RDHGP S6 - Round 8 - Spa Francorchamps - 200km - 26th Feb 2011

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
2 manky hookers and a racist dwarf? I'm off home.

Welcome to Round 8 - the finale - of the RDHGP season 6.

As seems to be the custom with these things, I can’t believe we’re at the last round already, it fels just a couple of weeks ago that Carlos & I were pulling the entries together and assigning liveries. Please remember that this race breaks with format and schedule so we have a 200km event, run on a Saturday.

Although I’ve mentioned the reason before, I’ll state it again – this is a double length race, so to prevent some timezones from running very late into a Friday morning when people have to get up for work the next day, it’s moved to a Saturday.

As it is a 200km event, a pitstop will almost certainly be required. It’s a default track, so there will be no occurrence of the (admittedly fairly rare) “pitcrew ignoring you” bug. Maybe some of the cars in the League can do a full race length on a single tank, but even if they could, I personally wouldn’t fancy trying to navigate Spa on 20+ lap old tyres.

Unlike the Club enduros we occasinally run, the fuel & tyres will run at normal (1x) usage and wear rates.

Please go here for a GTL pitstop guide, written by our own Warren Dawes.

This is more of an endurance style event, so please be prepared for the possibility that it might not be nose to nose racing for the approx 90 minutes. The very best of luck to all competitors.

We go over 5,750 miles from Okayama, to a curiously familiar sort of First for the RDHGP - the first track that we're visiting for the second time since I've been running RDHGP - and Sap-Francorchamps in Belgium.


Circuit Notes

Circuit Spa-Francorchamps is one of the most famous tracks in motor racing history. Situated between the towns of Francorchamps, Stevlot & Malmedy, it originally used public roads, hence some of the corner names. In 1979 it was brutally cut from its previous 14km layout, losing some of the most famous (and most dangerous) corners. Les Combes was a left hander back then, rather than a right hander, leading out to the high speed sections past the village of Burnenville, through the dramatic downhill twisting drop away of Malmedy (the current corner called Malmedy is so called because it is closest to the town of Malmedy, but has no relation to its fearsome forebear), downhill to the infamous Masta Kink, where Jackie Stewart once found himself upside down in a farmhouse cellar with petrol pouring over him.

Spa also houses the famous Eau Rouge corner, a downhill/uphill, right/left/right complex where bravery can be rewarded with either a great lap time, or an intimate knowledge of the barriers.

The track cut did not affect one of the more idiosyncratic features of Spa, in that the Ardennes climate can often mean one end of the track is dry, while the other is experiencing rain.

Among its many prestigious events, it hold the Historic Touring Car Spa 6 hour race. This is our homage to that great event.

We are running the 2005/06 layout of the track, hence the slightly dated trackmap below.

A lap of Spa, on the version we are running, starts on the downhill S/F straight with (depending on size of field) the back markers starting pressed up against the exit of the final corner. Holding the cars on the brakes to stop a rolling start, and then getting onto the accelerator for the actual start will require some nifty footwork if the clutch pedal is used. Roaring away from grid, we immediately approach one of the most famous and fearsome corner complexes in racing - T1aL + T1bR Eau Rouge - followed by T2L - Raidillon. Eau Rouge sends you down and left into a dip, then sharply up and right, fully compressing the suspension, and then the Raidillon appears after the crest of Eau Rouge, needing some grip to negotiate it at full speed. The Raidillon has a section of track on the outer edge that looks like tarmac, behind which you can see the pit exit. That stretch of grey between the track and the pit exit is deceiving, being desperately slippery. You will not be able to just keep your foot in it and drive on out.

Full speed is needed too, as the Raidillon opens onto one of the reminders of Spa's previous, high speed 14km incarnation - the long Kemmel straight which contains T3R an unnamed kink so shallow no-one will really have to do anything but floor the power through it, and right up to top speed before some heavy braking is required for T4aR + T4bL - Les Combes.

