RDHGP S6 - Round 5 - Birubi Southern Cross - 100km - 20th Jan 2011

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
That’s not a knife – THIS is a knife: RDHGP Round 5

Welcome back to Round 5 of RDHGP S6, and what is a unique occurrence. Due to the rescheduling forced upon us by the technical server gremlins in the season opener at Mosport, I’m writing this introduction/briefing before the previous race has taken place – and that’s never happened in the RDHGP since I’ve been running it. Consequently, there will be some info missing from this briefing that you would normally expect to see, ie how the last race went, whether there were incident reports or not, who got penalties and/or infractions (if there were any) etc. If it seems a more slender pamphlet than normal, look on it as a test of imagination, and opportunity to fill in the blanks yourselves.

For this leg of the season, we trot over 7,000 miles South West, leaving Laguna Seca on the West coast of the US, flying over the Pacific Ocean and the Coral Sea, and arriving on the East coast of Australia in Queensland, and the Birubi Circuit in Brisbane. At least that's where it looks like it's situated based on the LOD screen map.


Circuit Notes

In the same style as Neuveville last season, this is (as far as I can tell at least) a fictional circuit, but like Neuveville, it is a very well constructed layout that sits very happily alongside the real tracks this season. Similar to many of the circuits this season, there is a large vertical component which adds that extra degree of difficulty and interest, and which lifts already good tracks up into the great category.

Birubi, by all accounts, is the Aboriginal word for the Southern Cross, hence the dual titling convention – the two names are interchangeable with each other. Created by the Professor & Hugh Jarse, Birubi is 3.65km of winding, rollercoaster driving – blind crests, blind corners, risk/reward sections.

Like Laguna Seca, this is one of the shorter track we will visit this season, but because of the layout, the average speeds are lower, resulting in similar laptimes to some of the longer tracks. But - as we run on a distance format, it means that the high lap count and those times comparable to longer tracks, it again means that this could be one of the longer races in time duration.

I had a few quick refresher laps last night so I could write the lap guide, and it only reinforced what a fantastic circuit this is. Imagine the lovechild of Bathurst & Monaco, and you won’t be too far off.

A lap of Birubi starts on the closely packed and relatively short Start/Finish straight, leading straight into T1L, a terrific opening corner. A very fast uphill curve leading onto a short, uphill straight which allows you to get close to top speed before jumping on the brakes for T2L.

You can brake relatively late for T2L because of the fairly steep uphill approach which helps in retardation, but too early is better than too late as the outside wall will inflict some hefty damage if you go in too hot. T2L is a medium slow corner, the apex blind because of the high concrete wall on the inside, and while the inside kerb is (like virtually all Birubi kerbs) relatively benign on the inner, road side edge, the outer edge is a steep drop which can unsettle the car, or even ground it if you have low clearance.

The exit opens onto another decent length straight – still climbing – and you are faced with another hard, uphill braking zone, for T3R. Another blind apexed – and very tight – hairpin, it is the highest point on the track, going from uphill at entry to downhill at exit, and opens onto a fast downhill straight (albeit one that curves right).

That curve straightens into the approach to the T4aL & T4bR corkscrew chicane, which corner type we should all be familiar with by the time we get here after our Laguna Seca expedition in the previous round. While the drop off after T4aL is sudden enough that most cars will get a little air, the inner kerbs can really launch a car that gets too aggressive with it’s line, and send you off onto the slippery grass on the outside of T4bR.

After the corkscrew, we hit a downhill straight to the first of two similarly profiled turns, both right handed, diving away turns. T5R is a medium-high speed turn, a feather is needed to get the nose in sufficiently, and then it’s hard on the accelerator onto the following short straight.

T6R’s profile, as mentioned above, is very similar to T5R, but faster, and in laptime terms more important, as it leads on to a longer straight, where you will hit your top speed for the lap, so time lost here won’t be easy to regain.

Hard on the brakes at the end of the straight, under the bridge, for T7L - the tight, climbing 180°hairpin, again protected by a wall and a high kerb drop off on the inside. The exit doesn’t really give any time beyond settling the car before again getting on the brakes for T8R, a diving downhill hairpin.

This is followed by a short burst of acceleration, and then hard on the anchors for T9R, another hairpin, slightly climbing this time, opening onto a decent length straight.

