RDRC S6 Round 1 - Rally Norway (15-18th March)

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Alrighty then, here we go. RDRC round 1 as updated live by me. Here's hoping I've practiced enough and the Corsa is good to me...

SS1 - The short stages have always been favourites of mine, and Karlstad is no exception. 1:30.xxx time, which I'm exceedingly happy with, and no big mistakes.

SS2 - Kaihuavaara is a stage I enjoy, but I never seem to get a perfect run. Mistake at the first hairpin was a blemish on an otherwise good run. 4:11.86.

SS3 - Never been a fan of Sikakama, but its fast and flowing nature can be fun at times. Only trouble is when you DO make a mistake it bites hard. one or two major errors ruined an otherwise good run. Still no damage (touch wood!). 5:53.22.

SS4 - Mustaselka is also not a favourite, but can be fun if you don't overstep your marks too much. a 5:26.85 run, but could have been at least 5 seconds faster were it not for a spin and running wide at one of those pesky medium rights. Beaten by Mr. Buckley!

SS5 - Hell yeah, Falstone! one of my favourite stages in RBR. One of those stages where if you're careful where it counts, you can just lean back and flow through the stage like it's a flat out run! Fun on snow too. I ran a 4:03.5, beaten to the post by Keegan again, but I had fun.

SS6 - Uh oh, Sikakama again. Well the run wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. I felt within my limits and the car was obedient. 5:47.92.

SS7 - Karlstad take 2! Running so many fast stages meant that this stage's tight and slow turns caught me out a bit. 1:32.85, and ruined the finish - wasn't able to save my replay!

SS8 - Ugh, Dead Head. The grip on this stage makes little sense to me, but I pushed on through and set a 1:20.20 stage time. Onto some more fun stages!

SS9 - Falstone take 2 didn't go as planned. Crashed the car into spectators at the first bridge, and rolled later in the stage. Dismal.

SS10 - Autiovaara was a shambles too, thanks to the damaged car from SS9. Limped home with a time of 3:45. Keegan beat me by 1 second!

SS11 - Dead Head take 2 was better. Was on top of the stage and ran faster than my last run by about 1.5 seconds. 1:18.69.

SS12 [POWER STAGE] - Kaihuavaara again, and I was satisfied with how I took this stage. Messed up right at the end, but overall happy with the end of this rally. The hairpin didn't take me this time! 4:07.52 and beaten by Keegan once again.

Total time as copied from RSRBR is 43:46.37. Now let's see how I stack up against everyone else!
SS12 [POWER STAGE] - Kaihuavaara again, and I was satisfied with how I took this stage. Messed up right at the end, but overall happy with the end of this rally. The hairpin didn't take me this time! 4:07.52 and beaten by Keegan once again.

wut. Should have been Autiovaara. At first I thought you have misspelled but there are no hairpins at Autiovaara as well as the time seems awfully slow for that stage. So it actually was Kaihuavaara at your session (OC4, I suppose) while it should have been Autiovaara..

SS12 - Finland - Autiovaara (Snow Mod/Crisp Clear/Worn/Dry/Daylight) - POWER STAGE
Its a shame I wont be able to race......... My BTB stages dont seem to work. Every time I run one, I get stuck in the menu, where everything except for the background and the music disappears. :mad:
I was wondering.. where did you see those times? Because I would also like to see them when going into the rally so I know whether there is a point to push harder or not on certain stages during the rally. Otherwise its only the guys I have with me on that exact session but you seemed to know my times even though we werent in the same session. What sorcery is this? :p

It's the program we use to retrieve the results. They are only saved for 72 hours. So we need to constantly download them to not lose them. It can work both ways though I ended up with a CFH because of it.

So yeah. It is a little perk for us in the RDRC crew (and me as a staff) for running it :)

@Luka Grm This is quite obvious, but have you tried to not touch anything when loading? And turned off the logon-screen? (RSCenter, settings, check "auto by-pass profile selection".
I sometime struggle with the same bug, but each time, I know I have hit some button when loading the "drive stage/car setup" menu.
@Viesturs Priede I knew something was up... :cautious: I wonder what could be done about this. I'm assuming you guys ran Autiovaara, right? if it turns out that SS12 wasn't the same for all competitors, maybe the times for SS12 should be forfeited by everyone. Thoughts?
I`m not fan of erasing results or canceling stages but if the situation is like it seems, so that is maybe right thing to do. How many of you did have Kaihuavaara for SS12?
@Viesturs Priede I knew something was up... :cautious: I wonder what could be done about this. I'm assuming you guys ran Autiovaara, right? if it turns out that SS12 wasn't the same for all competitors, maybe the times for SS12 should be forfeited by everyone. Thoughts?

