RDHGP S8 - Round 6 - 100km - Le Mas Du Clos - Tue 10th Jan 2012

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
RaceDepartment Historic Grand Prix Season 8 Round 6
Welcome back to Round 6 of the RDHGP S8, and Happy New Year to all our drivers. I hope we are all fit and refreshed after the mid season break. Round 5 at Brands Hatch was a fitting way to go into the holiday period, an excellent race on a superb track with pretty much every car having a race long dice. The race reports were all pretty much positive accounts, which is always gratifying.

Round 6 moves us to a track which, in some ways, is the reason we are having this season in the first place, and – as you will see later – quite a fitting follow up to Brands Hatch. We first had a Club race at this venue about 2 ½ years ago using the Abarth, Jaguar & Elite, and it was one of those races that you enjoyed so much, it stays in your head long after it’s over. As soon as I got to plan a season with these cars, this track was – literally – the first venue pencilled in on my list.

We hop a relatively local 385 miles South Southeast from West Kingsdown to Les Puids, just East of Aubusson, Central France, and the Circuit du Mas du Clos.


Circuit Notes
Situated between Limoges and Clermont-Ferrand, Les Puids is located in the La Creuse region of France. It was the brainchild and a labour of love for Pierre Bardinon, a local man whose family traces its roots back many generations in the region. The first Mas du Clos layout of 400m was opened in 1963, extended to an intermediate version of 1km in 1965, until in 1967 the final 3.1km layout that we will be racing was completed.

The circuit was an immediate favourite, with one French Automotive journal stating “un nouveau Brands Hatch vient de se créer en Creuse” (A new Brands Hatch has just been created in La Creuse). Matra was the first team to test at Le Mas du Clos, followed soon by Ligier, Alpine and Dunlop. Multiple manufacturers racing clubs have Mas du Clos on their annual schedules, and this is a testament to the driver friendly and enduring nature of the circuit.

Even Pierre’s overall philosophy about the circuit dovetails with the intent of the RDHGP, and makes it a perfect location for the gentlemen drivers:- “Une oeuvre pour les amis: Rien pour moi n’est plus grand que d’aimer des amis qui partagent votre passion. Des amis qui viennent pour se faire plaisir, pour nous faire plaisir, partager ensemble la même passion sans convoitise, sans jalousie” (A work for friends: Nothing for me is more than loving friends who share your passion. Friends who come for pleasure, to please us, all share the same passion, without envy, or jealousy.)

A lap of Mas du Clos starts on the long S/F straight, which heads downhill before, flattens across and then climbs after the S/F line and is still heading uphill as you brake for T1R - Le Pieu.

Le Pieu is a long right hand 180, blind until after the apex, where it crests and begins heading downhill. This is a superb corner to start a lap, the fast approach, uphill entry for late braking, blind apex, unsettling crest and downhill exit, allied to the generous width of the racing surface, allows for multiple racing lines and approaches. Trouble lies in wait for the overlate braker in the form of tyre barriers, and for the overeager accelerator on the outside surface of the exit, over the bumpy kerb and onto some slippery grass.

Accelerating flatout downhill, T2L – Le Chalet – is barely a turn, more a gentle bend, but it needs to be taken on the correct line, because the high speeds involved will not give you much time to adjust for the next test that you will see rapidly approaching.

T3aR & T3bL – Le S du Lac – is a high speed section, that starts to climb gently near the exit of T3bL, and you need to decide early where you want to wear your pain. Do you take T3aR easy and get a good exit to make T3bL easier, or do you carry all your speed from Le Chalet through T3aR, and then have to adjust for T3bL? I suspect that the answer you arrive at will depend on driving style, confidence and vehicle. Exiting S du Lac, you are going uphill on a short straight before you get on the brakes for T4R – La Musee.

Almost a mirror of Le Pieu, you approach uphill, crest near the apex and exit downhill, but La Musee is much tighter turn. You can be fairly aggressive on the exit, but whether that is worth it is questionable, as you are pointing straight downhill on a very short section before getting hard on the anchors for T5L – La Meule.

You cannot be late braking for the La Meule hairpin, as there is a nasty combination of hard tyre barriers, slippery grass, and track cut warning through the back of the entry. Brake early, wrestle the nose in nice and tight, and accelerate hard uphill on exit once you’ve got all your turning done. The next turn is situated after the rapidly approaching crest, so you will need to know exactly how your car is handling to know whether to brake before or after the crest. It probably will change over the course of the race as your rubber gets worn anyway.

Over the crest and we enter the main complex of Mas du Clos, 4 tight corners, the first 3 of which are so close that there is barely any time between them. Certainly no time to get up to any kind of speed, and trying to do so may even slow you down more.