Les Combes is a fairly shallow and widely spaced chicane, but taking liberties with it can upset the cars over the kerbs. With high speeds, late braking points, a long race and close walls, caution is probably the wisest approach to this corner.

Out of Les Combes, we hit T5R - Malmedy, a fairly standard downhill 90° right hander, nowhere near as fearsome as it's predecessor on the old layout. From there, it's a short downhill squirt into T6R Rivage, a fairly wide-radiused 180° hairpin that starts with +ve camber and exits on -ve camber. Patience is required here, over eagerness on the throttle will cause some adverse reaction here.

A successful exit from Rivage leads into T6L, an inviting corner that allows you to attack it positively, and onto a decent sized downhill section before one of the most technically demanding corners on Spa - T7aL + T7bL - Pouhon. Pouhon is a quick complex, but the penalty for overcooking it through the first part is a trip to the waiting sandpit. As with so many corners at Spa, a good exit is required from T7bL as it opens onto a decent length straight, under the gantry before the heavy braking area for T8aR + T8bL - Fagnes.

Another couple of standard 90° corners, like Les Combes they are too widely spaced to be considered a true chicane, and too sharp to be Esses. They are followed closely by very important corners with regard to laptimes, T9aL + T9bL - Stavelot.

Like Eau Rouge & The Raidillon, there is a long stretch of full acceleration following Stavelot, but unlike those earlier corners, the entry speed is far lower, so a clean but aggressive exit is everything out of T9bL.

Exiting Stavelot, it's a long blast uphill - the uphill component making it harder to reach top speed than on Kemmel - you go through a gentle kink that's treated as just a straight, before the very tricky T10L - Blanchimont. Some drivers will drop a gear from top for Blanchimont, some will go with a dab of brakes and a feather, but either way, Blanchimont definitely demands some respect.

It has a section of track on the outer edge that is made of the same stuff as outside the Raidillon, very low grip but tarmac looking surface.

Out of Blanchimont, and it's a braking contest into T11La + T11bR - The bus stop chicane. The pit entrance is here as well, and as this is a double length race, it will be generating some traffic.

Out of the Bus Stop, T12L is shallow, taken at full acceleration towards the pit wall, bearing off to the left and up to some high
speeds before standing on the anchors for the last corner on the lap - T13R - La Source. The tightest corner on the circuit, it's a negatively cambered hairpin, where running wide at entry will only send you further into the outside walls. Stabilising the squirming car out of La Source, it a blast downhill across the S/F line to start another lap of Spa.


The Race Director has some notes for drivers. Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-

All Corners Without Exception – The kerbs are not deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times. Again, there are NO exceptions to this rule at any point on the circuit. Any exception to this rule is deemed illegal, any advantage gained by this method must be ceded immediately. Report people deliberately and excessively cutting.

T1aL + T1bR – Eau Rouge, T2L - Raidillon. Crowthorne - This corner, especially on the first lap, will be tricky due to the heavy braking zone, cold tyres, vehicle proximity and high speeds. As always, be aware in Lap 1 of people as you turn in here, it will be slower than on susbsequent laps and very, very crowded. The different car types will also have very different cornering strategies – be aware of people around you. Even after the crowded first lap, that slippery overrun on the outside of The Raidillon will cause problems for anyone getting too uppity.

In addition, the pit exit opens onto the Raidillon, so observe the pit exit lines. People coming out of the pits - as long as they don't merge over the exit line - are under no obligation to delay their exit if someone is approaching.

T4aR + T4bL - Les Combes. This is the scene of numerous "outbraking myself" incidents. If you hit the grass, regain control before regaining the racing surface - DO NOT try and keep your foot in it across the grass to save time.

T7aL + T7bL - Pouhon. This is historically a big site for going off, so I'll warn you all about safe re-entries to the racing surface from the sandpit.

T10L - Blanchimont. The high speed nature of Blanchimont, combined with the slippery overrun and tapering wall can mean some pretty hefty impacts here - possibly throwing stricken cars into the path of oncomers.

