Really strange transparency problem when converting track.

I am converting a track from GTR2 to assetto corsa and it uses hundreds of alpha textures, because of the age of the game. When making all of these textures alpha and transparent in KSeditor I have run into a problem. Certain objects that are set to alpha blend and transparent true show up through other objects set to the same properties. I cannot determine which ones do or do not as you can see in the photo people on the left show through but people on the right stay behind, despite the fact that they have the exact same properties. Has anyone ever
ASsetto problem.PNG
encountered this problem and if so were you able to fix it.
I am converting a track from GTR2 to assetto corsa and it uses hundreds of alpha textures, because of the age of the game. When making all of these textures alpha and transparent in KSeditor I have run into a problem. Certain objects that are set to alpha blend and transparent true show up through other objects set to the same properties. I cannot determine which ones do or do not as you can see in the photo people on the left show through but people on the right stay behind, despite the fact that they have the exact same properties. Has anyone everView attachment 456103 encountered this problem and if so were you able to fix it.
Try setting your shaders to alpha test and transparency OFF/False
As a general principle, alphablend + istransparent should only be used on stuff where alpha's more than a stencil (translucent glass, some kinds of fencing perhaps, water). alphatest's good for things where alpha's just an outline of which part of the texture is solid (vegetation, people, fences)

You can technically get multiple layers of alphablend to draw in the correct order but it's always the same order (if A is before B, then you can always see A through B, and never see B through A). This goes by the order in the object list in ksEditor (top items draw first & can be behind lower items). But really it's better to just avoid that and only have one layer of blend.
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