Only the first session you drive in will count, I'm afraid. You can join any sessions remaining, but just for fun basically.
Daaah.... my RSCenter crashed! :´( Is there some way to join another session? I got to stage 3 so maybe it´s not possible to fix???
- Norman Biscuits - got_biscuits - EU3
- Eckhart von Glan - EckhartvGlan - EU3
- Dariusz Swiderski - swider - EU3
- Nigel Atkins - Marmiteman - EU3
- Hubert Smolders - Smoldering Biscuits - EU3
- Pete Mull - SilverRallier - EU3
- Daniel Tønsberg - Xull - EU3
- Norbert Serban - SeNor - EU3
- Roy Magnes - Roy Magnes - EU3
- Chris Williamson - Kurisu166 - EU3
- Simone Demi - simonedemi - EU3
- Hugo Barbosa - Unhas - EU3
- Mark Birney - Sparky245 - EU3
- Daniel Lovett - Dan27 - EU3
- Matt Leonowicz - MattLeon - EU3
- Troy Ament - tromoly - US3
- Aaron DeMarre - smokee - US3
- Bob Luneski - boblu - US3
Corey Twyman - theFlash - US3
Guys, I couldn't make it for the session I signed in for, so going in for the US2 session right now! Hope its okay, as it was in season 2
I have problems with Mlynky stages, because while loading the game is quiting into RSRBR Center! What is going on? I couldnt participate in event?! It is problem!
Same problem as Daniel