RDRC S6 Round 2 - Rally Alsace (5th-8th April)

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Few mistakes, 1 minute waste with spins and faping in the ditches thats all. :/

Col de Vaux, a troll stage, i hate it. thats all. Half of this track is worst what i saw yet, other half is very good, pure enjoy with a shitty car LOL
Late last night I remembered that I had to drive today to even get the rally done. And with that I lost time for preparations...

SS01 - Slow and steady. I never ever try to go fast on this stage.

SS02 - Painfully slow. My first time on the stage in rain, and I did only overshoot once. At the house-chicane at split 2...
SS03 - This one was better, though I still struggle with predicting the grip in wet conditions.
SS04 - Felt more slippery than the previous one. I am too careful in wet and damp conditions.

SS05 - That's more like it. Don't think the long gear ratio really suited my driving style, but it was a respectable time regardless :)
SS06 - Got an early reminder of why I hate this stage when I spun after 300 meters, and was facing the wrong way between on the narrow road with the fence on the outside.
SS07 - I keep forgetting that the 3L on the hilltop ain't a 3L... Plowed the cornfield instead...

SS08 - At least I didn't get lost this time. But this is a lousy stage, it does not suit me in any way at all...
SS09 - Overshot out of the tunnel. Why is this stage slippier than the wet ones? Ding it!

SS10 - This one was a lot better, I felt like I could really attack here.
SS11 - Dropped off into the steep ditch within the first kilometer. The stage is nice, but the performance was not...
SS12 - Gave it all I got, and got a good time. I was maybe too careful at some places, but overall I am satisfied with this stage.

Overall I am displeased with the rally, there were only 3 stages I felt confident enough to really attack, and that is not enough on a 12 stage rally.
No CFH or DNF should hopefully put me in the points again, but my aim for a podium was totally misplaced here.

Sorry for the negative post, I did not get in the groove at all today...
Bruschal Unterowisheim 2m wide tunnel bit, It’s not impossible. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they’re not much bigger than two meters.

(your all nef herders)

You can't say that word!!!!! Only we nerf herders can say that word!!!! And lets be honest you didn't bullseye those womp rats, mostly you just clipped their tails.
Another list of mistakes as I keep trying to get a feel for this car.
ss02- tight hairpin and lots of spectators, hit some of them and then, eager to get away hit some more.
ss03- a spin at a hairpin and lost some time recovering.
ss07- another spin and some damage, limited revs till the end of the stage.
ss09- 2 CFH flipped it and ended on my side, near the end (0.5km) went wide and got lost in some trees with no idea where the road was.
ss10- CFH , fast left, tightens - more like a 90 left to me.
ss11- for some reason my tarmac setup for this stage did not show so I had to do the stage with my gravel setup. I had another 2 CFH in this stage.
ss12- Retired when my engine overheated due to the damage in the previous 2 stages.

I've had better nights, I hope there's some more ahead.
Thanks to RD for the Rally:thumbsup:
A few things before i get started. A big thanks to Michael Nelson for the Evo's paint job, it looks so freaking good. I'm sure ross agrees with me!

2nd thing is you know you've been playing too much Euro Truck when you start checking your mirrors to make sure your trailer isn't in the ditch lol.

My rally went pretty good, I bodged a setup together from memory of how I used to set up the group N evo for tarmac which remarkably worked ok.

SS1 - short and sweet.

2nd loop - Peyregrosse is one of the stages I use to test cars so I know it not too badly, I had a good run and the splits were pretty close to the WRC cars until the last section where their better handling told I think.Very steady through the next stage in the streaming wet, I always woose out on the final downhill section in that one. A small disaster on the last stage of the loop when my right foot got stuck under the brake pedal on the last corner and I understeered into the spectators causing a reset back on to the road.

3rd loop - Conscious of the lost time I tried to up the pace in the dry, it worked for me mostly apart from a brief visit to some vines on Puy Du Lac which barely cost me any time.

4th loop - I opened a can of Monster drink before this loop and got myself a wee bit too fired up lol. I had one small overshoot on the first stage. I don't think it cost me much because I was back in the right direction pretty quick and I was really brave in the fast bits. 6th gear at 6000rpm is fecking shifting some! I use Foron to test cars too and I drove the doorhandles of the thing through that one too.

Final loop - I love Sieversdorf, absolutely love it. I pushed really hard and only lost 6 seconds to one of the WRC cars which I was really happy with, probably one of my best drives in this championship I think. Col De Vaux bit me a touch with an invisible bump sending me into the armco and re-arranging the suspension. Not a stage I enjoyed, especially with the notes being just plain wrong. I finished with a neat run through Sorica, cracking stage that, mindful of the bent suspension but I don't think it cost me too much time.

I enjoyed this rally. It was really tough and I think you'll do well to have a clean run all the way through. I'm really interested in how the results pan out. Especially interested in how my teammate gets on.............
one word to describe my rally this time: ****

well thanks for the rally, it was tough one.. no practise at all for those world stages and i ofc crashed one.. so that was end of my rally or atleast end of trying to get good points out of this one.

Better luck next time.
I finished the Rally, I'm very happy, Alsace has been very nice to me again :) no CFH or retirements, many many mistakes like a lot of spins on the wrong setup on Col de Vaux, a broken suspension on Peyregrosse and I had never managed to complete a run trough Bruchsal until today, I was very scared to crash so I looked at a youtube onboard of the stage and memorized the tricky spots and it went nicely. The power stage went very well again. I applied the same strategy as in Norway, pushed hard when I felt comfortable and drove at a safe pace on the rest of the stages.

SS3 was my 300th stage in the RDRC, I never imagined that when I entered the championship :inlove:

Thanks to the organizers for a great Rally and good luck to the guys left to run, J'adore l'Alsace!

faping in the ditches
eeeeewwww why would you do that in a ditch! :roflmao:
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I looked at a youtube onboard of the stage and memorized the tricky spots and it went nicely.

Great minds think alike.:)
I use the same strategy for the new tracks. I don't like to practice and rarely I do, because then I'm to fast for my own good and without caution.

Thanks to the organizers, I really enjoyed this rally!
No CFH or DNF's, just one mistake with my setup before Col de Vaux. Should have made it more braking friendly.:rolleyes:

Good luck to the guys that will drive today.
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