RDSTL S1 - Super Touring League (GTR Evolution)

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  • Johan Barlatier

The WTCC extreme are very good car fun to drive.
The race was well chosen exept istanbul I find a more complicated approach
The race may be long and does not leave us much choice strategically
D1 and D2 is very good even if in D2 Ben tusting was too strong for other drivers

I very much hope that there will be a S2
It WAS would be nice to have the Volvo and Honda WTCC Extreme but race 07 not level rFactor modding
  • Frank Herfjord

1: I do not like the cars. They have too much power to be able to control consistently for us slower drivers. They did not provide anywhere as close racing as my last league: the volvo c30 series. If my team is to join another league, it will have to be with regular touring cars. Because that is what is missing from the current RD lineup: V8 supercars fills the WTCC-X gap. And besides, we just got Race On so a WTCC league is sensible, no? Perhaps with only SEATs allowed.

2: The choice of tracks was very good. Most had proper run-off areas, which was vital for these cars in case you put one of the monster torque wheels on a kerb. But it really depends on the car. If you go with lower-powered cars for the next league, I also hope for shorter tracks. Because it makes for closer racing, and requires less preparation time for the lazy drivers. It all depends on the cars. I don't want a GT race on Brands Hatch Indy! But I think that really narrow tracks with little run-off should be reserved for high downforce cars, where precision is easier. Unlike Johan, Istanbul was actually my favourite. Sweeping corners was cool in these cars, but off-banked corners was scary. I'm glad we didn't do zandvoort.

3: Race length: I think the longest races seemed just a little bit too long. The middle (200km) was the most interesting, as it allowed for the best choice of strategies. I don't see the point of having different race lengths in a season though. Unless there is only one exception - like a single endurance race or a double sprint race for one of the events.

4: It really was too bad that so many reserve drivers was not allowed to race, especially since the grid always shrinks toward the end of the season. I think Dietmar's suggestion of letting as many drivers as possible enter the race, but only count the top two finishers of each team for points was a good one. Because I really do like the idea of having teams as well.

5: No. If the WTCC-X cars is what we get, I'm off to iRacing.

6: It was too bad that the forum kinda crumbled midway through the season. It is important to have an active community to keep the interest high among drivers of all skill levels. Since you're asking, I really have to admit that I did not like the forum moderation that happened when lap times became a common subject of discussion. I think moderation and censorship should only be used when members voice strong discontent. And in this case, I think the discontent (but of course good intentions) lie more with the moderators themselves than the people they were trying to protect. I can only speak for myself, but as a slow driver, I must say that discussion of lap times is an interesting debate to read for me, especially since it often evolves into the pro's mentioning where they were able to gain the most time. But maybe some other slow guys reported the posts as offensive for all I know. All I'm saying is that censorship is usually a bad thing.

I like the idea of having two divisions, as well as the possibility to be demoted or promoted. But as you know, teams and drivers come and go, and there may not even be a second season. How about having a mid-season demotion/promotion for a couple of teams? I know I would have found it exciting to either A: "race with the big boys" or B: "have a chance to get a decent finish after getting walked over for the nth time"

And finally after all this whining I must give HUGE THANKS to RD and all it's staff for putting this amazing service together, and a very special thanks for all the highlights videos after each event. I even show them to non-simracer friends and family every once in a while :)

1. I would prefer old fashion STC/WTCC cars instead of these. Oh well...there is ATCC league coming so no need to worry. :)
2. Tracks were fine for these cars.
3. Its good to have different length races.
4. I like leagues with teams
5. I dont think so because I dont like these cars that much.
6. Im huge fan of old RPMNET.org race format where top 5 drivers of the B group are elevated to group A and the 5 slowest drivers of the group A are demoted to group B for the next race. I know its hard work for the RD crew but one can dream. :)

Frustrating race as I had lag issues. I thought i'd stay out of everyone's way and just try and finish. That's too bad because I enjoyed the track. My apologies if I caused anyone any troubles with my lagging.

My thanks to the organizers and to all the racers. It was all good, clean racing.
Season final….

From my POV a fine season with some highs, many close race battles, and a few lows (game glitches followed by consequent disco and my single DNF).
My hat off in appreciation to those teams who were able to fully leave to their season long compromises and a special thanks to those who raced directly around me (3rd to 7th in every event).

As for this final event… it was interesting & fun, had a 2/3 long race battle with fellow Alfa virtual driver J. Vinnari only “upset” by an occasional BMW on a different pit strategy. Lost contact about 10 laps to the finish after receiving my 2nd bump from behind of the race. In the end had the "pleasure" of doing a complete roll over when trying to do a 3rd/4th gear turn in 5th gear but luckily I couldn’t lose more positions as Ivo was some way back.

Congratulations to all last race podium standers (Andreas, 2nd in the championship), special congratulations to Jari for putting it in the middle of the BMW armada (btw, you had a very efficient setup :good:).

A final thanks to all “replacement” drivers, as without them this championship would have gone to single digit participants and congratulations to D1 & D2 winners (Peter D. & P. Antonia) :wink2:

Cars very hard to drive, but when it stays extreme i'm goiing for another brand.

