RDHGP S7 - Round 7 - 100km - A1- Ring - Thu 21st July 2011

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
RaceDepartment Historic Grand Prix Season 7 – Round 7

See? This is nuts. Welcome to the penultimate race, Round 7, of RDHGP S7. Where’s the season gone?

Again, I got no reported incidents, about which I’m going to persist in the opinion that it signifies good clean racing, and a satisfactory event.

Round 7 takes us back across the Atlantic, over 6,200 miles North East, and the A1 ring in Spielberg, Styria, Austria.

Circuit Notes
The town of Spielberg is situated roughly centrally in Austria in the Styria region. The first Formula 1 race held there was run at the Zeltweg Airfield, the idea for this coming from the success that the UK had been having with Silverstone, also an airfield. The surface turned out to be too abrasive, however, and only a single World Championship event was held there in 1964. The airfield track was abandoned in 1969 following the construction of the purpose built Österreichring.

The Österreichring hosted the Austrian Grand Prix for 18 consecutive years, from 1970 to 1987. In 1977, the first corner was changed from a sweeping right hander into a chicane – the Hella-Licht S – before it was shortened by over 1 km and completely altered into the A1 ring in 1997. Unlike our Interlagos version, this shorter track is the layout that we will be driving. This version hosted the Austrian Grand Prix from 1997-2003, as well as rounds of the DTM and MotoGP championships, until the Stands and Pits were bulldozed in 2004. Since then, the venue has metamorphosed again into the Red Bull Ring, although its owner has ruled out any future F1 or MotoGP, concentrating on the DTM & the F2 Championships.
As the A1 Ring only has 9 corners, this will be a bit easier and quicker for me to write than the previous round.

A lap of the A-1 Ring starts on the fairly long slightly downhill sloping home straight, the S/F line about halfway down it, so there will be some fairly high speeds being reached on the first lap, and top speed on subsequent laps. As the first corner is fairly sharp, Lap 1 caution and prudence will be required.

The braking zone for T1R rises sharply to unsettle the cars as the slam on the anchors, the inner kerbs are relatively benign on the inner half, but going in too too aggressively will give you a Cut, and taking liberties with the outer kerb if you stay wide will also give you a Cut. All in all, T1R can be attacked, but it is surrounded by hazards. Risk/reward scenario is very much the in evidence here. Through experience, this corner is only a hazard on Lap 1, until the pack can sort itself out. DO NOT be greedy, selfish or overly aggressive here on Lap1, or you’ll find yourself out of the double point finale without recourse for appeal. I kid you not.

Accelerating hard out of T1R, the track rises gently, and falls gently, and then rises again slightly sharper for the hard braking zone into T2R – Remus. While having a similar feel to T1R, Remus is tighter, has bumpier kerbs, is slippier on exit AND has the added protection of strict but fair cut warnings. All in all, it’s a fairly tricky prospect to get right, but it is important for decent times.

Again hard on the power, you exit onto a downhill straight, over a crest, onto a much steeper downhill slope, under the banner into the downhill braking zone for T3R – Gösser.

The downhill braking into Gösser telescopes the stopping distances, the heavier cars being affected more than the lighter ones, so care will be needed into here depending on what you are in, and what is around you. Gösser starts relatively tight, and then opens out, but the –ve camber means that care is required under acceleration. The track eventually opens into T4R, almost a continuation of Gösser, but crested to make it easily discernable, and the track drops down into a rarity so far – a left hander.

T5L is the amusingly named (to me, even if no-one else) Power Horse. This is a medium speed corner, best taken as a slow in-quick out profile, as you want to get your nose in early. It is all too easy to wash out on the outside of Power Horse and you don’t want to do that, as you are approaching T6L – Niki Lauda. If you can get Power Horse right, you can treat Niki Lauda almost as a second apex, even though there is quite a distance between them, with Lauda just needing a lift induced nose tuck to get across the apex.

Hard acceleration out of Lauda, and if you get it right you’ll be feeling pretty good about yourself, but hold that in for a moment, as probably the trickiest corner on the circuit is looming – T7R.