Again, some hard braking is required under the bridge for T10R, another slightly climbing hairpin, which is immediately followed by T11L, the final diving turn onto the S/F straight, and ready for another lap on this gem of a circuit.


The Race Director has some notes for drivers. Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-

All points on the track – General Items
No lights are to be flashed at any stage, under any circumstances, during the race.
You may put your lights on if you are on a timed Qualifying lap to inform people in front of you. If they themselves are on a timed lap, they are not under any obligation to move for you.
No Chat during the Quali or Race except by Race Control for information.
The Track must be re-entered safely so as not to ruin other peoples races.
Car damage must be assessed realistically to know if it is possible to make the pits or not.

Oddly enough, even with all the gradients and hairpins, there aren’t too many corners that require separate warnings.

T3R – After a longish straight, the speeds will be quite high, and as always braking distances vary greatly between vehicles. Combine this with walls on the inside and a very tight turn, and it has the potential for grief. Care needed.

T7L – Like T3R, high speed + hard braking + blind apex = Caution. Reckless dives up the inside line here will result in contact due to the tightness of the turn. As always it is incumbent upon the person passing to be realistic on their chances of getting through cleanly. Sticking your nose in and levering them off is not acceptbale.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties

I’m hopeful that there will be no incident reports arising from Round 4.

I’m also optimistic that there will be no drivers serving infractions at this time.

Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.) Accident reports made within 24 hours of race completion will be ignored.

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.

You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

Scoring System
Points are scored down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.

The Distribution is as follows for 100km events :
P1 - 25 pts
P2 - 22
P3 - 20
P4 - 18
P5 - 16
P6 - 15
P7 - 14
P8 - 13
P9 - 12
P10 - 11
P11 - 10
P12 - 9
P13 - 8
P14 - 7
P15 - 6
P16 - 5
P17 - 4
P18 - 3
P19 - 2
P20 - 1

1 point for fastest race lap
1 point for qualifying on Pole
Very hard race with the Pantera.

Q: Was rubbish like usual. Still lucky that i got 8th.

Race: Got some places in the beginning. After some laps i was 3th and battled for that place the rest of the race.
Tires where gone after 18 laps and there was a little to much rubbing going one for me liking. Finally dropped to 5th at the end..
Oke result i think with the Pantera but like the Laguna race it could have been better.
that was an epic race:). didn't expect this at all. for about 20 laps ivo and i had a hard and long race for 3rd position. what a drive from ivo.thumbs up. krzyzstof was following us close by. he was much faster but made a mistake and lost it about lap 18. from then on i noticed that ivo's tyres were gone. applyed pressure all the way until i finally made a pass at one of the slow turens. unfortunetly i taped ivo so i waited and gave his place back. we lost about 8 seconds and krzysztof caught up again. to be honest i couldn't hold the pace of the 911 no matter how hard i tried. krzsztof passed ivo and me and i managed to pass ivo again.but this guy didn't give up:). last laps he tried to pass. i was on the left he was on the right. i kept my line broke deeper while ivo was on the outside to the left turn.looking at the replay now i saw we had a little touch but i think i held my line so i don''t think i should wait. i opend a gap of about a second until the end to 4th.
very happy with that.
well done gary grega nd krzystzof and thank you ivo for a memorable race.
Anyhow i wasn´t in race mood today. And after everything went wrong (spins, crashing Ralf - sorry for that) and additional the car felt so weird to training, wasn´t able to run the training times, it wasn´t fun at anytime. Shame that now the championchip is gone but i can´t racing on time when other things going throught my mind, maybe next time.
I had a shakey qualify session leaving it late to bag a lap the gave me pole position,my start was ok but not as good as Andre who got the jump on me,i was about to close off the door and block but noticed just in time Andre had already made some overlap,so the lead gone for T2 and i slot in behind the yellow Porsche with Greg so close watching us both,i notice Andre is really pushing his car really hard and a little bit later around the lap it bites him hard with a total spin around and out of the picture,so back in the lead with Greg following,he gives me some early displays of pace with some little "threats" to pass but then backing out,classic pressure harrassment tactics ;p.
I soak up a good 11 or 12 laps? of this constant barrage of attacks with maybe a coupld of postion swaps along the way too at some point?,i decide i cant take much more of this,the corners where Greg is stronger are high speed and high risk and its becoming too likely i could spin off trying to maintain the pace needed to hold him back,eventually after a bit more position swapping Greg finally gets the pass done at his best section of the track and makes it stick.
I am more or less resigned to finish in 2nd place as the gap slowly begins to creep up little by little,but to my surprise it peaked at about 1.7secs,and then even more to my surprise and amazement.....it very slowly again started to creep down a little back in my favour :D,i got to see the reason why in the last sector of the track Greg was actually noticeably struggling?!,as the laps counted down it became a fight of Greg owning the first half of the track,and me dragging him back in a bit in final 5 or 6 turns,there was one little scary pinball cars moment at the final turn with a backmarker,i was too close up Gregs chuffer to see what happened there,but thankfully no real drama.
Were now in the final stages of this race and i am properly back on terms to fight this to the line,i even get to show Greg my nose a bit just as some payback pressure harrassment! ;P,now down to the final lap and grit my teeth and start to push as hard as can get away with,this isnt over yet from my side :)......Suddenly just ahead at the exit of the fastest turn on the track for the run down the back straight i see another backmarker and see Greg going up the back end of it!,i wasnt quite close enough to really see what happened to have an opinion on it,but what that did give me was plenty of time to react and avoid it all and carry a bucket load ove speed over the stricken Greg,i must admit to almost losing it there too in a big spectacular way with my final avoidance around Greg,but i held it and managed to keep my boot in and take this win!!,i was damned if i was backing out of that one Greg m8 :),am i glad about the race being decided in that style?,hell no,do i really think i could have passed and beat you to the line otherwise?,we will never know now,but i can assure you i was feeling good with the car to try something at the final section we were coming to,one thing i do know is we really did have a wonderfull 27 laps of racing so hard and close and always making huge efforts to do our business clean,thank you mate.
Well done Greg and whoever finished 3rd,sorry mate but in all the excitement tonight i never looked :s.
Ryo!!?,seriously? :o,very much a LOL moment to read im sure you will agree....yet with a bit of OUCH! thrown in too :/,god speed your well return(final giggle) :).

