Recommended chair?

I recently bought a (top rated everywhere) SecretLab Titan 2020 but find that the firm almost square edged seat cuts into my legs and is uncomfortable, especially for racing games.

I'm considering returning it for their smaller Omega chair, as that seems to have a more rounded base, but it has kicked up sides, more like a car seat, so not sure if I'll like that or not.

What do people out there use/rate? I'm currently using an Omega GT wheel stand with a G920, so not looking for a floor-based cockpit type thing, just a normal chair.
What do people out there use/rate? I'm currently using an Omega GT wheel stand
I use a mesh desk chair on casters, strapped to a wheel stand when sim driving.
In the U.S., one can test-sit those e.g. at Walmart or Office Depot for comfortable fit.
Serving double duty justified paying for better build and adjustability...
I have used Aerons for over 20 years, but starting now I might try e.g. Gabrylly Ergonomic Mesh.
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