RDHGP S7 - Round 3 - 100km - Rattlesnake Point - Thu 26 May 2011

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
RaceDepartment Historic Grand Prix Season 7 – Round 3

Welcome to back to Round 3 of RDHGP S7.

Firstly I apologise for my absence, even if it sounds like my presence would not have prevented some of the gremlins that took place.

From the initial report I received, Round 2 sounded like it had a lot of issues, but it turned out not to be as many as I had feared. I will again stress the recklessness being shown by some drivers, (albeit anecdotal as I wasn’t there to witness it first hand) especially after I take the time to write these briefings with these points specifically in mind, broken down into easy to understand (possibly also easy to ignore) bullet points. I require a “Like” on this briefing, and that “Like” will be taken as you having read the Race Director points.

There was the first full Incident Report filed, and the first Driver jury empanelled. Thanks to those drivers for their quick, considered and coherent responses, allowing me to get it turned around nice and quickly.

There were also some “No-show” infractions handed out to 5 drivers, and even though I received other contact from 3 of them, I have to abide by the rules laid out for equanimity. I always change the password for every round, normally a few days after the previous race has finished, so going into GPCOS is required for every race. Leaving it until the day of the race does not give either you or I much time to do anything about the situation. I will keep processing the no-show infractions using the conditions exactly as described in the Intro & Info thread, because deviation from that procedure is not fair to everyone else.

We will be driving this event on the SimBin lobby - so please see post #3 below and the link thereon.

Round 3 takes us over 6,500 miles west to the North America, specifically to Ontario in Canada, and the mighty – if slightly imaginary – RattleSnake Park.


Circuit Notes

A lap of RSP begins on the long, wide straight and approaching the fast opener, T1L. This is quite a wide corner, and quick, which will probably actually be slightly safer than the normal "fast approach, tight corner" on the first lap.

It exits onto a dip, and then a short climb to the trickier T2L, a blind, crested corner, with some sand on the outside that can take an awfully long tiome to get out of safely. Like the first corner, it too exits onto a short downhill blast.

Waiting at the bottom of this straight you have T3R & T4R. T3R is inviting upon entry, but greediness on line will give you a cut on the inside, greediness on speed will push you off on the outside of the track, where there is a cut warning, and you will struggle to make T4R cleanly, which is important, as it opens out onto the uphill start of a long straight.

At the end of the straight, be prepared for some heavy braking, as we approach T5L, the Hairpin. There is obviously a caution required here as we will have differing top speeds, differing braking distances and differing cornering abilities through the apex. As always - give racing room, don't divebomb the corner, be aware of what is around you.

Exiting T5L, we have a long run of acceleration downhill, made even more exciting by the T6 Esses complex. T6aR, T6bL, T6cR, T6dL are fast, fairly easy to negotiate turns, but obviously balance through here is paramount, so as not to compromise your speed at all. 2 wheels need to be within the yellow lines at all points through this section.

Exiting the Esses, we rapidly approach T7R, a very fast bend, no braking or lifting required for most cars, with a blind exit because of the wall on the inside apex.

After T7R, we are getting close to top speed before encountering T8R, the first of the 3 corners with extra racing surface (separate section below). There is an extra piece of run of track beyond the yellow line, but before the yellow/black ridged kerb. This CAN be used as racing surface, with the yellow/black ridges marking Edge of Surface.

Exiting T8R, it's quickly on the brakes again for T9L which dives away and down into T10L, which in turn opens out by going under the Armor-All banner.

This is a downhill blast, but drivers are kept honest by T11aL & T11bR which exit by bottoming out onto a decent length straight.

At the end of this straight is the mid speed T12R, and this is the second of the "Extended Surface" corners, the White surface beyond the yellow line being OK to use. Again, see the separate section below.

After T12R, there's a decent length blast before encountering the first of several technically challenging corners between here and the end of the lap.

T13L is a crested corner that drops away suddenly and almsot immediately into the positively cambered T14L where you can get on the accelerator early if you've been clean through T13L.

T15R drops away into a downhill blast before we need to brake for T16L, the last of the 3 "Extended Surface" turns. T16L is a downhill medium-shallow turn, the lay of the road pushing cars out to the right. There is a slight texture corruption on this corner, so please refer to the separate section below to see the actual boundary for this corner.

Exiting T16L it's a short blast to the heavy braking zone for T17L, a tight uphill corner that points you towards a crest. T18R is situated on top of that crest, a fast & blind climbing turn under the Molson banner and onto the S/F straight, across the line for another lap of this exciting track.

Additional Extended Circuit Notes

The rule for RattleSnake Point is that the yellow line delineates the Edge of Surface (EOS) for racing, and that 2 wheels must be inside that.

There are however 3 areas that are exceptions to this rule, as mentioned in the Circuit Notes above (click thumbnails to enlarge):-
T8R- the yellow & black ridges constitutes EOS (marked in green)

T12R - the White surface is ok to use, the yellow & black ridges again marking the EOS (marked in green)

T16L - there is some texture corruption here, but the lighter grey surface containing the yellow black ridges is EOS (the delineation again marked in green)

In all 3 exceptions above, 2 wheels must be on the Racing Surface AT ALL TIMES.