Many Thanks Stu/Carlos & RD
Someone was stationary at T1, cars everywhere, couldn't go round immediately, and someone behind crashed into me a bit. Hans I guess, because he pitted after?

That was me Senad sorry for that not expected the cars not moving,the reason to go to the pits was completely different,

I made the best start ever in al the years I race,instead of putting the car in first gear an hold my thumb on ten clutch during the count down I was not focused on the time,so put my gear in reverse an start backwards an to early an get a S/G on top of it:eek:
At the time I had the car rolling in the right direction,there already was a gap so when I arrive at the first corner not expecting cars where stationary.

Start a race like that doin't give much confidence for the rest of the race,first lap from Greg en Lenno after 8 or 9 laps,after that it is constant looking in the mirror,not good for concentrating on driving,but I was determined to fin this race because from the 4 races we did fin only 1.

So I fin the race on p 17 ? not because my good driving.

Grats to Gary an Gregory ( they passed me twice, fighting bumber to bumber )

Thanks RD an Stuart for setting it all up ,an my fellow racers:good:
Went from 18th to 12th I believe after the start because I went wide right around the crowd of car-nage in turn 2 and I knew that I had to try to hold off the eventual catching of cars. As the laps rolled by I was slowly caught and passed while practicing holding racing line and defending position. I made a few little slips that allowed some to sneek by and a couple I gave way somewhat because they were in my blind spot and I didn't want to ruin anybody's day. Then I was alone for many laps and after about 16-20 laps I started to lose focus and made several unforced errors which allowed myself to be lapped much sooner than I had hoped. Overal I held it together enough to finish in 16th position which is a big improvement over Laguna. I encountered quality racing craft in my little part of the event from all racers. Well done to the winners and thanks to Stu for all the hard work. Cheers to all racers.

After all my hoping ( worrying ) to compete with Hans and Senad and they had bad luck. Maybe next time we can have a battle within the Battle.
Finally good race from my side, after terrible last races, problems with steering and keeping the Porsche stable. I wanted to practice before Handball game Sweden-Poland, so connected wheel, started game and wheel did not work. all settings disappeared, I found somewhere my old plr file and spontanically I saw that in it my speed sensitiv steering was on 60%, that's why I had a problem with unstability on slow curves. switched to 0, increase wheel rotation to 720 and steering lock on 26 and finally I started feeling the car, finally after few races without any fun and only fight with the steering.

