Hi guys,
If this is not the correct way to request it please let me know, i would like to request someone to modify the minimaps with the suggested gear on dry conditions for every track. I would do it myself if the maps were on JPG but they are not xD
I found a folder in:
D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\F1 2021\2021_asset_groups\ui_package\textures\track_maps
Where i think they are stored as ERP files. I don't know how to edit these files but if someone knows i would happily do it myself
I normally play on cockpit view and the HUD doesn't show the suggested gear, also i would find more helpful to have it on the minimap than on the codemaster's hud, please see attached screenshot of what i mean. (yeah i'm a casual player )
Thank you in advance.
If this is not the correct way to request it please let me know, i would like to request someone to modify the minimaps with the suggested gear on dry conditions for every track. I would do it myself if the maps were on JPG but they are not xD
I found a folder in:
D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\F1 2021\2021_asset_groups\ui_package\textures\track_maps
Where i think they are stored as ERP files. I don't know how to edit these files but if someone knows i would happily do it myself
I normally play on cockpit view and the HUD doesn't show the suggested gear, also i would find more helpful to have it on the minimap than on the codemaster's hud, please see attached screenshot of what i mean. (yeah i'm a casual player )
Thank you in advance.