All points on the track – General Items
No lights are to be flashed at any stage, under any circumstances, during the race.
No Chat during the Quali or Race except by Race Control for information.
You may put your lights on if you are on a timed Qualifying lap to inform people in front of you. If they themselves are on a timed lap, they are not under any obligation to move for you.
The Track must be re-entered safely so as not to ruin other peoples races.
Car damage must be assessed realistically to know if it is possible to make the pits or not.

Another reminder - this is a double length, 200km race. As a result:-
  • This race is being run on Saturday 26th - NOT a Thursday
  • Race position points are DOUBLE - see the updated chart below.
  • Pitstops will almost certainly be required by all drivers - If you do not practice your pitstops, only you can be held responsible for any failure or mistake. READ THE GUIDE LINKED ABOVE.
Incidents, Investigations and Penalties

There are no incident reports arising from Round 7.

Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.) Accident reports made within 24 hours of race completion will be ignored.

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.


You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

Scoring System

Points are scored down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.

The Distribution is as follows for 200km events :

P1 - 50 pts
P2 - 44
P3 - 40
P4 - 36
P5 - 32
P6 - 30
P7 - 28
P8 - 26
P9 - 24
P10 - 22
P11 - 20
P12 - 18
P13 - 16
P14 - 14
P15 - 12
P16 - 10
P17 - 8
P18 - 6
P19 - 4
P20 - 2

1 point for fastest race lap
1 point for qualifying on Pole
Good result for me, especially considering my qualifying position.

So, started 13th, and in lap 1 in bus stop, Stuart and Amir had an accident, Amir was right beside me when I entered chicane, then we had a slight contact in the exit of bus stop, nothing to worry. :)
After that I had good run with him couple of laps, then after his contact with Erling I overtook him in La Source, and started to concentrace on group ahead (Neil, Bob Miley, Carlos...). After few laps I closed the gap, and I started to laugh hard when I saw HOW FAST Tom's vette is on straights, he was literally avoiding us and yelling "waaatch ouuuuut". :D Had a run with a mad vette for 2 or 3 laps, just to laugh how damn fast that thing is. Tom made a mistake just before bus stop, and I was 10. Carlos was in front, I've tried to keep the pace, and on my surprise I closed the gap after few laps. Carlos and I had a very good run lasted at least 4 or 5 laps I think, then he sadly missed a braking point for bus stop and I was 9th, I can say with ease.
And that situation was the key, because from that moment I started to think how to save fuel, and will my tank last till the end? I was driving all alone till the very end of the race, and I was all the time like:


In other words, 30% of the time I had slightly lower concentration, that fuel calculations killed me, I'm not good in math when I was focusing on driving, damn. :wink:

Last lap, was 5th, and after 80 minutes of PERFECT consistent driving, I made most stupid mistake 3 corners before checkered flag, lost 3 positions and finished 8th. I finished with 0.5 liters in tank without pitting, my calculations were spot on, omg. :cool:
So, considering my starting position it's a good result, but in other hand I was on 5th only 30 seconds before the end, so it's a fail from that point of view. :)

The season was ok, I had three highlights, Anderstorp (2nd), Aida (4th) and Spa (8th). I missed two races sadly, that slightly ruined the season.:damnit:

Congrats goes to Gary for the title, brutal job there mate. Awasome driving also Andreas and Gregory!:good:

I don't know very well where to start here. I've become all rusty on my sim-racing skills (the little bit that I had/have) and then getting prepped for a 2h race... Not advisable.
Practice went at an acceptable pace and after the first corners I started enjoying this beautiful track and my little porker. Unfortunately my concentration wasn't 100%, and neither was my setup. I forgot to stiffen the springs so every passage at Eau Rouge was accompanied with a loud bang when I hit the concrete destabilizing the car even more then the kerbs I tried to avoid. Forgot to correct this for Q &R session, I had other worries on my mind (keeping it on the gray stuff).
Race started smoothly and all ascended Radillion steadily. The upcoming chicane I braked real soon (and probably way to soon in Jack's opinion, no worries: those things happen) Started chasing the pack with 10 sec gap, but I was able to easily catch up with Hans & Senad. Had some real close moments with both Senad & Hans (I really enjoyed these moments) After a few laps I saw Stuart trying to rejoin the track in a lot of smoke after climbing Radilion. Not even 2 laps later he was already passed me again. I cold hold on for half a lap but noticed I simply lost a lot of time every lap at the second turn of the busstop. The next round I wanted to improve the smoke curtain Stuart created on top of Radilion and succeeded pretty well... crippled to the pit for a +5 minutes repair job and selfishly terminated my race by hitting esc.