I missed practice watching a game, be back on quali but had only 15 minutes to do good time, I finished it on P4 or P5.

Surprisingly I had even good start, what is very rarely to me. And had quite good pace on P4 or P5. On the middle of the lap, Andreas spun i front of me and I hit him with big power. I lost front spoiler on lap1 and thought: "why it's me again?". Car started to steer very weird, very undertsteer. I was thinking for a moment to press ESC, because I was depressed, lost many positions, but decided to drive to the finish line. I had to get used to new steeering habits, but whole race my times was much much worse then I would have had without accident. Overtook people before me and catch amir and Ivo fighting for the position. I fought for the posiotn, even overtook amir but lost it spun on the last tun, must have chased again and few laps before finish I overtook both amir and Ivo finish surprisingly on P3 what amazed me a lot, because whole race I drove with destroyed car, very very very understeer.

Thank you!
that was an epic race:). didn't expect this at all. for about 20 laps ivo and i had a hard and long race for 3rd position. what a drive from ivo.thumbs up. krzyzstof was following us close by. he was much faster but made a mistake and lost it about lap 18. from then on i noticed that ivo's tyres were gone. applyed pressure all the way until i finally made a pass at one of the slow turens. unfortunetly i taped ivo so i waited and gave his place back. we lost about 8 seconds and krzysztof caught up again. to be honest i couldn't hold the pace of the 911 no matter how hard i tried. krzsztof passed ivo and me and i managed to pass ivo again.but this guy didn't give up:). last laps he tried to pass. i was on the left he was on the right. i kept my line broke deeper while ivo was on the outside to the left turn.looking at the replay now i saw we had a little touch but i think i held my line so i don''t think i should wait. i opend a gap of about a second until the end to 4th.
very happy with that.
well done gary grega nd krzystzof and thank you ivo for a memorable race.

Lol yeah there was no way to get rid off the 911 of Krzysztof. :D
I just looked at lap 18 wich was quite fun. First i went wide abit in T1 you passed me. Then you went wide in T2 then Krzysztof and i passed you and then at the end of lap 18 Krzysztof spun behind me in the final turn losing the position to you. Very weird lap. :D
Monster connecto-fail :frown: My internet went down at home and is still not back (I'm now at work) -a huge shame as I love the track and was about to be in a nice scrap with (iirc) Roman, Ralf, Jay, Carlos [edit: and Neil] when I blinked out of existence.

Sorry if I caused any accidents when I lost connection - I know you can sometimes see a wobbly car in unfortunate places when that happens
Qualified 13th
Finished 9th

Got off to an ok start and out dragged Carlos no problem but there looked to be some contact with the 2 cars in front of me and that coupled with Roman's car doing it's best disappearing trick, one sec it was there next not then back again, so i backed off which was just as well as I managed to dodge the spinning Dubravko in turn one, but this allowed Carlos back through as well as Bob and at the top of the hill Jack squeezed through, no problem I thought as i could easily power past before the next bend, but i got caught napping as Thommo blocked my path so i was down to 15th before i knew it.

Managed to get past Jack at the top of the hill then started to close on Thommo and the rest of the group of 914's then found 3 of them got tangled up which allowed me to make up 3 places in one corner. So now up to 10th and hunting down the 914 of Roman and then Ralf with his BMW. Got past Roman no problem and had a bit of luck getting past Ralf as he met a back marker at the wrong place so it slowed him into weird line into turn one which allowed me to pass him going up the hill, but i did not stay there long as i stuffed up my braking coming into the last corner and paid a visit to a hard wall.

Around this time both i and my car started to get tired and i made numerous mistakes, one of which nearly ended my race. It seemed i spent most of the race following and being followed by the 914's of Carlos and Roman. I almost lost 9th place as Ralf started to close on me in which i felt my weakest section of the track and i made yet another mistake so i had a wee bit of defending to do so i offered him the outside line at the end of the straight but being the gentleman he is he left me to it and there was no way past for the BMW after that.

