RDRC S1 - Round 2

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Ughhh holy CRAP are you serious? I looked at this several times and thought that the US stages started at 11pm on the 28th not at monday night! Man i was so pumped for this.. is there anyway i could still drive it with a significant penalty? Even if the penalty is in DNF? (I at least want experience with how this RSRBR app works)

Ah, too bad Brandon...
But no worries, I'll set up a session for you, just let me know what time. And if nobody objects, I can add you to the standings as well.

EDIT: Just give me at least 45 minutes, I'm currently in a race :)
Can we go for 11pm tonight as originally planned in my world? haha. If anyone objects then that is definitely cool.. i had a responsibility to get the times right as much as anyone else but as i said before.. to get some experience with the app would be great.

There is a mistake in the standing, for the "Diff prev" column.
The gap between Jakub and Dariusz is not the good one. Maybe a mistake in your excel file.
There is a mistake in the standing, for the "Diff prev" column.
The gap between Jakub and Dariusz is not the good one. Maybe a mistake in your excel file.

Nicely spotted. There are a couple of other ones below too. Corrected in my file, will upload when the forum works fine again, :thanks:

I guess I forgot to calculate Diff prev for all sessions, I just did the Diff lead. So Diff prev is wrong wherever people from different sessions meet.

EDIT: corrected files uploaded, if you notice anything else, let me know
Team FOG Skin

Thanks for the nice comments, had a bad start rolling and a CFH on SS1 made for a difficult rally chasing Warren, just couldn't get there in the end but had a good night.

Thanks RD for the event and looking forward to the next one.

I can't beleif it , you stayed awake till morning to do the video ? Geat job like a real director, just watched it! For what I saw, I hold the record for the longest jump in Mineshaft, that ended badly.
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