Tracks, good choice. most of them we are well known to, so it is better for the race.

Concerning race lenght, i prefer 2 races on an evening (2x 30 min.)

Further it would be nice to enter another team during season or reserve team which can enter to make a full grid. (not the reserve drivers, but when they are willing they will be the next team to enter the race, and therefore no more reserves). Everything depending of allocations of course.

Enjoyed it very much, also our TDRC training sessions on thursday which will be continued anyway.
I am not a big fan of these cars, although I got more comfortable with them as the season progressed. When I joined, I had absolutely NO experience in sim racing and I realized I was in over my head. I'm no quitter, though, and figured this would help me learn to drive. I would have preferred GT Pros, Sports, etc.
There were a mix of good tracks and bad. I didn't like Zhuhai, Estoril or Barcelona. I did like Brands Hatch and Nurburgring.
I like the race length for the most part. It made me feel like I was part of a big event, not just a couple of 20min club events.
The team/Driver setup looks good on paper, but in reality we have what we saw the last few races - low attendance. I say have 2 man teams but with open attendance to whoever wants to race. The registered teams would get initial spots with join ins filling the grid. They would be required to use a special skin.
I like the idea of the top drivers moving to the upper division and bottom drivers moving to Div. 2. I think that would make it a bit more competitive.
I would most likely join a season 2, depending on cars, tracks, etc.
  • What do you think about the choice of cars (WTCC Extreme)?
I enjoyed the Extremes. I seem to be a little better in these cars than the S2000's.

  • What do you tihnk about the choice of tracks?
Nice selections of tracks. Not saying I liked them all, but they suited the style of these cars.

  • What do you think about the (varying) race length?
The varying lengths were suitable for the circuits. I.e shorter distance for Brands due to the tracks nature.

  • What do you think about the league setup regarding teams and drivers?
I liked it. It's a pity the teams weren't able to keep the grids full in the later half of the season:starving:.

  • Would you like a second season just like this one?
Yes, but I'm not adverse to some changes. I have no suggestions though:).

  • What else do you have to say about this season?
Possibly the series could of done with more publicity on RD's front page to give it more interest.

Would there be a next season, then David Buxton, another talented league organiser at RaceDepartment, will take over.

Oh god we're all doomed:lol:

Only kidding. David will no doubt do a gr8 job:good:.
What do you think about the choice of cars (WTCC Extreme)?
Initially I was not a big fan of them and I think I am 'relatively slow' in them, but it is getting better. As I generally like to change cars I was glad to have them on a league.
What do you tihnk about the choice of tracks?
I did not race all of them, those I raced I liked in that combo and guessed the otherones where good as well.
What do you think about the (varying) race length?
Was a good change, espesially as the pit strategy came into play. E.g. for the last one there were people with a 2 and some with a 3 stop strategy. On the otherhand I used to prefer sprint races, but that changed also a little bit.
What do you think about the league setup regarding teams and drivers?
This one I liked very much, especially as reserve driver. But in my team I might have driven the most races (as a reserve driver :) ), so turned out really good for me (thanks Frank & Chris).
Frank brought already up the suggestion of letting more reserve drivers in to fill the grid. I would manage that through allocations in GPCOS, deadlines and and first come first server for filling the grid.
Would you like a second season just like this one?
I would not say 'no' though looking at the responses here, seems the gird would not fill. I am not sure whether I would sign up as a non reserve driver.
What else do you have to say about this season?
I know it is more work for the admins, but I also liked the qualy thing to do the split between the 'devisions', so basically to not have divisions, but only one big league with more than once race per event. The racers on the top group get more points than the ones in the lower group.

Most important: Thanks for organizing! Lots of fun!
  • What do you think about the choice of cars (WTCC Extreme)?
-Unlike others in this thread so far, I love the Extremes... they're among my favourite cars in the entire game.

  • What do you tihnk about the choice of tracks?
-It didn't really matter to me, but I feel that the larger, sweeping, more wide-open tracks are suited to these cars, as opposed to tracks such as Zhuhai (point-and-squirt) and Oschersleben (treads the line between being a racetrack and a go-kart track).

  • What do you think about the (varying) race length?
-It added a degree of interest to the season, but the 250-kilometer races just seemed too long. I'd cap the maximum race distance at 200km.

  • What do you think about the league setup regarding teams and drivers?
-I love team-based leagues. I'd keep the whole team thing the way it is, and go as far as to say that we should keep the multiple-cars format (my opinion here: using one car model from a diverse class in a league, when there are so many other models to choose from, just rubs me up the wrong way :th_sur:).

  • Would you like a second season just like this one?
-If I were competing, hellz yeah. Unfortunately, due to me sleeping through the last two races :)doh:), I've decided that Euro racing is no longer viable for me.

  • What else do you have to say about this season?
-It's been so much fun. I've really enjoyed racing in this league, and I wish it every success in the future. I'd like to thank my team for their support and help in getting our act together, and the competitors and the admins for providing such a great experience.
1. I love the Extremes, much better than normal Touring cars and maybe a bit more difficult than GTPro's, for me they are also more rewarding.