Actually a suiting end for this season for me: incomplete and with sour feelings.
I'm going to make a real effort in returning to the Club events (shorter, less stress) and awake my ultimate racing skills. Not to sure yet on S7, I feel like the competition is way out of my league (mostly due to a hughe lack of practice on my end).

Anyway I sincerely want to express my respect, appreciation and thanks to Sir Stuart, Señor Diaz and RD!

Been feeling very under the weather all week, and it was nip and tuck if I raced, but I decided to have a go at least and very pleased I did, managed to keep concentration pretty much throughout.

Q: Got 3rd, could perhaps have nicked 2nd but no way I could touch Greg's time. The Pantera was incredibly strong out of Bus Stop and La Source as I thought but it of course struggled in the fast and/or long corners, Pohon and Rivage most notably.

R: Got off the line well, unfortunately nudged Greg as he got out of shape twice in front. Then outdragged Andreas ot of Radillon to take the lead and was holding a comfortable 2-3 second lead until around lap 6 when Greg got past Andreas. A couple of pressure laps and I was still holding the lead, before greg decided to take revenge for my grid tap lol by diving up the inside at Stavelot, it was never gonna work, I tried to give room and he tried to avoid but he just tapped my rear and we both spun off slowly while Andreas assumed the lead. Rhythm was lost a little now and greg got past in a couple of laps. Now my tyres were well past my best I knew it would be difficult to catch Andreas as I was lapping a similar speed to him after 5 laps.

Pretty much staus quo until lap 14 when Greg and myself pitted. My pitstop seemed to take unusually long,not quite sure why, everything seemed in place and of course Greg sped in the lane. Exited around 12th(?), and proceeded to set about the field. I had no choice but to pit with the Pantera's fuel requirements, and it was actaully hard to drive for a couple of laps as I got used to the extra pointiness. Once I got used to it however it was a rocket for 4/5 laps, setting 45s, at one point going faster in the middle sector than Andreas' best in the Porsche, which I was pretty proud of.

It quickly became apparent that half the bloody field weren't going to pit, so it was up to me to drive my way into contention. Jay and Stuart pitted, and Erling had his problem, but I had no idea how far ahead guys were thanks to XD failing on lap 9 or so. So I plugged away, but the Panty was pretty shcoking once the tyres went. Also included was a minor off at Eau Rouge as I slid across the slippy tarmac and clipped one side then the other, losing around 5 seconds, but not too much damage.

I had to drive the wheels off the thing to catch and pass Neil on the last lap, damn that Porsche looks after it's tyres. And then of course Predrag, a few seconds ahead, lost concentration at Blanchimont to gift me 5th also. There was a moment of panic when I thought he would come back on trak, but thankfully he didn't.

All in all, 5th place wasn't the position my performance deserved, but more the performance while ill was what I was pleased with. Thanks Stu for another great league - I've had many troubles - internet problems first two rounds. Driver fails at Rouen (when I should have won), Laguna and Okayama - while dislocating my finger at Birubi was a little surreal. I've enjoyed driving the Pantera and I felt I could have been a championship contender had I been more lucky/organised etc. Always next season eh?

Thanks again Stu, and indeed, Carlos.
Pretty poor end to the season for me - but it wouldn't be me if it all went smoothly. I hadn't even fired up GTL since my last league outing and i had no practice around Spa in the vette.

After some early practice crashes i realised the Vette was fast enough to cause trouble to the front runners in qualy, managed 7th on the grid and considering that Spa is essentialy 30 seconds of full throttle acceleration off the line I was confident of a good start.