I wouldnt like to see SS12 results to get forfeited as I think I got pretty decent run there finally with a possibility to earn some point from power stage :p Now losing it because a mess-up in the creation of sessions wouldnt feel really nice to me but it is only my subjective opinion. If it is the only way, then we have to do what we have to do :)

It's the program we use to retrieve the results. They are only saved for 72 hours. So we need to constantly download them to not lose them. It can work both ways though I ended up with a CFH because of it.

So yeah. It is a little perk for us in the RDRC crew (and me as a staff) for running it :)

I smell cheating :sneaky: :p Of course it can work both ways, its the risk you choose to take but at least you get to know when it is worth to take this risk while others dont. I guess it would be hard to change it. Although maybe some "live results" in the opening post of every rally would be nice being updated every once in a while. For example every day after EU session in the night.
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I smell cheating :sneaky: :p Of course it can work both ways, its the risk you choose to take but at least you get to know when it is worth to take this risk while others dont. I guess it would be hard to change it. Although maybe some "live results" in the opening post of every rally would be nice being updated every once in a while. For example every day after EU session in the night.

Ye, problem with the live results, is that it adds work. And there is no guarantee that we will be able to do that fairly either.
I only learnt to do it some weeks ago for the club rally results - so it's my first time doing it. If others have done it before, I don't know, but I think it's better to say it, than pretend not to know, and mysteriously be able to know everything.
I can see your problem with it, and the possible advantage a driver can get from driving the last session.
It takes time to compile the results, and we have to download them. There is sadly no way to be sure that no-one checks any of the result files before the end of the rally.
Hello jack. I had a problem with giving error :/ RSCenter be possible to do rally again? tou so sad because RD is my campeanato I like most in that I inserted.
I appreciate an answer :)
Alex Albernaz
almost perfect rally for my tempo

I like this finland sno' stages. I had only one mistake. Slide into ditch, car was on the roof for a while and go on, nothing special.

I'm really interested in the results. When It will published?
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Driving this with a fever was far from easy, still managed to have fun though and even did a couple of decent stages with few/no moments. I did notice it said I retired on SS4, which isn't true, I retired on SS3 since I rolled badly and damaged the car to a point where it was better to sacrifice one stagetime instead of two.

Thanks to the organizers. :)
Well, what can I say. I gave s*itload of time away in both Dead Head runnings - I had massive lag on first running, crashed into a tree(01:31.81). On second running I reduced resolution, but I still crashed(01:25.75). Weird stage.

Overall it was nice though. I have no idea where I will end up since this is my first rally in serious competition, so I'm looking forward.

If anyone is interested to see my times, then they are here, 41:32.48 was total time according to RSRBR.
The event didn't go, in any way, to plan. But hopefully, this means that, for the rest of the season, we'll be spared of any major issues :)


You will be able to read most about it in something we hope to have up in the Rally World Thread soon.

For the event itself I felt confident with the car. It handles really good on Snow and Ice and is very much in tandem with my driving style, which is all over the place in slides but still staying on the road, which is the reason the Modern WRC cars were not an option for us teamed with another issue.

SS1 - Karlstad:

I felt that it was a good idea to take it a bit easy on the opening stages to make sure I had no problems and to find the correct speed for the grip that was available. Johan agreed and we had a steady run through this stage, no issues but also a bit slower than what is possible on the stage, something Viesturs proved :)


SS2 - Kaihuavaara:

Still wasn't fully up to speed but started to push about halfway through the stage once I felt that I could trust the notes we had gotten done for this stage. When you can't see out of the window your notes becomes so critical and after some issues last season, I was cautious, almost over the edge, to begin with.

A steady run and a resonable time considering how easy and slow it felt like we were going through the stage.

SS3 - Sikakama:

This is a stage I really enjoy and the notes were spot on. Johan had to read them like a rapper because of how hard I was going and it was going very well. There are a lot of hidden dangers such as stones hidden in the snow, pull-in banks and blind corners and bumps.
It was going really well until we reached the last of the right-left combinations which I have as a "fast right 4 into immediate left 4 tightens to slow 4, cut a little" and that cut a little wasn't a good idea to have in there. Took a bit too much of the inside, hit the bank and did a 4th gear, mid revs, barrel roll which I counted to 5 rolls when it happened. Replays showed that is was 6 rolls :sick:

Lost some time but also damaged the rear suspension but reached the end of the stage on a resonable time but it would have been a possible session win had that not happened :(

SS4 - Mustaselka:

Not a stage I like and with a damaged suspension or tracking arm, because of how the car was handling, wasn't good. We tried to go quick-ish but we had a couple of spins through-out the stage and was almost 30 seconds slower than the winner in the session :thumbsdown:
We were lucky there were a service coming up.


SS5 - Falstone:

We tried to push to try and claw back a bit of the time to reach the point paying positions but Johan recon I was trying to hard as we were all over the place and loosing time by running wide and taking too much of the insides of corners where it's not that good of an idea.

