RDRC - Rally World

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Christmas special

Welcome back with our traditional monthly press, today with small delay, but more content!
But before we jump to the whole end, lets review last two rounds from the beginning.

Round 4 took us into land of ice and snow. And, as was expected, one of the biggest show we experienced. After previous round, we had number of 3 drivers fighting for a tittle. Times were very, very close, but Sebastien Levret managed to confirm his lead and what more, he took control about standings table and could celebrate his championship win before the last round. So, lets take a look how it all actually happened.

For first, one curious thing happened at the Mlýnky stages. When first tests were running, Aaron DeMare with his Subaru had an incident with herd of cattle. It wasnt that serious for Aaron or his car, but because of terrain Aaron had to avoid just into a small group of visitor. We were told that nobody was killed, but two men were injured. The stage was closed almost in no time. It also meant to cancel the second run there. Thanks to this, cards were distributed way more for Sebastien. Seven of ten stages win. To be noted, his current performance leaded his fans to support him in each turn, each straight. Stages were full of them. Sebastien, with his new found energy, did no bigger mistakes and ran the rally by the cleanest way. He only lost 9 seconds in SS n°4. "Very happy to be 1st, snow is my surface. I love so much the snow, I love when the surface is sliding.". His main competitor Tor Anders Berven didnt finish in great position. 16th place was really no satisfaction for him. Jakub Sulej, this time third in the standings was making to Sebastien very hard and fast competitor. He was loosing stages only by seconds, he even took from Sebastien tree stages win. Unfortunately for him, he wasnt fast enough. He was pushing as hard as possible, which ended in number of mistakes leading to lost of 2 minutes and 40 seconds. Sadly in SS n°6, he missed first corner and the rest of stage was run with broken suspension.


Jakub Sulej

In the rally end, he had left the car with tears in his eyes. "I wanted him. I knew it was impossible to get over him, but at least closer the gap. I also was informed that he wont be able to participate last rally. It was my only chance and I failed." he said. Driver, who took the last podium place, was Simone Demi. He was trying to be even fastest than Sebastien, which proved his very risky driving style. As we could see at Autiovaara II over the edge how fast he was. Almost ended in very serious crash. Then in SS N°9, he was able to continue only after help from visitors. His much big potential still lets him to be in the top.


Sebastien Levret

In premier league it was much more open for taking the class tittle. Even after this round, it wasnt sure. This time, grid was more creative and into overall pointing got four drivers. And overall 4th place meant first in Premier for Gaëtan Legastelois. Very close ahead of Łukasz Demolin, only 6 seconds different. It was spectacular fight, trough all stages, mainly in SS n°8 & 9. It was really unexpected, as Gaëtan ended very bad round before. Public call him 'lucky guy', as he had problems with car and the terrain. He wasnt scared though and was driving 100% rally, with very thin-ice moments. Especially in Sikakama, because it was very hard to adapt the rhythm changes there by his words. Łukasz was hoping for a win till the last moment. He even didnt mind to touch some barriers or trees and slightly improve his car chassis. One moment the radiator got punctured and engine died just few meter after the stage finish. Another, he stuck with 3rd gear and finished only to massive engine construction. To complete top 3, there was Robb Kulcsar. He was fighting with the surface, mostly successfully. He told us "It's the fastest surface, the funniest and the most competitive one and the most forgiveing one also.". His second place in Premier standings motivates him to keep the same speed as Ludovic Cogotti, who is in the lead. And in this round, he was able to be even fastest. Ludovic got the 4th.


Ondřej Kapal performing his historical first stage win.

Whats very important for this round was participation of John Low. We all remember his bad crash this year. Finally, he was able to leave hospital, recover and get back the seat. We saw him only in SS n°3, but it was very soulful moment. Respect from public was everywhere. Also, we saw everyone in finish.

So, what actually meant this round for standings? Sebastien was very touched by his results and his team support. "2010 was a great season for me. I finished this year with 4 individual titles, 2 in Nascar and 2 in rally. All my team is very happy to see the Project Name at the top of the standing. Unfortunately, I will not be able to make the last event. But I am very glad to thank my team, my fans for their support trough the whole season. Thank you!".
But with this, it didnt end. Because there were still two drivers fighting for vice champion tittle and five drivers fighting for Premier league title. In constructor championship, we had 3 main opponents, Project D, DSC Motorsports and Team Blue Flag Racing. It is going round by round more closer between first two named. Lee Palmer with Ondřej Kapal are keeping very good performance for being able of challenge.