It’s not tricky because it’s particularly tight or unsighted – it’s not. It’s tricky because it sits in a dip, with a very nasty bump right at the turn in point, that will unsettle your car just as you are on full acceleration, an uphill exit that then immediately crests as you are wrestling you car back into shape, and a very strict (but again not unfair) cut warning on the outside of the kerb that you will be drifting towards. Negotiate this and you are facing a short uphill blast that then crests, and dives away down and right into T8R – Jochen Rindt.

A hard stab of brakes on a wide line, and then a swoop in, attacking the inside kerb on Rindt is a must, as there is another cut warning, and more importantly some nasty to get out of sand, on the outside if you stray over the kerbs, either by circumstance or design.

A squirt of right foot downhill along the short stretch out of Rindt, past the pit entry, and throw the nose at the downhill, -ve camber, blind and protected on the inside by the pit wall T9R – A1.

If you have to compromise your line through A1, take your medicine on entry, not on exit, because it leads into that long straight, and mph lost here are gone. Even the tiniest lift, wobble or correction will have people swarming all over your rear end. From there it’s flat out to the S/F line and another lap of the A1 Ring.

The Race Directors Notes
Please see the track map above (A1 ring in black overlaid onto the 79 Oesterreichring in grey) for location of Race Direction note:-

All Corners Without Exception
– The kerbs are not deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times. Again, there are NO exceptions to this rule at any point on the circuit. Any exception to this rule is deemed illegal, any advantage gained by this method must be ceded immediately. Report people deliberately and excessively cutting.

Racing Room must be given to all drivers
– and this works both ways. Divebombing into and across a corner denies people the chance to make the corner correctly just as much as someone obliviously (or deliberately) cutting the nose off of another driver who has achieved partial overlap fairly.

Regain the track safely
- If you leave the track, you must rejoin the track safely. If that means losing another couple of places – so be it.

T2R – Remus
– As mentioned above, Remus is awkward, the inner kerbs look tempting, but they are much more pronounced that T1R, and will upset vehicles. The other issue it presents is people spinning out under over eager acceleration. Be aware of both of these scenarios.

T3R – G
össer – I mentioned above that it’s heavily downhill on the brakes into here, and that it would telescope braking distances depending on your vehicle. People flying in in heavy cars and taking people out like skittles will not be looked upon favourably.

All points on the track – General Items
No lights are to be flashed at any stage, under any circumstances, during the race.
No Chat during the Quali or Race except by Race Control for information.
Car damage must be assessed realistically to know if it is possible to make the pits or not.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties

There were no reported racing incidents arising from Round6.
2 drivers incurred a “No-Show” infraction:
  • Norman Bruce
  • Ondrej Kapal
Both will carry this No-Show infraction for one race. If they allocate correctly for that race, the Infractions will be lifted.
1 driver has resigned from the League:
  • Keith Peppiatt
Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.) Accident reports made within 24 hours of race completion will be ignored.

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.


You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

New Driver

Chris Butcher is joining the last 2 rounds of Season 7, and he will have his own livery. I will be posting that in the uploads section. It is a mandatory download, so people don’t have skin checking problems. It will be available for download over the weekend (16/17 July).

Scoring System

Points are scored down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.

The Distribution is as follows for 100km events :
P1 - 25 pts
P2 - 22
P3 - 20
P4 - 18
P5 - 16
P6 - 15
P7 - 14
P8 - 13
P9 - 12
P10 - 11
P11 - 10
P12 - 9
P13 - 8
P14 - 7
P15 - 6
P16 - 5
P17 - 4
P18 - 3
P19 - 2
P20 - 1

1 point for fastest race lap
1 point for qualifying on Pole
As you are carrying an no-show infraction already, I would have to suggest you switch your allocation to uncertain, otherwise a second no-show will have consequences.

As I've said many times previously, it takes just as long to amend your allocation as to post a reply.
Sure connection lost...... Never happened for about 3 years. And when i finally can win a championship this happens.
Internet was just working fine after the connection lost. Was never disconnected from TS and internet was running normal, so was something from within the game. Typical stuff that happens to me. Gutted.
Sure connection lost...... Never happened for about 3 years. And when i finally can win a championship this happens.
Internet was just working fine after the connection lost. Was never disconnected from TS and internet was running normal, so was something from within the game. Typical stuff that happens to me. Gutted.