Please - Report anyone who deliberately abuses this.

The Circuit Director has some Cautionary Notes for certain parts of the track:

T5L - Hairpin. As alluded to in the above, this is a high speed -> heavy braking -> tight turning corner, and traditionally we haven't always done very well on these. Every driver needs to be cautious through here - I've noticed some drivers assuming that the problem is "everyone elses" - it isn't. Every driver has a responsibility to every other driver. No-one is more important or more entitled to a particular piece of track than any other.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties

There was one reported incident arising from Round2.
Ryan Callan is given an Official Warning for non-deliberate but avoidable contact.
There are no time, point, disqualification or non-qualification penalties attached to this warning, but this will be taken into consideration in any future reported incidents.

5 drivers incurred “No-Show” infractions:
· Chris Hartmann
· Gabor Ludvig
· Gregory Degreef
· Ryan Walker
· Wayne Reed
Gabor, Gregory & Wayne will carry this no-show infraction for one race. If they allocate correctly for that race, the infraction will be lifted.

2 of these drivers are now removed from the League for 2 consecutive No-Show:
· Chris Hartmann
· Ryan Walker

Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.)

Accident reports made within 24 hours of race completion will be ignored.

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.

You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

Scoring System
Points are scored down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.

The Distribution is as follows for 100km events :
P1 - 25 pts
P2 - 22
P3 - 20
P4 - 18
P5 - 16
P6 - 15
P7 - 14
P8 - 13
P9 - 12
P10 - 11
P11 - 10
P12 - 9
P13 - 8
P14 - 7
P15 - 6
P16 - 5
P17 - 4
P18 - 3
P19 - 2
P20 - 1

1 point for fastest race lap
1 point for qualifying on Pole
I am sorry but I dont have nerves for it, it only makes me angry and I cant drive in that mood, after S/G penalty in lap 6 I left (there was nobody to drive against anyway)... improving myself is harder from race to race and at this point I have no opponents, which makes my driving nonsense, I start racing in a Racing Club if that helps... god knows

have a nice race
Some fun racing

Q: Third but could have second if i didnt spin on my faster lap.

Race: Had a oke start. But the Cobra's are crazy fast of the line. And Dmytro has also a boost button or something everytime. ;)
So 5th after T1. Was abit stuck behind Neil in the first lap. But managed to get through at the end of the lap. After i just followed Andreas and Dmytro. Then Andreas got a S&G so got 3th. Then followed Dmytro abit more. We had the same pace so couldnt close the gap. But the in the last 3 laps my tyre wear was better and was right on his tail in the last lap. Couldnt really make a move. But then he ran abit wide in the fast left hander in the final sector and had a better exit and could make a move on the inside for 2th. Happy with the result, good racing. Grats to Ryan. Was in a League of is own today.
Thanks Stu and cya at Singapore.
First of all - I'm sorry that I touched you early in the quali, Ivo. It's just that I don't ever lift to let someone past if I'm on timed, non-spoiled lap in Quali (more like the opposite). And after being essentially cut off by two Shelbys on one fast lap I decided that if someone passes me before the twisty part he has to earn his spot and I just continued as I normally would. If I was to let everyone in faster cars past I couldn't do a timed lap and my rhythm would go to hell :) (of course it's a different story in the race, when a move is a move).

Had a very enjoyable race. Tried to press on the outside when T1 and T2 got clogged up early, then had to make my way past Ondrej when he stabbed me in the back (after my help in practice ;)) and got past before the hairpin. From L3 I was in the full-push mode, which resulted in me posting a PB and besting the quali effort by 0.5s along the way. Tried to catch the Escorts, but 131 is obviously slower and even when on the edge I was just inching towards them.

Around haflway through Predrag made a mistake and I passed him, he then sat on my bumper and I had to defend for a couple of laps. Eventually he got the position, but I was hell-bent on keeping up with him to monetize on any possible errors. We kept the gap at 1-2s till lap 12 or 13, when Predrag apparently ran out of rubber and I was able to squeeze in in the hairpin and then drive away, seeing him struggling for grip. Andreas caught up with me on the final lap and despite my best efforts to block him off he swallowed my 131 like it wasn't moving just at the beginning of S3. Brought home 17th and although that might be low position I feel that I've done a good job. Finally :).

Fastest Abarth, I'm proud of that :). I worked up a good sweat and my hands were sour afterwards - that means the race was fantastic.
Quite enjoyed schmoozing around in the Jag,busy start picking up some gifts,but it settled down as the front 5 disappeared in to the sunset far far up ahead,i thought maybe 5th was on the cards as Carlos struggled at the turns more and more near the end,but he was'nt really in too much danger,he just had to get it pointing straight and hit the loud pedal and the gap was quickly restored :).
Grats Ryo and podiums.