Off the line i made up some positions into Eu Rouge and then used the vettes powerplant to muscle my way into 3rd at the top of the hill (i think). From there I was quite happy with the cars pace, it was the usual slow through the twisty bits and pulling away on the straight bits, but the car felt solid for the most part. After a few laps i had a train behind me andwas feeling under a bit of pressure between T3 and the run into blanchimont. Eventually I took a slight hit from someone in a 914...dunno who... and i was pitched into the wall coming onto the back straight. After that i was all downhill, the good pace i had was knackered as my tyres had lost temp and after only 6 laps the vette had mangled them to such an extend that I couldn't get them back in the groove. I had a couple of moments coming up to teh bus stop where I totally outbraked myself and went straight on. The first attempt i tried to double back onto the track in the first chicane, although i think the track wasn't actually that clear when i did....sorry if this caused any trouble. The second time I decided to admit defeat and go slowly accross the chicane and rejoin on the F1 S/F straight, because of the huge train behind me i lost 6/7 places doing this.....

By Lap 8 my tyres wer completely undrivable, sensing a long and frustating evening with 3 pit stops I decided to make good my escape and quit before i caused a championship wrecking accident.

Grats to the winners, commiserations to the losers and well done to everyone who took part this season.

As a round up for S6, what cna I say. It was a case of what might have been...the first 2 races were blighted by people crashing into me under braking and the rest were a combination of a crap internet connection letting me down or my lakc of practice letting me down. The notable highlight for me was Rouen, battling from back of the grid to finish 5 after losing connection in qually having put it on pole. With regards to the car - fantasitic! I reckon with some better luck i could have won at Rouen and it was not far off the pace at the other tracks, at least not as bad as i had thougt. I urge everyone to drive the corvette at least one in this scenario, it's a great car and spending the season with the tail hanging out and a ploom of smoke behind you is not bad at all.

Thanks Stu for another great season of HGP!
first of all i would like to congretulate gary for winning the title. a well deserved winner and with the right car choise, combined with great driving you were unstopable. grats.
as for me it was my worst league ever since i joined rd. after wining the previous league i chose the escort for this league. i thought it will be a challnge but the challange was too big for me:).
the escort was by far the slowest of the pack at top speed and i didn't get along with it.
the last race at spa was a disaster. the escort can only take up to 24 laps of fuel so i knew i had to make a pit stop.
after some incidents at the first laps( sorry predrog for being a bit too agressive and for bob miley for almost taking you out on the first lap) i got up to 8th place i think. before me were bob hutchins and jay.
i knew i have to pass them and finish 5th in ordeer to get 4th place overall in the championship. i got stuck behind some cars so decided to make an early pit stop and to load enough fuel to get me to the end. i went into pit lane at lap 8 and put enought fuel ( so i thought ) until the end of the race.my aim was to make an all out attack and pass jay and bob while thery were doing their pit stop.( later i found out that none of them made a pit stop) as soon as i went out of pits i realised that for some stupid weird bug no fuel went in the car:(.
it left me without and motivation and at lap 24 i had to go into the pits again and refuel. finally finished 12th and very disapinted.
any way grats again to garyand well done to andreas for 2nd placealso well done to gregory too you .my friend .are someting else:).
thank you stuart and carlos for orgenising the league and thx all who took part at the league.
The End of my first league season

Qual: ugly qualifying result (despite the fact that it was a 6th place). As a minimum, for one second the result is worse than my PB. Internet Connection strangely behaved in practice and these problems have moved more in qualify. I was getting very nervous because do not want to spend the last stage of pulling my hair on my head because of a lost connection. Anyway, it was another 200 miles infront, because it did not matter all that much. The greatest significance was that with whom I will have to go on the first laps...