2. I liked most tracks, but the F1 tracks fitted these cars the best. Only Oschersleben didn't really fit so well IMO.

3. I don't really mind, but for me the the longer races where better, more strategy and room to uhm "een foutje goedmaken";) 250km + Nurburgring was outstanding because of the strategy's, although it was also pretty dangerous being much much faster, but still behind someone...

4. Do I really need to answer it :p We got 2nd in teamchampionship and we hope to repeat it for the next season!

5. Yes, although I signed up with my old job, than I got a new one and I had to work many saturday nights, so I would have to check if I am available.

6. I don't want 2 sprint races on an evening! It doesn't fit these cars, because overtaking is hard (and dangerous)
1. The Extreme's are very nice, i would prefer to use the GT cars though (Pro or Sport)

2. I liked all of the tracks.(Oschersleben was my favourite)

3. The last race was way to long (was boring) all of the other races were fine time wise.

4.Doesn't need changing at all.

5. Yeah

6.(what Ben said) I don't want 2 sprint races on an evening! It doesn't fit these cars, because overtaking is hard (and dangerous)
What do you think about the choice of cars (WTCC Extreme)?
I personally don't think the Extremes are build for close racing.
For leagues I prefer Mini's or WTCC/STCC, or the GT classes.
What do you tihnk about the choice of tracks?
The choice of tracks was good, nothing to complain about. I personally don't like Estoril, but that is something personal.
What do you think about the (varying) race length?
The race length was good for these cars, although I would like to have each race the same amount of distance.
When WTCC or Mini's will be used next season, I would like to see the race distances as in real WTCC, with 2 races on one evening.
What do you think about the league setup regarding teams and drivers?
The setup of teams and drivers seems fine to me.
Would you like a second season just like this one?
Actually, to be honest I did not enjoy this league as much as the past championships, like the RDTCC of 2008, the RDGTC and the AF3KGPC, and that is mainly because of the lack of close racing which is a result of these cars in my opinion.
What else do you have to say about this season?
Of course I would like to thank everyone who was involved in organizing this season for all their efforts.
1. Much prefer the S2000 cars

2. I though they were all good and different characteristics.

3. I prefer 2 spint race with pitstops and superpole. Or even a sprint and a feature.

4. I like the Team concept.

5. Maybe.

6. Thank you to all the admins for all the hard work.
  • Wido Rossen

My respond to your questions Yoeri.

What do you think about the choice of cars (WTCC Extreme)?
The cars are very difficult to handle, but overall pretty good to drive.

What do you think about the choice of tracks?
Not my kind off tracks but hey, they don't get to pick them in real life racing to.

What do you think about the (varying) race length?
Race length whoas okay,the die-hards stayed till the end.

What do you think about the league setup regarding teams and drivers?
That whoas okay to.

Would you like a second season just like this one?

What else do you have to say about this season?
It whoas an difficult start but you`ll have to grow in it.
Only negative point for me whoas the rolling start.
For me it looked like at some races after the start the front whoas already a quarter of a Lapp ahead of the rest.
I prefer a standing start.
That also would be a point for me to decide if to drive a second season.

Thanks to the race directors and those who put this league together.
What do you think about the choice of cars (WTCC Extreme)?
Absolutly love them,great cars to drive.Sometimes a bit difficult to handle but very rewarding.

What do you tihnk about the choice of tracks?
Oschersleben and Brands Hatch seem to "small" imo.Would like to see more bigger tracks(Spa,Road America just to name a few)

What do you think about the (varying) race length?
Liked the longer ones more,and would like to see them at the same lenght for next season.Not 2 short ones(sprint races)

What do you think about the league setup regarding teams and drivers?
Great,feld good to be part of a team.This was my first experience with a league and teams and liked it very much.It's just to bad that the field shrinks during the season.
Also like the ideer of 2 divisions with chances of promotion and demotion(hope the spelling is ok).

Would you like a second season just like this one?
Oh yeaah!!! Bring it on!maybe some other tracks(but thats personal) and some better setups(a.k.a. better driving) and i'm in again.:smile-big:

What else do you have to say about this season?
Absolutly loved the fights i had during the season,Barcelona and Estoril as an absolut high.And therefore i would like to thank all the teams and drivers and the admins who made that possible.Oh,and i didnt liked the superpole thing,please make it 2 timed laps for next season.
Couldn`t make it for most of the races but my thoughts for what they are worth:

What do you think about the choice of cars (WTCC Extreme)?

Love em!

What do you tihnk about the choice of tracks?

Cars like these deserve long tracks like Sepang.

What do you think about the (varying) race length?

The races I did were perfect 2 stoppers for me, so fit just nice.

What do you think about the league setup regarding teams and drivers?

We had a full roster, but for various reasons were unable to field 2 drivers most of the time, how you get round that I am not sure, maybe register a team and allow drivers to join whenever needed, but only able to drive for 1 team.

Would you like a second season just like this one?


What else do you have to say about this season?

I wish circumstances worked out better for me so I could drive every race, that was the plan when I signed up, but as always things change week by week.
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