RDRC S2 - Round 3 - Coffs Harbour Rally

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i am having problems logging in

it's greyed out saying the server will be active at 21:00

nope missed it see you guys at the next round

if you was to sent on at 4am ten that will be fine if not then i just give this round a miss
Tyrone, greyed out? I don't know what you're talking about - and since you have some experience with RBR I think that you know what to do. You do have all the updates etc.? There is a session @20GMT as well tomorrow if you can make it. Since only EU had problems only EU hours are running, sorry. Be there a bit earlier next time, there are 4 days to choose from :).
yeah i forgot to check on start the session button. Just had a blank monent. I hope to make the session tomorrow but the way things are going at home it will be looking less likely.
Ah, Minecraft (or what it's named :D) second run. I did jump that far that the car took a flip.. :roflol:

And the second USA stage, diamond Creek or what it's named. The super fast one! Simply amazing run at it!
Rally Results

Overall Rally Results

Congrats to our winners, Sebastien in the Premier, and Norbert in the Champions league :trophy:

Stage wins
Gregory Degreef (C): 5 stage wins :star::star::star::star::star:
Simone Demi (P): 4 stage wins :star::star::star::star: (SS9 shared with Attila)
Sebastien Levret (P): 3 stage wins :star::star::star:
Norbert Leitner (C): 3 stage wins :star::star::star:
Roy Magnes (C): 3 stage wins :star::star::star:
Attila Kiss (P): 2 stage wins :star::star: (SS9 shared with Simone)
Nigel Atkins (C): 2 stage wins :star::star:
Ben Buitendijk (P): 2 stage wins :star::star:
Dariusz Swiderski (P): 1 stage win :star:
Ludovic Cogotti (P): 1 stage win :star:
John Cunningham (P): 1 stage win :star:
Mick Aspinall (C): 1 stage win :star:
Gabor Tim (P): 1 stage win :star:

Thanks to all who participated, and thanks to Rick for organizing the whole thing.

Let me know if you notice any mistakes.
As opposed to me almost making it OUT of the top 10 after the shameful start ;). Fog defeated me, but luckily in the second half I wasn't outpaced by any Champions' car (apart from Greg's kamikaze run @ SS14), that's a relief; also was only about 3 secs slower than Sebastien on second Mineshaft run, wohoo! :p

Congrats to the winners and all who haven't lost it; I was utterly defeated in the early stages. That was a quite valuable lesson for me, I hope I will be able to learn from it. Thanks for you all who made that happen and see you on the stages soon.
Congrats to Seb, Simone (GREAT job team mate) and Jakub in Premier.

Congrats to the Norbert's ;) and Norman.

A lot more red ink in this one which suprises me. The monte stages didn't give people this many issues.
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