RDRC S5 Round 4 - Rally Alsace (27th-30th April)

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Just finished the rally, I did not set very good times but it was fun nevertheless.
Stage selection for this rally was spot on, a mix of mountain roads and vineyards, with some nonsense street stages just like WRC Rallye de France Alsace :) . I particularly like the Bergheim stage, even though I am very slow :D
Entry list is now up, good luck to everyone competing in this round.
Its a shame to see numbers dropping, but I'm so happy to say thanks to all of the RDRC regulars and newcomers joining this round :thumbsup: I will be posting the next rounds thread much earlier than this one for good measure :)

Good luck everybody!
Reason for JJ not signing up is because he has finals at school :(
Aww, having a real co driver :D That's cheating :D
Jk, that must be amazing. I could really use a sister's boyfriend in some stages because some pace notes really lack in precision.
That is the reason why he is helping me out :)

He co-drives in real life but has had back problems and therefore as I asked him, he said yes :D
I drive and write notes and then send them to him via mail and then we use Skype with Share Screen :)

Has worked out allright so far :)

For example, one stage of these you have a medium right with no cut warning but if you drive like me you will flip on the ingame notes because the ground rises on the apex of that corner, I think it's Swiss Tarmac stage :confused:
I made 4 big mistakes with lost about 5-8 sec each and one offroad with human life lost (RIP). Great fight Roy, you are too fast on tarmac with that 2wd Fiesta. If you were driving faster probably would have gone into the future. I tought i`ll catch you on Akagi but few mistakes took few sec and you deserve first place in EU1 session.
Good luck to all who will start this rally.
I did not see Roy in this session so i'll Guess you mean me Emil:)
I manage to stay just clear of you in the last stages. You where faster than me but i manage to only do one mistake where i lost 10 sek.I brake much to late in a Junction, i don't hit anything but had to turn orund and get back to the stage.
If you not have hit a marshal you would win this session. Good driving Emil..
I was going to make a pretty long post, detailing all my stages, but they were beginning to all look the same: "lost my rear-end, spun", so I won't bother.

Pretty average rally for me. I finished all the stages, and without CFH or DNF, but mistakes on most of the stages cost me a lot of time. The final loop went OK though, pretty clean. :p

I'm also reasonably happy with the power-stage attempt, though I have no benchmark to compare it to in class.

Looking forward, I really need to start working on my set-ups, the car was a bit of a handful on a few stages.

Not really too sure how I'll place in this one.

Good luck to Corey, hopefully you'll do better than me. :p
An almost perfect rally for me, except 92% of the way through SS2 when I touched a bank on the right that pushed me across the road into wooden barriers and broke the engine. I was rather annoyed as it cost me about 4minutes, so I guess we'll see how much that hurt me overall. I think I drove the rest of the rally much better & took care when I needed with no major problems.

SS1 - Ok
SS2 - Crash, DNF
SS3 to SS7 - I was braking early a lot so that probably slowed me down but I had no major offs.
SS8 to SS10 - An interesting mix of stages, I think I was reasonably quick as got my confidence back.
SS11 to SS13 - Really good fun, the car felt good and pretty quick, I love those hairpins!
SS14 - I don't think I'm in the running for any power stage points though, as I clipped a wall and was a couple of seconds slower than my practice times.

Thanks to all the organisers, looking forward to some gravel up next!

*EDIT* Added a few screens



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