Sorry for you, Ivo :frown:. It's all very illogical with you and with Ryan.
Probably the best race of the season, racing-wise :)

Had a nice little battle with Ondrej at the start, we were running parallel at times, swapping places in and out of corners, and no contacts. Sweet :good:
Running close to Norman and Predrag for a bit too, but they were faster. Predrag went off to fight with David and Lukasz, and Norman had a spin unfortunately.

After that, driving solo, 5 seconds behind David, Predrag and Lukasz, and 10-30 seconds in front of Norman. Just as I thought I could get closer to Lukasz, the parade of lappers came up. I really have to learn not to move out of the way, drive my own race, and let them pass me :tongue:

Had the fastest lap of the three Fiats, 0.0xx faster than Lukasz :tongue:

Big thanks to Stuart, and to everyone who showed up, was a nice one :thanks:
Another good night's racing there.

In qualie i cut the 2nd last corner big time on my fastest lap, but went out and did an even quicker one- sans cuts! However Andreas was again very quick in qualie trim and had me covered.

Decent start in the race, but wedged between Ivo & Chris meant i was down to 4th sharpish. I was quite happy to sit back in the early laps but Andreas was now over 12s ahead so i had to start upping the pace a tad and attack Chris & Ivo ahead. Unfortunately for Ivo, he disco'd after some scary laggy moments (i sympathise with you, the same happened to me already this season) so now myself & Chris duked it out for several laps, which included a few oversteery moments for him, one of which let me through. However, while lapping some cars i made the same mistake 2 laps on the trot and promptly lost 2nd, while Andreas's pace slowed ahead. So while we were slowing each other up, Andreas wasn't getting any closer, but eventually Chris spun it and i set after Andreas with 3laps to go, but not quite enough laps to reel him in!

Congrats Andreas, cheers Chris for the race, hard luck Ivo. I believe the championship is pretty close between the top 4 now, sets it up nicely for the final round. (Well done 'Mystic Thommo')

Cheers Thommo/RD, and the RDHGP boys!
Sure connection lost...... Never happened for about 3 years. And when i finally can win a championship this happens.
Internet was just working fine after the connection lost. Was never disconnected from TS and internet was running normal, so was something from within the game. Typical stuff that happens to me. Gutted.

bad luck ivo. sorry for you.
the good part is that you and ryan will now be very close in points gap for the last race. this will make things more intresting and more chalenging for both of you:)
as for my race another race to forget. had some nice time with erling and wayne but couldn't keep up with the pace. the ferrai and i just do not get along. it was my first time ever since taking part in the leagues that i got lapped. i tried to stay out of the way and by doing so lost any chanse to catch the guys infront of me.
oh well' i look forward to the next lague already. i hope we will see some 76 cars ( porche 911 maybe?)
Wow, after looking @ my replay, what an awesome race, well for the jag crew anyway. After an ok quali, not able to match my PB, I got a great start with a almost clean T1, only giving Lenno a little love kiss. Followed him for the next few conners until Jay gets by. Now I'm in a 4 car Jag train with Thommo @ the rear but this was not to last tho. I think lap 2 or 3, Jay makes contact with Lenno slightly which put them both wide so me & Thommo take up the front 2 postions in the Jag quartet with me just ahead of Thommo. As we lay down some rubber Thommo is poking his nose in a few corners until he decides it time for the move which goes ahead cleanly. Now following him round it not to soon until Lenno & Jay join the party so the quartet is formed up once again. With Thommo eking out a little gap I now have the attentions of Lenno which goes on for a round 15 laps which for me was truely awesome. Now on lap 20 I can see Thommo getting a little loose in places & that little gap he had starts to come down but still I have to fend of the attentions of Lenno. As we draw closer to the end of the lap Thommo has only a few cars length gap & on the penultimate corner of the lap goes wide but just manages to pull it back on track to take the last corner so I have to just lift a little which gives Lenno the opportunity to make a pass stick by T1. Not giving up I stay with him but now have the attentions of Jay but manage to just stay ahead but for how long. As Thommo & Lenno fight it out, T, is taking more of a defensive line into the corners but with only a handful of laps left he's trying to hold on to top spot in the Jag quartet. On lap 22 & out of T3 Thommo looses it & gets into slide, Lenno with now where to go just tags him, I just manage to scrap by & unlucky for Jay, he ends up coliding with Thommo. All this promotes me to top spot in the Jag battle with Lenno close behind so for the remainder of the race, 2 & half laps, I have to once again fight off the attentions of Lenno. On the last lap Lenno coming out of T3 loses the back end trying to take a tighter line which give me some breathing room to just bring it home but with all that awesome racing I didn't even know where I finished the race so I will have to just wait for the results to be posted.

