Senad passing again an Gary on p1 going by on the fly..

Halve way race now on p21, loss of the splitter make me lose the car more times had to adept
to less downforce in the front so had to brake early an laptimes going down.

The front runners starting to pass me ,so I had to watch my mirror ,Senad in the pits fore repairs p20 now, but he game back to unlap himself an going by .

Last laps of the race now on p20 an fines there.

Grats to Gary he was really flying an Predrag an Andreas for the podium.:good:

Thanks to Stuart for making it happen again an the guys for racing see you on Rouen:rolleyes:
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