After stunning weekend, we had one month to move directly into Great Britain and its outskirts, where should be done one of the most epic finish this year. Organizers did really amazing work, all over the world have been sent advertisements and announcements. TV stations from almost each continent was sending reporters. And no motorsport magazine missed this event. Even though we already knew the championship name, who by the way didnt arrive, there was still to much not closed. Fights were going to end.

Round 5, from snow, we moved into very technique country. Stages with slow, treacherous corners but also provided very fast tight straights trough the forest. With very interesting and not consistent weather forecast. More description from Rick Bamford.
Day ones sees the drivers contest some very fast stages in mainly dry conditions with SweetLamb ans Shepards Shield making up the competitive miles. After some troubling times with the Tervaniemi stage it is included in the format as an optional extra for those that can make it. It was just too good to loose altogether.
Day 2 is where the weather will turn for the worse, but the stages get even better. Falston, Chirdon head and Harwood forest make up the day and are expected to provide an amazing finish to the year.

We felt some changes aswell. Some drivers from Premier league, who didnt saw chance for a tittle anymore, decided to try the smell of WRC cars and participate in A league. For example Łukasz Demolin borrowed Ford Focus. But was it worth it?

In A league, with Sebastien missing on the grid, there was nothing to keep Jakub Sulej from his 1st position. It was his second win with the one from the first round and means deserved vice champion titlte. Actually, he was very satisfied how the last rally ended. Unfortunately, even this time the organizers had to cancel SS n°1 & 4 because of dangerous conditions. It was another result of public ignorance, when they were standing and watching from forbidden places. Even after warning from side of organizers they didnt demonstrate well behavior, so decision was after previous round tragedy wide.
But with Jakub there was also Rick Bamford who had his own story to say. Thankfully, visitors were after two of SS canceled reasonable and let the rally be running as we experienced in previous rounds. This meant to very close and exciting fights for the pole. Again, it showed that consistency is mostly the key to win, as Rick won four stages of ten and Jakub "only" two. Rick totally stirred the standings in SS n°11, where he took the time by 16 seconds faster than Jakub and started to regain the gap. But Jakub ran very clean start and those slower times in the end were just something he could leave. However, Rick should be very happy for his final place, as in the second run of Harwood Forest he almost ended rolling just into line of trees. "I had to act fast not to roll the car. It had to look really spectacular though." he said. He also had troubles with both runs of Shepards Shield.


Rick Bamford

Third place took Eddie Mann. He also provide very consistent run and actually was able to keep himself with guys ahead. Sadly, bad weather conditions made their work and messed some of Eddie's run. Again help from visitors was needed.


Jakub Sulej on his way for a win

About Premier league, Ludovic Cogotti was far away from his usual performance. But his 3rd place still makes him the class champion. For the epic finish of season was taken care from the drivers themselves. This round could be called as the most unexpected one. And thats thanks to podium standings. With Ludovic's result, for the pole jumped not much known Mick Aspinall. All those drivers shown in previous rounds, i.e. Robb Kulcsar or Aaron DeMare stayed behind top 3.


Mick Aspinall

Ludovic lost the most of his time when he missed braking point, which ended in outbraking and falling down to the mountaing. Luckily, he got stuck by the trees and was able with visitors without resign to continue. But still, the lead he made in start of the season was big enough. Whats interesting though is, that Mick didnt win any single stage and still got the 1st place. No major mistakes. 2nd place was another surprise, Senad Subasic. And what more, he won five stages. The best result for him trough the whole season, but still he wasnt satisfied. First run trough Chirdonhead made lost him overall 5th and Preimer 1st position. But he didnt lost anything from his sense of humor. He said "Falstone in bad weather looked spectacular, I was looking at the scenery more than at the road!".


Senad Subasic

Last thing to note is constructor championship. It is not that much surprising as the driver champ., but final tittle takes Project D with Sebastien Levret (A league) and Ludovic Cogotti (Premier) onboard. Very good performance also was shown by DSC Motorsports, for who drove Lee Palmer and Ondřej Kapal. Again, consistency showed that even middle pointers can be competitors to the winners.


England weather can affect in very treacherous surface.

Here we are. First season is over. Lets summarize results by final tables.




Congratulations to champion Sebastien Levret. Congratulations to Premier league tittle owner Ludovic Cogotti. And, in the end congratulations to Project D for constructor tittle.