My first outing on this track and it is a wee cracker, couple of bits i struggled with but loved every lap.
thnx all for some fun.
My race report;

During quali I managed to match my practice laps but was hoping for more but couldn't pull it out of the bag so finished back in 14th, 2 1000ths behind Niel. This was a race that was both mentally & physically demanding on what is a great track. As we got of the line I got a good start & managed to read the road ahead & make up a couple of places after T2. I had Roman to my left on exit but held my line into T3 which allowed me to make a pass on this very tight corner. It wasn't to last long as Roman got back by towards the end of the lap. After a few laps I started to see those ahead of me having a few spins & was able to capitalise on these. After getting by unscathed I found myself upto 6th position with Dmytro a lttle behind me after his spin around lap 8. Now all I had to do was to keep my focus and bring it home but I knew from Laguna this was going to get very tough towards the latter part of the race due to tyre wear the beemer suffers. After a little while Dmytro closed the gap to me but not to the extent his was on my tail & this gap I was able to maintain. As we got closer to the end of the race I knew I could afford no mistakes but also knew I would be slower due to my tyres. It seemed I had a faster car for the first part of the lap & Dmytro the later. As we got very close to the finish of the race Dmytro started to make some moves but I managed to cover those off plus he didn't do anything stupid. Lap 27 I nearly lost my position due to the car sliding through lack of grip but again Dmytro wasn't close enough at the time to capitialise on my mistake. The final lap & I new I had to put in a good one as this would be the lap Dmytro might try a pass. He stayed close over the lap wait for the last few final turns where his was faster but to my surprise he went wide on the second fast left on the back straight which gave me enough breathing room to bring it home in 6th spot. Great driving there Dmytro & probably the best 20 laps of racing I have ever had, thanks mate.

Thanks to Thommo, RD & to all the drivers of this league. Grts to Lenno on the win & wd the rest of the podium.

P.s. sorry to hear your connection went down T & hope it comes back soon.
Race, which I nearly missed. :ups:
Qualy was quite good for me, took 5th position with time, which is now almost certainly limit for me on my P914. Maybe if more work with the settings, I can find a couple of tenths. True, GPCOS said that I was sixth (Erling was fourth), but I did not notice him in the start protocol of the game and at the start in front of me.:confused:

Oh! This START... I'm staring at the strange word "electronics" in front of Gary and his red font (till the end of race, my XD was showing, that Gary is DNF :tongue:), but had not noticed that already 3 seconds before the start!!! When I appeared on the grid, all the cars have already started. I apologize to the guys behind me (especially to Roman), because I misled them. I will try to no longer do such stupid acts.

Heart was pounding like mad, I was in eighth place, but managed to squeeze in the fifth, after the collision of Ralph and Dubravko. After Andreas and Krzysztof collision, I climbed to third position already on the first lap!
Car was quite heavy, so accelerated and braked like in slow-mo. The main problem was for me in T7L. I made two mistakes in it which cost me and Ralph several positions. The first time I slammed the door in front of Ralph, and a second time, as Ralph and I miscalculated a bit with braking and he spun me. Ralph, mate, I'm sorry for both situations. I probably just forgot to turn off my brain and go only to the subconscious mind, because after our accident, I relaxed and no longer made a mistake in this corner. :frown:

After that, I went down to seventh behind Bob Hutchins. What I lacked - the power on the acceleration of my car after a slow corners. Bob always went away from me on acceleration. In the last third of the race, I felt that his BMW is experiencing obvious problems with the tires. But he kept valiantly and skillfully. Several times, I had already braked in front of his back. On the penultimate lap, in conjunction of 8-9-10 corners we even went almost parallel! But I again lacked a bit of power and I decided that it was better we both finish on our positions, because in the T10R braked a little earlier. I still had a chance to do something on the last lap, but I could not keep a car in a fast 6TR and turn left on to the grass. After that, though I again caught up Bob, I had no time to exploit.:D Finished 7th.
Bob, a great battle, I am very pleased with our result. Especially the fact that I was not mistaken and did not hurt you until the end of the race. :cool: Thank you!
All that I could lose, I lost at the beginning when I was riding in third position.:frown:

Thanks to Stuart for his work and all other gents for this race!

P.S. Stuart, you've chosen a very interesting track. Thank you for it and for presentation (especially for "That's not a knife - THIS is a knife" :D:D:D) It is a pity that Stuart wanted so much to all of us to finish, but just as he did not succeed.:frown: Maybe next time.
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