SS6 - Sikakama:

Second run through Sika and changed notes to get rid of that cut and instead have a "don't cut!" in that place and boy did we man-handle the car through the stage. I've never driven the stage that close to the edge with no grip under me.
Johan was very impressed with the pace but not to impressed to see me out in the banks a couple of times when taking a bit too much speed through the corners.
Replay of this will be uploaded at a later time. Won the RDRC run through the stage so I was happy :)

SS7 - Karlstad:

Was pushing hard and it was going well until I missjudged how little grip there were when we had gone past the half a lap mark into the first turn on the "inside" run and I locked the brakes, hit the barriers and spinning causing us to loose around 10 seconds or so :devilish:


SS8 - Dead Head:

Was going hard and tried to go a bit too fast over Colin's Crest and landed a bit wrong which threw us into the trees with the rear and and it flung me around and we hit the trees with the front end damaging the radiator in the process :(
Ended up being a slow time, almost 15 seconds off what we can do because I wanted to save the car best I could for the remaining two stages until out next service.

SS9 - Falstone:

Falstone next and was going carefully but missjudged a corner in one gear to high and we said hello to the bridge and landed down in the river.
Got help from the friendly and helpful Norwegian crowd and got going again but only got to the hairpin when the oil lamp lit up.
Decided to park it and try to fix the car with what we could and we struck lucky. If any of you saw a white and red car with two fella's freezing their hands off it was us to the left.
We managed to fix it but was too late to score a time (dnf/retirement).

SS10 - Autiovaara:

With the car fixed-ish we flew through the stage with a bit of coutiousness to not rip up the damage and we could get through the stage, and thankfully, get to the following service to try and get ready for the last 2 stages and also get rid of the beginnings of frost-bites on our hands.


SS11 - Dead Head:

Decided to try and go for a couple of stage wins in the last stages to, find a positive from the event, and maybe score a couple of points from the power stage.

Went hard but took it a tad bit easier over the Crest and got a better time in but still a few seconds off my PB on the stage........

SS12 - Autivaara:

Went hard to try and get the win on the stage but I, again..... Took a bit too much on the inside of a corner and this time it caused a spin.
Johan told me to stay calm, there is still a chance and went hard but calm-ish but took a bit too much speed through the second to last turn and rolled over the line. It will be a costly repair of the car but hopefully the chaps in the team will be able to get it all straghtened out :cautious:


I was hoping for a better opening round for the championship but, as Johan said to me after the event, it's nice to see that the pace is there and that, if we don't go off the road like we did this time around, there is a chance at getting good points in each round :)

I'm hoping that we can get a clean and good run in the Alsace Rally. Last season we managed to score a couple of stage wins there with the Alfa and, with a bit of luck, we might be able to do so once more :)
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SS1, Karlstad: Was a tad slow for my liking, but such a easy place to ruin the rally

SS2, Kaihuavaara: Usually a stage where I am reasonably fast in, but did a mistake later on and hit a tree which bent my rear suspension.

SS3, Sikakama: Due to my mistake on the previous stage the car was really awkward to drive, rolled several times. Keeping up my tradition...

SS4, Mustaselka: Same as before, stupid rear suspension, caught me out and my first and only DNF! :O

SS5, Falstone: I liked this one, in the middle parts of the stage everything was white, but despite that it went rather okay ish. Spun in the hairpin tho, but I do that every time I go through it.. :D

SS6, Sikakama: Can't quite get the hang off this stage, was very fast in the 1st and 2nd split, but spun out and rolled in the 3rd so I ended up loosing 20 seconds..

SS7, Karlstad: And you can just guess if I broke my suspension on the previous stage. Driving around at a 30 degree angle all the stage, not to slow tho. But I did manage to hit that very final cement block on the outside, cost me about 5 seconds.

SS8, Dead Head: Really like this one, fastest in my session by quite a margin.

SS9, Falstone: Was much better this time, very fast as well. :)

SS10, Autiovaara: First go at this stage for quite a while, kept my tradition and rolled in the downhill section.. :D

SS11, Dead Head: Even faster than the previous time around!

SS12, Autiovaara, Power Stage: TIME TO PUSH! Went out and pushed 110% this time, was some seconds behind Sandro in the end, but really happy with my time. :)
Hi guys.

Results will be released when we have then all collated etc, but at this stage the second running of Autiovaara (SS12) will be excluded from the final results because of the session mismatches in US4, OC4 and EU4.

Power stage points will not be awarded to anybody to make it fair to the people running Kaihuavaara instead of Autiovaara.

However, please don't despair, I'm hoping that Rally Alsace will make up for it.
Even though I do realize that there probably were not any other way around this, Im still pretty disappointed about the decision. Would it be possible to at least see times for SS12 to compare to others? Maybe you can put a little "A" and "K" to those times but leave the whole row in a different color (grey, for example) as it isnt counted to the overall results. That way we could at least understand how close we were to power stage points and how this affected our final results? :)
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