Race: not bad start, managed to dodge the Gregory and exit at the third position. On the first kms, I missed Tom and Gregory forward. I knew that Gregory is much faster and I did not think to resist. Also, I suspect that he will go to the pit stop.
But the main thing for me was that Tom turned out to be anywhere, but not next to me! This kind of snarling disaster (sorry, Tom, no offense :wink:)! Anderstorp, Rouen, Kyalami and now Spa. Always and everywhere, where I found myself next to Tom, for me it ended not so well. As in Kyalami, I had to overbrake before/in the corner, but my weak engine could not gain speed as a Corvette after turn.:frown: I started to lose seconds with a terrible sequence. I was counting on the rate of 2.46.0 - 2.47.0, but I rode with Tom 2.48 - 2.49! Arghhh!:mad: The whole attitude and tactics for the race goes to hell!

Gary began to settle on me from behind, but I just could not cope with the Corvette. And then, I started a little sharper out of Stavelot (in the usual own pace) and I got a bit of Tom in the back (sorry Tom). After that, Gary and Jay are ahead of us, and I had to wait for Tom and let him ahead in the Bus stop.

On the next lap, before Bus stop, Bob Hutchins overtook me, but then Tom made a mistake and went wide. Bob also went slightly wide, and I decided to cross the path, but in right turn Bob and I did not fit together. And the wall hit me in the face. :eek::D As a result, I was in ninth position. I was able to quickly win back the position of Carlos, and went for Bob. Then, Tom once again made a mistake in Bus stop and we with Bob were finally able to breathe a little freer.

Bob also had some problems at the entrances into the turns, but on straight, he broke away from me. Sorry mate, I am a bit pushed you into Stavelot.:redface: Then some guys started to gradually make pit stops and I came in third place. After Bob Miley made a mistake in Bus stop, I realized that I did not give third place to anyone. But it was a shame to lose so much time early in the race, I could fight for a higher position.

This was the first season for me in the series. When I gave Stuart a request to participate, just wanted to see how I get to go online (I had never participated in an online racing). So, the final in seventh place in the championship can be considered successful, I suppose. Failure and total lack of experience in the first three races and bad luck in Okayama did not let me go to fourth place (I lost to Bob and Jay 6 points).

I really congratulate Gary with his well deserved win in championship (especially a race in Laguna - it was something). Hats off to Andy and Gregory, for their phenomenal speed on tracks.

I thank Bob Hutchins for a race in Birubi (it was a grand battle), and other times when we have crossed with him on the track (including in the club races, I learned a lot thanks to them).

I thank the rest of the guys for taking part in the championship (even Tom
:wink::wink::wink:) and for fighting with them.

And of course, I am very grateful to RD, Stuart and Carlos, because they are organized and have spent their time and energy on such a great championship. Stu, a separate thank you for your briefings.

P.S. I hope I will see all next season and hope that the organizers will give me to participate in it (if I'm not bothered anyone yet :redface::redface::redface:).
Dmytro, you great in your first league, and I don't mean "great for a first timer", you did great even for someone who does this stuff all the time.

Just take me for an example...granted, I'm not one of the fastest guys here, but I barely miss an event, I get to drive these cars/game twice a week and it's been that way since Sept of 09. And you did better than both Thommo and I and in the same car.

So I would say you are off to a very good start with your online racing career my friend.:good:
Grats to Gary. Finally lived up to his potential. :cool:
Sorry i couldnt be more of a annoyer for you in the last 3 races. But work and real life for the last race crossed my path.
Really enjoyed the Pantera. Felt i maxed out its potential and got good results where the Pantera was the strongest. Still enjoy my win on my most hated track in simracing. Rouen.
Still was lucky with Ryan his "incident". ;)