Thanks as always goes to Thommo for all his hard work & RD. Grats to Anderas for bringing home the win & wd rest of the podium. Also thanks have to go to the Jag guys for some fantastic racing out there tonight.
All I can say is that is one of my most fav tracks in the world and it goes to show how you go on a track you really like.

Cant remeber where I was now lol i think it was 18th or some thing like that.

Had an awesome start (really getting the starts working well now) had some good racing with 2 fezers (sorry no names will look at the replay later) then got my head down and keept driving the same lap times to keep the gap. Was faster then 12th but just not many laps to get him. Chris and ross was coming on me fast so I moved over with plenty of time so as to not get in the way. An OMG what a sound it was with them 2 beasts coming past.

Came home 13th was happy with that.

Grats to the podium

Thanks Stu and RD

p.s hope I go well at LimeRoack
Probably the best race of the season, racing-wise :)

Had a nice little battle with Ondrej at the start, we were running parallel at times, swapping places in and out of corners, and no contacts. Sweet :good:

yes, thats something I can offer if you are as slow as me :) my problem is, I am not fast enough to drive with guys ahead, but I am too fast to drive with guys behind... involves into lonely race, everytime

I had 2 stoppers, both because of my stupidity
A very entertaining race last night. After the initial shakedown of the first few laps, I was left in a constant battle for the remainder of the race with Pedrag and Lukasz with Senad always lurking close behind. Lots of close battles and position swaps. No doubt that Pedrag had the run on us but every time he pulled a gap, he'd make a mistake and the race was back on. Managed to finish ahead of both of them in about 15th? Great fun anyway, thanks guys.
I agree with Amir
The Ferrari 275 gtb/c must have been the most undrivable Ferrari of all times.
Understeer understeer and finally oversteer.

I still injoy the races with RDHGP, its just clean.

Thanks Stuart.

Maybe i will face problems at Lime rock ( holiday)
start a fight with my familiy?

Certanly the most entertaining race so far in this season! Almost every single lap I had battles with Fords, Fiats, Jags, crazy.
Because I can't watch replay, it is broken as always, I will drop review from my memory. :)
First of all I must apologise to Norman for spin, I wasn't expecting that Vettes aren't so fast in the corners, especially in the last turn, my fault. :( I was waiting for him to continue the race, so we lost at least 4-5 positions there. After that incident I started picking up the pace from praccy & qualy, so after some laps I was on 16th I think. As David said, every time I pulled a gap, I made a mistake because I was pulling so hard at the moments. On several occasions I felt that I'm maybe a bit more aggressive in battles. So if I was I apologise, adrenaline was sky high all the time. Really guys, if I was, feel free to tell me, because I can't judge sometimes from a cockpit.
Thanks to David, Lukasz, Senad and couple more guys that I forgot to mention for amasing and clean race. :)

Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention start of the race. Was 12th and just before incident with Norman I was on 16th or 17th position I think, so frustrating. On every single race I'm losing at least 4-5 positions in first lap, and to be honest I have no clue how. I can only see in my mirrors how Jags and maybe some Vette pass me by, and other Fords and Fiats with them. How?! I can't believe that I'm so slow in first two laps. What's more frustrating is that when green light appears I always have a better start from the guys in front, but that lasts only until first turn. After T1 I'm starting to lose positions like I'm in 2nd gear all the time, unbelievable.

Thanks goes to Stu for choosing this track that made my Ford feel like a proper car. :)
Congrats Podium!
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