RDRC S5 Round 5 - South Swedish Rally (18th - 21st May)

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Jack Hintz

That Designer Guy?

South Swedish Rally
18th - 21st May 2013

SS1 - World Stages - Rally Poland (Gravel Mod/Crisp Partcloud/Normal/Dry/Night)
SS2 - England - Rally School (Gravel Mod/Crisp Clear/Normal/Dry/Dusk)
SS3 - England - Shepherds Shield (Gravel Mod/Crisp Partcloud/Normal/Dry/Daylight)
SS4 - England - Falstone (Gravel Mod/Hazy Clear/Normal/Dry/Daylight)
SS5 - Australia - East-West (Gravel Mod/Crisp Clear/Normal/Dry/Daylight)
SS6 - USA - The W (Gravel Mod/Crisp Clear/New/Dry/Dusk)
SS7 - England - Chirdonhead (Gravel Mod/Hazy Clear/Normal/Dry/Dusk)
SS8 - England - Harwood Forest II (Gravel Mod/Heavy Cloud/Normal/Dry/Night)
SS9 - Japan - Sipirkakim (Gravel Mod/Hazy Clear/Normal/Dry/Daylight)
SS10 - World Stages - Canyon (Gravel Mod/Crisp Clear/New/Dry/Daylight)
SS11 - Australia - Mineshaft II (Gravel Mod/Heavy Cloud/Normal/Dry/Daylight)
SS12 - Finland - Autiovaara (Gravel Mod/Crisp Clear/Normal/Dry/Dusk)
SS13 - World Stages - Rally Poland R (Gravel Mod/Crisp Partcloud/Normal/Dry/Night)
SS14 - Finland - Humualamaki (Gravel Mod/Crisp Clear/New/Dry/Day) - POWER STAGE

RDRC S4 Round 5 US1 - Saturday 18/05/2013 02:00 GMT
RDRC S4 Round 5 OC1 - Saturday 18/05/2013 10:30 GMT
RDRC S4 Round 5 EU1 - Saturday 18/05/2013 19:00 GMT
RDRC S4 Round 5 US2 - Sunday 19/05/2013 02:00 GMT
RDRC S4 Round 5 OC2 - Sunday 19/05/2013 10:30 GMT
RDRC S4 Round 5 EU2 - Sunday 19/05/2013 19:00 GMT
RDRC S4 Round 5 US3 - Monday 20/05/2013 02:00 GMT
RDRC S4 Round 5 OC3 - Monday 20/05/2013 10:30 GMT
RDRC S4 Round 5 EU3 - Monday 20/05/2013 19:00 GMT
RDRC S4 Round 5 US4 - Tuesday 21/05/2013 02:00 GMT
RDRC S4 Round 5 OC4 - Tuesday 21/05/2013 10:30 GMT
RDRC S4 Round 5 EU4 - Tuesday 21/05/2013 19:00 GMT

Note: Times Have changed to accommodate Daylight Savings, If there is an issue, please make a note of it and we will change accordingly.
  • Signup deadline for scoring points: 16th May, 11:59pm server time (10:59pm GMT)
  • You will require the RSRBR 2013 mod in order to participate, please see the installation and usage thread..
  • If you are new to RSRBR, we have also provided a guide for RSCenter.
  • This is a league rally, car selections & regulations can be found in the rules thread and you can join the championship here.
  • Click here to read the password.
  • Teamspeak is highly recommended and adds to the fun.
  • IMPORTANT - At the end of the rally, take a screenshot of RSCenter, or save your times. If there is a discrepancy in the results, this is the only evidence you'll have to get your times corrected.

  1. Senad Subasic - mfodor - OC1
  2. Robert McCracken - yokelhama - OC1
  3. Damien Wintz - miniwintz - OC1
  4. Alexandre Guzu - allocerveau - OC1
  5. Miikka Peltola - Q2FIN - OC1
  6. Emil Pribanić - PRIBANIC Emil - EU1
  7. John Cunningham - HH_BF1 - EU1
  8. Norman Bruce - Nommie - EU1
  9. Chris Williamson - Kurisu166 - EU1
  10. Dubravko Sparovec - Dudo S. - EU1
  11. Simon Melhuish - smelhuish - EU1
  12. Viesturs Priede - Viesturs - EU1
  13. Adrian Bernard-bernardi12 - EU1

  1. Michael Nelson - JonesyMJ - US2
  2. Gerben Kelly - Gerben Kelly - OC2
  3. Henri Korpela - henkka k - OC2
  4. Tomas Reinicke - ctbr - OC2
  5. Jani Nylander - Jani - OC2
  6. Tero Leppänen - Cloudy- - EU2
  7. Alberto Alvarez - AlberToivonen - EU2
  8. Roy Magnes - Roy Magnes - EU2
  9. Norbert Serban - SeNor - EU2
  10. Arwyn Jones - azz259 - EU2
  11. Corey Twyman - theFlash - EU2
  12. Magnus Lindgren - M Lindgren - EU2
  13. Balázs Kiss - freakyo - EU2
  14. Rob Venn - Rotaxmax07 - EU2

  1. Jack Hintz - StealthSCG - OC3
  2. Manuel De Samaniego - M. De Samaniego - EU3
  3. Ole Marius Myrvold - Myrvold - EU3
  4. Tapio Rinneaho - TTupsi - EU3
  5. Daniel Monteiro - Daniel Monteiro - EU3
  6. Sion Williams - RS Williams - EU3
  7. Jonatan Åcerclinth - Navitori - EU3
  8. Silvio Cró - scro1984 - EU3
  9. Magnar Haarstadveen - magnar - EU3
  10. Erik Tveit - Erik Tveit - EU3

  1. Johannes Kunkel - Johannes Kunkel - EU4
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