Thanks to Stu and Carlos for the League. :)
Qualify went very well and put me on the second row,but i had a very strange idea before the race to make my gears longer,and i went through with that idea just before hitting the grid,the actions of a nervous confused idiot?,or a stroke of genius from a champ elect?....
A good launch from the line but got distracted and a bit unerved with some early action right in front,a very cautious creep up Eau Rouge,then my longer gears showed what they could do down Kemmel,and it wasnt very impressive,a very lazy big 5th gear that felt like some kind of Lexus cruise control mode or something,places were lost!,when Jay knocked me back to 6th after studying my top end woes and i looked back and saw the potential to easily drop outside the magical "top 8",that was my wake up call,time to push a bit,got past Jay again and kept a decent rythym going resulting in gaining on Dymytryo and Tom,a bit of a hearstopping moment at Stavelot avoiding their tangle up,this brought Jay completely back on my tail,then my lazy 5th gear let him get beside me,i was all nicely hung out on the outside,suddenly Jay eases out of it letting me take the near flat out left and approach the Bus Stop unhindered,really appreciated that bit of mercy m8 :).
Now was a big calm period with nothing really close ahead,and Jay following along happily,when Ryo and Greg pit we find ourselves swanning around in 2nd and 3rd,i was a bit surprised and a touch saddened to see Jay pitting,i would have liked to have seen him on the podium for his kindness to my cause,and running solid "shotgun style" for me helping me keep focus in that big middle stint.
Later on even i could work out that my fuel wasnt going to be an issue at all and the season long tyres bliss ive enjoyed with the 911S came very much in to play,and ofcourse lets not forget my stroke of genius making the gears longer giving the entire package a very gentle time eh?? ;p....so i reduced Andreas 17secs gap down to just a weeny bit behind over the line for 2nd place finish.
I've got out of the habit of joining leagues expecting to win them outright,but after pre season testing with my 911S i must confess to having a quiet confidence for S6,i done the "sideways+plumes of smoke" thing last time Tom m8,so it was a treat this time to be an actual true contender,with pole positions and stuff!? :o,i would probably cite Laguna Seca as my finest race of the season,and one of my best sim performances ever,must be back as far as GPL days since ive got that "zoned" :).
Congrats Andre for runner up,you pushed me very hard all season gradually speeding up more and more,more importantly the majority of our action was very nice and fair.
Congrats to Greego with overall 3rd,seeing you show interest for S7 is a bit scary,and ominous....
Final big thanks to outgoing Champ Amir for the golden setup that helped me all through S6!.
Jack!,lag related incidents dont actually count m8,so see you back on track soon ;).

Thank You to everyone involed in S6,it was a pleasure to share virtual-track time with you all,and there were indeed times when i did share track with just about all of you at some point :).

Final large doses of thank yous to Stu & Carlos in association with RD for putting on the whole show,look forward to the S7 circus rolling in to town :).
Not my best league, did not finish on Mosport-Rouen an Laguna.

Well Spa than the last race of season 6,I know that I not be fast here in testing a 2.57.xxx not enough in practice was 2 sec faster an in Quali a 2.53.5xx was my best,put me on p18 one place before Jack,strange sing was; P16 on the grid Jack on P17 Erling P18 an Senad P19 ??

Hold my place after the start an passed Kris on Les Combes than Jack hit Kris an hit escape,Lag?? Erling an Senad go through ad the end of lap 1 Erling passed me by La Source on the inside an 2 laps later passed by Kris, hit Kris on the Busstop so waited an Senad go by so back to p18,if things like that happen to me or by me it take time to regain feeling en speed again an lost to much time on Senad an Kris.

Passing Blanchimont seeing Stu going of road so passing him but a few laps later did it my self on the same place.lol
Stuart flying by an the gap to Senad an Kris way to big now
So running on my own now for a lot of laps looking at the time diff. staying the same.
I think Senad had some trouble an I could see him in the distance ,I needed that to try to go faster,but making small mistakes an Senad was way faster.

After 1/3 of the race running on p 16 because some guys left the room.
Pit in lap 18,get a S/G release the PL 1mtr before the line damm next lap take it an running now all most 2 laps down, watching my mirrors!!
Then passing Radillon ,Senad of road an I try to stay in front of him but one lap later did it to my self on the same spot ,lol
Running the last laps to the fin on p15.

Congratulation to our new Champ Gary well deserved:beer::trophy:
an to Andreas for the race win:good:

An Big thanks to Stuart for organising an holding thinks together, an RD to make it possible:thanks:
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