T6R – Le Restaurant – is a tight right hander, with a fairly narrow track at this point, and with sand waiting beyond. Once through Le Restaurant, you are immediately upon the tricky T7R – La Piscine. This is an extremely tight hairpin, with the added complication of a very large and flat kerb on the inner radius that people want to drive across, but I will be enforcing the “2 wheels on track at all times” rule around this corner, and supplying some pictorial examples as to what and what isn’t acceptable, so there is no misunderstandings.

Out of La Piscine, any dab of accelerator will need an even firmer dab of anchors for T8L – Le Pont. Take a tight line through here, under the bridge, and then, if you’ve got through tight, you have enough time to stamp on the gas. You only get a moment though, as you soon come up to T9R – La Tour. This is a fairly tight, but fairly standard righthander, but again it rewards a tight line and an early acceleration out onto the decent length straight that follows.

You will reach a decent pace here, and you will then encounter T10aR + T10bL – Le S du Raccodrement. This is a diving Ess, both parts downhill, and fairly high speed, with a real risk/reward profile.

It is a dab of brakes into T10aR, probably dropping into 3rd gear for most cars, and throwing the nose at the inner kerb over the crested entry. Don’t throw it too tight though, as that inner kerb is fairly high, and can unsettle the cars very badly. Negotiating T10aR successfully leaves you with T10bl and the enticing S/F straight laid out below your car, but be careful not to be too overeager on the accelerator, as it’s quite slippery through here, the downhill nature reducing any camber that may be present.

Blasting out of T10bL, it’s flat out down the hill, past the pit entry, and across the S/F line for another lap of Le Mas du Clos.
Very silly from my side. And this unfortunate incident which left no chance. Championship is lost definetely after this. Such good lap times, Pole, Leading and such fiasco.
This was my first ever no finish in RDHGP :confused: (except for Jerez where was special reason). Sorry for moaning, guys. I'm very upset.
Dmytro blitzed the field in qualie and the first couple of laps really set the alarm bells ringing for me as the TVR streaked away from the slow corners at a rate of knots, but i was still within 1s when Dmytro ran wide at the final turn, got into a tank slapper and hit the barriers hard. It was a shame as it was shaping up to be a race-long battle. After that i just focused on staying out of trouble. Well done Jay & Neil, congrats Dmytro on a cracking qualie lap also.

Thanks Thommo & RD.
An enjoyable race in the Lancia, could it be? :eek:
I finally managed to drive it nicely. The trick is to avoid 1st gear at all costs :D

Awesome track. And very close times throughout the field. I think I was busy all 33 laps. Good fun racing with Hans and Domagoj.

Domagoj and I gave poor Roos quite a scare :D. But I saved it!




Congrats to the podium, shame about the issues some had.
Good thing this is just a game because if not I would be dead. :( I had a fair start but I was not smooth at all for the first part of the race and coming out of a corner in lap 1, I definitely messed up Norman's timing who was behind me and we connected. I ended up flying in the air, landing on my roof, on a preceeding section of the track, in front of front running cars. When I got going again I was still ahead of Norman. Weird or what. I also received a stop/go penalty which I served incorrectly. I waited ( appr. 20 sec ) in the pits for some kind of indicator that the penalty had been served but I now realize after talking to Bob that you just stop and go....makes sense... but in the heat of the action I used faulty logic and just sat there. After that I was not very steady for several l laps, full a frustration, making poor racing lines, several offs, fighting the urge to quit when I said I must atleast finish., no matter how disappointing. Then I saw several unfortunate drivers leave and that made me feel less sorry for myself and I focused on the race again. My eye now was on the second to last driver who I will not mention by name and I slowly closed the gap. I did get by him but he did have to vist the pits which hurt his effort to stay ahead me. Enough said on such a poor effort by myself. Although disappointed, I am almost ready to head to next race.

Grats to winners, great track choice Stu, cheers to all participants.

PS Good to see Bob H. back.:)

I'm an idiot.

This is my Favourite track in the season, and I ballsed it up.

I try a quick & minor setup change at the end of quali, doesn't work, so I reload my race setup.

Except I don't.

The car in the race suddenly feels horrendously twitchy, and after a lap or two, I see I've only got 18 lap of fuel left. That's when I realise what I've done. I've loaded the wrong setup, and now there's no way to change it.

Knowing that I'm doomed to a pitstop, but more importantly, my handling is making me a liability, plus I've got no idea what this setup is going to do to my tyres, I decided to quit out, so as not to wipe people out when I eventually couldn't hold on to it.