We would like to thank all the supporters our press.
We would like to congratulate all finishers, attenders and participant in the first season. Without you, there would be hardly another season coming.

For now, its all. But dont be sad - because, there is more to come before the second season has started - we can proudly announce that Sebastien agreed to come into our studio to make an interview. Stay tuned and stay with us in further!

And finally, merry Christmas.

RDRC Press
The press would like to thanks everybody who sent me answers to my questionnaires, who cooperated with me and who supported me. BIG THANKS everyone for your effort on my reports. Thanks Senad & Rick for your technical support. Thanks moderators of RDRC for make this possible. Thanks RD for the community and taking a part of this great section.


and watch the main RD page :)
Two months ago Sebastian Levret sealed the first ever RaceDepartment rally Championship with a crushing victory in the snow of round 4. His performance was fast, smooth and faultless, a fitting way to clinch a well deserved title with one round remaining. In one weeks time, will he do it again?

Welcome to the second season of the RDRC.

Next week our season opens back on the snow of Norway, and with almost 50 drivers registered for the championship we are looking at an amazing year.

The sure favourite has to be defending champion Sebastian Levret. The Project D driver will again be at the wheel of a Citroen, however the team has upgraded to the C4 WRC for this season. Even though the champion has taken a well deserved break over the Christmas period he has noticed the difference. "The C4 is faster than the Xsara, it will be more difficult to be cleaner than with the Xsara." Teaming up again with Ludovic Cogotti Project D are sure to be the pace setters once the stages start.

Citroen has seen a rise in its involvement for season 2 with a second team taking the chance to upgrade to one of the fastest WRC cars ever in the. The Black Rebels Memorizers will field two cars for Dariusz Swiderski stepping up from his group N Subaru and the VERY fastBen Buitendijk who joins the series for the first time. Added to this is Terri A. Buenaflor whojoins in with his private C4.

Not to be out done will be the boys from the blue oval. Ford team Poland Have secured the serviced of Jakub Sulej, runner up in season 1 and the one driver that pushed Levret during the first year. "I knew that Sebastian would be hard opponent to beat, so from 2nd place I'm quite pleased.""New Ford is more stable than the old car, but 5 gears is not the best idea. I love snow, so hope to drive into big action in 1st round." His team mate for this year will be the fast and consistent Łukasz Demolinagain moving from his group n car to the much faster WRC. The second of the ford teams is the JME/Coke Zero team. JME fielded Rick Bamford last year in a Subaru but have managed to gain the services of the Tuscan Tear-away Simone Demi. "I like the car very much, it's funny to drive. Rick it's a very good man, he is available every time I need help and he's team it's a good place for me."

Subaru will also be well represented on the stages with Damien Jones, Tony Hutchins, Warren Dawes, Eddie Mann and Tor Anders Berven, all supporting the Fuji Heavy Industries icon. Each and every one of these drivers are capable of setting the forest alight with their pace. Only time will tell who is able to match speed with consistency over the entire season.

In the champions league it is much of the same with the proven Group N drivers being joined by a huge number of new competitors. In the Rally club we have seen the emergence of some very fast new guys in the form of Kevin Hopkins, Mikael HellénandKnut Omdal Tveito. Rally World caught up with Senad Subasic during his limited testing program to ask him who would be the ones to watch. "A lot of decent drivers in the mix, Aaron, Roman, Ondrej, Oscar... And the TBR guys" The other new innovation for the champions league is the introduction of the S2000 cars for the class. These high revving pocket rockets have been well received by the drivers with the majority of the cars entered being from this class. But not everyone agrees that they are the correct choice. "Don't enjoy driving the S2000 cars at all, I'm surprised there are so many of them. I think there might be some changes from people who decided on the S2000 class." Senad commented. We will wait to see who has made the right decision.

We are now just 3 days from the start of the Rally of Norway, what can we expect. With both leagues having multiple drivers capable for taking the title as well as a host of teams ready to do battle all predictions are out the window. For the last word we turn to the RDRC Director Rick Bamford......

"It's Going to be EPIC!"
Thanks Rick, a nice read.

I shall try to practice this time, and see where it takes me.
Luckily, most of the aliens are in the WRC cars, so I won't be despairing over 20 second gaps from Dariusz and co. :)
Thats a good opening read for the RDRC S2 Rick!

their right this article adds some pressure and also excitement from all of us, plus I'm on the news :redface: and your right I think this is going to be epic:parrot:
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