Thank You Stu & RD
Well, want a race, love Rattlesnake & after 14 laps I was ready for another 14 laps. After an ok quali, got caught up with Carlos so couldn't put my best lap in but 11th behind 2 Jag's wasn't bad. Now before the race, during practice the night before I was trying out gear ratio's & saved my setup on the lowest of them which was good with full race fuel. During practice I tried the middle ratio out on lower fuel & found this to be a bit better so I was going to use it during the race. Like a numbty I forgot to save my setup so when it came to the race I re-loaded my setup only to find out on lap 2 the my gearing wasn't what it should have been. So after an ok start, had to give a little to Jay in front off the line, I had to defend T1 a little as Erling & then Amir tried to get by. After holding them off I was on my way & after a few more laps I was starting to gap Eriling & also keep onto the tail of Jay. Knowing I was probably going to suffer later in the race I tried to push as much as possible but Jay had it covered, good driving there mate, & then after half way my gearing started to come into play as Jay started to pull away little by little. With no hope of keeping up with Jay I was resigned to holding my position & bring it home, which I did for a respectable 8th place behind the other 2 Jags of Lenno & Jay, wd boys. Grts to Ryan for the win & wd rest of podium.

Thanks as all ways goes to Thommo for putting the show together. Hope to see you all for the next round.
An enjoyable, if pressurised race for me. The Escorts were all running together for the first part of the race but as we stretched out I ended up with only one man in my mirror - Jari in his Escort, who was close to my back bumper for most of the race. We swapped positions a few times with plenty of very close, but always fair racing.

Down to the last few laps and we are both sliding around a bit when Jari pulled a bit of a lead after I made a small mistake. Catching him up half-way around the last lap and we're screaming down a long straight almost side-by-side. Jari has his nose in front and starts to pull to the left for the oncoming tight right hander, squeezing me closer and closer to the grass. Too late to back out, it's either him or the grass, so off I go spinning around in the green stuff. Never mind, a fine and exhausting race.
That was my most enjoyable race to date. Made a few tweaks to my usual setup and it made the world of difference, couldn't believe I was nearly 2 seconds faster than the nearest Escort in practice and quali.

The race started like so many have done with me getting a turboninja start that shocked the car so much it refused to go and I was left behind a train of Escorts. I knew I had the pace so just followed for a few laps then Pedrag made a mistake and went off track giving me an easy pass. Next up was David who had a wobble in the tight double left letting me through. Then Jari who I managed to pass at the hairpin. Then it was a gap of 6 seconds to Wayne which came down lap after lap and managed to pass after the downhill snake bit thanks to Wayne seeing I had a run on him and leaving room. By now I was in a lovely pattern and focused on Amir, caught up to him but try as I might I could not pass as his Fezza just pulled away on the straights. But towards the end Amir seemed to struggle in the corners and I managed a pass at the hairpin with enough corners left to pull a big enough gap that the straights didn't matter.

No idea where I finished I was on such a high after a full race with no mistakes and consistent laps, racing with very fair and clean drivers. My only gripe is that this was not the final round in which case it would have been another 14 laps of pleasure.

Sorry about the long post as opposed to my usual brief note, but it was that good!

Congratulations to the podium and huge thanks to Stu for organising.
Not much to tell,running on last place the whole race after a few mistakes, cost a lot of time on a fast track like this.

Rattle snake, I think that a long time a go I did a race there,can't even remember an at first I did not like it at all,but after halfway the race I started to like it,especially the first 2 corners,going in on high speed an holding on to the second, than down hill an up to the first long strait, doing it right was giving a very good feeling,so I did enjoy the race even on last place.

Grats Ryan for the win an Ivo an Dmytro for the podium..

Thanks Stuart for setting this up, an all who where there !
A satisfyingly boring race for me.

Only challenged by Andreas for one lap pace in practice, but managed a time .6 better with full fuel.

Come quali I couldn't get a lap in till my second run (the length of the track dictates only two runs). First lap that was timed was just off Andreas' benchmark, but I set an almost perfect lap on my final run for a 3 minute dead, which I was pleased with, if almost disappointed with missing a sub 3-min having been so close (one muffed gearchange away from a sub-3-minute), .7 ahead of Andreas.

I was confident of getting off the line well with the slow starting Andreas alongside and rocket starter Dmytro a few positions back.

Sure enough Dmytro got a great start, by the end of the lap I had almost a two second lead however, and that was that really. Pole, fastest lap, win.

Boring but satisfying as I say. Well done to Ivo and unlucky to Dmytro.
I hade awesome amount of work to do in the past 8 days, so here is my late report of the race...

First of all, this was physically the toughest race for me in the last couple of years, and to be honest I really don't know why. I was sweating like a NBA player, I felt pain in my back, shoulders and knees, especially in the second part of the race, and when you combine all of that, you get an incosistent driving. :poop: The chair and my clothing were wet, I was in pain, and all of that for 18th place? Not worth it amigo! Really, my energy was on backup, went to shower in panic. :D

In first few laps I had great drive with David and Bob, then I outbrake myself in one of the turns, left the green in 21st behind Ulli. After that I had a very long and fantastic run with Lukasz. As I said above, I was too tired to mantain a good pace, so I finished 18th behind him. To be honest once again, Lukasz saved this race, at least I didn't think about pain and how much I was sweating, because the run with him was a pure joy, thank you mate! :)
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