Instead of loading "abarth_base" I loaded "alfa_base", which is:

a) only 20 laps of fuel, and
b) for a ****ing alfa

I hope you all had a good race around this superb track.
This was my first race for many weeks and one that i dared not practice too much for so guess i did maybe 10 or 12 laps of gtr2 time trial and it showed in qual as every lap i did i managed to shave a little off the lap before and was very happy to get in the top ten.
I got off to a great start but it could of been better as i was tempted to take the inside line past the slower Lotus in front but instead i thought "no first corner late braking moves" so i eased up which allowed the lagging Thommo to squeeze past on the outside.
Going up the hill behind Bob it was clear the TVR had the better drive over the little Lotus so going through the bends i was right behind Bob, he braked late and took the wide line at the right hander, i took the tighter inside line which suited the TVR well but as Bob came back to the line for the next corner he clipped my nose and spun, i had thoughts on waiting but with 12 or so cars closing in fast and in the middle of all that bends i decided to keep going and not cause a bottleneck.

Now i was hunting down the two Lotus's of Roland and Nils, took me a while to catch them as the times were so close, i got past Roland OK but Nils was that little bit quicker and by the time i was close enough my tyres were nearly gone, but i eventually got close enough and made the move stick.
By this time i only had 2 or 3 laps of good tyres left and it was not long before Nils was then looking for a way past and i had to hold the line a few times to keep him there and on one occasion we touched and i spun loosing the place but gained it back as he waited, but we had a big enough cushion behind us so it was no problem.

I was very happy to get 3rd especially as i was in 2 minds if i would manage the race or not.

See you all at the next round which will be the last one for me as i am away on holiday on the 4th so i will miss the final round.
I saw only Stu lagging like hell, others were so smooth. Very strange.
Same here, Stuart was even lagging badly in my replay:D .

I'm an idiot.
This is my Favourite track in the season, and I ballsed it up.
Sorry to hear that mate, but TBH I'm a bit relieved it's not (only) something I did that made you retire, as suddenly you were gone while chasing me.. Feels a bit awkward to press "like" on your post now..

Similar thing happened to me later on when Knut was chasing me for a number of laps, being very careful as always, and then suddenly he was gone having quit as well.:(

That slightly worried me, wondering if possibly I was defending way too aggressively causing them to get sick of me and quit.. That would be BAD..:confused::confused:

Especially since for me this race went way better than I could have imagined:

In practise I could do top-8 times (at quite a gap to #1, but fairly good anyways), while in Qualy, using an all-or-nothing kind of setup and extremely light on fuel, I managed an amazing -for me anyways- P4!!:eek:

Race start was really good again as well, I was 3rd going into turn 1, with Jay and Nils breathing down my neck. By then I was getting slightly nervous, as I started to realise that I now was up there in front, running with the really quick guys. "OMG:eek: , what am I doing here??" "Breathe! Just keep breathing:confused: !" "Keep going, you can do this..:cool: " were some of the thoughts flashing through my head..

And of course something had to go wrong.. First I outbraked myself at the end of home straight, allowing Jay to get by on the inside of T1, next lap same corner I am so anxious to regain my place I outbrake myself again, allowing both Jay AND Nils to take the inside line.. sigh..:oops:

Next there's Thommo on my tail, and then Neil was closing in, making a textbook outbraking maneuver at the La Meule which I never thought he'd get away with:eek: but he did.:confused: Could chase him for a number of laps but do nothing more, when Knut started closing in on me so quickly it wasn't fun.. Tried very hard to keep him behind me while burning my tires very rapidly until he gave up.. By then my tires were so worn I was 1.5 sec slower than before..but I was still 5th with a comfy gap to Bob H (BTW good to see you again mate!!) of around 18 sec. With some 8 laps to go he'd never catch me..:cool:

That is, unless of course I would make a stupid mistake going into the final turn with only 3 laps to go, spinning me off track so far into the grass I couldn't find the track at first, costing me 26 sec:mad: . There was nobody close behind Bob though, so once I got my car back on track I could bring it home in 6th, still an excellent result for me!!:)

Congrats to Ross for another victory, and to Jay and Neil as well.
Big Thanks to Thommo for another ace event, shame it didn't work out well for you..

Hope to cya next time @ Turagua, another new track to me.


Similar thing happened to me later on when Knut was chasing me for a number of laps, being very careful as always, and then suddenly he was gone having quit as well.:(

That slightly worried me, wondering if possibly I was defending way too aggressively causing them to get sick of me and quit.. That would be BAD..:confused::confused:

You were driving great Roland, really good racing from your side. It was all me. I've been sick for some time and I had to get out of the race before I made any serious mistakes.
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