RDRC S2 - Round 8 - Vauxhall Rally of Wales (18th - 21st June)

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Not my night tonight, the computer gremlins seemed to attack me.
Had a good first section and was slightly leading the OC Session at the first Service, just ahead of Eddie.
Then, after our usual TS chat, off I went to the next Stages and found I had no sound. I sat on the start line for ages waiting for the countdown, and realised that the Stage had started about 20 seconds ago, so I tried to drive without any sound but it was hopeless. I then tried to use task manager to try to recover sound but it ended up crashing the game.
Very strange, no idea what happened, but Teamspeak continued to work.

Oh well, good luck to the other OC drivers, it was quite a big group too. Nice to see.
Very tough rally, wich eventually needed me to retire one stage. The bridges eh....

Two other times i had to call for help because of ditches followed by rolling over.

But then i started gunning it in the second half. Wich gave me a fastest stage in our class in OC4.
But just after that i take SS13 a bit to overconfident, crashed sideways into a tree and lost the brakes.
Being close to the 3 minute marker i decided to continue, just loosing one minute and not the ful stage.
Last stage, rally school i did without brakes, being only 5 secs slower then normal average times here.

Not bad, not bad.

Good closing for the season, but boy, OC4 is tons faster then the most around EU3.
I was a bit shocked to be fair.

Good stuff! Tx all, and expect a pm with my times, because RSCenter again thinks i retired 3 times instead of one...
Great event for me until the first run through Chirdonhead SS10 with me running wide into the rubbish at the Caution 5 right and damaging the car that badly I had to retire from that stage and hence ruined my rally. Congrats to Keegs for a great event, awesome result mate and great to see, also some good runs from everyone and nice to see Nigel and Jeremy drop in and have a practice run with us.

Other than that a great rally to finish the season, great to see everyone in Team Speak again and thanks to the organisers for all their work during the year, I had a great first season and enjoyed the few events I caught at the end. See everyone at the Season 3 opener! :rally:

Cheers Al
Thanks organisers that was a good rally, unlucky for me i pushed to hard going into the 3rd bridge of Shepard's Shield, ended up in the creek with a dead engine could not continue.
However as it was ss4 before service, i was glad to have a fresh car for the next stage, otherwise i would have definitely lost more time.

Kept the rest of the stages as clean as i could, i was finding it difficult to find the grip limits for the damp gravel stages but kept at it. I quite like the more slippery gravel i find it compares more closely to the real stuff? but that's just me.

With one stage retirement i was 2.00+ minutes down to the leader in OC, i must say the top 5 in oc were putting up some impressive times and GrpN too, great driving:good:

Rick & i were having our own battle down the order, with about 14sec's down to Rick going into the final stages, The pressure was on to claw back some time and keep it clean, took the odd risk but mostly clean, good fun not sure how it all turned out? will wait for the results.

Warren hope you solved your sound issue? frustrating I'm sure?

Congrats to the podium, already testing for next season.
Was one of the slowest in session, no surprise there.
When I tried to push a little faster, I got in trouble. Chirdonhead, that nice couple of fast undulating corners, tried to go as fast as I dared, and I went off to the left, and somehow passed through all the trees without touching anything, phew :eek:
Second run on Chirdonhead, had a great time in those same corners, really fast through, smiling even after it. Then I went wide in the next tricky corner, and hit the logs on the outside - roll, CFH.

No retirements this time, so I'm hoping to pick up my first championship points, LOL :redface:
I started the rally with a setup recommeded by someone-it was horrible. Pranged it on SS2 and finished the stage with high water temp. Chose to repair on SS3 and completed the rally with default settings-which were actually pretty good.

Made a bonehead error on the final stage-but no retirements.

Hope to net a point or two-not very many taking part in this rally...
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